.� "'^TH..se+�aww�r;.�`J��-��t: . iiM.
<br /> ... a ai'.���d,►»�aMd�NLi�: ' . I _.,_.'_i"„_�_�"..___"'. _ ._......�-
<br /> .....�.{;r.ti.� �t.�.�c.:�t.. � . .. _ ..
<br /> _.... ..._.__.. .. _ ___
<br /> �V ����V��
<br /> S, �� or Pm�rty Insusance. H�rrawer shall keep thc lmprovcments now existing on c�rcaf�er erctted o�� the
<br /> E'roperty inwred against loss by firc, hazards includod within tne term "extc►xled coven►ge" arki any otfur lisuards, Irwluding
<br /> flood�ar floafing,far which Lenclmr roqaires insurancn.Ti�is insunenct xhx11 bc maintaiixxl in the e�riounts u�xl for th�periods
<br /> that Lender roquires. The inFUranct carrier providing the insu�uxe shall be chosen by Rorr�wer subject to Lc�xler's appraval
<br /> which sh�ll nat be uireasonAb{y withfxld. If Borrowee fails to m�intain coverage deseribod nbove, L,�ndrr may, at Lr.rxler's
<br /> 4,j,:i�;��u:,;;+i��co�•:,�..�;.tu�;,ct:.:.i l.cnd2r's riAhts:n�k�Y���rty in:!rort►�ncr,�vitt,naragr�;sle 7. ,
<br /> All inwrance policies u�d�ewals sh�ll be acapaable to Lender and shAll include a sta�xiard mortgage clause. Lr,ncte�
<br /> Ri'�all havo tfse right to twW Ihe policies arKl rcnewals. If I.c�xicr requires.8amower shall promptly give to T.cnder aA neceipls af
<br /> pald pmniums a�xl reoewal notices. in the event of loss,Borrower Ehall�ive prompt notice W the insur;��x:e carricr AnA�.r.nder.
<br /> Lxnder may cnelce prcwf of toss if nat m�de pmmptly by B�rrawer.
<br /> Unlas l.rnder and Borrower o4ht.tw�s,�:egnx in writing.Insurance proceais shall bc applied to restontian or repair of tha:
<br /> F'ro�pc�ty dsmagcd,if thc r�s�uralion or re�►tur 3s t�sc►nt�nuc�!!y feasiblc atxi l.�ncier's security is not lessened.If th�restaratian ar
<br /> �ir is rxx eounamic.�lly feasible or Lxndcr's�xurity wail�i be lesscned.she insu�anoc procads shall be appli�xl co the sums
<br /> secured by this Sax�rity Iastcurrx:nt. whCthr,r or nnt thr,n duo, with any excess pnid to Borrower. If Bacro�er ab�uxlons the
<br /> Pmperty, or dacs nnt u�Fwcr within 3Q days a�►otia:from �.encle�that the insuranca carrier has offe�d ta�sat�c�a ciain�, tha�
<br /> i.endtr may ooll�;ct clw� inr.urance prc�ceods. Ler►der may use thc procoods to repair or reamre the Property or to �uy sums
<br /> securod by ihis Socurity Inastn►rtxnt.wt�ethr.r or not thon due.The 30-da�period wiq begin when the notia is given.
<br /> Urttess l.ender and B►x�wer otherwise agree in writing, any application of procoocfs to principal sh,hll nat extend Qr
<br /> postpone the due Aaie oi t�e n�tf�iy PaYmentS rcferred Qo in paragrapiu 1 af�i 2 0�c�,�e i w�-�cart :,��a�.ym:,r.is. If
<br /> under pm�grspb 211��e i°t+u�►edty is ac�uirrd by I.�r�kr,Borrower's aght to uey insurance poticies and proaalt resuld»g t'rom
<br /> - datnag�to tltie Pmperty pnivuto the it��k?isition shall pass to Lendcr to the.:xbmt of the suros seaurd by�his Sccure�y In�tu.ment
<br /> imtrbdiately pria�r to thc uq�esitia�.
<br /> f.Oonp�sey,P1rne�+-aitbn,Maintena�ce and�entectba ot tl�e P�v►Ixrey;�arrowa's I.oan Applicatbnt I.ea�l�ldA.
<br /> flomowa shall oocupy,es�lish,snd use the Property as Borrower's principa!�-ic]::xe wi.l�an siaty days aftr.r the cxecutian of
<br /> this Sacurity i►ntrument u►d shall oontitwe to accupy the Property as Borrower'a principal c��sa,ienoe for at lqst one:ycax xRer
<br /> the d�te of oocupanc.y,uniess Lender ocherwise agnxs in wridng, whicti consent shall not f�um�nsonably withheld.or unless
<br /> ea�tnwMinE cireu�mtances exist which aro beyond Dumnwa's contmy. Borrower 6hat� oo&destroy. dacn�8o or imp�air ti�
<br /> pnopecty. �Ilow the pnn�erty to deterionte.or oanmit waste ott the E'mperty. Borrower s1ia11 be in default if any forEcitu��
<br /> sctinn or prooeedin$, whcther cevil or criminal, is begun ttnt in Lender's good fa+th judgtnaM oould ttiwlt in for�'aitu�of tbe
<br /> �Y ,_._.�_� . .��. •.. � . n ....
<br /> pr OI11ex�vlse[�riai[y impit u�iit�t c[euau'vy'u`us�c+.iiiiir a���w���.n.;. w:+�,...a owiS+;.j tii..:.,... ...:i':."�.::..+�
<br /> cure s�ct►a deFault ud�+einstate,as pnon•adod in pnro8raph l8.by awsing the adion or procooding to be dismissed with e tutcu►g
<br /> th�t, in t..enekr's gooJ fai�h detrnniu�t�cn, prccludes forfeitune of the Botrower's intaest in the Property or othtr matcrial
<br /> impirtnent of the lien srcwed Mj th'ss�.`a1.�curity Instnurnent or I.e�der's s�o�urxRy intereu. 8ormwer st►nll also be in rkfau[t if
<br /> Bon�ower.during the iouin';lpplication�r.oc�ess.gave moterially fslse or i�infommtion or statemerus�d��nder(rx failod
<br /> to povide Iraxler with�1�rial i��tmatiwi)in onanoction with the i�z+t��snfi:3sced by the Note,inc{ud'mt�r,;'�ut not limitod
<br /> to��rr�xic ocxiar►ur�g B�x�+��ce's occu�ancy Qf the Pcvpeatp���.�:�•,w�XFh�nsidcnce. If this Socurity Instnument 3a nn a
<br /> la9ehold. Batnwer stn11 comply w�'F�Si all the provisions of m'M�.�ti��:at:.xP:�ermwer acquires fa tide to tho Pcn�r,�j�,:ili+� :
<br /> lewel��id and the fee tiUt�Il not rora�c unlas La�d�et agc+�to th�merger�ta:�u,ritin8• ,:
<br /> ?.rMylectiea ot LeM$,dr',s iti�iits f��Ix Ptvpert�.If 8arower fiils tu�n,m the ooveroots and�rorn�ente aoc�u►ined in �,.i;`
<br /> tbis Sacnriq Insnument, �r�hese is a legal pm000ding d�at may sianificantly r{6�T',:xx l.axfer's rights in tht Pm�cty(sucb as a
<br /> pncmdina in b�rvptcy.PnnQ+te. ti�r co�rleoxation a farfeiture or to enfonx�kuws or ngul�tioos). tlrcn Ixoder.m�y do and
<br /> pry for whatcvar is s�o�y w pr�cft fhe value of ihe Prop�rty ynd i.esder'n rights in tlxs lPtnperty. [..e�der's actionf m�y
<br /> iuclyde pryin� any �umc sxund by a lien whictt has priority uva Wia Sec.vrity Gut��rt, ap[xarin8 in oourt, PeYin�
<br /> rasao�ble atDomeYt�feee..�nd axaing on�he Pcr�pcsty tu m�ke npai►s.Althcyu��[,,rnder aeay'iake action u�da�this PumEc�
<br /> 7.Ixnder dou not 6are�z�dio so. �i�..
<br /> Aay snx�untt diebrrtied �y i.endrer urider this puagraph 7 sh�l1 beax��;.n�ditianai. del+t of&xmwrx sdcun.�d by th'ta , �
<br /> - Seauity L�hn�tit�au. Un3eas&xrow�x a,nd Irasdcr agroe to otFicr te�ms of paymE�st.ihcsc sdr+amts ahatl bar i»ta�eu fnc�m rtYic
<br /> d�e of di�b+ar�ea�mt rt'We Nate cate ind slWl be payable, with inaaa. u�un.i ayoticc frocn I.eodcr W Bottva+rr oeq�re�'sn{6 .
<br /> P��-
<br /> A,MMtp�e G�ee.if Le�der rec�uiradl mortg:ge inwrana u a oaxfi�n of making the la�r�sea►rod by this Sec,veity
<br /> imtnimwt. Borivwer shall pry the p�+ertduuti taquired to m�intain t1�e mo�tg�e inwra�x.�e in effect. If. for my rea�, the
<br /> mon�e insWra�rx covasge rocpired by[,erider l�ses or cases to be in e'�ect, bonuwa•sh�ll pay the pr�auums cequirod to
<br /> abtrin cove+�e wMamtially equivalau to thc�rjoitgage insurmce previously in cf�'oct,at a oost substsuitially oquik�lent w the
<br /> cmt w Bo�a�er of die mart�e insunc�oe�xevio�.esly ire effxt.froan zn altenx�mortgage i�ucrr a��r.�sst h� i�.�. lf
<br /> - wbw�ntiall�r a�quiva{an mortgage insur�u�oa�covernge is nott xvsilablt.Bnrro�rer sl�aU pxy to Letder a�momh e su�n eqwl to
<br /> onc-twrlfd�of t#�e y'euiY murt�ge ir�suru�ce prcauum be'rn�Paid bY Bexrox'a*whea the insuru�e cover�ge I�psod or cesu�od to
<br /> be in sff��st.tl.xnder will sc.�cept�asa and reain t3�tse pt�rment�as n Ioss neservc in lieu uf irattgage insurancx. I..o�.,s resave
<br /> . Farm 80?Y 9190
<br /> - v.a.aae
<br /> �
<br />