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<br /> 'k'UCI�T[�P4�lV!!'ll nl�tlyy i�r.�;ix�iv��ntnt�now c�r herr.aft�x cr�.tcc!an the�rolx:i�y, .MI[1�I C:ISCIYh".illfi,appurtenu�ices,ai�d
<br /> `xtutcs nc�w ar Ixreaftcr a purt r�f tFie prope�ty. Ait tc�lucr�txnts tuK� additlons shall also b�: covc��cJ by ta�is 5rx.utity
<br /> Initnimzr.t.All of►he forcgaing is referrnd to ifl chxs Security I�utn�rr+ent as the"Prop�cty,"
<br /> �ORI+lOWBR COV�[3AN'C5 tiut gorrawtr is lewfully Eeised of thc est�ta hercby conveyed and ha5 the right tn gmnt nr►d
<br /> convey thr. Propt�Y�xtxf itu�t lhe Pt�operty is wx:tu:uribered, exccpt far encumbrances oF record. Borro�ver wsrrants uixl will
<br /> cktend gentixlly the tiQe�o thc Pmprrty agdnst al{cldrzu ond tlrnwtids.subJect to�ny mcumbruxxs of rocorcl.
<br /> '�H!�SE�URx'�X iR►S'�'R[JMi?1U'E'eornbinfs Emiform cnvcn:urt��'ar mttanal use and nQn-unlforrn covenants with limitecl
<br /> v�rintians by jurisdictian w oonbtituto a urdform security i►utruroent cn�sring real properhy.
<br /> UNI!'ARM COVENAN'CS.Bomnwer snd l.cnder c�ven#nt and agree uf follows:
<br /> 1,t'�ya�aK ot PiinclpNl aad Interat; Prcp�yma�t ausd I.ste Clu�r�a. Banowcr shali prompt�}r pnY whon Ju�the
<br /> princip�l af a►d interest on the debt evider+c+ed by thc Noee and any prep#yr►xnt and 7atc cbuges due urnier ttte i�ote.
<br /> 2,fiunda far T�.xr�w�!Imurs�acp•Subject to applicnble law or to a wdtten wAi�ver by i.endtr.Borroever shalt pay 4u
<br /> Ltnc4�r on the day m�nthly p�yment�Are due unckr Ihe Note,until tht Note is piid in full�a sum('Funds")for:(a)ycaciy lexes
<br /> and x,ssessments which m�y atuin priority.a�er thir„Security Ir�s�ntnxnt�s a lien an t!x Prqxrty;(b)Yearly teaselx�ld payma►ts -
<br /> or gcraund rerts on the Property.if any;(e)yGarly hn'�ard or pmperty inxurance prcmiums;(d)yculy flood inaumna pnmiums,
<br /> if any;(e�yc,�riy mortgage insurau�ce premiunu,i�an�y: sncl (�anY sums p�yAble hy Bomawcr to L.cndar,in ncsordanoe with
<br /> the pmti�isi.ons of�xrngrsph B. in lieu of the payment of�m►tt�ge inseranre pmnium�.'I�ese ite�ns are callod"Escrow Itrms."
<br /> I,rndrr mny, at any time, eollcct �ncl hc►ld Funds in aa unKwut•nat to exaed tho msueimum amount a lender f'or a fuk�ally
<br /> �iited mnrtgage lo�n�y roquirie for Borrower'F rscrow account under tho fede�ml Real Estste Settlement Pracedu�+es Act of
<br /> I�4 ae aann�iai i�vei�=ir��c�i€���. 12 ZJ.�.�.Scciioa 21�: ct s�q. {"DCrCPA').es.�l�s ar.�nlher latY i.ht!e�1i!<_to the Fnnds
<br /> aau a ka�cec srr�otint. Yf so. i.errier nuy, nt any time, �olloct and hold Tu�xis in an unount not to excood the l�uer arrx►unt.
<br /> L,encter may estirro�te the amwnt of Funds due on the basis�f curnnt dat�and rea,sonable estimutes of expenciitures af future
<br /> Facmw Item�or oal�rwise in accurdanct with spp�icable ixw.
<br /> 'Tfie Funds sh�►ll.be held in aon institutino..whose dqx�sit� are insured by a Coderal agC►cy, instiumerttality. or antity
<br /> . (encluding L•,ndet.iF.�:e�r,icr is such an instit�+t9o��)s+r in any Hederal Home t.oan Baiil�.l..e�xi�r shall a�.�9�thc Funds to pay thr•
<br /> F-scrow lt�ms. [.avlp�x n�i�y no�:charge Horrowet Fa�r d�olding and applying the�unds.umunlly analyzi�,�!t:a..escrow aooatnt,or
<br /> verifyina the F.eciuw�ttins,unics3 I,Gnder peys Bo�iae�er intES�,�.rt on the Funds and aE►pleGiblt Ixw pennits I.ender to mrka such
<br /> x d►�trde. Howeva,L.�udr.t'may,�;l�A'ite Horrower to pay�c�it�:°.•'���e chargr,for sn irxiqx:nde�tt�1 eslatc tax reporting service
<br /> uAed by Leiedex in cxNUaecxion .rv�,���'�tcis lo�, unless ap�licable law provides othenvise. Unlees a�� agroement ia m�de or
<br /> applicablc law�vquir�'?�{�t�est N be paid,[.ender stull not bc xeq�uiral to pay Horrower�ny intcrest or eamings on�he Funds.
<br /> vaiaswa`ao'u i.cTwa.i�`ti,��Y�'�,..:.,tis'^iii:ita, S��Lyt.7�► ot'l�.��,cr c al ��.id���h' F„rric, f e.nier chall aiv�to Bnrmwu.
<br /> wlthout cturge.an aniliipJ��?Nsz$,of the Funds, showittg;�Cdits and dtbits to tbr, x�ands and the purpose for which each
<br /> debii to ttae Fw�ds was nu�de.'Ite�;��,.nds are pledgod as udditic�n�sccurity for all sums r.�t�i�ned by this 5ecurity Irv�dcuimnt.
<br /> Y!fJi;:F{�r�dt hcld by L.e�3Cr akc�ed the unvunu permitted to be held by applicable l��i�:i.endcr slnll account to�+�,rowCt
<br /> for the sxeras Purxts.r�i:iKxbidancx�wfth the roquizrmenls of npplicable I�w. If the amount of the Cueacis field by I,e�er at my
<br /> time isa not saff'rcia�C_xa�•�iry!he Iiscmw Itans wl�hr..��7ud.I.ender may so notify Borrower in wridng..sr���.;�n such caee&►rrowa
<br /> stwll py to E.e�der t�ie'smouax neceasary w m�k's::up the deftcienc.y. Horrower shall maiae up t�ie d�iEia:�ency in no mon thm.
<br /> twelve munthly pAyma�ta,at I.e��r's M>lo diecretion. '' ' � ""�
<br /> Upon pnycncnt,in,�'ull of ait•�ms ca.�urad by this Scc�sri�y Insqument. l.ender stull�Prornptly refund to Bornawa sny
<br /> �aa�ks hetd by��� A�;t�tndor�rAgrapt�21.I.ender shrU acquire or sell the Property,Lender,pdor.t�s.the acqu�sidon or sa1G
<br /> ' vf th�pro}xrty,slu�'i�.��pjsfy uty Funda i�eld 6y I,�nder at the tirr�of acx�,uisii�an or salo as a credit abtiqsl t6o wms aecurod by . �
<br /> ' tha 5merity I�tcurne�t. �r.. �
<br /> 3,A�rpiiprtic�uK Ar�fsti;xU'r,�ess npplicable law provides otherwise.all paya�xnr.s ratival by L,ender uncler p�n�raplu
<br /> 1 u�;2:�a11 be s�plied:first. t�a»Y P�Y�nt ehargcs dwe urxier the Nc�te; sa�ond.v�::��uounts payablt undcr puagcaph 2:
<br /> ;:�,.:
<br /> tfiircl,tb'"�nterr�t due;founh.to principal due:sod�ast.to any laue��harges due under the N'Ort. '
<br /> ,.:' 4.Crar�ea; [.ieas.Bonower st�all pey a[E�t�axes� assessments,charges. fines and impositiwu att{8but�+ble to the Peq�aty :,
<br /> , whic���pey�tain�rioricy ovec►his Sxurity Ic�sfir.�cf�nent.�t�ci Ic:►sehold paymerus or�rour�d renta, if uq►. Homowa aF�all pRy `�'�;
<br /> the�p'.�ti�igauans in the maaner providrd in�ara$r�pft 2.or i#'.xrot�seid in that m�nner,Aorrower'�II pay thcm on timc di�octly
<br /> ',,;;
<br /> tn the��q;i�on owed Evyrna�t. Horrower shali promptly furniah to I..ender all notias of acnounts to be p�id undu 4his pxiiigc�h. •
<br /> lf gai'rmya mata thpe psymerMSti•Sroctly,Barrower shAll promptly fumish to Lende�ceocip�s evid�rcing the p�yments.
<br /> Barower:hall prcxnptly dixharge any ficn whish h�s��ority uver this Se�curity Insnument unless Horrower:(a)egrota ir�•;, ,.;:,��
<br /> '�' ` writing to ttr peymenc of the o!*ligt�tion xcured by the lirn in a manner acceQtAbte to Lt.rider; (b)contrats in good faith ehe lien `;�•;':. �'
<br /> by, ca'i,icj�fe�cis against rnfona�icraaat�+.of the lim in, Iegal procr,�dings wl►ieh in the I..uitder's opinion operatt to �.+c�tyaM the �: ,.
<br /> e�o��Cknt of the lirn;or(r,)sa,�uxas tmm the lx�lder of the lirn an agcamcnc aacisf��r�r to i.rnder subor�diru►tinN;,fJiailien to
<br /> this Sen►riry Ti�stRUmrnt. If Lender detecmioes ths►i�ny part of the Property is sabjr,ct to n lien which may attain priksi�y over
<br /> tbis Saurity Instau�iem, Lender may give L3or-�o�ver a noticc identifying tlie licn.Borrower shall satisfy the liea or talce onc or ,
<br /> - mo�+e of tht eclion�e�!�'orth�bove within l0 dpys of the giving of notlx. . '
<br /> .. �. .
<br /> . . Fam�'D28 9tf0 '
<br /> - � ' .' P�7o/e
<br />