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_ �- ... �,.�.� . <br /> - = :-�_� . <br /> - _ _ ,.,—..,., �, <br /> _�11�'ZT 1.�r+,____. _ . ""'1F .AS ty3�� �7.�.L.. _"__= __'. ` _� __4 _ .__ .` _ ... .. _ <br /> _ i : <br /> . . <br /> T ! . : .._.... . . ' _ <br /> �. � <br /> - .�. `._'_- " _ —..'—'ir--• � - _ <br /> _ ".. .. ... — " ' -.�� _ � _ _ ._— _ _ � — <br /> .rJ _ jy� <br /> . � <br /> .._ - . ., , ... .. -C-'y. . . - _.. ... . ' -_ �-� -Sl'Ci'' ". <br /> ' _ <br /> _ ' ' ._ � .. _ -�" <br /> � .... ' . . . _ .-ir��' �f,_�.. . . • - „ ."c=- " - <br /> . . - _ _H: . . : -- - . �ti��_1�:.�.:�,- -�-_- <br /> . . `� � <br /> _ -.... <br /> . . � �. ,� : . .' <br /> - -.. , . . . . . : ' ��. . <br /> r. . - . F `- � ' � . - <br /> _ .. . . _ ' _ .�:. _ _ _ _�_..___. . . . .._. ,_ . <br /> .� . c . � y � . . . . . .� . .- . . . . - . , .. . a <br /> .- .._-.sY-_ �F�-��� . . _ . �,� �. _ . • ,- . � - - . . _ � -' - -- .-_,. _.. �\ . i � . _ � ... . . <br /> ' '` _ • ' , f . � : ' ` ` `._ . - _ . . ����' - . . <br /> • . � - . . <br /> , . 9Z--�� �� , . <br /> -- - - _ _._.__--�=--- � <br /> _ ------�---- --�-- .. ._ . <br /> . . _ <br /> -- --- <br /> ___ . � , vA :ASSU '�--�I��===--__,-� _,_,_ <br /> :-� NOTtCE: THIS LOAN !S NQT ASSUMABLE WITHOtIT�TS ORP��VAL �_ <br /> _---�----� =2' OF THE DEPARTIyEiriT OF 1�ETERAI�lS AFFA . _ <br /> - --=� . , .- AUTHaRlZED AGEI�T. � `� <br /> -"' LOAN �: 820742-0 ` - <br /> F_K. � , <br /> •t� � , <br /> THS ASSUMPTION POLICY RIDER is Rtide thls 6TH mY a� APR I L 1992 •� � <br /> V ,s - incorporafed iMo ard'st�lt be deemeQ ta�meM md svpptana�t the Morty�e. l�eed ot.Tmst. or Oeed w : <br /> - Sec�ue Debt t"IrnWmait") of the s�ame tt�te haewiUt, atven by Ihe undast6ned (•Martp�a�) to�eeure tlfe <br />� �f= = � _ Mort�or'r Note t"Note") ot the same date to HOMESTEA� SAV t NGS. A FEDERAL <br /> - "'�='� _ � SAV 1 NGS ANQ LOAN ASSOCI AT I OH _ � . _ <br /> '�. ,��": <br /> • -. :-ltS SqCCE590�S i(d aSSi�t"MOCfa'dbEG'} a[l�{by�[� ibC PfOj1l.Tty/dG9CfT� (tl lhE It1S�fI1t11R1i OIId IOf�tld it, <br />`, `. ��*4..' <br /> . �,, ,�._:. : , ' � _ 1123 WEST t OTH = <br /> x'"� " GRAND ISLANO, NE 6aa01 ' <br />_. ' .t^-.r . _ - . - . <br /> _ .F--•� `.�., - . . . (� AQdfMt� . . <br /> •+ ' r, _- <br />- `��=`' _- � ' Notwithstmdin6 uiythjn6 io tt�e contary set faih In ttia l�ttuma�t. Moatp�ee.aM Mottpaar baeby <br /> . -� s`�- �ckaowkC�es u�d a�es to the folbwirg: - <br /> :',�;... .: - � : <br /> • -:;,�"�%�:;:;'1;:., . GUARANTY:S�oufd 1he DeQartment o! Veta�nr Aihirs i�il or nfus� to iswe its�uuu�ty in iWt'an�amt� <br /> ":,'A ,l;L, <br /> � � <:,,.� ,- � vrithin fA dsys tram the dat�':�6at lhis tan WoWd narmaUy tia�me e11�1e for sueh �uannty oommit�ed <br /> T ��, , . ' uP� i�Y tqe 1)epeifine�i of�Yeterens Aifairs utdet the'ptuv�s3ons o! 'litie-38 0} the U5. Code•�"Vektu� � — <br /> } BE�IGHLS�' 1he MOft�a!! tnsy dettete the iAdebtdltless tk!rehy sE�t[Ed tt onoe due etd pyibk �Ad 1�iy <br /> - . -. � ._, rorxtose immediatety or�tiap esacise any atAa riabts hereunda a take any othet proper��hy taq �- �- <br /> providM: , __ <br /> `,�.;,,: ,:; ' TRr�NSFER,OF THE PRaPEATY:.If aU or any part of the Pcoperty or uiy inte[at in �If:�S sa�d-or - --- <br /> . � �� transtertQd. th��ban s1i�IJ be immediatety due aM p�yable upon tra�ter t"assumption�? of the'P�9 <br /> <, � . secycin6 sueh fou► to etty► Uansferx ("assumer"3. uni�ss the eooeptabiliiy Oi tite assumpttwt end trutsia Of �: <br /> ` � �� . ' this iwn £s atabl'�sbM by the Depettment'of Veta�r�s Aifsirs or its auttarlad �¢nt pi�¢swnt to section � -�-�� <br /> :��'?��; <br /> ` � � . 1�17A ot Aiapter 37�'Fitie 38. Unital States Code. °� ti - �' <br /> •'�,'��-,�,�';,._ <br /> . � � An authori�ed transfer ("assumptton"1 uf the property shall atso be subjeci to �dditlanal covermi's aM � -� '��'t`:�'^�. <br /> � egama�ts as sct forih below: :� <br /> , -_-� r� <br /> ' ta) ASSUMPTION FUNDING FEE:A iee equal to one-hati oi 1 petcsnt (.SO°,ii) of��se unpa3d princlpal ' , ',.;':'�' <br /> � � baJance this loan as ol the date oi uansier of the propetty shall be payable at ttu t�me o! tra�fer to the _ � �_.�__`� <br /> ' , � mort�ba or its authorlral a�ent,es irustee for the 5occetuy oi Veter� Affairs. Ii the assumer iaiis to � � '!. r�'�': <br /> PaY � �::.,�,� . r-:._� <br />' � � � this ia at the time o! trar�ter. the ia shall canstitufe an additlon�l deht s� that �lrt�dy sec�ued by thls � . -_ <br /> • it�strument, shail bear Uterat at ihe rate haein ptovkled, atd, at ihe option oi �Se mortgasee oi the � - • . � , ;: ,;;;= <br /> , . � indebtalnas hereby sa;urai or ar►y trensiera thereai� sMl1 be immediate:p 0ue ud �aynbk. 'Phis fa is , ' �, <br /> jz;,.� automatic�lly cvaived if the assumer is exempt under ihe provlsions o!38 US_�. 1829 tb). � � <br /> � ,�:r,;,., � '' � , <br />� . • . „ (b) ASSUMPTIaN PROCESSING CHARGE: Upon application tor approval to allow assumptbn aM � ,. ,. <br /> � transfer o oan, a process ee may cherbed by the mort�aaa or its authorind aaeni tor �` '�,� . <br /> ' ��r �� AetermlNna ihe creditworthiness ai the assumer an1 subsequently revbin6 the holder's owraship retotds . . •��::,; <br /> � � � ' wNen �n approved transier is completed. The amount af thls charse stall not eaoxA the m�:tmum � �;'�`°: <br /> ' � � esqbllshad by the Department of Veteram Aifairs fot e toan to whtel� sectlon 3817A of t�apter 37.Titk 3B. � <br /> '. ' �; 11Nted St�tes Cak applies. ' : <br /> - .. (c) A5SLiMPTlON INDEMNITII LIABILITY: If th�s o(�c�gatlon is assumed, thea�it�*. a�svsr,ec �:erobY . i ' . . ' <br /> � , a�ras to assvme a o e ob ations oi ihe veteran urxt� the terms of the.frs�acr�ts crqting and • � , <br /> �'� . ' securina tht ioan, 1nCludiRo-We obllgatiorf oi ihe veteran to iMemNiy the Departmeni of Vetet�ns Affalts to � __ _ __ ___ <br /> , . '' , . the extent of any claim payment arisin6 irom the�tarsnty or iruurance oi ihe 9ndebtedness created by this � <br /> it�sttument. •• • . <br /> ;'�::. :, .'� , . . � - <br /> � �'�{ .; �:.: ': ' 1N WITNESS WHEREQF,Mortgagortsl has executaf thls Ass�mptlon Poficy Rlder. � <br />: � ' �'r ' • ;;:'' ; <br /> ' ' .r' '�� , Cr�� � tsenn <br /> ' r F1`EY LDS �. K I NG . ?1`asigagor '.. <br /> (SEaI) � <br /> � , VELMA J. i<9NG Monta�or . � <br /> _•�.._. . � . . .. . � � � tsean - . <br /> ' , ' Moet�or <br /> , (Sed) <br /> , - -- 3tat�or <br /> _ ' •--.��-�. - -'.! , • � . <br /> "--�. _._ � _.E3•4iI �-1422C-�1 - ' <br /> ; ' - - - - _. . _. _ . . - �_-- --=----__ _ _ <br /> � � � � , � . - - N? _ . <br /> : � -�-�� . . <br /> i <br /> . <br /> . i��. .' _ . _. _ _� _ --—_- -- -• <br />