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<br /> �Y� '^'+Kil!°w's�`'�'�Y1`�wM's�... . ... . __ . - , . .
<br /> 1 '' '«. � �..�c =' - -' -
<br /> we.K.wao '...�.� .�:.
<br /> + -{�.t . . �,��1�I�.�+��..�.�t�-pw�rv.nr.•,... -- - . _. v..._.�.-�v'- -_ .
<br /> �'t•�- �.��'L�F_�....___- _- .
<br /> Y �•:Ea;� .:i 9�w �t�5'itl�.'2 ' -
<br /> r;.
<br /> (a) All or part of t���IPr�perty is scf'd u�r otherwfs� tra�.s��rr�d hy�c�rrc�wa�tn a
<br /> �SUrt.has�r or r,eher trs�nsfPreo:
<br /> ;i �,'�l��s� ��tt�t xrp�!►na.h.l.y tt� �ct�eeted to tx�ut�+ the �copccty ux $
<br /> prin��p�1� residenae withtn a reasaa2�b1£��t rnal Revtnue Codo;�or� ull us
<br /> ravici�rd in Sectinn 14�(c)and(')( )
<br /> . ��i) Wha ha� bad a present o�vnerahip inttcest in a p�cipal reaidenca
<br /> �u ' any p�►rt of the three ycar per�od andi ora the dz�te of the sale or
<br /> t��or,a!1��prc�uidt,�in �cti.on 143(d)�nd(�i (2)of the 1[nternal Revenue
<br /> Cade (rxccpt tli�t"100 perceirx."shall be subsdtuted for'"IS perant or more"
<br /> where thG lariex ap�ears in Se�ti,on 143(d)tl)).or
<br /> (ru� A�t anacqu�isittoa axit w}uch i� �reater than the maurimum limits
<br /> ostablubbd by the Nebrnslca Im+est�nant Fwa�sce Autlaorily(the"Authocity")
<br /> in co�atx.ninn wlt,h. its Program, gurauant to which Progcam. d�is Secunty
<br /> �I13tRtYilEAf iS LII�[taZtii ui _
<br /> (tN3 � Who has agross £vnily inoo�e in excess af the �mwa limits
<br /> establi�ad lxy thc Autharity in�oauection with its I�r.��gram;or
<br /> Eb) Borr.awGr fttils to occupy the propert� c3rscribecl in tLe 5+e�xxaty Instruaunt
<br /> without pcit�r written coment c�f�nder or;±��:�t�4cessors�r asaigffis dexnbed at the
<br /> beginni�g o��t�is T�-�empt Finan�cing Rid�sr,:�!t' • .
<br /> � � � ��): 8orrtm�r omits twr�Xniarepresems a fdc�t�tthat is msteristl�wittu respect to tb�e �
<br /> . w.._..___.tio...r d.� r...�....1 �.MUmriii!! C'1)[�G-in at1 81�[�tt9II�[ thC
<br /> p�7A�OIIS-QI-.n7taG�lvu-ll'f.D vs sw .,aws.....
<br /> loatn'secuxod�ry thiS Sc�t�x�ity Instn�m�cnt. _' • _.--- .
<br /> �,.�' � . .-
<br /> Reforena.s are ta tl�Ipurnal Rtwemtu Cudt aa amendeci aaed iu�i;�ax un tlre
<br /> datc of isan�noe of bv��a:�ha prooec,c�of whic�will be w�d to fi�thc Seasritp
<br /> Inst�nimont aud,arG de���ta indude the im�lemeuanig rtgulatian�c:;�,�:' .
<br /> , ;� ..
<br /> � BY 5IGNII��i H�W,Horxaw�r accxpts and�grccs w the tein���;:��u�in tbis
<br /> , Tax-Eumpt Fin�ncing Ridez» � ,
<br /> c r'
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