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<br /> �. 9t<i�S�rFA or A'regicrty Ir.�eer,n�tr.c. Iliyrrovrci• �h�ll t�.ccr thc impmvemcnts nc�w cxisting an c�rcaftcr c�'c.ctcd a�a dic `
<br /> Pzopeny irsurtd agaiki5t !c►ss�ay f�re, haracds inctuded wlthin che tcrm "extcndcd covGragc" aizd uny utl�ec hazai�d�, includicg
<br /> [loods ar 0a�ding,for which i.e�tdar reyuirts in�uranc�c.This insuru�ce shal[he maintained in thc amounts vKi for the peri��ds
<br /> that l.ender requires. Tho insuranca exrrier providing the lnsurwKe Fliall tx:chosen by l3orrower subJecc tu i.encler's ahprovol
<br /> whuh ahall not �e unreasonably withhcld. !f Borrower fs�ils t�muin�aio coven+gc ci.�scdbccl ulx�vc, l.cncicr may, at Len;7cr's
<br /> option,obtain coverage ta pmtect I..encler's dghts in thc Pmiperty in acenrdance with parag�pph 7.
<br /> (1I� I(L.t3P:IlL�,�DI{CICS US?�C�ft^_4l�IS SIIAII �1C HCCP.�L��SP�O I.CII(ICl' Qlld 6�IllII I17C�14(�0 Q 5lUIHIfII'lI I11UTl$AgC CIQUSC. I.�r�Jer r
<br /> shall have the right to hc�ld lhe policia and cenewals. lf I.,ender roquires.Borraw'ar shAll promptly give to Ler�ler uU receiptc of
<br /> paid premium9 and renewal noticcs. lo the evcnt of foss,�rrowcr shall givo�Orompt txNice tu the insurancc canter and I.encler.
<br /> I,e►xkr may�nake proof of loss i�not macte pxomptly by&.-+xrower.
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower ntherw�se egra in writiz�q,insiirance proceeds shall be applfed to rest�ratiun or repair of the
<br /> Propeny dsmaged,if tl�e restorAtion or repair is eoonomica.wly fcasible arxt T.�:ndcr's soc:uxily is not Icsstned.if the restoratiem or
<br /> rcpair is not economicaily feasi6le or Lender's security w�uld be lessaned,the insurance procxds shall be applied to the�ums
<br /> sexured by this Sxurity Instrumr.nt, whethe� or not then duc. weth any exccss paid to Borrower. If Borxr�wor abandons the
<br /> Prc�ny,or does not answer,wilhin 30 days a noUce from Le�x1�r that the insurnnce carrier has offered to settl�s a cluim. then
<br /> Len�ier may c�ilat the insuxxr�ce procesds. L.eN1ox may u:,e the prceeeds to rcpAlr ar nestore the Proper.ry or to pay sums
<br /> aecured by Rttis S�'nirity Tnstnntr.nS,wheth.r or not then dae.The 30-day p�riod will begin whcn�he noticc is gi+ron.
<br /> Untess Lender and Borcaw•er ottr.cwise agree in K•slting, an}� npplication of procecds to principal shtdl not eatend or
<br /> postpone the dae date o1F th: mon�hly payments refened to !n paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the urr�ount of tha payments. If
<br /> under par�►graph 2t [ne�,��x�'is acyuit�f by I.eixie�,�tonnwcr's righs to°ny insssrancz{►olicies aixl nmceods msulting from
<br /> dymage to the Pro�rty pciu.r ta!h:acquisition shall pass co l.e��der to ttre ext:nt of d�e sums secured by thls S�curity Instrument
<br /> immediately prior ta the acquisitipn.
<br /> 6.pccup�ncy,Preservatiun,ll�inihtenance aad Pmtectton of the P►nperty;Iiorrower's Lostn Application;d.eavelw�de•
<br /> Bonower shull oaupy,est�blish,aml�use the property as Borrower's principal residence wIthin sixty days ufter the execution of
<br /> this Sexurity Instmment And shall continuo to occupy the Propeny as Borrower's principaf residence for nt leost one year after
<br /> the date of occupancy,a��c.ss Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which constnt shall not be unrwsonably withheld.or uc�lt�'.s
<br /> eatcnuating cinvmstance�exist which are beyond Eiorrower's control. Borrower shall nac destroy, dumage or im�air tde
<br /> Propeny,aUow the Prope�ty to deteriorato, or commit waste op':the Property• Bo=�'ower shall be in default if;�^��1..�'b:�'eiture
<br /> action or prr�ceeding,w�xthtr r.ivil or crim3cwl, is begun thatA�Y.ender's gaxl faith,�udgment could result in fodd'i�of th�
<br /> property or otharwisc ma't�rially impair th�c lion crtatod by this�ecurity Instrument or l.ender's seatrity E�it�:►est.Fiorrnwer may
<br /> cure sach a deisu3i and iviiuiuic,s�p��.-i��i:.�.�r'�h i°.*;Z.•!1.•2s2o°�h!°—`Minn nr�rttce�dine to!)e�.S�i35�wllh 2_LUIIIIA
<br /> tS�et, in L.enSfer's gaod faith dttenninu�ion, pnx;ltxies furfeitute af the Borrawer's interest in thc Propetty or other,.��,terial , .
<br /> impair�ttnt.tlf the lien crwted by Qhis Srcurit�• Instrttment ur i.ettdr,r's sa:urity interest. E3t5imwtr shall plso be in,�r��'u�lt if
<br /> Barrower;'c�uring the loan Application�,prvctss.$ave matcria0y fu1Se or inaccurate infoxrt�tiub.�or statements to Cet�r,tic�r fuiled
<br /> �, to provide I.endcr with any material information).ib�annect[on witb the loan avidtnced by the Note,inciiati�,ti���but tr�i�`imitod :
<br /> : •'to.e�epres�ntstions cut�ming Borrowe�'s oa:u�ancy.�af the Ptoperty as a pcincSpal�esider�ce.If�his Sec:ur^��iL-a,�tuntnt is on a 'r'
<br /> � leasehoas�;:�armwer. siu�ll comply with ull�thr. pruvisions of tht lease. 1f Borrower acquims fa title tn;'rt�a�Psc+�Y,r�;�, thc
<br /> Irasetx�'��d tlw:fee litk shall not mesge unLes�Lender agrees to�4a merger in writing. ' .�::.� .
<br /> - 7;�'+��ctioR ot I,.cn¢eriR Rigl�ts im the Property.If Borca�'cv;er faits to perform the coveaants and agrcemcnts cisti'�nit�qi in
<br /> thls Secudty Instrumot,iti oi,ttv:re is a legal proceeding tt�at may•�ignificandy a ffect I.ender's�ights in thc lP:opstcy (su6h as a
<br /> proceodin$ in bankYVpu:y;pr�bafe, for condemnation or forfeiture or co enfc�roe lawa or regulations),ttx�r+.R.+c hder maY do w�d
<br /> paY for•w;fustever is naxssary to protecc thc value of the Prop�rly and Lcnder's rlghGS in thz Prnperiy. Lender's actions may ,.,
<br /> inclucfe'p'a�iing any surns securcd by a lien which has priezity �ver this 5ecuriry Inshumcnt, appu►ring �n oourt. PaY►�B ,�;��.
<br /> ru�son�bJe dktorays'fxs and enteci7t3 nn the Property to make,xapaira.Although Lender stjny C�1ce xetion under this paragraph
<br /> - � ' T.L,�nrSer does iwt have to do so. � ' • �•. ' `�
<br /> � , Ap� umounts disbursed by Lendcr under d�is paragn►ph.7 shall beoome additional debt of.&%l�t�wer securod by this .
<br /> Socurity n�tn�ment. Unless Bomower eu�d Lender agrcx ta oth�r terms of payment, th�e a�nounts shall'beu inr,�r�st from the
<br /> : d�►.�of d��siiursemei�t at the Note rate and shall be payable, �4eh interest. uFon nsNice fn�im Leeder tn Borrowu tcqucsting
<br /> wy�• '
<br /> 8.Morfaage Ia�euxsncre.If Lender i�quirod mortgage insurar�ce as a condition of making tl�c lwn savrod by this Security
<br /> Inshyment, iiurruwer s•hall pay ttre prcmiums roquirod to maintain the mortgage insurarxx iR.et�feci. If. for any nenson, thc .
<br /> modg�ge insurw�ce ooverage requind by Lender laps�s or ceases to be in effoct,Borrower shall pay the premiums requirai to •
<br /> -- oMain covernge substant��lly equivsit�att to the mortgage insurancc previously in effect,at.n'cost snbstantinlly equivalont to tha
<br /> cmt to�iorrower of tUe mortgngt ansurance previously in effect. fcom an alternate mobt�;u;yte insurer a�provod by I.ender. If
<br /> : substantislly equivaleut mortgege insurana covu�rn�4 is not availablc,$o�rower shall pay to Lendcr each month e sum oqual to
<br /> wx-twelfth of thc yeady mortgag�insarrnce pr�.ta•a�n being paic!by Burrower when the insuranct cover,��la�sed os ccased to
<br /> bc An effect.tiendcr will accept,use and retain thcse payment�as a lass rc�erve in ticu of mortgagc insura*xc. Lflss reserve
<br /> Fwe.,3a�a 9190
<br /> = aop.9 0�a
<br /> i '
<br /> i
<br /> � — ---
<br />