-�...s�ww!'.�.�.f'.c' : � _ .,�, y" i iti....
<br /> �t..m�MqfrlU�f7�Pi V t - 5 -_ '�� jrJi?;;,��C,, �j} - _
<br /> ..�,av.rde/ - ' ,_ �G. ' _ - r'..',..;�I�? . .
<br /> .
<br /> 7�� I � -- �� "....�-!i':'.t�,\�-��_
<br /> ..-.«.idrW�lQl�W1i a�il3l6f t\ i nrca� -.?`�„�L�..:_i�_.."-
<br /> i�Oril�' ' '�i�Y r'J'����;t t�. :� �'r _ `.._.�.�.��__.4..._._....
<br /> -----
<br /> � ' ��� ������
<br /> �. Htucatd ur ihaperty i�ur'�nre. kiarrawer ehall k�p the improvcmcnte now cxisting or hrreafter erectcd on thc
<br /> p,ropet�y ln�ural a4{rinit loxn hy fire,hrr.�rdx inrludal wittEin the term "oxtenclecl coverage" and uny oe3�:r hazards. including
<br /> flaxlo nr I1cxxHn�,fnr wMrh l�eixlsK royuirc� it�r}a�:vnce. Th[s insur�uka ehaU be nwintAined in th�umc�nts anei for the peric�ds
<br /> that I.ender►�quircn. 'The Inrurxncn cuy'der pr�a�+idfilD tiu; insurance shal��be chosen by Ban�vrer sut?ject tn l.ender's approvxl
<br /> which nheli n�i he untrerwx�bly withhel�l, Y'F��1r��++wer fails to maintsin covr.rage describul ahove. i.ender mry, at Letxler's
<br /> A>Nit���i,s,wc«!t�c:�:':.r«��to{�m!�::i Lcr��^r.'n rl;�ltlfl�ln th+�Prn�r�rty in accordance with parngraph 7. ,_
<br /> All in�sunu�oe pnllclea uKi ronewda xhuj!ib���:a�s,ceptablc ta l.cndcr and ahall include a sta�xtard mortgage clausc. I.ender
<br /> xhrll have tht ri�ht to hold Ih�e pnficir��nd tr�wivultu Ii�!{.�eculEr require.9,Aarrowcr shall pr�mptly o�ve ia l.esnde►•nll roceipts of
<br /> p�id prcmlumr rM1 ronew�l t�►tkee. In Ihc nvam��Y+Mr.��:�lurrowcr shall�ivc prorript natice to the insumncc can4cr ntxi I..c:nde:.
<br /> i.ender nwy mwko pmof ui'lux�if iw►i mwle�rrnmpcly.hy,I3m�ou.,r: •.
<br /> Unlaew l�ender Mnci gc�rcnw�r��therwi;wn,y�r�in w.xi.°Jnpt�.;u�n�h��a�,proceeds sha�l Iw uppliod to restorutio�ti or repair af the
<br /> Araperty darnxQai,if the rtst�>mtlun or t�cpslr is tt�onnmic�liy feasibl���i�itl i�..ender's securiry is not le�sencd.If the ra9toration or
<br /> re�►9r.is not a�numic�uly fe�ibk��r lxnder"n r�ocurity would bc�essena�;.tbs insurance praceeds shaJl be applied to tho s�vns
<br /> uecurtxl by thi� Socur�ty In�lrument, whelher �r not�hen due, with any"excess paid ta Bbrsawcr. If Horrower abnnciciris,th� .
<br /> Property,or dueu nc�t nnewer wUhln 30 dnya a rxitice from l.Cndcr that the lnsurance•�apr'hir�ufferecl to scttle a r,Ju{in,:theli.
<br /> Lender m�y callect ihe inauran:e procoalti, �.encler may uxe the prooeeds to repnir or rastare the Property�:pr�.tn•'p�; s�1ui's �
<br /> suured by this Security Inattume��t. wh�ett�er c�r nut thm dt►e.Th�3D-day period wlll beg�u when the notice is$iven: .` '•.�.. � .
<br /> Unlesa l.erxkr u�d �rmwer �Nherwlee rRroe !n wrl►ing, any application af prt�cads to priacipal shall nor ektcnd.or
<br /> postpone the due datt of th�trxminlY paYnuni� rcienai ta 1��;a;a��Gy t and:��Sfr.�tiang�thc amaai�t o€the�i;�yiiaen`ts. .'df
<br /> under pRraarnph 21 the PtapeR�!�wcyuired by L.endor. E�orrower's right ta�.any'�n9u���policies and procceds ccsn)t�n��rom
<br /> r�amago to the Propeny prior t�the�rcqul�Nian�h�il p�s to Lertder to tht��teht'of ttio sums securec!by chis SocuXity T��sir�sYi�nt
<br /> immediatcly prior to the t�oquieltion. ' ' •" , '� . .
<br /> 6.Occup�r�cy�Pr+nerv�lbn,M�Inl�en�nce r�l hatecilon ot tht��!'M�erdY3 Born►wer's LoRn Applicatton;'Lot�sie�ipk�.
<br /> liorrc�wer sh�ll occupy.eatubUsh,�r�d use tho Fraperty ar Borrower's p�incd��s�r��resldcnce within sixty days after the excctition of
<br /> this Secudty Initrumrnt ud sh�ll coiulnue tu ix��upy I�te Ptoperty as Y31�.rrowt�'r'.a�principet resideixx Cor at least one y.e�r nfter
<br /> the d+�te of ckcup�ncy. unlaa L.er�dGr atwerwl�e y�in writ�ng, whi�,�.cAnaOn�t shiall not be unrcasonably withh�id. ox-,�aleas
<br /> exidwuting circum�tuicra exi�t whkh �ro beyund Horr+�wer'e oonlrol:..Brrrriiwer shall nnt dcstmy, darn�ge or im�i}r the>
<br /> Property, allow the Pcc►pecty eo deterlorafe, ar c�ommit w�utr nn � Prapecty�;`��nzrowcr shall bc in defwit if bny d"rtrt'�ilure,
<br /> act�on or p�eding, whettxr civll nr crSmin�l,i�be�un Ih�t !n�.ender'a�g��cl�":i;?�judgmrnt ar.ild result in forfeitu�,��•ahe. '
<br /> t__ 1 L.. Li�O� ..S i N � � I.fa�f ' � •
<br /> I'10pE�[y Or OCIfRWIR 1►I�It.tI11jlr IT�t�tit�iiio��crt�iwiat�7 uuw w�.'i3��i�,i3b.'Fii;:,.•.'i..:.'t..:7�:t o oL:i3i:i'��rii.. �!'�,�11'�'«383'.� ;,:_. :._
<br /> curo such a default Rnd relrotue,�e providod in p�ny{rnph 18. by cauaing the action or pxoccrding to be dismissod witti'a`ivilit�{ . �!.'�..�;�'
<br /> thnt, in I.axkr's�Cwd f�ith'ddetminntian, ptbcluda Corfeiture of the Hoe�v�nwer's lnterest in the Property �r othgN::r�Atcrial•�':'.',;•'�••,..
<br /> im�aimie►et of the lien crarted by thie Sex�urity Inslrumant or Letxirr's �ecurity intsrest. Borrower shall also be iri:�e`fuWt.�f•� :;:.•,�....
<br /> Bormwrr,darEnE the lau�appliauion procew.��ve mNerially f�l�e ur it�cc.�unte infar�ttation or swtements to Lcitd�r��(b{;�.��ileii' �' ';�,:':..
<br /> W provkk I.rnde�r with�ny r►u�terid infornwlanl in�ylon with ihe Io�n evickt+uu!by che Nota.including,�t•tiof:t��niteci :.;:�':'`•';:
<br /> to,rep+aent�ti�m concemina Borrc�wer'�occup�utcy of the Pn►ryerty�uc N pHncip�i�l+csid�ei�cc. If Fhis Security InstninicnC�is ori a . .;,i:;,".,
<br /> les�et�ld, �orrower atie!! compiy with �I! the �xovl�iWU of the laur. If Borrawer•aai�uires fee citle to the Pirii�cr•.ty:tt►c .
<br /> Loe�eiwW wd the fa Ude�hall twt mer4a unla�Le�r rxroa tu!he meresr in wrl�ug.� ';, .'`; '; ',
<br /> 7.te�oteetiiw ot l.�der'a R�1Kr in tba ProMHy.It Bortuw�r idl�to perform�tihe cavenants and agreeineraa oqiiiuiil�iC i�t ;".''�'
<br /> d�is Soa�rity In�aun�tnt, or there ia s I �! nxeadin Ihat m� ;i rt�iflceMly aftect Lender's ri ts in thc , . ' `;��.;
<br /> C'li P i Y R BF► PropertY f$tt�ti,as a ,
<br /> pro�oe+edin=in l�nknrptry.p�t�te. for r.c�demnalian cx CacfelWro or lo onforoe laws or negulations). ti�rn I.e�der uny t�o and
<br /> p�y far whatever ie nxesury ta prolect tlK v�lue of tha Property sed Lerider's r�B�sa in thc PmpertY. L�rda's actions may
<br /> �� P�Y� +�Y �� �� by w lie� which h�r priority nver this Sa�it��:�nairument. app�auing in court, pry�ng
<br /> rcno�bk�qorneys' fea and enterin�ot�tl+r i�wtiy ta m�tco s�pJ». Altlwugis�Lt,��.���nay takc actian undex this P�r�i►�1►
<br /> 7.t.eada�cba not htva w do io. �� .;•�.. ,':�`::
<br /> A�sy uno�nts diibuaed by L,e+drr utMer thi4 pa��rnph 7 �II beoame �cWitlorW debt 9f Borrower �eaicod��,;shis •� '''`
<br /> Security InswmeM. Uplas&xrower�ud[.ender a�roe W arther tar►t�s of ptymes�t� these cunou�i�SkiaU bcar int��el�'�riira the �,�����
<br /> d�e of df�bur�anrnt M the NcMe r�te aud �h�ll be p�y�bk, with lnte�. upon notiee from I.EiiiyYex to Borrower:itquCs�ng '�.� _
<br /> p�Y� . `�..,�t ,., . ..
<br /> S.Morf;ye�tu�aeee.if L,arider requireti mari�e Inwnu�ee�a cnnciition of making sbc lnun•sccurod by thiai�curity �
<br /> I�utrument. Borx�ower ihall p�y the prcrniurn�roquin+d W m�int�in tha mo�a insurat�ce 1n eftccc;.fi. far any reaccin;•tha
<br /> nwrtgage inwrmoe ooven�e ren,uired by Ler+der I�a�ct�e�lu be in eftact, Barrower sfwl!pay th�'�{ccniums rei�iiireil tu
<br /> obhin cm�ery�e tubstaMially equivalrnt tn tha rt�wt�+�e imwrwmx prevlcx��y in effect. �t a aosr,subatnn�•islly oquiv�tent td'the .
<br /> ooat to Fbrrower of the mo�tgage iruucyu�ce prevlau�ly in rffaw, fnan kn �IternMte mongage insurtr npproved by Y;endtr. If
<br /> substantially equlvdent mort��e ineumnce crnen�e Ir rx�1 KvNll�ie.WxtuwCl'nh�ll p�y to Laldul'I�CII TMK1P1tIt A SUAiI OQWI l4
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly rrx►itg�o insurance prcmium heirtR MN1 hy pom�wer whrn Iho inwrorKSa cov�nge laQsod or ceasod to � � .�
<br /> be in ef�'ect.i.ender wi)l AocYpt,use u�d rn�ln ttxxa payi�entN��► N I�►�a rotlerva in Ueu uf mortgaga�insuxnnc:e. Loss seser+e
<br /> • • Fa�m�Q�Fi �flYO
<br /> �yp�o�� � . • •
<br /> , • i
<br /> , '�:
<br />