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<br /> . • � ` R'i1C=S.Li'1'��i Ol �0lZC� Or �md' . `
<br /> , . . - . . �2-�r�����1_ �
<br /> ` � Ths �ign� b�rapy canc�l: t1� xotic� ot Delsnit.tilid ror.
<br /> � r�vosd ott th� �7th day o! Narch, t99z, and ssc�x+d�d as Ins�r�r�t �ta. 92-
<br /> id2493, �� in tIM Olfic� �a! tiu �istar a! Dssd� i�tit� �a12 Ct�nt�: .-__ . _
<br /> wbrastcs. rhich 1lotfc� of Ds�avi7,t rsl�rs to tDs-O��d at Trust. �c�cut�d.,by
<br /> Caarl�s N. Plt�s�vn and l�hcostfna� L. �Petasson, as T�ustor. 3a �rttich
<br /> ' l�a�rwst �an1� l[�braska. 1lationsl Associstion, ts naaaci as Hsn�iici�sy and
<br /> TsustM; saia Q��I o! S'sust til�d for r�cord 7lugust 6, 198F, and r+cord�d
<br /> as �Doc�tt 1To. i6-104�30 0! th! Martqaqs R�c�s�s o! .Hall Coutlty,. .
<br /> F�bsaslcs.•c�n►srinq th� saal prcp�rty l�gally cLscrfb�d a:: �
<br /> --' 11 tract a! land co�rising a part oi !he North Hal! ot tha_° . -
<br /> �A SoiithiT�t �r__(M1JZ Sfil/4j o!. S�ctioa Th$YtY-�tYO (3a�y:, :` � _
<br />=:s• �c�rn�hip 11t�iv� (12j Porth, Ranga 1 Z i t� (9}, K�s t o t..t 3�s 6 t b _a�'_ _
<br /> P.x. in �all countg, F�braska, nore psrticularly d�scr�bed as �`.'°
<br /> - lollqvs• � . `_-
<br /> � -
<br />_.�;:: - � - B�qinning .at ths Northw�st corner o� the • ___-
<br /> ,�, `South Halt (S1/2� ot s�ction Thfrty-ont _
<br />-- . �32), To�w�sbiP '�lvs tiZ) Korth, �nqa -- --
<br /> � ptus (9) t�est: thence Southesly alonq the - _—:.
<br /> " � . � � K�atsrly lin� of said Saction Thirty-on� �-��
<br /> (3Ij, a distancs a! six Hundxad reurteen �,�
<br /> � . and Seventy-eight Httndredths (624.78j �-�=
<br /> ' i'aat= tAeFACO dotl�f=fq lstt 90• 24• 40M - -,.-
<br /> and runtting 8asteriy, a distance ot one ��4.=
<br /> -- T4�ousand Four Hundred Thirty-seven and ��;>---
<br /> � .� '.,; SsV�nty-nin� Hwx7r�dths (�437.79� F�tt to �---_
<br /> :�., the aatual placa ot be4inning: thanca �_
<br /> `'`: dtlleCtitiq lelt 89• 29• 50�! al'!d 1'1i11T11Aq �""-
<br /> �'��':;'r'� �:= �==
<br /> . Hortherly, a distxu�ce a� Faur aundr�d -.,_
<br /> � - Fitty-ana and Seventy-taur Sundredths � .'_�� ���
<br /> � ' �" �J 451.74j Feet; thence deflectfng rigbt 90' >='�= ��-'-
<br /> . '.l`; ;�. k` ( :r '_
<br /> . ��.,,. 00• and running Easterly, a distancs o! ��': '..:��'?-:t�:r
<br /> --�- �� � Four Hundred Eighty-three and Eighty-tour r, • ,:
<br /> ;�`�;,��` ' f
<br /> HunBredtlis (483.84) Feet: ttience
<br /> � ' dell�cting right 85• 09�10� and sunning 6- ` �
<br /> �� Souttiaasterly, a dfstance of Fiv� Hundre8 �� �.
<br /> .._ Eiqhtoen and Fitty-nina Hundradths �
<br /> �� '.,., ,.. �°� � (518.59) Feett thence detlecting right 9A• . '-
<br /> 54' S0" and ru�nittg Westerly a df,stance ot �
<br />:. " !» Fivs Huti�red Tr�r�ty-saven and Sixtiy-six � �''��
<br /> ` � Hundrodths (527.66) Faet� thenc� �` :: .
<br /> • � :.1�, doilecting right 90• 00� and runninq h : �-.
<br /> � � Northarly, a distance vP Sixty-live (65j "� ?"��-�
<br /> . � . ��f:
<br /> � Feat to the 2 point ot beginning. '� '#''
<br /> �':
<br /> ;. �
<br />.'. .. �:�4�:: . .. . . .
<br /> Datad thiaG�' 1G day oY �iprii, 1992. � .
<br /> .� � ��:� :
<br /> �' .� :��'-"-� • NORWEST HANK NEBRASItl�, I�iATIOI�TAL � `
<br />'. _��:--`:.: �. ASSOCIATION, 'i'ruStee � i
<br /> � • ��,'�:�:' _� �%' � / j j� � �.� ,
<br /> . �l.r.'::z.. �,� I• .
<br /> . - -� �
<br />. ���Y•`,_, .� ' � � ,
<br /> :�;'"".�-` ... '� Fors SEN, ENG�S ,. P.C. `
<br /> ' "�'d�t 1:,r:.
<br /> . �-� :;�. ... : . 800 Exchanqe Building ,
<br /> . '��-`=��`• i905 Harney Street - .,
<br /> �;�� �
<br /> � Omaha, Nebraska 68102 �
<br /> . . ' ,.:: ' (402) 3A8=0900 z . . .
<br /> .,�..
<br /> � Scott Lautenbaugh .
<br /> '^ '�u
<br /> . .�L:�x,�-_..r�._.•_-� � .
<br /> �. � • " .
<br /> � � � ' . . . .%fd ' .
<br /> " . . 4 • • , . �` .
<br /> � �. � . . . . _. _ � . � _ j . . .
<br /> 4
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