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<br /> � �O��.IM� '
<br /> . • 1 b. liurruwcr'r��oE�y.t�ar�nwer rhell ba givcn�no cantorrr�ed cc�py ai tha Note enA ot thi�Secur�ty inAtn�ment�
<br /> 1'/, I i'9i1�ICP t1P YEIn IDA�e+�i.���B as �N2�tte�icial![e�te���t in!'�oxeotyer. ]t ell �r nny�art af tho Property ar�nY
<br /> in4ere:+t�n ic i�Nn1d or transi�rrecl�or if n benttici�l intere�t ir►I3orrewe�ie c�old or tr�tteterrod t�nd liorrowtr ie ant r
<br /> natural p��r:,ony withaut I.ondo,�'e pnor writtcn cona�ht.l,ender m�y�at ito optton,roquiro immedlate prymcnt in 4uU ot
<br /> ali eum�; >:ecured by thia Secudty Inatrument. Horvever, lhie aptton etulf not be exercie�ed by I.enckr if exerclee i�
<br /> prahii�i����l by f�der�ll�w�eof thecleteaithtaS�cridtyInetrument.
<br /> it I.�ndec eYecaees thi�opdon�l.ender eh�ll�ivo Borrowor rwtice of accelerttion.The notioe ehdl prov[ue�pariod
<br /> of not le��;�t�nn 30 dayR trc�m tho da*.e the nottce�ie detiverod or maIled aithin NhIch Barrower muet py�U sums eocurod
<br /> by tnis Srrurify 1uB:i ai.i�nY.1?L'r3;:a�c:4cila ts►�,�y th�^:e�mn or to the n� trtinn e�t tt�ie pe�ioe�,I.eneler rtesy invoice ,
<br /> anyrem«IicspermittedbythieSa:uritylaRtrunn�ntWithout[ur�e noticeor�m�ndonHorro�►er.
<br /> 1 S. 13urrower'a Ri=ht to Rr.in�tate.It&ascmxer meete ceruin conditione,BorroNer eha11 havo thc�rl�hx w 1s�ve
<br /> ontorcem�uc of this Secunt�[nssrument diacoa��»�a1 at�ny tisne prior ta tM auritor oi:(�)S daye(or euch ottbr pociod
<br /> �a applir:�i�lc IaN may specrfy for reinsta�tement)bctoro e�Ie�t the Pro pureuant W Rnypo Wer ot e�le oont�ined in
<br /> thie Securic}� Inetrument;or (b) entry of a udgment entorcin�tl�i�s�nty Iastrumei►�Ttweo condidone�re that -
<br /> Harro�ecr: (n) p�ye Lcnder all suma which t�would bo duo unckr thia Socurity Iaatrumemt�nd the Note�e it no
<br /> wocicra����u l�ed occurcad;(b)cure:s sny�:'fst�.E ai eny other coven�nta�or agrecmetete;(c}pi,ye all eipetseee incart�d in
<br /> enforcin�;�his Socurity Insttumant,incleid�r,�,b���cwt limited to�reaeon�blo atWmeys'te�eas�nd{d)takes soch�ctloa�s
<br /> Lender m,�3�raeannbly requiro to sesusm�chnt thr,.lic7i oi this SSocurity Instrumrnt,I,enOar e ri�hte in the Fhti>prrty rad
<br /> Borro�ecr's oblig�tion to p�y the sums�ocunerl by tl�is�ecurity Instrumcntsh�ll oontinue unchan�ed.Upon nin[R�triment
<br /> by Horro�rer,thIe Se�curity Inetrument a�nd s�e c►bla�tio�a eocunad hereby shall remaia tu14y e[tactivoR�If rx��celaration
<br /> had occurred.Howovet,this ci�ht to reinstav,:shni�s•wt a•�iy in the cas�of acaleration under paraRca�h a?.
<br /> !�).ti�lo a�Nota:Chan=e oi Lwn Sarviccx,TM-f�Tote o��putiel intereet tn the Nota(t�o�et�nt�ritP►tl�is Securit�
<br /> Instrument)me�bes eold oeo or more timai xitt�TVx pRiar aodoe to Borroncr.A e�lA m�y rosult�a chan�e i�n tbeeadty
<br /> ttnown.�s the p an S�rvioer")tn�i tx�3lEi:ia ti.i��t.:ti�t�Y�aXni�wt�dtr v�T�9tr�1's I<o!�e r.�id Lt►.�A�._�Fy L*�t�!�fen�Thare
<br /> atso may 4x:nna or more ctau►gee ot tho Lorm;�ricer u�r�lated to a s+�o of the Noto.It thare ie a chan�e af the T�oan
<br /> Servicer. I3ncrqWCf WiU b0 giVCi1 Wf1ttQA AOt1Ce O��iE►t e�ang�in�000rd�nce pith patagn , 14 above wd appiical�le 1rw-
<br /> The noti�•<«'i 1!ntste thc n�me end adda+�oi�ttK:nn�la�a�ar.'cWZa."r end the�ddraes to N�ch�payments st►a�uld be mde.
<br /> Tha notirr.+�ill ilso contain an�y other i�brantti��uirad by appliable l��r.
<br /> 2Q. 1luz�rdoua Sabstaacea,BornnR�r ehnlb�tr!�t�cauae orpermit tAe�x^oeence.uee.diepoed.etara;e,or relaseo!
<br /> �ny Hazardu►,�Sube:tat►ocs oa or in tt►e Property:�rAnnvNess stull aot do,nor dloM anyone else to da,mytlaan�aftoctiWl
<br /> the Pro�n rcy thnt is in violati�n oi any 8nvimnnnertnU li aN.7'ho pr�oodin�two eentences shtll�'���p��
<br /> uee� ar :.curngo on the Prcy�+erty oi em�ll qe�nn3itiw at fLz�rdoue Substancea that am � � �
<br /> �ppro_priate t�narmal resideraeitl uses aad to na�i�st��ance oi thd Pew�perxy..
<br /> I3��rrut+er stu►11 promptiy give L�ndor writtea e�o#ia ox anq investiQauon,clum�dems�d;,itMRUit or otbee action b!
<br /> any gocernmcntxl or rcgulatory agenc:y or pRavate p�tty involv�ng tha Propa'ty u►d aa��► gLz�rdove Su�+stanae�'r
<br /> �nvt►�nmenu►1 T.�+w of wDueh Borroxer I�erstiml.�knoNledQe.If&xroMer larne,or ie notif ed by aay=ovanmmtil nr.:
<br /> te�uIatcir�• authority. ti1Rt any removai or uiin4i�icr��oui's�'v�,�S:�� ',.�.-""�...•�^L:.�sl�� =f!�•�•:^:��w---�e,rx�ert*�s"
<br /> nooa,�ar�,liorrowcr shall prompt1�y tate�ll ueaoc�►rY�����in aooardaace�vith BnfYranmaawi I.aw. ,
<br /> As u�,ed in this paragraph Z0. Hazud�+�n�u�"are tt�+�c evbehnoee dalined�tw�iT oc h�zsrdo}�na�be�tan'ar;i`.,.
<br /> by Envir�,nmentol I.aw and the followarr�subotamcrr�:paoline.iCa�oeene.other[IunmabiQ ar 3otia patcx?teiuut txoduat�� .
<br /> touc �x:��i�ides and hecMcides. volatiRe eol3c.n�s�•�nn�teri�le oontainin� �e�lxatae a �a'n►'A1'il�,�'3e; as�d radit�ecri�°
<br /> matorwl,:. As used in xhiR pnrsg�aph 21�,"Envircr.a+;�t.er�i1�1 LaM"meane fedprtl la�ve tnd laws of+the�Iacl�cdon whare tha
<br /> pn�pezc��is tucated tlut relatc ta halth,�terty�r srzrr'n�r.o�►Yental Ptotection•
<br /> N()4-UNIPORM COVEN.4NTS:Harmufic'ani4 Lender turther covan�at ind�Rroo�a fol[o�rts: :
<br /> 2l. :lccolorriion; Reanedie�. I�ndeir,sb�ell �ive natice to 8atsoa�er pslar to a000leratia� [oltuwins
<br /> Borro+ccr's bnach of�ny covea�at or�trQement in ttiis�erc�zity Ia.etrumant(bvc nat�rlar to woel�rallo�
<br /> �ndor pnrs�raph 17 vn�as appl�cable tae pcoVrtlea otherwi'ao1.Th�aot+ico thall rpecity:(��ths def��li;(b)t�e
<br /> aation rcqui�ed to cue+e ith�e default; (aj a da!te� aot lea t��i 34+�aFstfi�rc�m the dau' tLe n°tl�e i° �i�as to
<br /> Bono++�er, by which tlarr!s�kctault muat be camnd;,'a►nd(a!)ih»t 1�ilure tc��.em tLe def�alt oa or be[�e tl�e d�ta
<br /> rpocitied in tho noticd r�ay reault la tccxletatif�a'mt tLe sq�i�c.�scured by'thi�5ocwit IsNSrama�t ateid aak ot
<br /> tYa Properi3�,Tho notica ah�ll fart.�cr ic+t�.r�n Hono�er o!3he ri�ht ta rein�tate�ter sooebratiaa tad the
<br /> ri�ht t�> brin�a couri sction to assttt thd��nn-e:ietenoe a?� dei�ult or�ny othor de/on�e ot Aotcower to
<br /> •000lcratiun and salo. If tho dcfaul�t is nt�t aa�nd ou or befure the date rpeciiied ia the aotioe. 1.eudAr.�t iq
<br /> option, �nay require immedi�te pspQuat iq'��o�}!i of a11 au�n� seccr*cd by thi�Sacurity Iwttu�oeat witko�t
<br /> tartt�er dcm�n�i aad may invoke tho pawat mft sale �nd any otlter romedie�pecmiRted b7 �,,Pl�+bb l�w.
<br /> � � l,endcr shull ba antitled to colla:t sll eipaststitlt"uvaune�ta pursains tbe nme�ies proviAied in't�yr peta�npb
<br />-- ZI.including.but not!ir»ited to,re�►i+axosb4e�e+ttorneya'[ee�and eo�ti oi tttloevtdenx. �
<br /> Ii th c power of eale is invoke��Trbatt�c 4ha11 racard�notice o[de[ault in d�eh county ia�rh�c6 aaY o.rs�'..�
<br /> tlte Pru�►crty is lc�eated and shall m�il�COp.�Qfi such aot�ce in tfle itUaaerpc�r ihed br•pplie.blel.w,',q�v,',`
<br /> $orrotiti•cr and to the criper p�rsnns �wri��c�.�y spg{icable law. After the tietxQ teqnired by ap�!#c�b{R l�rv�"
<br /> Trustce shalt�iva publlc notice of.;z:.tu tt��pet�on�aad in the manner pre�crtbed by applicrblo Uw.Truaxee�, .
<br /> without dumand on Borrower.ehell e�:1l�tha��'roperty�t public�uetion to the hishe�t bidder at the tin�a�d .
<br /> plsco and uur.dor the term�desi�a�tod in,ttt�noticx ot salr nn one or more p�rcel���.d in�uy order Ttrs�ts�,
<br /> determi»�si'"d'rusteo may postpone eale�o.f,�91 or any QactietR+of t6e Proptrty by�nblic aanonnoem�at�t�1��
<br /> timc and �►'fa�ce of�ny previously schddttGxd�s�le.Lender�r it�dedinee m�y parch�ee the Proporty at i�ny
<br /> salo. • .
<br /> � fw� 3f21 !I�
<br /> �j —6R{it!�►4�ztx�o+ ' r,i.e.t;e InIt1�Ia��
<br /> '>; „.
<br /> � • .
<br />