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<br /> �xAxaxz •�►-
<br />• 1�. �:raat of land comprfein.g a part of Lota One (1) and Two (2) island
<br /> ai�.d part of the land between the meander lines of khe North Channel of
<br /> . t:ize Platt� River, all being in Sectio�x Thirty Two (321 , Townehip Blevern
<br /> ' ' (.21) Noxth� Rar�ge Nine (9) .Weet of the 6th �P.M. , Hala Caunty, N�bxaeka, � ,
<br /> . t�nd m��a�.�artiaularly descx�,#�ec3 as �.Qllc�w�::: ,
<br /> ';::'�� ` ' ' . �Pa�,nn�x�c�:�t the noint c,f.�3,nrar�ett�i�n.i�� ��ae. �sc�u�h ri.ght o�•�,1vay �..ir��, .
<br /> �;,�:.:. • c���, �U�.s.;�:�I�.jhway x+1o. 3�! with �h�����a�s�. li�te� c�'� sa�.d:��ot One $�.�� Islaredo
<br /> . , �a3cl poin�•_bei�g, �ortjr (9D.t�?;�e.�.tpoauth ,c�� Ghe n+artheaeC�corner af
<br /> � aa3.i� Lo���r�e (1) ��s���zxrZ? t3���i�ce S 0�- 37' OG" E (a�i�umed �earing) alnaag
<br /> �nd upon �he eae� ��.ine af said Lo'G One (A) , ieland, �a dietance of Teio
<br /> ' xxundxed '�wenty arid Ninety Three Hundredthe (220.9a) feL�; thance N 87 °
<br />. �5' 15" W m d3etance of Sight Hundred Bighty 9ix and 3ixteen Hundredthe
<br /> �866.16� feet; thence 3 11° 46' 03" W a dietanae of Two Hundred3�.xty
<br /> �nd Txenty Seven Hundradthe (260.27� feat f then�e S �1C� 53' S9" N a�
<br /> �ilstances of Thrae Hundrmd Fifty 3GVen and gighty Faur Rundredth•
<br /> �(357.9�D �eet: thenca 3 52° �i0' 16" w n dietance of Nine Hundred I�ine
<br /> :t�nd Feur Tenths (�09.4C) �eet to a poSnt on the eouth lix�e aE �aid Lc�t
<br /> ��,� ._ . . .------- n t . .. .,---
<br /> �sf , Y�swiizi iavnca 3 3v- �i'v 8ir� ii aiong and upcii zne Mviscn ia�na
<br /> of ■a�id Lot TMO 62) ,I�Xan►cY, a� distance of One Hundred Fifty Seven and
<br /> �'One T�nth (157.10� leeti thence iJ 36 ° 13' Z8" �, n di�tance of One
<br /> �Thou�and Five Hundred Bighty Txo end scventy Eight Hutzdre�th�
<br /> (i,58�.78) fedt ta the point e! intereection of the prolonqation of the
<br /> :north line of said L�� One (I) Island �vith the centerll.n+e of tDae North
<br /> ChannQ], of the P7.atte Ri.ver and a�lao being � point an the eouth right
<br /> . c�f way iine of U.3. Highway No. 34r thence S 87° �9' 12" B aslang and
<br /> , �tipon eaid Higlrway right af way line a diatance nf One Thousand One
<br /> •I;undred Forty a�nd Thirty Two Hundredthe �1,14p.32) feet to the point
<br /> � of beqinning and conta�ining 15.974 acree, more o;E leee, of Whic'� 0.157
<br /> acree, more or lces, ie preeently occu�pied by public mad r.�ght �of vraey.
<br /> ;. � '., �
<br /> "�,�� � ,
<br /> '�> , �
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