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<br /> �<" z. i - ' —, . .
<br /> ._ , -.- .� .. ,
<br /> . � . . . . �' .. _
<br /> a
<br /> .�_. .i._ . . -, -� - - -c .. ------- .—__ _
<br /> -- ' _ -. � � .. .. . : _ ' . � , .�., r.`— — . . - `.'-
<br /> _- _ f� -� , . - .� . � � ; ' � .. '` ` �
<br /> � � - � � � �� - � � �`� � � - . _ �2-�03�� �
<br /> -- _--- -�� ��-��� � � ����w,. .��..d:.
<br /> �..�--: —
<br /> - .N.ra.a�ew+otn.n�rananeai�.na.xa«a:sinau�sab�rnM�wHnwa,Proo..aRUron.mr�no ..•
<br /> . ' . _h�nb��ne in sud+oro.r as I..naa a,sr a�srmtn..or eo.ppy al�su�n Proc.ees.anei such a.auc�ona.w th.nearauon a d+.
<br /> Prop+rNuporrsi�ch�ondidonsa�at.endermaYdelennins.MY.�Op��a�o�►dPracs�Qabind�brdr�sihWt�at�d�dapo�holr --
<br /> - �M ew dw o!irtj►p�b und�r th�Ata1R a cure,rry d�fauR tMnunea a hsreisnasr./1mr unfppli�d tus�dsaMA e�paf6lo. --
<br /> Tn�7r. . - � �
<br /> � 8.lreler�Me�p�r L�nd�UD�tl�s oecurreno�oi sn Event o�Oetauftt�ersunde►.or i�any act is Wren or Np�l procMtdi�g .-
<br /> �dwblFhnMNdW�lal�eeal.�d�s irduaL Uth�Ptope�h.Le��may in ifsovm�scrNion.6utwilhCwtobliy�tlonb do
<br /> so.and wiNiot�t nodc�to a daruirtd upon Trustoo and wphout role�sin�Truator iram any�oDiiya�on.do arty adwhkl4Tru�la fas ` 4 ___
<br /> aprwd but hNs b do and inay aiw do my Wher act it desms nacesttry to prWrct tM securfry t�erso!�Truslor ahW,imm�didNf► - -
<br /> upondsnuadlhKNor07►ts��ds�.P�Y�uLendsrallcostsandexPa�sea�curtedsnd�umsexPar�ObYtsncN�t�eca�ctbnwilh - -----
<br /> ' addW b tl bind�6Mdas�s��scut�s0 heraby.te�shall eot ittair�a y if�bi�becau�e of anytl�t it may do or am m'da --
<br /> tuntrid�r. . .
<br /> 9 ilw�doM YaMiI�M.Tru��ali keeP tha Pcq>arty in comPtfsrtce with alt appticabts t�ws.adtnancss an�st�ulatlons
<br />= nldinD b irWwbial hypkna or env(ronmOntal prot�cdoiti(collectiveiY rderred to herein as"ErniranmanTal Lsws"?�Trwlor altsti _
<br /> - keeptlteProperigtreefiran►ailsubsqncesdeemedtobshassrdousortoxicunderanyFmlranmrnWLawstCO�Nctive�YrM�rredb �-
<br />�- " tNrei��s°Fiazudcus tNatsri�is'?.TNStor hereby war►ants and ropreaerus to Lerder that there ara no HaserOoua M�teriats on ar =
<br />- urldsrlhePropety.Ttustolherelsy.aq�eestoindemni[yandho(�lhatmlessleader.itadireclws.otfiCe[`s.emP�alle��80��� -=
<br /> aa3ts�a�s to Lend�r'a inte+�uR ttom end.against any and all ctalms.darna�e.+.tosses and liabilides artsinQ in connection wtlh . �«+-._- - -
<br />- 1hp prss�nce,uns.di�po�at or trartspoR of anyr Etazardous 1Naterlsts an.unde�:from or about lAa Propert�t.Ti1E FOHEGOINQ . _-_-- _-
<br /> - 10.A���!bE M�.Trusta hereDy assi3ns to Lender t�e rents.Isaues and profits qt tbe P�opKry:D�avlded tfrat 7fustor �H�-
<br /> _- — sHall,untiltheoccurrenceo�.�nEvsntofDelauttt�eceander.havethedphttocoliec[andretainsuchrentf.issuesandprofiitaasthey
<br /> - pscort�s dus and psya6ls.Upon the occurrence�t an Erent ot Default.i.ei►der maY.eithnr 1�P�son or hy apent with a witltout `�-
<br /> — ' an actbn a praceedinQ.a by s receiver aPPainted bY a court and w�►e�arQ to the ac1e9��fr at its aecurilY•emer ��;==_
<br /> -- ��� Y onoltlteFrapertY.oranypartthereof.initsownnameorintfianameottheTn{stee.anddoanyacetwhichit ... �-=��-
<br /> =-- uponandtattspostessi. _;�a�=
<br /> ` �: dee�n3neceasaryordesirabletopreservsthevatu�markefabiliryorrentabfliryofthE:Prcperty.oranypaRthereoforiaterostfherdn. {��:r_ ., , ,
<br /> � increase the income theretrom cr protect the security horeof anQ with or withoui faking possesslon ot the Propsrty.aue for or �s rr`:=-
<br /> - - oM�srwis�coltact th�rents�istues end profds thereoX includin�those paat d�Ce�nd unpai�and apAN�e same.less costs and �'c�--�„=-
<br /> ��,--. ...�.
<br /> � � expensesof operation and coltection lnctuding attomey�tees.upon any inde�Qness securedharebq,aR+naucb orQer as Lender �: _
<br />� F� � may determfns.the eMeriny upon an0 takln�posaession of the PropeRy,the coltection ot sucb rents,lsaues and proi'its and the , 4 3�. •!
<br /> e
<br /> 7 � appllcation thereof as atoreaaid,shall not cure or waive any detautt or notice ot deTautt hereeinste�or Invalldate any act done in . �: �:,. _
<br /> � �esponsetoauchdefaultcrpursuanttosuchnoticeotdetaultand,notwithstandingtheconfi�uanceinposaessionot�hePropertyor -,��-� � "=
<br /> � � tl�e coltectton.receipt and apptication of rents,issues or profits,and Trustee and L�nder,st�altbe entitted to exerGae every�i�t►t ._ •�'=�• .�-`
<br /> ' provWedtorinanyaftheLoanlnatrumentsorbytawuponaccunenceofanyEventof0efautt,inctudinpwithoutlimitadontheri�ht �__:�'� .�� '-
<br /> j � to exercise tha power of sate.Further,Lenders riglhts and remedies underthis paragrapn shaQ be cumulative with,and in no way a '<• �°
<br /> .T•�� '�i;�''.1_'�:
<br /> .; timitatton on,�ender's rights and remedles und2T�^f assignment ot teases ars�i sents recordeA againa!the P�cperly l.en�ler.Trustee �- ;.:
<br /> 2-
<br /> r � and the receiver ahall be tiabto to account a.����ase rents actually receiyed. � ,�'���`���' `
<br /> . .,�';.�� tt. Ewnls oi D��'fhe foI[owing ahaN constitute an Event of Defauh 4�ndar this Deecl of Trust '`��=•,:�L`
<br /> "Y ' (a)Faiture to pay any inst�.�eni oi prirtcipal or lntarest of arry other sum secured f�ereby when due•,
<br /> �;; ..;� ;-
<br /> ` _ � ` (b)A breach of or defauft�.^�0er any provision cantained in the Note.this Deed of Trus�any of the Loan tnstruments,or any �, � ,
<br /> � 'f�'�' F � � �' other Ifen or encumbrance upon the Praperly: • -
<br /> ,;. �.�'�.:�.a:`�'" (c)A writ of execution or attachment or any simflar procass shall beentered against Trustor which ahall becomea lien cn %.•
<br /> � ��% 7=�.`_�•"`� `�"� the Rroperly or any portion thereot or inter�t thereln: ,. �. -
<br /> -.� � r ' .�. (d)There Shall be fited by or against Trustor or Boaower an action under any present or tuture tederal,state or other .
<br />�r .��. , afatate,taw or repulatlon rela�i�,�to bankruptcy.insotvenc��or other reliai tor debtors;or there ahall be appointed any trustee. •.
<br /> ',L<< � recelver or Iiquldetor of Trustaror 9orrower or of all or a�+y Dart of the Property,or the►ents,isaues cr prcfits thereof,or Tiustor
<br /> �� �;�- or Borrower shall make any general ass'��+-e�t for the benefit of creditors;
<br /> `'r - '� ��• , (s?The aate,t►anster,lease,assignaae�.c�nveyance or turther encumbranca of a!1 or any part ot or any Interest in the • .
<br /> ` '';!;�� ,..,s<<_;�L ��'•� �� property.elther votuntarily or involuntar:ty; w;thout the express written consent of Lender,provi�eb that Trustor shati be
<br /> � � •r."�' � pentUtted to execute a lease mlthe PropeRy that does not contain an option to purchase and thete►m af which does not exceed E- _:,'
<br /> �1. A:4":l: :...��I'��•� � , .
<br /> ?�y_a> „�{,, . �neyear. . � , . .
<br /> ;.�`` �::�: ;. (f)Abaodonment of the R�roperty:or ' � i �
<br />' �, §- .:• (p)tt 1Yus�cis no!an inQ:vidual,the issuance,sate,transter,assignment,canveyance or enCUmbranca of more than a total 'f � _
<br /> , ;�'� ,.?,�k�•'=,.�.
<br /> .;;...x s ct percent of(i1 a corporat(on)its issued and outstanding stack or(it a paRnership)a total oi percent oi � �� ',, :��' -
<br /> �..,�. . paMetshlp interests durl�g the pertod this Oeed o}Trust remains a�ien on the Property. ` -
<br />- � i,� .=.�: : t2, pNn�dl��;/keN�r�tfon Upon OM�ult.ln the even!of ar�y Eveni of 0etault Lender may,without nottce exceptaa requlred by .
<br /> law.dac
<br /> l a r e a 1 1 i n d e b t e d n e s s s e cured hereb y to 6e due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payeble � . ,
<br /> :', • �'"' -- without any presentmenL demand.protest or notice o t any k in d.T herea f te t Len 0 8r m a y: � � . �
<br /> . . ��,1 (a) Oemaed that Trustee exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted herein,aad Truste9 shall the!eatter cause 7rustor's €
<br /> �'v,o.•�_...�• �, Interest in the Properry to 6e so�d artd the prooeeds to be diatributed.all in the manner provided in t�sNebraska Trust Deeds (�
<br /> Acx 4 •
<br /> . .:��{;;.. .. ,
<br /> •�-��=.,�,-t.--�= (b) Exerciae any and a;►rlghts provided tor 1n any oi the Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurrence o1 any Event of
<br /> � _;-,•' �' � ;' Oefaul�and � �
<br /> . . �
<br /> .';�,, • ���,' (c� Commence an actcarr Co foreclose this Deed nf 7rusta9 a mortgage,appoint a receiver.or speciticatly entorce any o11he E
<br /> :.• 's-».. , covenantf hereot. (� :- .
<br /> ;;a-�.� �•.,.. ,. No ramedy heieirr�snterred upon or�eserved tv Trustee or Lender la intertaed to be exctusive of any oiher remedy herein,in Ute � •
<br /> �y' .�� :� ;;�-, Lo�a tr.s�tu�ren�ov by taw provi�e0 ar perm:��0,but each shafl 6e cuns.�tive,shall be in addition t�every other remady�Ive� `_
<br /> �''� � htxr�:r.�*.5r,in the Loan tn�trurr.ents ar r.cyw or hereaiter existing at law or in equity or by statute.and may be exercised Concurrently. ,
<br /> }` ;�� ;sv.. .
<br /> ' %�� = s 1nQ��^QEnUy 01 suCCBSSively. � � �
<br /> ' �a ='�'+���� t3. Tius1N.The Trustee m��resign at any time without cause,and l.ender may at any time and withaut aauss eppolnt a �
<br /> ,� �;'... ._ .. ._„-:
<br /> , • � ;:• aucce�.sor or substitute 7rustee.Trustee shatl not be liable to any Party,lncluding without limitatian Lander,Borrowgr,Tr�stor or any
<br /> - , purchaser o!the Property,tor any loss or damage untess due to recktess ar witltul mtseo�duct.andahafl not be required to take any _
<br /> is�--:n�'��`_���_. action in connection wlth the entorcement ol this Oeed of trust untess indemnified,in writing,for ait costs,compensatien or ,
<br /> cti
<br /> ' • ° " :7�•:' `. expen�es which'r.sa�be assoc�ated therewith.tn addiUon,Trustee may become a purchaaer at any sate af the Property Qudicial or
<br /> ° -�°•�-- under the•Pnwer ot sats granted herein);postpone the sale of atl or any porUon ot the Property,as provided by law:or sell the
<br /> ' PropeRy a�a whote,or ln separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretlon. , •
<br /> � " 14. F�s�nd EYp�nsy.(n fhe eveM T�usfee setls thH Prope�ty by exercise of power ot sale Trustee shall be entitted ta apply . �
<br /> • • 8ny sate procaeds lirat to payment ot atl costa and expenses of exercising power of sale including a�l Trust89's tees,and Lender's .
<br /> ' �� and Ttustee'�attorney'stee�.aCtually incurred to ext¢nt permitted by appllcabfe law.tn the event 6orrower ar TrustoraxerCises any • �
<br /> ' d�ht provlded try►aw to cure an EvBnt of Oefault,Lender shatl6e entitled t0 reCOVer lrom trustor a}I costs enA expense9 eCtuetly
<br /> • '. . incurre0 as a resute a!Trustor's default,Inctuding without llmltatian all Trusteas and attorney's tees,to the extsn!permltt�d by
<br /> ' . • � �p'tSbf ttipx�AQv�ney.Upan request of Borrower,Lender may,at its opUon,make e4diUOna1 and t�ture advancee artd re- . "
<br /> - °-°=- =-=—=
<br />