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<br /> � ^`, sball be prid to l.eeder. � ' . �� . • � ` � � . ,
<br /> ` ` In dre erent of s tatal W�ing of the Pr+upettS►.tNc�sfal) be applied to tde sums seauod 6y tbis Security .
<br /> -[nsflnrmea4 whet6er or aot�m d�e.witb any eaass paid to&xrowtr. (n the evmt af a partiat taicins of ti�e Ptoperty u� � `
<br /> � 'w6icb tbe fair m�lcst value of tAe PropMy immedistety 6efae t8c taidng is aquat tQ or gnoter than tAe amaunt of thc sams •
<br /> � sesv�ed by d�is Sacutity last�neet i�ty,befa�e the tatcing.�mtess Barmwer aod I.ender aHrrwix agtet in writing. = ..
<br /> . � the smns s�dcwed by chjs Sc+nuiry Incwmetu sl�alt be cedvcod Dy tlie air�oun�of the ptncoeds multiplie�by tbe fntbwing
<br /> . -fraetiu�-�=N��l at�o�r�of ehe ssttns sa�atd}'mmFdia�ely bsfone t6c t�king.divided hy lb)ttu fair marlcetval�re of the •.;
<br /> . Ptcipe�ty imaKdi�teTy befae tbe t�lring. MX bil�t�ce s1r+11 be p�id to Harowu. In tt�e evma of a partial�t�icidg of thc
<br /> Prapeity in which the fair�aauket vatue_of the Pt�opetry imtnediacely befae die tatung is kss t6an it�e�riaunt of the sums _ .
<br /> secured immediatety befoce tlie tal�ing.nnkss B,amwer and Lender otberwise ag�ee in writing or unkss applicabk taw
<br /> ��se protndes,the procads st�all be�pplied io the wmc secured by tbis Socuriry Insuutnent wbqtKr or tat tAe sums ate
<br /> . � I�the timpMy is abando�ed by'Barower,or if,after naice by L�ender to Bar�wcr that the ca�demnor o�as•w maice
<br /> ` ' ao avr�d or se[tk a claim fa d�nages.Barawer faits to�espond W I.eader vrithin 30 days aftet the date the natico is given,
<br /> i,eodes is authorized�o colke[�d appiy�h+e p�oc�eeds.u its op[ion.either to�+estaa[ion a npair of�he Property or co ihe
<br /> � , sums socund by this Security Instrumenc.whether or not thrn due. ` .�
<br /> � (Tnkss 1�ender ana e«rcwu al�nse agcu in wri�ng,any appticatioa of procaedc io principal snau,�oc eauena or
<br /> - -.. -p�e t6e dua date ofthe moECthlY payments refared to in paragro�hs i and 2 or change the amount of suct�payrt�ents. _
<br /> t1: Barrawer Nat ReTened: �o�aaa�oe 8y I.erderlVot 7��`°baeiisioa'of�thc-timc-fi�r=payrnent-�--_- ----
<br /> ' mod'ifintion of amoRiiatian of the sums sectned bg this Secuciry Iasfitmrnt granted 6y Let�der w any successor in intentst .
<br /> of Bo�mwer shall nat operate to nkase die IiabiGty af the originai Borrnwer or Borrowa's succxs.wrs in interest.Lender .
<br /> shall not be�equi�ed to camrt�ence procadings agaiast aay successor in interat ot refuse to eatend time for paYmrnt,or .
<br /> atheivYist modify unortizAtion:of il�sums�by this 5xurity Tnstrumpit by rrasan of any dernaz�d made Dy the original
<br /> BoROwer a Bacmwer�successors in inre�+es� My farbear�x by L.er�der in exencisinS auY riSUt ar rrnudy shali nat be a
<br /> W9IYGi Of O[�IGCIYt�C IIlG GXCfCISC Of 8115!flgM Of(CIIIOdyI: � •
<br /> _ 1L S�eearors a�d A�itns Bo��d:�t�d Sevual l.iability:C,a�ere. 71�e covenants and agreements of this
<br /> Socurity Insuument shall bind and benefit the successas and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the�s�ons of _
<br />" ph 17.Bomowac covenants and agmments shall be joint and several.Any Bo�rower who co-signs this Security
<br /> �sdument but daes not eaecute ihe Note: (a)is co-signiag this Secnsity insoruntent bnty to mottgage,grartt anQ ra�vcy that =
<br /> _ �orrowet's inrenst m the Property under the temts of this Securiry(nsttumen� (b)is not petsonally obligated to pay�he sums •
<br /> =- secuced by this Secutity lnsttumen��nd lc)3g�ees that Lender and any other Bomnwer may agrc to extend.modify.fo�bear - -
<br /> - or maice any accommodations with cegard to[he tertns of this Security Instrumenr or the Note witliout that BoirowerIs - _-
<br /> ca�sen�
<br /> �: • 13 I.an C6a�. If the loan serured by this Seeurity Instrument is subject to a law whicti sets ma�cimum loan —�
<br />-�` �, charges.and Ihat law is fmalty interpKted sa that the interest or other loan cha�es collec[ed or to be collected in connection
<br /> with the loan eseeed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be mduced by the amoun[necessary co reduee _
<br />- the charge to the permitted limi�and(b)any sums a(ready collected from Bacrower which exceeded permitted limiu wifl be
<br />- rcfunded ta Borrower. Lender may choase to make this refond by reducing the prirtcipa!owed under the Note or by matdng a -
<br /> . ditect payment to Barower. lf a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated as a partial ptepaymeat without any �--
<br />` . prepayment charge wider the Note. ---
<br />�' 14. Notices. My aotice ta Borrowe►provided for in this Suurity Instrument shall be given by dellvering it or by �=+�
<br /> mailing it by first class mail ualess applicable law requim ase of anothet methad.The notice ShaO be directed ta the Pmperty �`__
<br /> Address or any other address Barrower desi�mates by notice ta Lender. Any natice ta Lender shaA be given by first ciass K
<br />- mail to Lender's adMess stated herein or any ather address Lender desiptates by notice to Borrawer. Any natice ptavided far
<br /> in this Securi lnstrument shall be deemed to bave been given to Barcower ar Lender whrn given os provide@ dn•this �"``�
<br /> , �Y .
<br /> P�B�Ph• "j.
<br /> !�. Governins t�xw:Severa6ilfty. This 5ecurity Instrument �haQ be g�vemed by teAeral law and the law af tfi� �� ,
<br /> ° ' jurisdiction in whicB the Property is located. In the evene that any provision or clause�f this Security lnstrument or the l�oce j�
<br /> r , . caaflicis with applicable law,such conflict tihall not affect other provisianc of[his Security lnstrument or the Nate which can •
<br />. -, � be given effect withont the conflicting pravision. To this end the provisions af this Security Instrument and the Note are �
<br /> � dectazed ta be severable.
<br />� . � � 16. Borrower's Copy. Barrower shall be given one canformed copy aP the Nate and of thi�Security lnstrument. �
<br />- - ' 17. 7lransfee of the Piroperty a'a BtneQcial Interest in Borrowe�. If all ar any paA af the Prapeny or any intetest in -
<br />- it is sold ar transferred�o►if a beqeficial intereyt in Barrower is sotd or transfened and Barrnwer ic not a natural persan)
<br />?rt • without l.ender's prior written consenb Lender may.at its aptian.require immediaic p:rymcnt in fuU of all�ums secumd by �t-
<br />-= this 5ecunty lnstrument. However.this vptian�hall no16e exercired Ny Lender if exerci.e is prahibited by federal law as af
<br /> the date of this Secari[y lnstrument. _ _
<br /> 1f Lender exerci�this option,t.ender shall give Horrower natice nf acreleration. Ttic noticc chall provide a periad of
<br /> � • nat tess than 3(1 days from thc date thc notice is delivered ar maiied within which gurmtivcr musi pay all sum�sccurcd by this
<br />. Seeurity lnstrumem. !f Borrawer fails ta pay these sums prior to thc expiration c�f thic periocl. (,ender may invoke any �
<br /> , ' remedies pemiitted by this Security(nstrumem without further notice ar demand an Bum���vcr.
<br /> � • 18. Barawer's Right to Reinstate. li'Bormwer meets certain_conditi<m�. 8orrower�halt have the right to have .
<br />= enforcemcnt o�this Security fnslrttmenl discontit�ued at any time prior ta thc carlicr of: Ia15 days(ar.uch ather peri�xl as ,
<br /> � , .
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