_ _ _ __ .. . . . F ' _ _
<br /> ��_�. . - _._ _ . __.._ _ .__ ..��_ ' __.. ....____ .�_`•.-___ _-____-_ -
<br /> _, _ . _ .7 - - - . , � - - � � . �y• _ r
<br /> �. — ' ._ _ - � f � - �,� � _ - .. . .
<br /> � . -= ':�-�t-�a-�icTi!�-��'_ .S�. � �_ ---- - _ . . ` . . . ` _— _ —
<br /> _.. : �-- 'r� Y� -i►`1i�� .. - —
<br /> s.:., � _- -� --� - - - — -.�..--- - ---- _._ ' _ . ' .
<br /> — . _ �. _ . .�y . � . _ � . � . � . , � - ' . � � . . . � , . � � -
<br /> — � a •.. _ : " : . �� . _ � : < g _ . . .�.U ���!
<br /> — � �.. -. � � . �-� . . �_ � .
<br /> �•� .� s��r:c�p.� s.a:re.s�,ti.0 6.a■.-ae�p.yabr a.u.r�s� a.y or APR I L . 20Q7 . i•u�ooa�a� w ee.� .
<br /> t�r..ot.�a�i. • .ot.ot..«�a.t�i.n.:�ts�uaa,ay u»,�ia Maes,�o�: , - .
<br /> y—P�eir'N°rY --—- --- ----------- - --- _ - -
<br /> -_ � ,t'!r Mactta�or t�ttl�e �C• . ' .�. ' —_
<br /> -- - -1.-H✓ia�il!p�y t�a�d�bt�de�a, ss 6�e+isb�fan piarid�d..Pri*ii� a ererid to pt�psy ot eay tim�, witbout _
<br /> — ' pneir�:ar fi�.Ur�stir��d�bt�dous.a►aeq prt tlMnof aof iMS tl�a Hr amouot o!aa�io�taumeat, ao aa hve�d�rd ___ —
<br /> - - = doltars tS100 00). w�ic�� ir iMS.Ye+p�ym�at �fail r�ail b exsdited cn llje date reo�nd. Partisl P�R�Y� °� ___ --
<br /> -- tiis a�a�irhUmt da�datt. aNd tiot b�cnditd nntit tW o�t.blbwio� iartallm�nt dir dsb or ihirty d�ys.aftK• _,
<br /> ` sac�prapay�al, wiic�� is Mc�. ' • ' • ---
<br /> ti�'j 2 'Fo�t� wNb��ed io idditios to,t►� �oot5lp pa3►m°ts of pei�cipa! aod iat�nst paya6M aad�e tM t�ess of� _9a,•
<br /> - - •>- tM aot� s�cwd Yndp.,Morti�oe wili pay to Mart�a� as trustes, tandse tM t�rms af thio trnst as l�raimfbs _-
<br /> ;�.'
<br />. . - �ht�d)_m tir iirst day oi Mc!►�east6 ontil said sot�is falip pdd: _
<br /> =�;. . ' _
<br />. ° - (�A s�qwt to We�ro�md rsats, ii aay,uest dn4 Ptas tiw premiau�s t6aY wi}1 a�t become dus aad p�qabk ao —�
<br /> "=^ potioi�s of firs and ot6er 6�zard mausnos co+�sctng�tbs mac�8ags�pcape�tY. Plas t�oes md ss�m�nts ost ��^-
<br /> . Z.' . �_-_...
<br /> --- -- dos aa tb�mbrt�a�ed ptoperty (�tl a+estimated bq tbs Mo�tga�e�,'a.�ot w&icl�t6s Most�a�oc is Aotified) . ;: f�`,j--_=-
<br /> ' _ <,�=,�=�' �aIl s��teMdp p�id tbarefae di�icMd by t1N nni»!�c of months to�1apw 6tton aae maoth peior to t6r.:' s'°"
<br /> -'�� ' 6ecaaN wat sacbamrto6abd�`�,. ;�'��'``-
<br /> date wlwa aucb ground r�at�,pttminms, ta�eF aad a�ewaeats.w�11 d�lm9 . :.,°,:..: -::
<br /> . .:�?�.`•"� - �.:��'=';. by Moet�im trnst ta pay said S+�ouad3^eati;pnmioms,.ta�es a�d apcisl awwrawat:. {u`
<br /> ,. , - . ;. - '*:�:�=-
<br /> , �'�'� �. � � .(b) Tlr y=rKata ot tlw amauats p�qabM passwnt to�ubp.aa�e�cph �� and thore pag?�e m t1►� +at� s�curad,� . :a< :�=-:��" -
<br /> . �cu
<br /> ..�J s � � . . ( . .6�'4 . '�
<br /> � � INnbq�s6a11 bs pAid in a aicak p�ymeat eacb moatb.ta E��pliad to tbs folIowmg i�ms ia 1Ls ordar stated. , :`"�,'_`_
<br /> ''g;. , • . -
<br /> , �:. . _
<br /> _ ,.;,-r-�-t-�--- ����� ' b ftn a�d otYr i�xaed� ' � `
<br /> _ q) ;romd nats,wnr,a�seira�n . �� � `;i
<br /> ` .'�` � � (D) iaterest on tbeaote secuced hersby:aad � t`"•;;.��",;, - ��.
<br /> . '` . tIII) sma�ratron oi t6s princip�t of ssid aats. , � . !��;�;rfti;; ��.
<br /> .-� - _ . � ,��.. -�`.
<br /> � � �•.�,. �_ :�Y.�,
<br /> � ` . My d�ticiency in tbe amoant of aoy �ach aggregats apoathlY PaY�t ehall, ualw mads good bq t6e ti : �.•. � ___
<br /> `r�'x���` „ . . Moct�aQor prior to tLs da dats of the u�st sucb WYcasal.coastituts ade�eat of d�faalt nnder this moet�aQe. � � ' s.�;:.f�.,. �
<br /> e u� +
<br /> �?-
<br /> _ y �,�`J �.� �1:�">��:.�. .
<br /> ,l�.r:;`�` � At Mortgages's optiou, Matgsgar will paq s "lats chuge" noi e m e e diag four per cea t am t 4�f 6)o f a n y � ;'-;<,:�:', �,� ,
<br /> ��:.�?:ii..'..� ) .
<br /> ";r`:� •�? `, - � 'sdstim�at whan poid mae fWa �item (IS� daya aftee t6e dae dats lbereoi to co�es t L e e�fra expws ,r;•;,;` •• ' ; �
<br /> � ` "� �`��� • � iaroi�ad ia luad1'mg deliaquent paymeAt�,bnt:acb "late cbargs" sMll aot bs papabk aut af t6e psocMds of . -_�.. '. .. _'.
<br /> °;�,`;f t` � �oy a�1�ra�to satisiy ths iadebtednasa secwed bete q ,,. � '' r;
<br /> � b ,nntes�such ptoceed4 ase s�€ficieat to disc6args the �.(;
<br /> .r, F'
<br /> `'� i3�.}"='::•` , �otir�iadsbtdneca aad all proper costs aad espeases secured theroby. ' •., .
<br /> :•`',;�1>'.i'�.. .. - � '. •
<br /> i�
<br /> . ?
<br /> • ' , 3. It t6s total of tla paymeats mado by the Mostgagor under(a)of paragrapb 2 preceding 'shaU e�[ceed the amount �• � �. .� , • ;`�1:�r
<br /> o!paymsnts aotually aaade by the MoMgagee, as tsusiee, tor grouad rents.taxes aad assessme�ts.cr jasurance premioms, � � .. `�;::��:
<br /> .. ' . as ths ca�s msy bs,such excos�shall be credited hy the Matgagee on subsequent paymeats to 6e made by the Mottgagor � _ _ T
<br /> • ' ior such items ar,at Moetgagee's option, as trustee, sball 6e retuade�! to Moetgago:. If,ho�ve�er.such montbly paymeat+ � , , -"
<br />� � ' � �� shall not b suflicieat to pay such items ahen the s�me st�ll bscome dne aad payabb, then tla .'4'!artgagac shall pay to � ,
<br />•� .. ' tl�s MortgagM, as trust�s,anyr amount necessa�y to maks up the deficiency witbia thirty(30)�2..as,:.uer writtea notics � ' '. .
<br /> " hom the MortQsgs� atatlag the amoua! o! the detklenoy, ahicF: aotice may bs giren by xu. If at any time t6t i .�;.,•.�
<br /> . ' Mat�ot sh�ll t�adee to the Mottgages, in accardaACa witb the pccsrioa9 of ths note secured triereby, iull paymeat of ; . • �
<br /> � ; . th� eatlr� iad�6tadaess represented thereby� the Mortgagee� as trustee, shaU. iti wmputiag ths amount of auch .. . •
<br /> � `��'�` � iad�bt�dnur, cr�dit to th� account ot ths Mort�a�or any credit balance accamutated undsr the pro�lsiow o} (a) of; • __ r:�
<br /> ,.�::;;`r i;'.. � .
<br /> • :',".;:�`:,.: . p�n�ph 2 brnol. Ii 1Lers shait 6�a deizn2t under any of t6s pra�iswns oi this mortgage rautiiag ia a publio ak oi tM , •
<br /> � ��,;:. ,
<br /> ', •':,:i;�;i;',.,;, :• ' prem� ca►ud �reby,oe i! the Mortgagee sequ'ues tMs propertY 6therwiss after default, t:[�s Mortgages. as trn:tee; � •
<br /> �'..` � �:`: .�'•'`,'+,•, ` s6a11 spply, at 11N tia�of the commencement oi aucb proaeedings oe at ths time ths prcpeetq it othenvi�s acquired, tb� . .
<br /> ..; ,.:•,- ,-,:.:,. ; .
<br /> :��;.� . - . : . . .
<br />; � . aaaun!t�o r�a�aining t+o crcdit ihe Mortgagoe unQer (a)of•paragraph 2 precediag, as a credit oe t6e interost accrued aad
<br />• unp�iA and 11N b�tsncs to lhe peincipal then remaining uapaid on said aote. � ;
<br /> . ' 4. TM li�n of 1hL inatrument shall remain in tull fores and�ffeat dnring any pottpoaemeat or extentioe of ths
<br /> ' . tim�of psyroat ot ths iadebtednes9 or any part t6ereof secueed hereby. : • ' ,
<br /> , .
<br /> ' . � '���'•���' S. Hd�6s wiU pay all gtouad reats, tazes,assessments. water rates, and c�'.:er garernmeata! or mua's�iF�I charges, '
<br /> , ���`°'.�`_ ,:;,. � �� lines, er impo�oitlonsK lov9od upon said pcemises and ihat hetshe wi11 pay aA taxes lovjed upom tkis mortgage, or the debt ,
<br /> � � ' � ��+:.�;;;� ;�� sECUred /hereby, togeti�er with any oiher taxos oe assossmonts wh's�li may 6e levied w�dor the taws o! Nebrasica agaiast
<br /> . . ' • '�'�:; the Mortgagee, or tAe tegal holder of said principal nato, on accauat ot this indebtedness� oxcept when p�ymvnt !or all
<br /> � ' • � such items 6as thereto}ore beea made uader (a) 01 paragrapb 2 hereof, aed heishe wlll ptomptly delives the ofiicial
<br /> • � �. recelpta thereior to the Mortgagee, la delanit ihereol the Mortgagee ts�ay pay fLe�ms. • ' ,
<br /> : . . _ _ 6. I� 6dshe tails to pay any sum or keep any covenaat provided {or in thi� mortgage� the Mortgagee. at ib aptien �
<br /> � may pay or periarm the same,and al1 expenditures so made sha11 be added to the principat sum owiag oe the al�ove note, .
<br /> shalt 6s secnred hsreby,aad sha11 6car iaterest un1i3 paid at tho eate provided far ia tlie priac7pal iadebtednoss. ;
<br /> • � ' 7. UpoQ request ol flie Mortgagee, Moetgago: ahatf oxec�sto and detiver s+supplemeatai aoto ae noles tae t6a snm or
<br /> . _ � sums ad�anced by.Matgagee for the alteratlon, moderaizatioa, or improvemant made at tbe hlortgagor's request; or tor _
<br /> _ • � . VA 24��19 _ _ _ _ __ /iN Y ef 4 . ��-l11 T•t�ltt•f2 . . .
<br /> .. . �
<br /> , 1 " . 6
<br /> .
<br /> . � -
<br /> .- y '� �� i � ' ' .
<br /> � .�r _ _- _-� - .
<br />