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<br /> `f!N Peap�h i��0 Wr�p a d�m�d.l�ndu ffull h�w Uf�opf�orR in id saM ard ab�ONM�N�on.,I��� ,
<br /> albtd�OucUnptlNrKranNICO�afld�xP�nfMkieurt�0 byiliet�00nMefiOnYrNftwChPirOC��d�.uPa1any _
<br /> - -— - _iat�a�as�cle�iecee��-Mbtas�h_�dt�Nons�nlhar�MtsiUoaatlha-�- - _
<br /> prop�rtYupexfsucAwndiUo�a�l.andMe�aydeNrrNnRMysppiiqdondProos�dsloindebMdnMSthWnot�xl�ndorp0itpp� .
<br /> 1tN dtN dtl�ot u1Y 9sY�b under tt�Naa.or Curo ar►Y dKault thersund�r or heteunder.My anaqpiib tunds�lf�llbE piid b .
<br /> ��wbe�e��LNrtiK Upon tAs occurtence of an Ev�nt of Detaultt�ereunder.or if any act is fak�n o►top�!proes�din�
<br /> �wldch�yalkcts Land�r's inMrestin tl�e Pmp�cty.larber rr�Y in i1s own discre�on.b:it whfwut Wd'g�fon 10 do ,
<br /> a0.and wiff!out nctics to o�dem�nd upon Trustor and witl�out nileaftnQ Truator from any ob�ipat(on.do arry act whkA Tru�tor fw .
<br /> ayreed buttails to Qo and may aisa do any other ad it deems Aecs�sary taprotect d�s secuMY hereoR Truator shail,ifimedi�lNy
<br /> upoo dernand therefor by Lender,pay to tender ail costs andexPertses(nCUrreQ and aums exP�►��b1►LandR�in conn�cNOn wilh.
<br /> , fhe sxarGae by Lender of Ufe fore�otnp ri�hta,toyether.with interest tAereon atthe detautt rate provided in the Not�.which ehait bw
<br /> added q 1hs Indst�edn�ss aa�sutea here�fl.��raf►�if•not incur any lia6itity because ot arriMirp it msY do or omit 1�da.
<br /> lietaunde►. � . `:` -
<br /> g,Hata�dous Msl�id�.Tniatar shstl keep the Property in compliance w�f afl appticabte taw&:ard[narrces and roputations
<br /> rNatirti�10 industriat hypiene or ernfronmental protection tcoitectivety referred to liereln as°Emironmenfai Laws"�.Tiu�tot stwll
<br /> keeptl[e?ropedy iree from atl substances deemed ta be hazardoua ovtoxie unCer any Enviranmentat I.awskoilectivetY rafe�radto
<br /> fx�ein as"Hazardous Materlsis"�.Trustor heraby warrants and�epresents to I.ender that thera are ao Huardous Ma�ials on or
<br /> undsrtM Pipperty.TrusOor here6�ayrees toindemaity a�dho!d harmtess Lender,ita directors.olficers.�nRfoyaesaud agsnls.and
<br /> - a�yy successors to iendee s iaterest t�om and again�t any and all ciaims,damages,losses and fiabitides arisit�in con�scdon wilh
<br /> -= the presence,pse�.disposa�ov traaspoR of any Hazardeus Materlals on,under,trom or about the�Properly.THE FOREt301Nt;
<br /> -= SUpV►i/E qFCOh�'',7�YANC�OF TFliS OEED OF TRUST.
<br /> -_: t0. Aui�wit d R�U.Truator hereby assigns w 1 ender the�ents,issues and profits o1 the PropeAy:pravided that Tru�tor
<br /> - sh811,u�►tiltheo�rx"s..-ssnce otert Eventat Deffiuithereunder,havethe rightw cotfectand�etain such rents,issuesandptofitsas.they
<br /> become due an-��.�yabfe Upon the occurrertce ot an Event af OefaulL Lender may,either in persort or by agert�witfr ar wiMout
<br /> - bringing any acras.ar proceeding.or by a rec.�ver appointed by a court and without regard W tne a�+ecF.uacY of itsaacurity.enter" •
<br />-.�: upon and take pcssession of the Property,or any part thereot in its own name or in the name of thet►us�:;��da any acts whicti it
<br /> Seems necesaary or desirabteto arpservethevatue,marketabiliry or rentability oi the Property.orany part°�a:eator 1nte�esttherein.
<br /> inerease the ittcome therefrosre ar protect the security horeof an0,with or without takir��3ssessian of tde Prapeny.sue tor ar
<br /> - atherwise catlezt tne rertts.issass and Frafit3thereof,iactudtag those past due and u�'�artd appty the same.tess costs and
<br /> ,�. w expenses o1 oper��n and colieotion inctudin?�tiomeys'fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,at1 in such order asLender
<br /> may deiermine.l'�e entering upon and:akin�.�sssession ot the Property,the coitection of such rents,issues And profits and+he
<br />�°`':��' apptication the►ea!as aforesaid sha!!not c�e cr waive any detault or notice ot delsutt hereunCe[or imalidate any act done in
<br /> � - :esponse to such delaultor pursuantto s�ch natice of defaultanA;notwithstanding the condnuance in possession oithe Rroperry or
<br /> •��•�`� the�oliection,receipt and applicaHon oi rents,issues or profits,a�d Trustee and Lander shatl be entlded to exersise every righi
<br />� ':�t provided}or in a��af the Loan tnstru�rents or by law upon occurrence ai any Evem of Dafault,includina without limitation the rlght
<br /> `%`r t0 ex3tCi8B th9�33�3'7 Ot 8810.FuRher,lenders rights and remedies under this paragraph sfiail be cuma'atiue Xi4h,and in no way a
<br /> -.<<; limitatlon on.Lend�r's rights and remedies unde��+ny assignment af teases ar�rents recarded against�:e Froperty.Le�der,Trustee
<br /> = and the receiver shail be liabie to aceount onty for those rents actually received.
<br /> � 11. Ev�nb M OMaulf.The f4ifawing shat:cansGtute an Event ot Oefauit'under G�s�ot Trust
<br /> ;� i: (ay Faiture to pay ar:�irtsta��ment of principat or interest of any other sur.i se�:.ed hereby when due; __
<br /> ' (b)A breach of or deyau[L under any provision contained in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any et the Loan tnatru�:�ts.or anY �_-
<br /> ,. other lien or ancumbrance upon the Pruperty: � ==_-_---
<br /> (c)A writ of execution or attachment or arry similar pracess shail be entered against Trustor which shat)become a lien on �^��t�_
<br /> '� ;;- the PropeRy or any postfon 4hereol or in�erest therein; `--�
<br /> .. . t _ ��•-x� .
<br /> . (d)There shall be tiled by or against Trustor or Borrower an actron under any present or future tederal,state or other .;,;•,s
<br /> � statute.Iaw or regulation relating to bankruptay,insotver.�or other reliei for debtors;or thare shall be appolnted any trustee. ,:�:.�;-._
<br />, t• �� receiler or liquidator of Tivator or Barrower or ot all or ary pan of the Property,o�the rents,issues or profits there0l,or Trustor �;%s�•�• -
<br /> -•r,.-,:.g_-.
<br /> .�;- .
<br /> or 6onower shall make any general assignment tor the benefit of creditors; •�. . �,:::__
<br /> ` • (e)The sate.t�ansfer,�ease,assipnment,conveyance or fuRher encumbrance ol all or any part of or any interest in L:� ___ . _
<br />: • • ;��• prcperry,ei��voluntarNy or(nvoluntarily,without the express Hritten consent of Lender, provided that Trustor sfiall Is� :
<br /> permittedto6xs��teatease ofthePro���"�tthattloeanotcontainanoptiontopurchaseandthetermotwhichCoesnotexceed
<br /> ; ona year, �
<br /> , (Q Abandonment of Leee=�r�perty;cT '�`;:�'•`.
<br /> . •� (g) If T�ustor is notan ia0ividua�.the:ssrance,sale,transte�,asaig4ment,conv����:e or encumbrance o}more Lhan a total �;�:.�;° �.-__
<br /> �'. ' -
<br />_ . � - w-
<br /> , �} percent ot(it a corporatlon)its issued and autsfanding stock or(if a partnership)a total of percent a` ' :'"�ra�
<br /> parfiersh+p;�sterests during the period this Deed of Trust remains a t�n on the Property.
<br /> ' 12, Et�mrQiN;A�N�nUon Upon DNauH.In the event ot any Event af Oefault Lender may,without notice except as requireC tsy . -
<br /> • Iaw.�eciare all lndebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabto and the same shail thereupen become due ana payabte ,
<br /> _,.�,t,.� � wilhout any presentment demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: -
<br /> �,, ''<: (a) 08�and that Tru�tee exerCise the POWEH OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee sra'.!ehere�fter cause Tru9toe's :z,
<br /> - . ' •,�;.• .�• lnt�rest in S;*s Property tv be so�d and the proceeds to be distributed.al!in the manner provlde�•�•C"a P�Qbraska Trust OeeCs
<br /> . , ,._��"'"i,':�'..��' ACX �
<br /> sr�,,,''��;?`�_'. (b)Exercise any and atl rlghts provlded tor in any of the Loan Instruments or by�aw upor.az.::rrence ot any Event 4t �
<br /> � Oetau�k and � � �'-'�
<br /> - : �. (c)Commence an act�on to foreclose this�eed ot Trust as a mo�tgage,appoir°a receiver,or specdically er.°o�ce any of the ;�!,•�.� .
<br /> '�• �,'�. Covenants h8reot � '
<br /> ��.`.• • � • ����_�:; Pto reMady herein conferred upan or►eserved to Truatee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any othet remedy herein,in the `�, I
<br /> ' ��'t=x�'`�'� Loan Inatruments or hy faw provided or parmi8ed.but each shatl be cumviative,shatl be In aQd'+tlon tc every other remedy given .
<br /> , ���''� - '�::,C�'�' heteurtder,in t':6 l,oan Instrument9 or now ot hereaker oxisting at law o�+^equlry or by statute,and mgy bo exerclsed concu�rentty,
<br /> i::
<br /> • .�i��`.•:.' in0ependenAy or suacessivety. �
<br /> e �.
<br /> � ''�`�' 13.Truf1N.The Trustee may resign at any t a:e w�tnaut cause,and LPnder may at any tirae and withoot ca:��s appoint a � .. .
<br /> ' ��;"�'�"�`����r"� � � successor or s:IhstituteTrustee.l`rustee ahail not bc�l�ab:e�s any pany.inc►uding without limitaeon Lender.8orrowar.Trustor orany � •
<br /> ,. y4:��_...;. �;:;.,
<br />. •�;w..�•=;a•�.�;.. + purChaser of�:s Property.tor any loss or damage UNess duo to recktess csr willful misconduct,and sMa�i not be requlred to take any
<br /> �� �f,.�.: f��
<br /> -��-���`'�., aCtion in cor.R�.tian wllh the e»torcement ot tHis Deed ot Trust untess+�demnitied,in wNting,!ar a11 costs,compensation os
<br /> ���:..;.. , �� :
<br /> <�- �•��- expenses which may be associate0 the�ew.^.r�-.tn addition,Trustee may Gecome a purchaser at any 5=e o`.cfie Property Qudlcial ar
<br /> .....a,y_�_._�,...._
<br /> � under the power o1 sate g►anted herein);postpone ther sate ot all or any portlOr.�F:.r.e PropeRy.aa provided by law;or se t.e „
<br /> - ' � Property as a whote,or In separate parcels or lots at Trusiee's dtscretlon. j
<br /> ' ��• �•*��••� 14. F�and Exp�nay�n the event T�ustee sells the Property by exercise ot p��vsr of sale,Trustee si�ait b�e^°_ed to apply �
<br /> � -�'�. ` any sale proceeds fisst to payment of ail costs and expenses ot exercising power of sate.irtcluding a!I Trustea's tees.and Lender's !'
<br /> '� 's and Trustee's attorneys tees,actualty incurred to extent permitted b/ap�::abte taw.In thb event 9orrower or Trustor exercis�9 arry �
<br /> �.'�`�t^ ..'. � ` right provided by law to eure an Evera o!Oefault,tender shaA be entitluQ to recover trom Trustor all casts and e�penses actua�cy :
<br /> . �_ inCUrred as a result o1 TrustoPs deteutt,lnctuding without limitation ail Trustee'9 and attarney'a tee9,to the extent permitted C� ` ,
<br /> - !::a;.-:.:�`,�-�. . _ apPlicab►a taw. ' .
<br /> - 15.Fudu�AdvarkM.Upan request o}8orrawe�. Lender may.at its option,make addlUOna1&nd tuture advanCe�and re- �
<br /> •.•.•��-_��: .
<br /> .-___ ,
<br /> -=---�
<br />