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<br /> [f tlatl u�wunu hrld by l.�ex►der for�'scmw Items exc�sed tha e�maunte permltied ca bo het�t t�-y F.ESfi"A, Lendtr
<br /> ahal!ncccount to Borrower for the excess funde ay requtred by RB.SPA. If the amounts of ttindu hol�!hl I.�encf�r at any _
<br /> tlme it nat aufti�leat to p�y the F:scrow Ittm�when duo, Lender may natity tha Eonnwrrr and rTqufc�liurrowcr to
<br /> m�Sco up thc ehort�e u pCrmitted by�t�SPA.
<br /> Tho Eurow Funda Ace pledged w additlotttl secudty for all suy��a r,ecnr�,ci by Qit�� �t;sur�ry Iust^a��snt. IIP �
<br /> Borrower ta�dem to Lead�r the fUll p�tyment of all euch�um�, Horrowe:'a�ccount shn116n ctedtted with tt�c b�tlatxe
<br /> r�m�ining for�ll instNlment itcm�(A),(b)�on�!(c)az►d wY mortgaBe insurance premtum inntnlGnant thnt Lender has
<br /> not 6ecome obllgued to p�y to thc Seccet�ry, and Lender sh�il promptly refund any as�ces tUnda to Borrower.
<br /> Iibmodiately prior to a foreclosuro eale of tho Property or its acquisitioa by Lender. �ar.rawQr'n account shall t�
<br /> ccoditod with any b�lu►co remaininR for all init�llmenta for items(a).(b),and(o).
<br /> 3.Applia�tlou o[PaYtneat�.All payments under paragraphs 1 aud 2 shall be appiicd by Laader As fallowe:
<br /> �,to tho mortg�ge insurance premium to be p�td by L.ender to the Sc.rtttary or to tha uientlal.y chArge by thc
<br /> Secretary inctead of the monthly mortg�ge imurance pnmium;
<br /> �,to any taaes,spocial Assasmeats,leaseb�old payuxnta or grouad reats�ead�t?r�f�ir�d and other haratd
<br /> insuranx prera{wna�aa roquired;
<br /> �,to intcnst due uader tbe Noce;
<br /> ��x�tth,to amar.cizuinn af the princtpal of tbe Note;and
<br /> Ej$j�,to late ch�rges due unrler the Note.
<br /> 4.Ftre��lood wud OtLer�eard Ibannce.Borrower sh�ll iasure�11 imptnvmmantn en thc I�+opcctY�whethes
<br /> aow in existea�x or subaoqueatly erocted,against aay hazards.casualties.and cantfnaaarti+ss. iaclading fire.for vahic2�
<br /> I„en�kc requirea lasurance. Thi+ inxur�oce �Lall be maintoinod in tho arno�nw and. frar tha gedods chat Len��r
<br /> ttiquire:+. Borrower ahall alao insura all impmvements on ttte Propexty. whotbar naw in exiflte.u:ce Qr aubaequently
<br /> erected. agunst lou by flooda ta the exuat nquired by the Sccretary.A11•9n�uramee shnlE 6o camed with com�auios
<br /> �pmvut by L�eader. The inava�wce pol[ciea ancl my rencwala ehall be held 6y Lendor and sbn1F include lo.a�pa.yabic
<br /> claus�a in favor of,aod ia a form xxxptablc co.Lea�der.
<br /> In the eveat of loss,Borcow�s1u11 give Leadcr i�medtste aotice b�mnil�Lcndisr may mnfce pmof of luas if noi
<br /> �P��Y�'Y Bomowtr.Each in�urancc company w�crnad fa he�by aut�n ,r�wcd wa dIm:ted to maltc puymmt
<br /> for such losa diraxlY w i.a►der, inatead of to Bdrrow�r�nd to Leader jnlnd}. AU �r any part of thc inaunnce
<br /> praxeds mxy be�lied by I�ender. �t its apdoa��ither(��to ihe mduction•ot ruo in�aeocaanaca u,i:,��••�•,••.•
<br /> this Secvdty In:tiumwt.firat to eny delinqucat amounta aprplidd in the order in pxralprapL+3,anc!then w P+�'�P�7+�1 ,
<br /> of priocip�l, or (b) to tlie resconcion or repair of the dima�al Proi�erty.Aay ap�►l�e�tiota,of ihye.ptaceeds to thes
<br /> Principal�lY not cactead or posq►oae the due due of�he munthly p�►ymtnta wi�eh xre rrf'fztrad to iri parv�'rptx 2�or
<br /> chaege the amouat of au�ch paymcats.Any excdas insuraaa prucada aver.�u��a�ltit reqin3i�co pta,V a�3 outat�nding
<br /> ;ndebtednest uAder tlx�Note aad this Socurlty I�strumeat shill6e paW to tbe cat[ty�lep�al4g�enbitlal th�.reto.
<br /> In the�weat of fomclaun of thia Socurity Inauvment or odur transfer of tfuu ta the PtnPctty tlut eatinguishes ,
<br /> the in�boedneas. �il right, dde and interest of�orrower in arxl W insurance paliaios i�i forrx alWl paee to the . -
<br /> g, p�p��r,Pr+csen�tlo�, Matuttn�nce ud Protection ot tha�ltr.apertyi Ba�a�b La�Applla�tloai
<br /> I.ere�old�. Bon+ower shall occupy�establiah.�nd use the Pto�teity s�e�neawRr'y prLiaipal nestdeace withia:ixty
<br /> dan aRrr tl�e e�ca;utiva of thi=Sccuricy L�struma�k(or wlth��aucty dRys of a iutar snCe_or tr�fer of tlia PrapatY)
<br /> aad�Isall coatinoe W oxupy thc Fropecty� Bamower's principal ro�Wetl�r�a far at�es�a one ycu� after the date of
<br /> oocupaacy.uales�b;Rnt'�er detennines chst c+equircmeat wiU c�use wrdut�UnrcTe'�ip�fup��r�wet'�or unlrAS�xteauaLsB, . ',;.,',;:::.
<br /> � � cinvu�tmca e�iat which are tx.yond Borrmver'a cauml. Barrov�tc�t,sl�a�3�nQt�fy�L�der af'aay exteauatiu$ .•.,,,��,:`:;„�
<br /> circumatmoes.Harrower shaU i�at�ommit a�te or datroy.damigc or eubi�t�intiallg;e�avgc the PropatY or allow t�s. ' r,�,«;,';;:;;;
<br /> Propecty to ckurIocate.rwonab]e�weu�d te�r eaoepted.L�tnder aur inspect ihn'I�'zo�tty if the PropertY ie v�esai3 �:;, •
<br /> ur abmdonod or the!aa is in default. Leader mny take c�e:uoazble aaiqn�to pmtocf and praery�suc�►�seant or ,
<br /> • •�:•,'`•
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