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<br /> r�,anrx� • L�AS�SAMn R�NT
<br /> � i:.
<br /> ���0��I
<br /> Thi.;l�s:lpnm�nt,m�da this� �y �._ June.�_ _ _, t 9 46_ bli And ,
<br /> b�twetn HAA1C D STELIC APTR WANA��� SgG�� �ue�iana ana�wxie
<br /> f"Aasepnar",1,and NOl?WES�BANK NEBRASKA,N.ATfONAl.ASS�CIATION f"Assignee"J.
<br /> W/TNE�SETH:
<br /> It!s apraed as tQllows:
<br /> �. Definittans. Aa use�!n rhis A�n�emenr:
<br /> A. '7Mortya8s'"slaaJO mean that cert�in Dead of Trust in the principsl sum
<br /> a/s�?-ann no datedi June 2S , �9 96 ..
<br /> �rx�cuMd Dy ►v*� n �S,tAlk and Wanda Lee Stelk ,es Trustor,to NORWEST BANK
<br /> fi�r'dRbSKFi.Mfi i/c7NA�ASSd�lATlQi�l,rw 6�►.aiierary,u�a»tlra r•al�rata ans!impmw'.�rants
<br /> da�cribed In Exhl3it"'A' by thls mter+ence Incoiporated herein.
<br /> below
<br /> B. "Note"shal!me�sn that certal»nata secured by rhe��'i2.��0_00
<br /> O�d of Trusr,exe�cufed contemponnaously Sherewlth by �'rti n, gteiti ena wanda Lee Ste�k,
<br /> 8u�b�n�_And_{��g. — as m8ke/,e►Id NQRWEST BANK NEBRASKA,
<br /> fJATlOfNAL ASSO�lAT/ON,as pay�e,and securedby the Dred of Tiust.
<br /> C. "Loan"�s her�tnafter used,shall m�rn the/oan in the amounc of 62 500.00
<br /> as evirlanced by�he noie and secur�d by the Deed of Tiust,as wel/ss any ottkv
<br /> sacu�inp instiuments.
<br />� NQW, THEREFORE,for and irr consfderation of the making and funding of said Laan,and/cr
<br /> • othar good ar�al va/u�sb�►e consiabration,the necsipi w+horenf!s heroby acknow/edge�d,As�iynor,for ltse/f, .
<br />� its wscasssors,persor�l mpr+ssentatir+ss,heirs and assiyns,has barQsinerl,so/d,transferred,asri�ne�d,
<br /> � conMeytd,ser o►�erand n�eliwrad,and 6y xhesa presMts doas hereby bargain,sell,iransfer,assiyn,snd
<br /> _ conw�y as smcurity/ar the repsym�nt of the abn�re drs�ribe�d inc%btedne�sss imi rhe paym�enr and per-
<br /> � fon�aance of all of Hre terms a�d conditrons of tht Mox�and Mortg�e evidenci»�the.same,and�ny '' �
<br /> and�►1l am�ndmenis,extensions and raneew+ls theroof,alI 1�now o�hemafter sxucuted�f/ecti�►p
<br /> � tlre Aiort�g�rd Premises,and aN r+e��ts,lssues,profits and income and sums of mw�ey wrriai►may now '
<br />,y or henrfisr ba or becorrre due and owinp under and b y virtue of said/sases,!t bainp ihe inte�i/on �
<br />- hert+try to astablisi►a compAtte transfer and asriynment of the/�+sses hereby assig�rud and al/the awils
<br /> tMraundltr unta tha�EssiB»ee,!ta su�c�essors and a�sigrrna,togethe►with the r/gihr,bur withaut d►e �
<br /> � oblf�tion,ta co!lect all of the said rents,ruues,pmfn,�s�nd incoma arising or sccruiny,or w�hich miy �
<br /> i becnme dus at sn y time durinA tlae life of this Assiyn+�tee►►i Assignor further agraes,upon demsnd .
<br /> ; tbeneof,io deliner to and c�eposit said k�ses with Assignes.
<br /> � Astignor hemby dbsign�ti�s,constitutes and�pEacr��nts AssignQe,its succestors and assJ�mm,with ;.
<br /> � fu/I paw�er of sulutiturfon,its true wnd/ewfulartaner with potiaer for it and in fts name,p/�rrr�nrf
<br /> � � ste�d,/or In ibe name of Assignes,to ask,derr�snd,coilect.,ro�ceive,ra�ceipt snd giv�fu/!�rnd com- �
<br /> ,. phtr acquirtances for any and a!!ra�rts,uait�ras,prolits and incama heraby sssip�ed w�►ieah may bacvme
<br /> , dw�ird piy�bk by lsssa�or other occ�r�ants of the Mortg�ped Premises;and st its discntion co file
<br /> � any�claim or take eny other eciion or proceedrny to ar�sks�ny setrMment of sn y clsim,afthe�r!n its .��
<br /> own name ar in the name of Assignor,or oiherwise,vifiich the Assiqnee,or ar�y successw may ci�e�e�rri : ',
<br /> � cksirable in ader to col%ct and erfforce the paymer►i of an y and a!l�»ts,issa,es,p�ofits and income'
<br /> t /�srsi��tsigned. Ther lessees and occupu�nts of the Alortgap�sd Pir.r�;r"ses,or anyµ�rt hereof,am h�reby
<br /> � expross/y a�thorireaf snd directed to pay aH rencs and su►tts herein assiyned which wnerld be payab/e
<br /> • to Asslgnor,except for this Assignrrranr,to the Aaslgnes,and to transmit and deliv�r such payment
<br /> to th��issl�nee or such norrtine�as ic may designsia�n writia;q,detivered[o�{nrd received by such
<br /> lessee or occupant,rWro is�sxpressly relieu�ed of any and a//duty,liabl/lty or dbPigaiio�v ro rhe .
<br /> � � .4srigROr in r�e�t of al!p3ym�nts so m3de �,�� . �. .
<br /> �''�,�� Assi�nee shafl be,and her�eby is, �ns"ted wit�h•fu�P3.�owgr to use a!l sueh me�st�res,legal and . .
<br /> epu�J�:�ble,as i»its discretion may be deemed necessar�;��_or proper io enforce�hfs Agreemeni and
<br /> � to coJlect the rents,iswes,profits and irrcome assiQned hereunder,includf»9 the right to ertter upon
<br /> iheOnBrt7isCS and t0 CBke DOSSeSSiol1 thOr�f,BIJd�isaigiiw i�eie"ri►y yiai�ib iiift j�uw8i ni�v auiiivrity
<br /> to the Assignee to exer+cise all rights,privilegies and po�nr+ers herein granied at any and all tlmes herQ•
<br /> afMr,withou.f nv�ice tfl Assignor,►vith lull pow�r to use and apply a!!of rhe rents,issucs,protits and
<br /> ' inco�e herein assigeted to tha payments of any indebt+edness or liabi/ity of the Assignor co the
<br /> Assignee,in srich order as Assl�gnee moy dotermfne.
<br /> EXHIBIT "l!"
<br /> Lot'— give (5�, in Block Ten (10), in packer and BArr's Addition to the City of
<br /> Graad Island. Hall Counxy, Nebraska.
<br /> Ml MIM2IMA(Ml5��20)
<br />