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<br /> . SpRStIVORSH2P WARRi\N`rY TTiiEn •
<br /> KHaN �►LL t�8tt� 8Y �HFSE PRBSP.HTS,'�that � � ' � .
<br /> • . itndne�r S: Valastk wnd Julic �. Valaset . hushan� an� wife. ' _ •
<br /> -- herein cal2ed the gsantior whether one �or wora; i� conaideratfon_of Sizty-ais
<br /> � � � DOLLARS:
<br /> 5 66.Q00.00 received fro� qsantees, doea qrant, barqa a� sall coavey
<br /> -= ani� c:.�nfir� onto •
<br />_...- �:=. .
<br /> __ , Stt� g Wegenast and Sarah 8. Wegeaa@t , bqshand and �rife
<br /> -- ..--� -r. ' , .. � � -
<br /> -== as jafnt tenants sritEc� .siqhf �� �survivar�hfp aad not as tena��s in co.�won.
<br /> � the foflowinq degcritsed, rea2 property �in &�I�� C��arsty, T7P.FiR7iS1C11: , _
<br /> - I,ot Thirtp-oae (3Z�, Westwood Parlc,seeoad_SuUdivfsfatt¢�:�itY,c�:�aad Island, Hal� �aditty, '.� . _ -Y
<br /> s � Nebrasl�a . -, 'r' , � � , , - - �=�^
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<br /> ' - ��•ar ha�te: ��rrd to. .T��id the• above descrfbei3 pre+niseg toqether with all
<br /> i tene�rentg, hereditamenta and appustsnances therrto belonqinQ unto the _
<br /> . qraaGees and to their aasigns er to the hefrs and 'assigns of the survivor _—
<br /> af thAm fosever. ,�`>;_.,
<br /> ' And qrantor does heceby coven�nt with the qsantees and �+ith their __ _
<br /> ' assiqns and with the heir4 and aagfqns of the survivor �f them khat grantor _''--r-_
<br /> is iavfully seised af aaid premf9es, th�t tbey are free from encu�nbrance
<br /> .�•, that qrantor haa qood riqht and laWful autharity to eonvey tbe sa�e; an8 ,
<br /> �� that qrantor v�arr�nt�s an�t will defenA the title to eaid premiseA aqains�t �-
<br /> ��' the l.�wfnl cl�ims of all pRrqo�s whomsoever. ' • '
<br /> '� it is the intwistion nf all p.�rtfoa hereto th�t �ln tbe event m±� the
<br /> deatb of either at t4�re yranteeg, the entice fer, s�inaaLe title to ttee �eal ._
<br /> eetate shaii qest in the survivinq qrantee. ,
<br />;,♦ ,nated: //a1,[ Jj . 19�J� .
<br /> `�, °� .�*.'� /4/ dney Valasek
<br /> ,�;;.:, : ,.
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