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<br /> executed for tue pur�sose of cre�Ain�,securing or Sunran!ying tlie Secured Da�t. A,�nnd fuitli bnlit;f b5��nder ttrat
<br /> I..ender nt any tlme is iose.cure with respcct to an�r person or entity obligAtcd nn tita,Sc;aurcd not�t.�r 91�ut�tlie praspcct
<br /> af any payment or the value af the Property is impu�red sl�all also constitutc an cvont of di�fcitilt.
<br /> 15, AEMEUI�ON DEF�ULT.In some instances,federal and stnte Inw will rcquir�I.,vndcsr t��prmridf�C��'�ntor with
<br /> notice of the dght to cure ur other notices and may establish time schedules for forectosurr action�.SuUjsct to these
<br /> lir�tiitations,if any.Lende!may nccelerate the Secured Debt und forecloso this Secnrity li�edrt�mant�in a manner
<br /> provided by!aw if Graator is u►default.
<br /> At the optton of�ndcr,all or uny part of thc agreed fees and charges,accnx�d intc:refit and pri.naipt�l�shnll become
<br /> immed)ately due and payable,aftcr�iving noticc if required by law,upon the occurxr,nco of a dcitnult or anytime
<br /> thereaft�r.Ia t+ddition,I.ender shall be entitled to all the remedies pravided bg lttw,tl�a t�:rmfl of,tt�e Secured Debt,
<br /> tl�i.�Security Instrumcnt and any related documents,including v�°tithaut limitation,tUa pawer tn solUtha Property.
<br /> If thcre is a clefault,Trastec shall,in addition to an}+othes�.rcnitted remedp,at tius mqutrsi�of�ti�n Lender,adveitise
<br /> and sell the Propecty as a whole or in separate parcels at pt�blic aucti�n t4 tl�n hiah�ssi�uos�.det fo+�c�.s�i an•ti convcy -
<br /> absoluce title free and ctear of all right,title and mterest df�rantor at such timn aud�s�a�c as Tra�.c1FE designates.
<br /> Trustee shz':��ive notice of sale including the time,ternLS and�p9�►ce�of sal�:and a dc�sar+�etir;rs.cf tlie property to be suld
<br /> as require��by the applicable law in etfect at tfie time of the praposed sslc. �
<br /> Upon sale o�the propezlJr and to the extent not profi�ibiYad by law,Trustee shnll ma};c and�d`.tiiver a deed to the Praperty
<br /> �sold which conveys ab�alute title to the purchaser,and aftar first paying all fees,•ck��r�es and ccnts,sha11��y 1a l.ender all
<br /> ihbneys a�vanced for rupairs,taxes,insucance,tiens,�sser.smonts and prior enr,umbranr,es utid interest t�ereoq,and thc
<br /> principal�nd interest on the Secured Debt,paying the$urplu,a;•if any,to Grantur.I.�j�Qer niay purchasc ihe�R�ertY• -
<br /> The recitala in any tteed of canveyance shall be prima fauie evitlencz of tho faois set fur+tit therein.
<br /> All remedies are distinct,cun�ulative and not exc�a��iv�,nnJ tL�c Lender is entitlad ta all reniedies provided at law or
<br /> equity,whether or uot expressly set forih.The acce�tance!�y L-cnder of enp•sam�in,}ruycnent or partial p.aymcnt on the
<br /> Secured Debt a€ter the bslar►c��s due or is accele¢a2ed ur after forecloswe.prac�ad'ui�s are�led snall not r�nstitute a
<br /> wniver of Lender's dght to require complete cure of r►ny exis�iqg dofault.�y nnt,eu,.�rcising any remedy on Cyrantor's
<br /> default,Lender does not waivc Lender's rigl�t to luter cons�d'er 2t�a event a dofault if it cont�nues or happens again.
<br /> prahibited by law,Grantar agrees so pay all of Lender's expeuses if�rant�r btrsaches any cavenant in this Security
<br /> Insttument.Grantor will also pay on demaad any amount incuned by Len�lar l�tir insuring,irupect�ng.preserving or
<br /> othenvise Qrotecting the Property and i.ender's security intezcst.Thase exp�:ns;ss wi11 b�ar interest&om the�ate of
<br /> the,�a;;:�ssi sln��?i�in full at che hiahest interest rate in'e.ffect as provid�d in the 7 erms af the Secured Debt: .
<br /> tiranY,or�,�Tees to pay all casts and expenses incumed by Lexeei�r in collocting,.::nforcinR ar protecting i,en�der�s rigni���
<br /> and remedits under this SeGirity Instrument.This amotu�t inny includa,8:�7c 3.:,not limrt�d to,attorneys'fees,court
<br /> costs,and other IegaS e:�cpenscs.This Securiry Iustrument sha�ll remuin in ei7�vct uatil released.Grantar agress to pay
<br /> for any resordation ce.sts of sucl�release.
<br /> 1�. ENVIRC��'!IMENTAI.I.AWS ANiy�llA7.ARDOU5 SUBS'f.4►NCFS.As us+ed in this scction,(1)Environmental i.,aw
<br /> means.wifhout lemitation,the Comjxr�hensive Environmental Response�Campcnsxtion an�f Liability Act(CERCL,A,.
<br /> 42 U.S.C.9601 et seq.).and all other federal, stute and local lnws,rcgultttions,ordinatzces, �ourt orders,attomey
<br /> general opinlons or interpretive letters cancerning the public healUi,safc:r,�.�welfare,environmcnt ar a�eaardous
<br /> substance; and(2)Hazardous Substance means Any toxic,radioactivs•on t�azardous material,v�aste.poflutant or
<br /> contaminant wbich has characteristics which render the substance dan6arous or potentially dangerous to tha public
<br /> hea�th,s,�f�ty,welfare or�nvironmEnt.Tlie term includes,without iitnittition,any substanc;es defined as"hazarcux�s
<br /> �"' ""hacardous waste"or"hazardc���ssubsu�non"�undPr any Environmcntal Law.
<br /> materiai,, toxic substances,
<br /> Grs►Fttar represents,warrants and agrecs that; � ' •
<br /> A. Except as prev.aM�siy disclosed and ack�z�wkdged in writing��tv t.ender. no Hazardous 5ubstanae is or will t►e
<br /> loc,ated, storc�c;:or released on or in t�e Property.This restriction dces no�t apply to small quantities of
<br /> �Sfilxar�ous Substances that'fl?e.generally recognized t�o bd appropriAte for the normal use�u►d mainten�nce of
<br /> iYi��Property. � '
<br /> I3. ��tcept as previously disclosed and acknowlcdged 3n writing to L.ender.Grantor and ev�ry ten�nt have been,are,
<br /> • and shall nnnain in full compliancc witlx��ay apP>icablc F.nvironmental i..aw.
<br /> C. Grantur shall immediately notify Len�er if u relcase or threatened release of a Haaasdous Substanoe oocurs on,
<br /> under or xbnut the Property or there is a violation of any Environmental Law conceming the�rty.In sud►
<br /> a,ti event.Grantar shali ta�e all necessary remedinl uc�'v�n in accordanca with any Enviranmental Law. .
<br /> � . D. Qrantor shal:immeditately nutity Lendcr in writ.ing��s soon as Grantor hes reason to believe therc;is a�.rsy� ',�
<br /> . pending or threatened inv�stigation,claim,or procceding rclatin�t!n thc release or thma►tened ixlaas�of$ny' •
<br /> • Hazardous Substance or the violatiou of��iy Envvonmental I.aw:
<br /> 3$. COr�D�M1VATiflN.Grantor will givc Len3�.9�prompt nutice uf any pending or threatcned action,by private or
<br /> " public�;�n�atics ta purchase or take any or alt af the Properfi�through condenmation,eminent domain,or any�tR�;r
<br /> means:("srantor authoiizes Ler.der to intcrv�nY p�Grantut''s•name in any of the abovo dcscribcd actions or cluir�a.
<br /> lirantor assigns to Lender the proc�eeds of wg�:�.`rard or claim for durnages connected with a condemnation or�ther
<br /> taking of a!1 or any part af the Property.Suc��s.rn��_ds shall be wnsidered payments and will be appli�3r�s provided in
<br /> this Security Instrument.This assignment of}�vu:eds is subjcct to tho terms of any prior mortga��,dced of tcust,
<br /> Securit3r agreement or othcr lien document. �
<br /> 19 [NSU���INCE.Gruntor shatl keep Property insured agxz!^,sx 1��ss by Cn,tlaad,thoR and other hazards ane�risks
<br /> - �cus�rna�►y associatcu�:r:Ch th�°rc�.rty due tv its!;ge erd l���^�+#�n.This�nEUiuua shfillibe maintained in the amouats
<br /> &tit;fOP lt2C QE!'!^'�t that ?en�±eT�e;��=rPC.Ti�e �„svr+n�x:carrier nrovidiby,thn•inEUmnae shull be chosen 6y Gxantor
<br /> �_� _�_u_ . L_. eMl.....:�1,IwL1 ll't"2.nn+�+++fnitc tm m�intain thc CnVeYSQC
<br /> SIIbjCCT[o LCnctCr's appIOVai.wntctt anm��wa w u:uvm.,:..,...� .........-...... __�..._ -- •- --- -
<br /> - ����;Imd�hovc,I.endcr may.at T.cnder's option,obtain coveragc to protect Ler�dur'6 ri�Uts in the Property accarding
<br /> to fhc tcrms of this Security Instrurucn�
<br /> Rll insurance poli�ies and rrncwals sha�l be aca.cptuble to Lendcr and shall inc:ludes a stE�dar�°mortgage clause°and,
<br /> where�+pp�icable,"Ioss payee c�a�ue:."Grantor shall immediutely notify I.endur of cana°ll�tion ox terminatiun of th�e
<br /> insurance.Y.ender shall have thc right to hold the policies and renowuls.If l.r.ndor reqttjres,Grentor shall immediately
<br /> give to I.endcr all receip4s of paid prcmiums and renewal notioes.Upon loss,C3nu�tnr sht�11�ive immediate noticc to
<br /> tbe insuranoe carrter and i,endcr.I.endcr may make proof of loss if not madu irnmedit,wly by Grantor.
<br /> •` . . .,j � �a4e 3 as�
<br /> O tYYf NrVws BYMr+r•Ine,6t.CIO�M.INi(t-000,797-Y}1t)Fam RE-0TJ�E 5KW1
<br />