_, . _. __ . _ __ _ _
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<br /> �` ..T. __..� _. .... . ... .- _ - - _ _ _ = --
<br /> � ,�,_` -. �. � :4y =�'r�.� - - _ . �__ ~£ . _ ---_
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<br /> .t__.. � .. , s - - . _ - t µ'':4AF.,�COLF!!'C.�S.
<br /> --- — • _ � .� ., " ; _ � . : _ �t f4R�� '�
<br /> w�� To MoaTS� aR na� n�o unr�e . �
<br /> � �tcx��� ` . '., fAtl1 l�IESTE/10 PNOtECTIdI ACT < 4Yr•� ^.c�c�: - ►+. st..o o�' .
<br /> ` ,., t��Lwot.�.�rG ��� � . ��.rL c,:•��nccut
<br /> =.��1
<br /> _, �� ..
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<br /> p . J ,:
<br /> . .._-----------------L-�N►.� .. _.....�- �V��-- - , � _ , N�,f•�_._..�. ..__,... __ ..__ _ .. . _...
<br /> I� accordance Mith the provisi�ns.of �he Nebraska Fa��HaNestead P�otectiarf act, `the �. . , ---
<br /> ,undersigned. ti�drnfeldt Far�. Ync., 11 liearaska CorOcratia�. lbr�n R. fiedanfeldt and
<br /> � .�Jan1t� �. ti�de�rfildt; t�rsb�nd and Mife; and Non�en C. 4tsdsnfaldt�and D7►leos E. -
<br /> H�dmfildt,M�b�r�ar�t.tiffe, Prior to executing the attact�ed Mart9a9s,�t_�ed�f Trust __ _.
<br /> ` datsd !?9� , ��_. bY and bet�+een tfie undersignad and TlIE S'�'i1'�E.�,BAMK��F fJ1Ifa0. �.
<br /> , , lNbrasica 8eniting Corporation. `� -. - " -
<br /> {her��_t�s.ftst raferred to as:'Mortga9e ar daed:o'F trust) herebY state and ackna+le��:_ -
<br />=��; i. ,T�<rio psrt af �hs fiamestend of tfie understgnad fs present]y,- ar in the., fuLure wilfi : —
<br />;�- ba. sit�rate� on the folla+ing descMbed real astate,fhereafter Parcal 1) nor are there an�
<br /> � buit�ings suffiaient to be designated as a la�estead, presently lacsted upon said Parcelii:.
<br /> ' The Nortk Nttf of�th�Southiust Qw�tir INU2SItt1;l �n0 tA�Sauth 1�iif of th�NortArB�t ou�rttr IS112MII1t�Yaf&tctio+► �
<br /> 11. in Tmn►shi➢ 12 MortR, M►tp� 11, rfsc of the tc�p.N., k�l) Sounty.'Metir�&p�; tnd -
<br /> ' A tnct of itn0 coNrising �0��� af���a����Qo�rtt� lNlltl�) af &�Ctian t� Tornshi0 12 NnrLA, Ring� 11. Mfit af
<br /> th� 6tA P.N.� in M�il Couety. Rtbr�sMt�on oae�cultrig Q�scrfb�d is follo�t: 819�mm�q a6 thf MorthNSt Corne of qid �
<br /> Ilotth�ut Qutrtlr (M11111l: tMns�Scutrtaly �1ang the E�at iin�of a�i0 Northrest QuirL�r (NMtl4) •O�st����of E,SQ3.t5 �
<br /> ,f��6 ta tAi SouLA�at Carna of s�i0 MortM�at Qutrter iKrt1�1: th�ne�M�tt�rly �long th� fiouth ltnt of�t�0 Northr��t
<br /> puttt�r tNYtltl.� dut�nt�of t�i38.23 f11t: tA�nct d�fl�ctin9 right 9G dt9���f 30' S0' �nd rum+trt9 Rorth�rtY �O��t1nt�of
<br /> � 2,525.10 fat to t��Morth {irt� af t��d NortAr�st Qu�rt�r INMit4); t��nw E�st�rly �lan�tM Narth l�n�o! e�10 NoiLM+est � .
<br /> 4'=:: Guirt�r (!Wtlt) t dt�t�nc�of t.t�8.23 feet to th� olau of b�gimm�g, ted contmm�g t00.38b eens� �ar� o� lus; tnd _
<br /> T��6oythr�at Qu�rter (SYtf�l and tn� Sauthre3t Quartar af the NorthM�at Quuter (5MtltNY1/�1 of Stct�on 2f� lornahip _
<br /> � ,:� 13 North, Renqt tt,M�at of the Bth P.M.,Norard County� tie6rdskr �nQ � - " ' ` " i-_
<br /> . 1hi Southeest puirter (S�i1/1 et Sect�on 33, Tarnsh�0 13 North, R�rtge 11. Mest of th� Qth P.M.� Hor�rd County,
<br /> -. Nebra�kt; and __
<br /> � �� ���z��:T � .1he NartA Mal�of Lh�Sauthe�st Querter IN112SE1/4) of Sect�on 3�, Tornahi0 13 tlorth, Aanqa tt. Mest of the 6th P.N.� --_-
<br /> -"�_:`. .. _ „. . .' ___,_-.
<br /> Naw�rd CouMy, NebreaNa; art0 � ---
<br /> ihe South Hatf of the South�ast Quarter IStl2SE1lt! and the Nartheast Gua►ter INEtl11 oi Sect�on 31� Tarnsh�p 13
<br /> � � �.-� ����,�,- _ North, Ranqe 11* �est of the Eth P.N:, fiorard County, Nebraske. �
<br /> � w. .
<br /> �:�-.'�.Y.::._'W� .
<br /> ;;��<�::�. :, 2. The undersigned acknoNledge that white the Mortgage or Oeed of Trust reniafns �'�
<br /> , ```��%`�`�'�"'�' unsatisfied and a lien on said Parcel 1 tFiey sha11 have no right presently or in, the . '
<br /> , �:_.���.
<br /> � _ . �=.;�_?-:��.� = future to make a designatlon of hanestead on Parcel 1. inctuding without limltatfo�, in the _ _
<br /> _::._:�: ;. : etient of a foreclosure or trustee's sale under tha mortgage or Deed of Trust. , � �
<br /> - . .. ��
<br />• � -���.:r-=-..�:.. 3. '€�e underslgned acknowledge that if, contrary to this D1sclaime�, they estaf�lish a � � . _ _-
<br /> �-`�� -'�-'� hon�estead on said Parcel 1 during tha tlme �i:e Mortgage or Deed of 7rust remains . -_ --
<br /> ��::,�.:;.. : ----
<br /> '� �"�"��''�•'��°'�`'�� unsatisfied and a lien upon Parcet 1, they s��ll have no right to make a designa�ion of . -
<br /> '�' � `''=�'Y'`'� � homestead i� the event of a foreclosure or trustee's sale under the Mortgage or T�wst Deed. Y
<br /> . .:, *t�'�'�"�,Yr-..�� �. .. .- _r_
<br /> r n..
<br /> , "'��.'$�-_..
<br /> • a. tE+e undersigned stete that this ackna+ledgNent is their krwwln9 n�d valuntary, act and � _�"` �
<br /> `l ..:,_� �� � deed and constitutes'a Mritten disclainier and acknoNledg�ent �der the Nebraska f-ar� y ����
<br /> .�.,.; :.,:` - :f�:,,
<br /> , ...='��•;`•�':, .- rotection Act and the ustders19�ed do i'iereby discla�� anY r19f►� ����ate a ' � . ` �, �:,��};r�,�=-
<br /> , .,=�: � Ho�estesd P �. �,,����
<br /> "'��� X:y ho�eatead in the event of default ac�n•such Mort9age or Oeed of Truat or in the event of a ��. .,_��{�����_�
<br /> ���{x��°' fareclasure or trustee's sale undes the Martgage or Deed of Trust. i � � ����'�"
<br /> , `:�_.�.. ;.: E . • �-,��
<br /> , -�..r.r:::•.:;;:;. . ': w
<br /> � ��'•'-' '`� 5. tfie undersigned further understand an� agree that thls acknowledgment and D4s��ai�ner � F � ;°� �
<br /> ' ''��"�4 " ��"� sha11 be f i 1�� �s a Preface to and become a pa�t of the Hort age r DeeQ of Trust. � ' � ,
<br /> - '-�--•-. ..� - � �` � // . � . .
<br /> . � oated xYla�� / 9 �q2'Z.�. _��u- � + ' � �
<br /> . - �� Nqt�n _ . Hadenfel�tt ! - -
<br /> � -..
<br /> � - �. 1at Fs �nc br Corp. _�-�.. .�a� r'_. �/.�...�o-y ��'� � =.. . -
<br /> . B _ � J n c�� E H-denfeldt �•
<br /> � - � � n�an R. Hadenfe dt, Pres. __��`�."�u�'_(a.� - � � . .
<br /> � w . � BY' ���.� . _ a..�a�` y�._�._ � - . ,; N9n�an C. Hadenfeldt •
<br /> � , � �� ' anlce E. Hadenfeld�8ecr. ,��,,,1..,� ` / � ,
<br /> . � , OyleCe F� Hadenfeldt .
<br /> ' . � STATE OF ���!•_�_. COUNTY Of 7�.� _.-.-- . .
<br /> . � .�„ .
<br />, � . � . , The fore9oing. tnstrument aas a knoWledged be�ore me�Nh�.s�l��day�,Nof��� _ �..: .
<br /> ' 19,�r bYdCaR�+9�!,�_.����1�4'�¢�lA�vi�e E�_.t'r m ?f�lL � �-' -_
<br /> � _ : .. . /VvR.,,A+v�. f�e�/-E�f.�D�Le��.E.`«h/�a�c/t a.s�G,c.�%r�..%, . . .
<br /> . - -� , " � r Mr�fo -- - _ ._. - - -
<br /> ' � STATE dF ��♦s�N� � . '
<br /> ._ � . .
<br /> � � ' •� � . The foregotng i stru ent w s acknowl�dgod befor� me �Vy�,t�� .��, 19 9Z.►by �
<br /> .. ,
<br /> .. ..
<br /> _ �llnQ,rr,.r.�� �{�,presldent_of Hadenfeldt F81hMS. Inc., a Nebraska � ` .
<br /> -- -_-__:.-—�=_�.:_==._
<br /> - -- - ,----- � - - - . . . .__ �_:.�:.��.�_Y _---� --
<br /> Corporation, �on hehalf of the Corporatlan. �
<br /> . �.-= ���IM� . .
<br /> � . � -. _ _.. _ ���,�y�i,�il�t - .. . ---: . . NOT PUBL-IC. _�. ,
<br />_ _ . �
<br /> .
<br /> . . � - -- - __ . �
<br /> . . . . .
<br />