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<br /> . .�.�. �`�a.1.i�..�i , .• � . . . , � .. � . � . � ' ` � . . � .
<br /> ` . : .-. . .. .. �.. : ��n►�+�d�r'�`� .
<br /> ' � TOG�I'�¢R WFlH all the impcovanenu mw ar l�e�eafter emted oa�tlsc prapeity,aad all Gts�m� .
<br /> � and 5xtures tlow ar hee�fter a g#R of the papetty:�All t+eplaoeaxats aM additioos sl�all,also be c�vued by tttis Sec�rity
<br /> -- _-----��Li�tnu;��4iEtk3fi3�its.aga�ngist$f�redtcsi�tti�sSeca�st�;fi��s�"Piaga�=�-- —._�- -------.—.--- _ � -- -
<br /> BORROWEtt COYENANI'S that Bamwu is Iawfally seised of tt�e estate hereby conveyed and 1�tUe right to grant_
<br /> . an�t couvey i�e P+�perty"-snd dat the Pmperty is jmencum6eral.except for ttsct�of�ecord Ba�svwtt warr�ts snd
<br /> wt'Q defrna gmetally d�e titk m tlx Pnopetty�ga�ast ali claims aid dematids.subject to airy encumbrances of tecord
<br /> 't"�IIS SECURTf1l IIV$7RUMENT com6iaes unifomi covenants for natioaal use and ttori-uniform covenants witb
<br /> timited`vuiat3ans b�,j�uisdietioa to�a unifosmsesuiiry instrument covcriug ieal groperty- � , . ,
<br /> � iJN�ORMQOVENANTS. AarovreraMl.endcrcove�aat�ndagc�eecasfoIlows: � . .
<br /> l. PJ�J�nt d Ptl�cipd a�Lterest:'Prep�yAe+�t aod Late Cdargc�. Borrower si�all P��PtiY PaY wheti due the
<br /> " ' principal of a�N!inte�est an the deM evidaxM by the Note and anY P�Y�t and late cUarges due under the Note.
<br /> . i P1ds kr 7i1�s a�d,L�soea Subjc�cE m spQlicable!aw or w a written waiver by l�ender.Bomnwer s6all pay w
<br /> La�der oa tite day montiilY PaY�nts are due iinder the Note,until t5e-Note is paid in full.a sum("Ftmds")for.(a)Y�Y
<br /> taxes and assacs�trrnts wftich may�n priority over this S�taif�:I�aent as a lien on the-Pr.cipert�(b?Yeazly l�id -
<br /> P�Y��a'��oa the P�peRy, it any; (c)Y�Y,�,�P�PeRS► insuru�oe.�.(d):YeaclY flood
<br /> ias�aance pemiwas,�f any; te) Y�Y�SaSe ins�:piiemni�.if any:and(�any sdms.�ayabTe by Bociower m
<br />- - I.ertder,ia�du►ce wuh the pmvisions of par�SraPh 8;in lieu of.the paymeat of mortgage i�nrance premuuns. 'tt�ese
<br />- items ane qikd"Escraw Items." La�der ma}r.at anY haie:salkCCa�)d 6o1d Fnnds in an amounE noF tQ exceed tlizmaximmn
<br /> - amouat a lender for a frderaUy nlated mortgage Taan tffag iequse fai Bariower�s escrow acawni imder t[te�ederal Real
<br /> Estate Settte�sient_Pra�dw�s Act of l974 as amsn�ded from fine ta�,�me;'�Z EJ.S.G§2601 et seq:�'RFSPA"),un2e§s anott�er � -
<br /> �w that applies to tAe Funds sets�lesser anwun� tf so,l.ender�ay;ai a�ry Ume.collect and hold Funds in ah amaunt not to ` - _
<br /> - — � excad tire lesser amoant.::Lr�der may estimate tl�e.a�naunt of��due arf'fh�;'Ua.vs of cumnt data an�:r�as�nabie �-
<br /> eswr�ates of expendimns af"fufa�Escrow Items or ottx7wise in accArdai�e wish app�cable law. � :::'<�'� : : , _—
<br /> _ 'ilre Fuods s6aI1 be helii ii�a�cisatutian wtiose deposits ate insuir.d tsy�,federal age�y,iastramrntalitj�.ix entiry . _--
<br /> � (inclading T_snder,if Lender is sach an in�iN�on)or in any Fed�ai Haiite Loan.Banic. Lender shall apply the Fands'to pay:;,•_. .
<br />__- � the Fsc�ow Items. Lentler may not ebarge Bormwer for iwlding anit:ap�I}ring the Ftu�ds.an�mallY analyzing ihe escro�:?_�. __----
<br /> � a�xouat,or vefifying the Escrow Items.�ntess Lender pays Baaowec mteiest ori{he Funds and applicable Iaw Permiu°; �-�_�-.
<br /> �nder tq maice such a charge. However,Lender may nequ�te Bomower to pay a ane-time charge for an indepzadent�at =��---
<br /> . '���.p��rting seivic,e used by l.ender in connection with this toan.uulessapplicable law provides othenvisr. Unless an r`��`-5;_
<br /> �-_� ...__-
<br />, ,�i� -° - agrcem�?3 is nsad�ar applicabte taw requires interest to be paid,LendersbaU not Te'ieiNired to pay Borrower�ip intetest ar - �:.,;:r_,,:N�
<br /> '�;. ,,,, eamings on�he Fimimd.�. Horrowes and Lender may agree in wnhng,hosvever.tt�at intesest shall be paid on the Fur,ds. Lender -�` :'•
<br /> d •_
<br /> ' � 's6a11 give to Borrower,without charge,an annual accountiog of ihe Fimds,showing credits and debits to the��m�s and the ':��-`'
<br /> ;r r;yF��€.:���
<br /> i°� .�wpose for which eacb debit to the Funds was made. The I�mds are pledged as adc�tiunal security for aA surms secured by ,�;.:�-:��-.
<br /> • - #iisSecutiryinguumen�. ' /�� �
<br /> .�`t x�'�.�--_'-_
<br /> " If the Fund4 held by Lender eacced tiie amounts permitted to 6e held Iiy'applicable iaw.Lender shaII'account to ��,���
<br />� ��`� Borrower for the excess Funds in accordanre witt�the requirements of applicabte law. If the amount af the Funds heid by• .. �
<br /> S Lender at aay tune is not sufficient ta pay ihe Escrow Item.c when due.�.ender may so no[ify Borrower in writing,and,in ' ���:
<br />• ' sucd case Balrower shall pay to l.ender•the amount necessary ta make up the deficiency. Bomawer shall make up the . �
<br /> ?;, deficiency in no more than tweive monthly payments.at Lender�s sote discretion. �-, = �::
<br /> '� Upon payment in f�ll af all sums seaured by this Security Insuusnent,LendersisaU P��P�Y refund to Borrower any _si�i�,
<br /> � '• Fut�ds held by Lender. If,ander paragraph 21,Lender shaU acquire or seil the Prop'erty.Lender,pnor to the acquisition or -•,,-- .�?�
<br />. sale of the Property.shap appiy any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale a4 a credit against the sums __ ; .•
<br /> �r secured by this Secarity Insuumen� �'.T� ;;,�:
<br /> ' i;��' 3. Appikation of Payments. Unless applicabie law provides otherwise.all paymenu received by Lender unQer ,. ,�
<br /> •-• paragraphc 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts payable under , �`
<br /> �r ., -
<br /> , paragraph 2;third.to iaterest due;fourth,to princ�pal due;and last.to any late charges due under the Note. _ _ __
<br />. �;. .`' 4. Cluirges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes.ac.sessments, charges.fines and impositions attributable to the • _ —
<br /> '. •.� ; propetty which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or gtound rents,if any. Borrower _ __�--
<br /> _ � shall pay these obligations in the marmer provided'm patagraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bonower shalt pay them on .`��-__
<br /> :- n�,�;:�� siine direcUy!v the person owed payenem. Harrower shall promptiy fumish to Lender all natices af amounu to be paid under :��-
<br /> • '_ .� - �sis paragraph. If Harrower makes these paymenu directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing ��--
<br /> r � ; . • ' ahepayments. �� •. -- ---
<br /> '`� � Borrower shall promptly dischazgc any lien which ha.g priarity avcr this 5ecurity Instrument unless Harrower:(a)agrees `�
<br /> -,. :�: i. ' � •� �
<br /> � - in writing to the payment of the obligadon secured by the lien m a manner ucceptable to I..ender.(b)contests in good faith the . � �•"�,;.
<br /> :.: ..,��,.
<br /> - - ;�. � lien by,or defends against enforccment of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the l.ender�opinion operatc to prevent ihe r..' —
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holdcr of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinadng the lien '�_'�'"�''�
<br /> � • � to this Security lnstrument. If Lender detcrmines that any part of thc Property is subject ta a lien which may�tain priarity j� '� :� =��_�
<br /> { �: ��over ihis Security Instrums�n�.Lendcr may give Bartawer p notice identiiying thc lien. Boaower shall satisf the tien or take .
<br /> Y �(' � ' •.�_
<br /> one or more of tLe uctions seg farth above within tU days of tha giving oi'noticc. �i�� , _ `
<br /> `-�y� :.�'��-',f ' S. Hazard oe Property Insuvaaoe Borrowcr shall keep the improvemcnts now existing or hereafter erectcd on tfie
<br /> ""Y"1'f'y�_...` .�'� !
<br /> ::�,,,:, . ti•; � ' Froperty insured ag�inst los.c by fire.hazards included within the tem�"extended coveragc'and any other hazards.inelud'mg � �
<br /> - -- '� -� floods or 1looding,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> . '.����=�°T.. - , .
<br /> �'- .,
<br /> '�[./R��.�
<br /> ,. 1,::,� ; furm 3018 9/9A (pagc 2 uJ6 pa;qssJ •
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