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EXHIBIT "A" <br />201oo~19s <br />Parcel A: <br />Lot Nine (9), Block Twelve (I2), Boggs and Hill's Addition to the City of Gxand island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Parcel B; <br />Lot Twelve (12), Iiloclr Twelve (12), Boggs and Hill's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />Parcel C: <br />Lot Three (3), Block Ten (1D), Bonnie Brae Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Parcel D: <br />Lot One (X), Block Ten (1D), Bonnie Brae Addition to the City of Grand Tslan.d, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Parcel E: <br />Lot Four (~), Block Two {2), Gilbert's Second Addition to the City at' Grand Tsland, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Parcel T: <br />Lot One (1), Block Sixteen (1.~, Packex and Barr's Addition to the City of Grand Island, HaII County, Nebxaska. <br />Parcels J & L: <br />Lots Two {2) and Seven (7), Block Sixteen {l~, Packer and Baxx's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, <br />Parcel M: <br />Lot Three (3), Black Fourteen (1~), Packer and Barx's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebxaska. <br />Parcel O: <br />Easterly One-Foarth of the Southerly One-Half of Block Nine (9) of Windolph's Addition to the City of Gx and <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska; EXCEPT the Northerly Eight (8) feet thereof. <br />