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<br /> � �,�l � �T,�,, TRii Title Insurance aa :._ �..�._
<br /> .�, - ,�,�,��,�,��, . 6800 Col l e Blvd. Overland Park KS 662t4 �:. . -=��-_"=--
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<br /> � a�:Y1�o�ta�.ad xawst:P. Neb�dlu�,Iae. ���R addrer i� -�.y
<br /> ,•: �BOX ]373 Gran Island NE 68602 .a.a.�.ts. �=,:-�. -
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<br /> �� � � Lat 3, Block 35, Original Town now City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, , �.
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<br /> . . . - - - E� Ot TNfW�!' �6Dt�OfY nOL!oP EYEA f�i�ID LLE �„ ...
<br /> This aoaveyaRibe b iatended for the puspoee of eec.vsln6 t3ie psymeat!o Ben b�the number ot moatDij instalments etated s6ove. • .
<br /> aawnt stste�above as'Total ot P�ymenta'.9aid'Totai ot Ysyments'ia repsYa f" .� =-�
<br /> • 44�e amaaat of the inatatment payments due on eaid loan is etated above.Tha firat and tuul in.stalment due datea an aeid loan are atated .. ..
<br /> , . �6ave.Pal�t maq 6s mads ia advanoe in anq�bdtanoe o[eai8losn ai onoe due aAdgD�Yabie��las any�eeq�alsed ntrate of ch�irse�.�� r' - - -
<br /> .' : . � aad wlttwat aolice or demend.render the eritine unpaid ':;!-
<br /> •. , . . �,. To p�oteet Lhe�eturity af this Deed ot7YvK.Tnuwr caventnta�nd a�es: � , .�.�.� -
<br /> , - .:;Sj;;;:`: 1.To keep t]�properhr jn goad conditioa snd raqdr,to pendit no wa�te Lhereof;to eomptete anq bttilding.strnc0ure or Impravmseat .
<br /> • .;. . t,,-F'. � befag bnilt or�boui to be built thereon:to reeWro yromptly any buildiag.atrueture or impmvement thereon which maq bs dnsu�6'ed or �
<br /> �::r;�!. .. . dertmyed;and to camply�ritb a111awe,ordiaancee.regutaltans.covenanta,wnditions aad restdctions affe¢ting the propcst9• . , . .
<br /> �.�:'.;�... . ��'� . .
<br /> `•�r r , . 2.To pay before deliaquent a111a�vfnl taue�and aseeeemeata Won the property:to lccep the pmperty free and oleas a4a11 other charges. r,,:�� .
<br /> i.. t�f� . .. .
<br /> lienr or ancumbrtnas imptirmg the eecuritY ot thin Dced oY'iYuat. •
<br /> ��,.;�. ' , , 8.To kee0 all buildings now or hereattar erected on the propertY dex�ribed henin continuousty i„r�red agaiast loes Qy fi�a as oe'� �' •. `.
<br /> .:: . _.. har�eds in aa anwunt not tere than the toeal debt ec�ured 6y this�eed o!Truet� All yolidee ehall be heW_by the HeAeriaarq�Ib6d m! :. �+�.
<br /> In suels eomy�fliN aa the Heneliciary msy ayprove and have loes payabk+lieat W the Heneflciuy as its intetat m�y appear urb tk,en f �.. -
<br /> to tlie ZSwitoe.The amount oolle¢ted iaider any lnewanae policy may be ayplied upon any indebtednea�hereDy aeeured in mcb arder as � • .
<br /> the BeneAeiary shRU determ�e•8ueh app11caUon by the 8eneficiary aha11 not esuae discontinuanoe of any peaeedie�s w fineclae this
<br /> Deed of Twt o�cure or�raive any default or natice ot default or invalidate any act done purouanL W snch notice.In thc c�rent of forectoeure. � • � ' ,
<br /> t,:. . � � . �ll rlghta of the Trwtor 9n insurance poUcies then in farae ehall paee W the puah�er at the[oratoaure eale. ,
<br /> �,�•,r - - ' - .
<br /> A.To obGin the�vritten coneent al Beneftciary beforo eellins,oonveying or otherwiee transferrinA the propetly ar any psrt thezeof and
<br /> any au�este.conveyaeee or transter wrilfiont the Beneflci�tye written coneent ahall conatitute e defautt unde�t1�e terme hereot. �
<br /> "'` �. b.To defend at�y adlan or p�.reding pusporting to aff'ect the securitp hereot ot the rlghta ur yowe►s of Benef3Nary or Trustee. �.
<br /> � 8.9ho�id 7'rueWr fail to pay when due any taues,asse�sments,insurance premiums.I;ens,encumbrancea or other chsrge�againet the
<br /> � - ��M�y,�116e added to and become a part of the debt�aecured in thimobeed o!Truat ae pertnitted by law����t forth ia the note s -.
<br /> _ . . � +.:
<br /> 1.ln the event any yortlon of the pwperty ia laken or dnmaged ia an eminen!domain proeeedlrtg,the entim amoun!of the award . ' ,
<br /> . „ � . or auch pordoe thereof es may be necessary to fully eatlsfy the obiigation 9ecwed he�by,ehall be paid to Aenefsciary to be applied W �
<br /> • � asidobligation.
<br /> ' , . . • 2,gy aecepting psyment of er�y eum secured heroby atE�r ita due date._�c:e�c:aey doee not waive iU right to requlre prompt piymant .
<br /> ' whee due of aU othe�sums so secured ar to de¢lare detaulL for failure to so pay.
<br /> 3.'Phe 7'tuatee ahall reconvey al)or any part of the property covered by this Ueed o!Twt to the pereon entlded thereW,an writtea .
<br /> • ' _ ' requeet of the TnuWr aad tha Benefleiary.or upon entiafacNon of the oblip,ation eecured onA wNtten requeat for retonveyance made by
<br /> ,. ` the Benefl�lsry or the person entitted thereto. �
<br /> - - ,' - ' - 991 C9i(NGy - . .
<br /> �. . . .
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