�M .'.
<br /> :�9'J'�ti'�
<br /> �^��
<br /> �� `
<br /> ..n�
<br /> I�L-�t4bl1PCY,��I�
<br /> C��� ���il��? .
<br /> 7. Emine.�:i7mm�ln. �ende±is hr.reby assigned a�l Gampensa4in-±,awazds,damagcs and ather payments or;,:iEf(liErr.;r�atfsr "Rac.e�ds') '
<br /> in connnction�.:riiti c�nd�mr�arion cr athrr t3kiny at che F°rapeny or part tMe�aot,�-4or canvayance tn tieu ot cundewnnatl���.Lende�sfiall "
<br /> i„F�r. nr dan�ac�ed, ��-n�^r:;F,aU h,�,ti•a qhe ontian in iix sole and a6aplu[e disCrelion,l0 bpRN e��sUth P►VCeed*,�Tter�.e��Cting thCretrtl.^.�
<br /> :�i4 cc+scs �,r.sS cxoc��:� in�t�ne4 hy it i-� �cnnnection �vith svch Pr���:reds, iapan :.^•}� irdchtCdness secur�ci h�re6y and �n suth orde� as
<br /> Le;�d^r m�:y de�err�r;r*, nr,,� appPy au s�rch Fzacsed5.a�tcr sucS�deductSa;,s.to 2he r�storatian of the Property uPon suCh conditions as
<br /> Lr.nder�.�ay dr:r_•r-�•����^. !��y apCl�car�cn of prccr,eds tn 4r,de�tedncws shatt nac e�ctered tir postpcne tTe du*�date nt�ny?eym�nt�under
<br /> �j ,he Nnce,or ci:�cc :>nv:i!�fa.�t!tf�<�re;;r�d!_r pr t��*stun�±flr,l�ny ur.���,3ir�fURds she+l bA ps�d ta Trustvr.
<br /> e�l Fi. Prrivra��er+t:r �y Crndev. 1.+,^.c�a th4 ��ccurrr.ncrs at �n [ven4 ot Ll�:fault hr.raunder, ar i� an�' act is taken o� Irgai pro��seding
<br /> �c�mr^enci±d �.vliich ni�:es�a�,y �atfr_cts iene�pr's�nterest in the PropOrty,l�nder ma�r in Tts owr,diserotran,but withaut•.�Iigatlon to do so,
<br /> �ar7d �vi;haut not:c:�ta ar dem.�nd�rpon Trv�+rs and�%�haut{elr,�silg"Srustor lao:ra any ahie�ation. do any�ct whl-h l'ruator hns agreac!
<br /> � bur +n�!a cn rio,nd rr�tsy tts�a�p any othrr=r.�.;dnems r.ece5.a8ry ZC protE:4 iha security he�0O/.7rustar shg!I,tenmadiata�Y upon demand
<br /> � � �•�r t�v +.e;;��r. G��y :� LRnder al� cc,s�s and ex��r,�rs incune� an�t s�ims cxpe+nded k� lcrxl�r in connc.tinn'with.the,�xercise by
<br /> l.enc;�r• cf th� f;;-c�a�r.g riqr*�s, tur�rcnc� µr'r;�, ��cr.ve�t tt�creon �st the d�!raeait rti�0 p�pVjdLY� in tha Nate. whicMahmK bA�wYded to the
<br /> � � incf:�btr,i,,r-�;�..r.:;.�rci h�rt��,y. L,;n��r shr�,n�8�rrc�r an,r lib�b;lity bec�se c�!wr�yth�ng�it may t!a or amtt tc da hefeundcr.
<br /> � ry. FS:r::rd�+��s P��ctmria{s. Trust�r�shn�k+�+��t'.+c�Prnprnv�+cama►iamec w�izh a�l q�pUca6to lews,ordfnt�r.cra and►e¢ulntlona relat��p ta
<br /> � i��.dus,r:,�� h.:,�enr� nr cnvirnnrrir+�t�7! �rat^c%l�r� t:.nd!cctev�'y rnPcr,ed ta h�recn as "Environmantel laws").Trurtar aha!1 keep tha P�opertV
<br /> irnn 'rom ���: suhsfar•c+:R der,tni�0 tn tar.. t+axn.rfoa� a� tr x{��under anv Env`r.anmentel Lt�we Scn��ectiv�ty•atc��ac! to haroin ns ^Haxardou�
<br /> h°.a�c�r;;.�;:';. ;�,�r.ar.+ r,,•rt>by w7�rsnt� �r�ts ePnrr�rn�n *a t.on��r t'�r.t chere are r�a 1f.�z�rdoua Matarinl on ot under thu Nroperty. Tru�t�r
<br /> , ,.,,�.,v �+..i,,,�,.� t:� in�l��•n:,i'k� ct+�d h*st' h7•r.,9i��,, tar=d'er, i;s drrdtt�ro. att�cars. emp�aveaa a�d apenta. ac+d ;tny �succc^sdra 10 lender'a
<br /> �' i t. �rr,. . . � c,,,�, ^t,j�n:: a=+v ar�d sa�s c?n:mc, c�rm��++;7"q. I�s.se*+ nz=;! �'•tsbi'ttir.s arisina en cernc+ctian wkth tha prnaenca, uae. diapoaal ar
<br /> te:::is.;nr; e;i ;�;�y° 9���z.�=daus M�SCria's an.v�t;�>t.4tnm us tt&aut th�Prvperty.7};�}'OFi�G01CvG WARR4NTI�S AND REpRESE��TATIUNS,
<br /> i' F1TlD 'f"?r�'w7t1:r'S O�':!GT..TIGNS �r��l,'?1,!^!T TO 7HE iCH�GDlNG iNDFOw1NITY, SHALL 3URVIV�.R�CONY�,YANC6 Q�TirdlS L1EEb OF
<br /> �', ']1tUST. ' •
<br /> 1C+. F�:�s;+�r.;r��t�° ct R�+nts. Tri�stos kzere�y i^s���:s Srs Ler�dea. �nd gca^ts'Lender n secutity)ntnr��er s� -�� � ..,, . �;; ,...,..
<br /> i�,ux^ r ny r �, ;:•, � ,.�,.',.v :., tF.e �',:.p�liy, t�ravr#�„ti ttAet TfU9iDr 1s.h@:6, until the oc�unenca at �n �vant nf Default haraundcr, hdvn
<br /> t:,�, r, ,t cc cn:!ec! n•••:: rntn�r. su��, rrnta, t:�sucs �n�i G,alra As lhay bc�vmm duc s�d pavn5le. Uncn tha accurrenca of an �.vent of
<br /> q�F�•�Y�,, ��,n,'�.,_ -^.��;. c;h��r i� �crsc�n r,r �•; a�ert, w`t`� cr tivithp�.tY brin�ing any ectiqn vr proCMdl�g, or by 8 receiver appalnttd by a
<br /> ca,i,. +.^d � ,.-c:: .�?�:ta t!�n aler;ua,r.y�nt:ts s^_cur;ty�. !^t'ter vpcan and taie pvs5assion of the RoPerty.mr a:�y p8rt ihereaf,in�ts awn
<br /> ,,�:. nr�z�e o� ?� tr� � ; . �' t'�c Tr;:.*,,?e�. .an:: d;+ a-�v .a�t� frhich it d�eans necrssary or desirudie 'o preserve tha �•slue�, marketobility or
<br /> x r�^rt " ,�� r� ��' e iti•, c�a�r•p���t;h<�Y�af�r* in!er�si th�rE�n,ar ta inC*��se Fhe incnme theret:om or pro4er,I 4�o Security hCreo(end,
<br /> .r.iu�. � ,h o ���2 ��; !e\i�c, ,•u�s°�s^n c�rf�hc�rcee^,y,suk tc,�or athcKwis�c cal'eet the rr_nts,i�sues and protits thereof� including thosa pa5t
<br /> �'r du�u��:f u;��,:�:d,b•�•^�;t:'.ytn� te����':;tc• ���k:paym�:�ts:�Ler,der. LenCer maY apPly rents.issues and profiY3,Idss eo3ts snd exponses
<br /> of oper,;;iorti ard coi9ection ir�clud�n�attomeys'`ees.to any ind�btednesa secvred S��sr,by,al{ire such order ss Lender may determine.The
<br /> er;�erinG �;E�c^ arr: ;..:;�nq ;ossnss.e::r� c.*` *1e� �c�rrY, the ca��ectie?n at scach :enis, issues and ptatRs, and thC aPPSiaatipn thereoP as
<br /> ;sfe:e�,�d, ct17'.' n�t cu•e or v:a`,ve any� da`au}t c�r ��t�ce ot dsta�utt herernder or invalidace any act done fn respon5e to such detault or
<br /> pu;sus•�t -n s����h r�e�ie� r' dotaJ'i and, r.otrvi?hst�ndind ;hc cantin�an„c in Fosse?sian �f the Pr�perty ar thu collaction, receipT and
<br /> apw'�cnt�on c! rent�. �:su�s ar proi�;s, Tr4stce �nd Ler.de+ shaiF b� ensetted ta exercne every ri{�ht prpv�ded tor tr� any of the L��n
<br /> ,•; In�v:J�^�rts �r !� �_>;r r ca�c. u4 �rr,•r' _4e��,t v` C^tauli, i�c>ud�nq +,v�ct�nur limrtation the right to exercise ihr, powar of sal�.
<br /> �� Fi:-tt�r,. Lr:ni�•r'� 7�s and rrm..a:c., �r.a�r th:s p��a;rap'�shaft ae cumv;��:i���a•;ct'�, �nd :n ;sa way a 4mitat�or.on, Lendas'�rights sn�
<br /> C'�H�
<br /> ?: rnm�d:�s vr��er a+�y as�,�r.ment �( fe�ses .�d ren.ts recqrded ageins; ths Pspz>Mrty. Lender, Trustee and the receiver shsll ba liabfa to
<br /> s�'�. .
<br /> x,:,�'.',� ....,,� ..t o^ .'f^' thc•�.r.r�n*,5 a�fi;a"1y re�^:wed.
<br /> !i. E�•+,�tr n!��^frv�!. 7he!�!!c•.�r;nq s'�:?!4 r�nst�:u;�'^�,�.Eve^t o� '?e'au`t undcr thds peed qt 7rust:
<br /> �'�R i�) F� �>, �°y�•�y�nc�a:'n•e��;o" C�i'+�Ffa'or rnia;e�t n:ar,y oiher eum,ecurCd hereby when due:
<br /> ���1�� ihy ,'t F r.^a�:'��` ,r d�4a��t uszUe: �.n�•�rovisinn�c�i?aaned in the fdptc,th�a peecl r�t Trust,nny of tha Loan lnstruments,or a�y
<br /> ����
<br /> � �eir� C'�Tr�IIPn nf ^'nC r� ;:�r�.P +nn� .rt F. �.. ',ti:
<br /> �,�rt�;�+� 1c:1 11 w�;of r.rcuz�. ti c�r a �T,r� , r.r mry;���t+-�r p;ocess shsti bn rnt�:'ed:+?��rst Trustor whiC��shal!become a lien on the
<br /> ;� r.noc,.ty ?r a:�y Uor*.ran ttiereat nt i��.cre`• [r•ec^�n;
<br /> (ci?Thwre s?-^��t-c"i!ed h•�or ar.���esZ Trust�r^r B�::aw^r a�action urdcr anY Pres�nt or future tedaral,state or other statue,law
<br /> e�rc��_�?x;i^n r�;;.;;t:�•�g:o bankruetc�•. 7nsniver,cW or othFr relief f�r d�Pa2ors.nr there shaU ba appointec° any irustee, r;ceiver or
<br /> I���•i�ator of Trvstar or Barra�ver.s c's!!or sny part aR the Ftope�{y,or tFe re:,;�,i5sue5 or prnfits thereot,ot 1'rustor or $orrower
<br /> Ai�,^r, a�.^.!I m��.�+..n}�;r_•�e:��E assi,nr^e,..`c:r rn[;ben�'ii qF cre:Iitors:
<br /> s o�t� (e1 1?��s�le,,*„ns;er.te^se, �s:qi�nriant,Ct�nvayanC�or tucther en�um�rar,ce of�t!o�any part of or any interest in the Property,
<br /> �--�
<br /> r.iih�r vn;un,n;i�y o;invo!t�n*.a-ify,v,ithau;th�express,vr�itten consent nf�ender:pravided that"�TUStor sha41 be pesmitted 2o executa
<br /> a I«�se cf'hP:F4C:i':tY tha;does not c�nta�n an o�tian tn purchase and Che term c:which does not exceed ane year;
<br /> (f) ��ban�onm���,:of the Fvaperty:er
<br /> (p1 If Trvscor is nat an ind�Virfuat, the issuance, Gale, transfer, assignmer,t, con�eyance or encum6ran�� of more than (it a
<br /> corpera;icr.} e ;ots� o` '�r'� pereent of its is=usd ar�d outstxrtding sttl�k, or ('rf a partnership) a total af tr/w percent of
<br /> �.artnershi� inteces,s, nc (�i a limiLed IiahiSiiy company) a total of ;�1A percent nF the limited liability�ompany interesta or voting
<br /> �igh:s during the;°r:^d this Cecd af Trust tem;iin�a!ien c.�r the Property.
<br /> 1�.Rnmrdies:.�cr_C?srettan Upon defetVh.In the ever�!�t any Event o!Dafauh Lender may,wsthout notice ex�ept�s req4ired 6y law,
<br /> dec�are :f� mcer6tecne55 securPd here�y to be dve and payahl^ a:tc! :he s2me shat[ therenpon becama d�ae and payable without uny
<br /> ;�resrntn�ent, demand,pmtes+or na*.i�e ot a�•/kind.Thnrealter Lende=may:
<br /> ,%� (:�l Qemcnd that Tn:stce oxercrse the FplyER QF SALE granted here+n. and Trustee Phal! thereafter cause TruStor's interest
<br /> in the°roper,y t� be sold and the aroceed�to I�e���t:�:•uzea,v!!in the manrer provided in the Ne6rasfca Trust�eeds Act;
<br /> (5; Exerc;sc any an�+ a!1 rights pravided tor in gny of i4e Loa,� Insirumer.;s or 6y law upan occurrer:ce of any Event of
<br /> Qe(au;t: and
<br /> (c)Cc�rnence an act�or tc�oredose xhEs ��d of Trust as a mnragage, a�rps:nt a receiver,nr speciticaliy enforce any af tha
<br /> covena�ts herNo�.
<br /> fvo rert�ed�•ne-��r, corfe-red ::pon or reserve�i .a 7ruste�oc�ende�is intended tv ba exc�usive ot ony nther remedy herein, in the iaan
<br /> !n5i;un^�zs qr hy!aiv provid�j or permittPd,bu2 each shatt�e a:rnu!ative,shaJ 6e.:�n additian to every other-^medy�iven hereunder,in �
<br /> the Lo�n tn�,rur;�e�ts nr no�� or fi��eaT*.er c:cisting at 1aw or in equity ar ny siat�rte, and may be exercised Concurrentty,indeqendently ar
<br /> stlrc?s5ive'}•.
<br /> � 73.Tnistes. The Tru,tse may resi5�at �ny dime wsthovt c�•lse,��:G Lecu.-r may at :e�y tFme and withaut cause appoint a successor
<br /> cr substitvte Tri;stee.T:�s�t^�*sh�l:not he�ia5;e Ya�ny party,ii�cludinr,� dvithnu!limitatiars tender, Borrawer,Trustar or any pur�heser of
<br /> tha Rroperty, for .=.,y 'oss or �amag� un{es� due :o reck�ess or w�!J.'u� niisconduet, �r r! �;ha�� nat be reG�r.red Co tak8 any aCtion in
<br /> cor..^.er.t'�nn�.v]t��V}^anfnrc�mnnt o;t17�s:�e�:�ci of-r'rust u�!�ss indemni;ie4!,i1 vtri:iny,far z!G;�sts,comp�nsatian or expenses which may
<br /> ka associa;ed ihr-e*zvr±h. Cn add�tion, Tre.i=,Ce�� may b^came a purchaser a� any �,:�!e of t7� Pra;serty tj:G-��a1 or under the powP.r of satn
<br /> e�rzr.*,e;her^:nl;pn_stp�ne tMe sate c-f=!'w any F�rtian nF tha PmperTy,as provsdr.d by lPU�:qr set�the::cn2rty as a whofe,ar in separate
<br /> ,. 'b:,
<br /> ,.,..��?'�;p�E U<,.iC:siS q�'i:YS c:"'i�U.`:iC`.�9�5 C�11+1_re.i^�.
<br /> "� �4.�res r.n��xprnsas_:n t!ti^P•✓eri.Trustee seifls the Frape�tY"�Y�xetcise vf power o"sale,Trustee sh�li 6e entitted to app:y any sale
<br /> �' �ra�.n�ds ".?,s*. za p.�y�a�ent nF all cosis and expenses ot exercising pnwer of ssla, includ�ng a!I Trustee's fees,and Lender's and 7rustee's
<br /> 3t.�ymr�y'°=Se�s, �r_tua�ty incurred to e�rt��; partnttted by«tppGcable lat�•. In the event Borrqwer or Trustar exercises a7y ri�ht provided by
<br /> la�r.to c•_irr. a.n Eve�t a� I?ef�utt, Le•,�er shadt be �:nticled to r�ever}r��:�Trustor all costs and expenses actua!!y incurred as a resuh of
<br /> Trc�ster's de.`au�t, i�ci:�rling without timi;attnn af7 Tra��:ee"s ar,�attarner's fees,to;he extent permitied by appl+ca6le law.
<br /> 1 5. Future /1dv::ncas. lipnn rrqise�t!�( BoxrorJrr,Lende'may,at!is option, make additiona�artd futur�aduanCes 8nd readvOnGes to
<br /> :?o-;ovrar. �u%h ��•:�r•c�-s ar�d rea,�•ar�;:es, with ic;Ares: :nureor,31�a"7 be secured by Chis Deed of Trust. At no Lime shall the Pti�cipal
<br /> ` ?r�;c�nt e' t`•c:n�',e;�1���iness se�ur°d �y this C1Cp'3 nf�Crus4, ;�*. ��;r9Ldin��Jma advarlCed to ptolkc2 the SeGUrity Of thi9 CJeed a4 Trust,
<br /> �,�;.� e��e•.�r::,�.^_cric,:ina".pF,�n.��:7?2rn^�l3nT,st2teC!he:�ci�..4s 9� �,. �r ,wfii�fievEr is 9reater.
<br /> ___—�sr�::._�__
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