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<br /> ---]OShil[Bl9t.-1�O�t11C fU[Ca01I�lS IlfORiG�W l�t�S$OCU1'j[Y YILSIN111COt aS t�C�fOpC7i�.» _.
<br /> BOItROWER CUVENAN7'S t6u Baeewef is IawfuIIy seised of tde estat�l�+eby conveycd and has�bo dgt�t w gnN
<br /> � m�d catvey t6e Ruparty aM ti�at�e Propetty is unencmnberal.eaapt for encnmbranas of Rcad 8amwu wanant4 and
<br /> w�l defa�d�maatly the atk to tAe PmpeRy aaain��1!ctaims and�emaods.subject ta any encumbmaces of rccord. .
<br /> TI�IIS S�CURiT1t INS7ttUMENT combines unifam suvenants far national nse and nort-imifam wvenants wiW
<br /> _1i�nited vanaaiacs t�►iarisdicdon ro constiwrc a un#fomj se�rity�tswneac cavcriflg rcaE�mnperiy.
<br /> , • UNff E)RM WVFNAKi'S. Bo�mwet aad E.etrlercoveamt aod agree a�folbwx �
<br /> ° �t, hpae�t d Pri�i�d a�t Ioteeest;l�+ep�7we�t s�i L�te CWeaes. Harower stwU gromRdY PaY vrhen due the _--
<br /> P�'�I�of an�inute.0 an die debt evidenced.by the Note and aaY PrWY��and late cl�ges due under tbe Note.
<br /> Z. •I+Iwi�f�ir'li�es�Md Liwea�SuHject to�pQiicabk ta�t or ta a wnUen waiver by I.ender.BoROaa shaU paY to ,
<br /> � I.ender aa t6e dtY�Y P=Y��a[e�e ander dx Note,uati!ti�e Nate is p�id in fu11,a sum("Fimds")for:{a)Y�Y
<br /> Uotes and ass�sa�ots which may adam priocity over this Securiry Insuumerit as a tien oa the Ptoperty-.(b)YeutY teasehWd
<br /> WY�a�°°d �s aa.the P�uperty, if any;(c?Yariy Aa�rd or,propetty insuramx premiums: E� Yeady tlaod
<br /> _ — �w�e p�emiwns. �f anny:fe)YtattY+nat8age msv�anccpreRriam��f any:_and E�-9ny sums payabie by Botrawer w
<br /> Lender,irt scaoo�dmce wrth tbe poYisiaos of paragraph 8.in tieu of d�e payma►t of mattgage insururce piemiums. 7bese
<br /> � ii�fns aie calied"Escmw Itsms.° i.ender may,at�►y timt.colka and tald Fonds m an anaunc not to exceod thm muimam
<br />_ " arnouaf a laider.far a fe�datlly�+etat�matgage loan may requitt for Bamwer�s esczow accounr under the federal Reai ��- .� _
<br /> . �Estate Settlemait Ptocod�u+es Act of 17/4 as amended from time to time,l2 U.S.C.$2601'et seq.("RESFA'7,nntess anoMer
<br /> Iaw th�t applies to ihe Iiu�ds sets a t�sser amoun� if so,I.ender may,at any time,coltut aad iwld Funds in an amaunt na to
<br /> - exceod tbt lesser�t Lender may �tbe amo�mt af Iimds due aa tbe tsasis of cumeat data and nasa�a6le
<br /> ` esmn�oes of exprndiwns of funue Fscmw Items or atherwise ht acca�dance with ap j�licable taw
<br /> ` '. 'ILe Funds sQalt 6e t�m an autimtian r4hose deposits u�e insatod by a fe¢et�•aBencY.insuumentality,or entityF
<br /> =r;�ding l.ei�der.ii Le�rdef icsach�n ias6wtion)or in any Federal Hane Loan Bai�.:�nd`er sball appll'the Fm�ds ta pay • ,
<br /> ,a�Fsatow i�enas. I.ender may rac c�g,e Borrower fai�:lwkNng and.applying tb'a�ds,annualty analyzing�escmw ::,.;; ;
<br /> ' � ?ci�t..or v�dyin8 the Escrow I.erns;;�kss I.endee Pays Bomuwgr:?Atentst ats�iie Funds aad applicahle law pertnit�
<br /> �3�c w Q�a7c�.'sueh a cfiatge. i�4wever.lLxs►der ma�neqoirz B o r r o w u to pay a o n e-ti m e e h a r ge far an i n d e p e�i e��L'
<br /> e s►
<br /> .... .:..e�tax�tingserviceusedby�.exdeiiacpu�witfz.ttusloaa:�iNessapplicable•lawprovidesot8envise_ !:"r�essa�: , : -_-
<br /> �, �,�a.�roesne�is r.sade or app licab te l aw requues interesC to b e pae d L e n d e r.'s h a t[a n t b e-�e q u:.�d to p a}r Horrower an y�a^. � �� ��' -.
<br /> �..,�,�.__,�.�
<br /> ' 'ea�nings on tfit�unds. Bmrower and I.ender aoay agroe in�rriting,ha�vef4r,that irax�s�.DE#se�aid on the Funds. �.
<br /> �t;��_ stYatl give tcf&�rcower,without eharge.ais aiinaal aeeounting of the�.§faari���:.s��z�,���zs to the Funds an�the� = _--
<br /> rc a .
<br /> ':,- purpose far wtiich each de6it to the Funds aas made. The Funds are gtedged as a��sna!s�"sy for all swns secumd iry r�*� __
<br /> .., this Se.curity Insttumen� • F-.-_�:-_
<br /> If the Punds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicabte taw.Lender shall account to _
<br /> Barowec for the eacess Funds in accordance with the rulu�rements of appticabk law. if the amount of the Fuuds held by _
<br /> ,: � Lencler at any time is not suffcient to pay the Escrow Items whzn due.I.ender may so notify Borrower in wtiting.and.in �
<br /> �'- such case Barrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make np the deficiency. Barrawer shall make up the q�
<br /> , deficiency in nv more Ihau�twelve monthly payments,at Lender§sole discretion. ' P==-�=_=
<br /> Upon payment in fult of all sums secured by th�s Securiry Tnsmiment,Lender shaH promptty refund to Boaower any �¢--_�
<br /> Funds heid by l.ender. If,under paragraph 21,l..ender shall acquire or seU the Ptoperty.Lender,pdor w the acqulsition or �''fi:`�'�'��
<br /> sak of the Property.sha11 apply any Funds held by Lender at thc time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums �.
<br /> secured by this Securiry[nswmenl. ` � ��'
<br /> TM��'"=_
<br /> 3. AppUc�tion o�Payments. Unless appficable law provides o[herwise. all payments received by l.ender under ' �:.�_
<br /> � • �uagraphs 1 and 2 sl�all be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts payabte under �,._u;:.��._"=-
<br /> � - p�agraph�third.to interest dur.faurth.to principal due:and last.to any late charges due under the,Note. -='�"�_'-
<br /> 4. Clun�d; Lkns. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments.charges. finea and impositions attributabie to the r��z,�=•
<br /> YropeRy which may attain priority over tttis Security Instrumenb and leasehotd paymenu ar ground rents.if any. Hortower �: . :. .:--•�
<br /> shall pay these obligations in 1he manner pravided in paragaph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Botrower shall pay them on "'';�'=_
<br /> time direcdy to the person owed payment. Bortower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts tv be paid under -�
<br /> � this paragraph. If Baaower makes these paymenu directty.Borrowez shalt promptly fumish Io Lender receipts evidencing , '"_."
<br /> , t�paymenu. .-.�,��
<br /> `,_:,_ Horrower shall prampcty discharSe anY lien whicb�:�s}�riority over tNis Security lastrument untess Bmrawer.(a)agrees �,-.�,.3.:
<br /> its writing to the paymeat of the obligaGan secured by th��:eri in a mar.��e€ucceptabte to I.ender.(b)contest�in good faith the ., •�-_-_:`."_
<br /> 4°_�;: , '� tien by.or defends against enfarcement of the lien in,legal proceedings�fiich in the l.ender's opinion operate to prevent the • F'--
<br /> enforce�nent of the lien;or(c)secures frvd:z the holder of the lien an a.�rzement satisfactory to L.ender suborciinating the lien ��_ ��;�-�._
<br /> to this Security Instrumen� If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority , •
<br /> • �� over this Security instn►ment,Lender may give Borrower a notice iderstiiyieg the ti�n. Bonower shall satisfy the lien or take •
<br /> • ot�or mate of the actians set forth above within 10 days of the giving af notice_ ,�= --
<br /> .��_i S. Ha�rd or Yroperty lesuranca Borrawer shall keep the icnpro��er,:enss naw exlsting or hercafter erected on the
<br /> - ;, • Praperty insured against loss by fire.haaards included within the term"ex*.eade0 coverage"and any other hazards,inciuding
<br /> � °' floods or floafing,for which Lender requires insurance. 7'his insuranre s.hall be maintalned in fhe amounts and for the
<br /> �z
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