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<br /> Ti�c runcis shall t}e iield in �n institutbn whasc depnsils nre insur�d by a fcdcrnl ugency. inst��urncntality, ar entily •
<br /> (6�icl��di�u; I.cns��r,if lr.ndc��fs such nn in�titution)or in�ny 7�cdcral Hoinc Inan H:�n�;. I.cndcr nhall nppty thc Fuiid:;t��a��y tiic _--
<br /> F�crnw[tems, l.cixtcr may n�t ci�arga H4rrowcr fu►•liol�iing a�id applying A�c Fu��ils,�nnuully.�nnlyiing ticc c�cru��,accn�mt, c�� ¢::..•
<br /> vcrifying RheEscmw[tems,unless I.enAer pays Rorrawer intc�-cst an tF�Funsls n��J npplicabt�l�+w permits l.ender to�nake surh
<br /> Q ci�arge. M�wever. I.ender�nay req�ire Ikirrawer to pay n one-tim�cl�arge for un irxlependent rc�l es�ute tax reporting service
<br /> usal 6y I..e�lr,r in conricctian with this loar, unless appticable law provides ath�rwise. Unless an ��ramcnt is nwcle or
<br /> app7icable I�w r+oquires interest to be paid.lx�xicr sfudl ncn Fic rcquirMl to pay[i�rrowcr any intcrest or c:►rnings un the�'wxls.
<br /> Borrowcr and ri.endcr may�gree in wrlting, howevcr,that intercst shaU be pu�d on thc funds. Lender shall give ta Borrowtr,
<br /> u�ki:aut c:zarge. nn rnnual�rcomct+nu nf the Punds,Fhnwin� c�cdits rind dcbits to tl�c Funds and thc pumosc for which cach
<br /> debit to the Furxls was madc.The Funds are plodged as additiunal socuriry for a!1 sums sccutL'cl by thig Secnrny Imtrun�iu.
<br /> If the Furxls li�ld by Lender exu�cl�hc amaunts permitted to bc hcld by applicahlr,luw,l..cndcr shull account ta @otrpwer
<br /> for the excess Funds in accorclance with the requirenxnts of upplicaFlc Iaw. If tl�c amount of th�runds held by Lender�t any
<br /> time is nat sufficiant to pay�tte Escrow itr.nts when due. Lencler may so notify Hosrower in writinB,ond,in such case IBor�uwer
<br /> shali pay to Lr.ndr.r the urtxwnt neo�ssary to mnke up the deticicncy. Borcowor shall mnkr,u�tlic deficiency in no marc ttwu�.
<br /> twefvo monthly pnymcnts,at Lendcr's salc d�r.cretion.
<br /> Upc�n pnv�ncnt i►i fu!! o€all sums secuml by thic Securicy Instrumcnt, Lcndr.r shnll promntly refund to F3onower any
<br /> Funds hE:td by l,ender.1f,under pa►r3grr�h?.1,U:ncier shall:iec�uir.e or sell thr.P��speriy.Lender.prior to�he acquisH+q�b�o►sale
<br /> of tho P��operty.shull��pply any Funds hcld by Lendcr at the time:of acquisiti�n os sale as a crcdit againsi thc s�uns sec�red by
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3.AppUcs�tiun of Puym�nGs.Untess applir;�b(r,la�+providcs ati�erwisr.,�II tanymentr,rcceived by I.ender undcr paragra.phs
<br /> l uid 2 sh�ll be�lird: fi�st, to uny pcepayment Thnrges d►ic uixier ttec Nata;secnnd, to umountr paynble under par�ra{�h 2:
<br /> third,to irur�st due;faunh,ta principall dus:and la�t,to eny late charges due uncter th�:Note.
<br /> q.Chtr�u;I,itas.Horcower sh�il pay ull taxes, assessments,charges, fin�s ami img�sitio�is atuributable to the �'ropetty'
<br /> which n►xy�tiaio F,�io;tty aver th:s 3xunh,r �.RSliuixni, e►x1 le;+sclx►Id payments or ground tritts. if any. Bnrrowcr shtdl pay
<br /> ttx.�se obligatio�ns in the�t�anner Qrovided!n puragr�nh 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shxll pay tht:n an time diract�y
<br /> to tha pei�on owod payment.Bomower st�aU pn'mptly fumish to i.ender ali notices of amounts to be paid unckr this�x►wagrapt�•
<br /> If&�rr.awer makes these payments dit�axly.Boe�uwer sha11�romptly fumish to Lender�raeipts evidencmb the payaxnui.
<br /> l��rrower st�al!promptly discfiazge aay lien which l►us�riorit}+over�his Securi�d��stiTUment unless Borrower:qa9 ng�es iu
<br /> writing to the payment of the obligadon socured by the lien in a manner acceptable eo�:n�er;(b)cor.tests in gond fai4�the lien
<br /> by, or dafrnds against enforament of the uen in, leral proceedings which in the l.��nder's opinion opecate io yrcvent the
<br /> enforce�ncnt of the lien;or(c)secur�es from thG halder of the Gen an agratnGnt satisfactory to L�endcr s�6ordinating the lien¢o
<br />' this Steuriry Instnrment. If l.ender dettrmines aQ�s►t any part of the Prqxrty is subject to a lien whic9n rtamy ausin priarity over
<br /> this 5ecuriry Instrument, Lender may g3ve Barrower a notice identifying the litn. Borrow�er stiall szitis'Fy ihe lien or take one or
<br /> moc+e of ti►e�ctions set furth aboe�within 10 days of the giving oi'notice.
<br /> 5. �r�u� �+npKSf II�p�qranoe. Borrowa shall kap the impmvements naw esistiag or he�+eafter erectod on the
<br /> property, imur+ed;t�s��nst loss by�ire, hexacds encluded within thc term"extendod ooverage" a.�d�ny other ha�snis, itw:luding
<br /> I�t7005 ar i�owu��� iGz wiii�ii:.�."r.�..-r r.;.,:sir:...°fn��.:r^..r�=.'t'fe������!n�Hhait 6e maintxi�d an the anxwnts and for thc peri�ods •
<br />. tha�i�t�d«n,quir�es, T►�e�nwrar►c�carrier pr�viding the insurat�e shxll be chosen by Borrower subject to I,er�der's approva!
<br /> which sh�il nat be unn�asona�blq wbthhold• [f&�rmwer fails to maintain covcrago descr3be�Above. Lender ma}�. at l.andcr's
<br />' option,o6uin cvverage to prcw�ct`L;.nder's rig1Uo in tho Ihvperry in aaoocdar�ce with pnra��;�raph 7.
<br /> �II i�usance policies un�:,r�newata shull be acocptabta ta Lender arxi sh�ll iAClucic`a stuutard roc�rtgage cleus�. Lenda
<br /> slaall havo the righf to hold the pa}3cies aixl srnewsla.If L�;ocier c�eyuires,Borrower shall promptlY give to Lender all roaipts of
<br /> p�icl pr�aiiums and rcnewxl noticxa.In the eye���nf la:�s,Borrower shall give pn�mpt notice to the izasti+:rntx:e earrier and I.enAer.
<br /> I;ei�dor:u�ay innkr.proof of loss's�'��at made p��+�.rr,�tly by Borrower. �
<br /> ' Uriless Lu�der and Borc�mv.en�othnrwise agnx in wnnng.insuranct pracoeds sf�all be�pplied t�,T.estor�tiai or nepeir of the
<br /> = Pri3iiorty damuged.if the rest�rariun,or�epaic is eoonon.�ic+l�y feasible and I.ender's sa.-�irity i�noc Itssa�od.Tf the naturauan or •
<br /> �epeir i� snt ccwnomically feasiblu ar I.ender's security would be lessened,the iar,�ranco pmaeds stwll be applied to the sLms
<br /> • secu�d by this Saxtrity Instrument. whether or not then due, with sny txcc�s paid to RciROwrx. If Borruwer abandons the
<br /> Psopaty.ot das nat answu within 3�D days a notice�'rom L.ender that q;hc firsuruwc carrier has offerod to s�ettle a claim.tt►en ,.
<br /> " I.��nder m�y vollest the insunu�oe preeaeds. Lcnder may use the pma�:c3s Ao n�Qair or c�estore ¢he Pnopecty or to pay surtrs .; ,;..
<br /> - sxurod by this Securiry instniment,whethcr or not then due.The 30�ay pc'ri�5d wil{Acgin when the notioe is g�v�n.
<br /> ° (7nkss I,ender ar�d Bottower otherwise agra in writing, any applic�tion of prA.ceods ta principal sh�ll not extend or
<br /> ; postpor�e the due date of the rnonthly ;�ayments nferrat to in paragrdp6s 1 and 2 or,�ltcin�e the amount of the p�►ymcnts. If
<br /> " � atdet pstt�ts4lt 2l tlte Property is acquirul by Lcnder,Bomow�r's r�ght to any insura�k�polici,��upd proc,bods t�sa;+lung frorn
<br /> `;t� .: ��ta the yprior ta the ar.quesitiq�+,ehall pass to Y.snder to the catent af the sums sectYZxe!�y�this Socurity�'Ic�suument
<br /> cY ` im�r�ediiatdy pdorP t�tf�e acqwsiuon. ', • . . .
<br /> �:,. pnrty:
<br /> 6.Oa,�,i'reservation,Mointenance and ProSoctton of the Pro Borrowcir's I.uan Applicitjon;Lanelwlds.
<br /> A�rtuwer ihall occupy.eswblish.anci use the Proprrty ag Borrower's principal res�da�ew.within sixty dwrys after the exavtion of
<br /> � � this Sxvrity L�st�umrnt aud shall continue to occupy the PcnAertY as Borrowor's prtr�cipal residence for at least o�x yar aftsr
<br /> � the d�te of occupancy,unless Lender other+yise agrces in wridng.which consent sl�li,,not be unreasom►lbly wiYhheld. ur unless
<br /> �i extenwting circumsw�s exist which ar� beyor�d Borrower's wn�rol. 8arrower shall not dcstray, damage or impair thc •�� ,
<br /> ` propaty,�►(ow the Property to dtteriurate. or commit waste an the�ropCrty Borrower shall tx:in default if any forfcituro
<br /> s a►.tic�►orpro�oedin�, whethcr�:��vil or criminal. is begun tt�at in Lendet'�'good faltDp judgment c4uld result in fodciture of the
<br /> 4 Px:��F�esty orother.wix n�atc�y]mpair the lien created by 2tus Security Insttumentq.r'r�ender's security interast.Borrower m�y
<br /> � c�cr,�'�.such rdetault and reinstat�,�s pivvided in parsgraph�8,by causing t�e xtion vx.�roceeding to be dismisxd with a ruli�g
<br /> ''�' that, in Lu►dcr's good fahh detenninution. prccludes forfciturc of the Borrow�rs intcrcst in the Ptoperty or uther maurial
<br /> " inipnicnunt af t�;•?�ien ceeatal by this Security Instrument or I.ender'S 5ecurity interest. &�rrower shall also be in d�fault if
<br /> " Burrowcr,duri4�,,i;C�e loan applica3ion process,gavc ros�terially false or i�accuratG infomtatlon or sta�:�ementn to I.ender(or failod
<br /> to provide LCnder wBth any�nawrial 6nformation)in connecsion with tfu��poan evidenced by thu Notr.includin�,but Rot limited
<br /> co,repricu�ntious conoertto3��13:'•i'rower's occupancy of the•�roperty as a principal residenoe.If this Security Insau�rnnt is<m a
<br /> s leasehold,Borrower shall r.�v�r�f� with nll the provisiorss a9 the lease. If Borowt;r acquires fce tiUe to tUe Property. thc
<br /> Icase]�Ld�nd thc fce titic shult not merge unless Lender agrers to tAg mer�,er in wriNng.
<br /> ?. Protea�lon of I.enckr's Righty in thr.Property.If Bcnvwez�'aits�to per(onr►thc coveruints and agrcements contvnod in
<br /> tflis Securiry instiume�t. or there is a legal proceeding that may ��$u�S�yAxtly uffect I.,endcr's s9$hts in the Property (suct►as# :
<br /> ° ptocaoing iu uwu�uNi�y�(iiv`uuii.. av:w.^.'��.T.::°«�n �*f�.�s,•��nrr or tn enfnrce laws or rceulat�ons).L}ICII j.CI1dCC i1S3ty l�311f1 _
<br /> _ �av fnr whsccver is neces�arrr to urotect the value of tt�e 3��o'�terty und ia:nder's riglitss in the Propeny. Lendec's actions ma�y
<br /> IriCIU(IC Q1Y111s 811y sums s�xumd by a iien wnicn IlaS �7Rly ovc[ iniy .7ti.iiiiij iimuan�cna• at+t+a�.•�•b ���.'�. N.v••-a
<br /> reasonable attott�eys'fccs and entering on the Praperty to�nakc repairs. Althuugh L.ender may cakc xtion nndcr this parzgraph
<br /> � 7.Lendcr d�es not havc to do so.
<br /> Any arrwunts disbursed by I.cndcr under this paragraph 7 shall bccome ad8itional debt of Borrower sccurod by this
<br /> Security lnstiumcnt. Unless Borro�cr and I.ender agree to ather ternu of payment, these amounts shall bear interest froen tk�e
<br /> date of disburscment at the Notc rata and s6ai1 bc paynblc, with intcrest. upan noticc from Lender to Borrowor requtsNng
<br /> paynxnt.
<br /> $. 11foNg�e Insurance.If I.ender requin�d mostgt�qc ynsurance as a mnd�tion of tnaking tPte toan secured by this Security
<br /> Ittstru�x�ent, �orruwer shall pay the premiums require�l to maintain the mortgugc insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the
<br /> mortgage insur,ince coverage r�uired by Lender la�.>es ar ceases to be ir effoct,iiorrower shall pay the premiums requirod to
<br /> obts[n coverage substantially equivalent to tha mongage insurance previously in effect.at a wst substa�Ytially equivalent to the
<br /> caat to Borrawcr of the mertgagc insurance prcv;ously in effect, ftom an altemate mongage insuree approved by Lender. if
<br /> v�.a o+e Form 3028 8190
<br /> a, _ _ _
<br />