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<br /> = Far�s, Ine., A lfebraska Corgoration, Norsaa�R. Hadeafeldt 6 Janice H. Sadenfeldt, t�usbaad_
<br /> and vife, and I�turnan C. HadenfeldE � Dylece El Hadeafeldt, hosband��8 vff�tl�nln �fil'nti.
<br /> �to u�`Tf'WtOr=.' YhO�i Y1ii11� �ddi'�tt 1: Rt 1, Bo�c 1T2, Dameebrog, IiE 68831
<br /> - � ; TIE BTATE WIK OF CAINO. a INb�asica saniti�• . `
<br /> _CDfpOrsE101l� IMIYfMfbf'I�inyd�t� �f "fN�tNs` MhOti M111t� M3dnfs f! BQB �2�� ' -
<br /> �i%� 8e824s snd ;iE 3TATE tr11N�OF CAIIb. t N�bra�ka MI�It1n� iaqrporattan� It�rsln�tt�r
<br /> �'K!f f�d t0 b ~lMNflCfiry.� M110N.M11tAg Mfdl'!b 1� �Ox �t2�s �rl1.EQ• NE � 6�24. �
<br /> For valwbl� eonsid���tian..Tnators irr�vocsbly a�ant, t��i��. caiw�y_�nd ass1� ta
<br /> A TnatM, 1n trust. Mith powr ot sal�, tor tfN b�ttt and �.curtty ot e.n.ftci.�y, �r
<br /> — prav:rty locatst! in - . - - . countr. N.oruk•: . , ' . �
<br />- Tht Kart� Kilf af t�i Southr�sL G�trhr iNl12SYf11} tnd tIN South H�)f cf LA�Northr�st�Qutrttr IS�lIINIl1/�1 of Stction _
<br />�- - t1� i�Tnr�fh�d:tt lNrtfi! R�Rqf f�, r��t of t�6�h P.M.� N�l1 Caunty,NtOntit:,�nd � _ �
<br /> A tnct of t�nd co�Orisirt9 i put of tht Narthr�st_quatu �Nf1t14! af&utian �,Tarnahip 12 Marth, Rtnq� it, tle�t af —
<br /> tM�6th P:II:, tn B�ii tbtntt9, NeDrnk��ore vucicui�r�� dascriD�d as foilnr:: Begznning st the lta�the�at Carner af s�i0 =_----_
<br /> North���t awrta (NYtt/}; therttf Southa►lY �1ong tA�E�st line af said Notthr�st Qu�tter IKMi141 i disttncf of 2.50r.05 _ —__
<br /> � fHt to th�Sout�u��Carner of s�id Narthr�st Qwcttr INfftf�l; thenc�w�sterlY �tong the South iiet of a�id Northrest �_�
<br /> - Outrttr t��t/t) t diatane�ot.t�738.23 fe�t; tbtnc�d�flect�eg right 90 deqtt�s 36' S0' an8`ruenin�ItortA�rlr �dist�ncr af __ __
<br /> ' P�525.10 fHt to tAt North tin� of s�ld Nofthrlft Quttter IIfMt/4); thence EaitirlY alortg t�e Narth lin�ofi :tia Mertlwut -__
<br />� oustt�r(INit/�? �dittance of 1.131.23 fett to th� place of�eq�mm�4� and cantiining 100.388 tcra, �ofe or less;�nd . _--___-
<br /> � �'� Th�Korthust Gu�rter (NEt/�) of Section 32, Ta�nship 13 Ilorth� Atnge.ft, Mest of th�8th P.N., HortrO Countg, ��-_
<br />. ;: � Nebnsk�; �nd � ��r"'�``;�' -
<br /> � "-' � The Southreat Qautar {SYtf�1 tnd-the Scuthrest QaarEer of the liarthrest Querter tSM11tMYtl�!of S�ction 25, iarath�A .. , s=-•-J-°°-
<br /> ` 13 Nort�� Renq� 11, Ntat of the bth P.M.� Mar�rd Caunty, NeDraska; end � � r�.�+X•
<br /> ���:�.,,•�.i
<br /> ; �� The SeutAKeet Guarter tSYttti at Section 33. Toxrtsb�v 13 North, Renqe t?, Nes�.tf tAe Bth P.M., NOMa/0 COYAty� � ��i Y�.::�r.
<br /> - . : . �aa�r�.f—
<br /> � '���:�±�.,. ;. MeDresk�; tnd r���,..
<br /> - Th� Southe�et Guarter isEt/�l of Section 33. TarnsM� 13 North, Rartge 11, M�st ai tAe 6th P.N., Horird Caunty, ��=-
<br /> . -��:�.°=
<br /> ,ti � Nebr�eki; �nd ' � . ==
<br />` � _ .r -. =��� Th� Narth If�1f of the S.:�theast Quarter (Ntl2Sf1it1 of Snct�on fls, fu+RsF-a t��IOrth, R�ng� 11, Il�st at the 6tb P,M.. �e�«_�
<br /> x. ' �. No�ard County. Nebraek�; anC : � ' '��----
<br /> �_.�—_-
<br /> "-.•r� The Sauth H�if of the Sac�rsest Qaattar fStf2SEtl4t ��-the Northeast�IIuar�e� ia�1Nl of Section 3�� Torns�a?�!3 -;_-,:�; =
<br /> , .;�"` �`_` North, Rartqe tt, Yeat af the 6t(t P.M., Hor3rd Cannty, Ne�resNe. ��'��''�
<br /> � . . ��-�k;:d:�
<br /> ..��a�•.��_�-
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<br /> . ;�;,:.:<..;F•: . tog�ther M1tb at i but ldings, improven�ents, fixtures, streets, s��eys, passegeMays,
<br />' ;� �3r-�y}��-:` �. .� � eaa�wents, rlghts, prlvtleges ana appurtenances locatad thsreon, �nd all peraonal property_
<br /> r,4�.�.,n
<br /> , • . ���� �;;�� , that �y b� or herssfter beca� �n integral part of such buildings and 1�prov�nts, a11 � `` ,1 -
<br /> '�°'�''°' - crop� ra1� thanon, and a11 watrr Nghts� ail of Mhtch, 1�cludtng replsce��ts and � ,- �
<br /> � ' �'� additions thareto, are h�r�by d�clarb to bs s pnrt of the �eal estate conveysa in Lrust ;i:'�, u
<br /> � �F�����`' ' h�r�by, 1t bsing ag�ead that all of tha forogoiag shall� ba hero�etaft�r r�far��d to as th� �����'�"` � --
<br /> . . z.•: ,_ �-�,,..�. _
<br /> '..�+.-i' _ri:'�•;,_ r r . '.- �.:,�,r��. '
<br /> . "'�Y:.�..:.� Prop�rty.
<br /> :;� . •.�:�. . � .
<br /> :��:'`.�."�`� FOR THE PUtPO6E OF SECIXiIlNi: �� �
<br /> ':��.i+..` • . .
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<br /> : �'%�����i.' a. Pey�nent of lndebtednsss evldenced by Trustors' note of euen date horewlth 1n th� `-�'�-��`��
<br /> , _ ,.. .. .,.
<br /> � '�;:f� � � � princlpal su� of iZ�p,ppp.pp , tog�ttNr wlth lnterest at ths �ste or rat�s provld�d
<br /> ��" i'""� th�r�ln, and any and a11 ronewals, �odiflcattons and extensions ot such note, both ` � �
<br /> . � � .: princlpal and 1nt�rest on ths note b�ing payable 1n acco�dancs Mith the terMS set forth • �
<br /> ' � th�rsin, Mhich by this rafarance is hereby nbde a pa�t hareaf; � .;. �
<br />'� . � � �. b. Tha. perfonNaace ot aach agra�snt and cownant at Trustors h�reln contslned; and I � .1
<br /> • c. Ths paynient of a11 suns advancad.by Beneflciary undsr th� terms of this ONd of �
<br />' � .�, � _ � Trust, to�ether with interast th�rson at tha rate provide0 1n the note. , ' •
<br /> ..�:. .;. .. .
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