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<br /> . . l-4 Fi�NIILY RIDER : .
<br /> _ _._ � . . -- . � � .�,��'��a�--- �- —�L--,-- S/-- - – —
<br /> — -..-.. �
<br /> � � �, ���. +�0��- _ -
<br /> — _ � rfQS�-�F�e+na�r�.�m.a�� 2ocn a�yof� a� .
<br /> �a�a is iocaspor�+a;ma,oa sh�be�ea w�mma�oa suppi�t me D�a�tp�rhea of 7�sc Q sa�iry lkea�a�e
<br /> . •Sa�icy Ia�orumm�7 o[t1�s�me d�aiven 6y tbe uade�si�ed ttbe'BaRV�ra"1 w sec�e Bom�wa�i�1o�e w The
<br /> - � Equi�eble� 8uilding and Coaa Associatinn, Orand Island� N+�braska `
<br /> , � � _ ��-�
<br /> ' , tift6es�med�oemdcrnraing�proQeitydescn-ixd;ntbeSec�uiry�mandia:ued� 2449 Nortft Park,
<br /> Grand �Islaad, Nebraska 68803 .
<br /> _ - . (�y�l .
<br /> - `l-4 FAMQ.Y COVQTAN'I� In additian w tl�e rnvea�nts aod a�ents made ia tbe Sec�rtity Iatnume�Bamwe�- ' -
<br />- - sad I.eAda fmtt�ercovemnc�td ag�x as fatbws: �
<br />-- . A. ADDITIONAL PROPERIY S[JaJECT TO THE SECIlItTIY 1NS17tUMEN'C Ia ad�tian io dee Ptopecty _...
<br /> dascnlaed"ui tbe Sew�ity Ia�nm4ant.tbe foUnwYng items are addcd tn the Ptopaty dacriptiaa.sad sbaU also cuastinme t6e
<br /> _� Ptopelty cave�d by d�e Sesority tnsorunr��6aildin�ma�a'iaTs.applisnces a�d gouds a£eresy n�e�vhat9o�nuKr ar
<br /> baaifter locxed in.a�.a ased.a intrndad to be usod ia coaaaeaon with tbe Ptopecty.includiag,6�mt t��od'io,tlrose
<br /> - for the P�R�s��Y�B or dism'buting beuing,caoling.etocaicny.�S.wua, sir and 6ght.Sac pneveAtian:aod
<br /> extu�guishing spp�atus.secwity and access contml appnatnc.ptumbing.buh tubs,water I�s.wa�er cbsets.smlrs.�
<br /> :;'.:;`� tanges.staves.nfrigetato�s,dshwas6e.rs.disposats.wa�s,dryas.awmings.stam windows.atorm doas.sc�eeas.6liads.
<br />-: '' sh�des,cur�in�aod curtain mds.utaclxd inimnrs.cabinets.Panellin8 aud anached floor coverings now ar 6ar.�rapacbed
<br /> -- -w the i'topeaY,ali of wLic,J�.ioclnding repl�crnsa�ts and addipoas themta�.suatt he deemed to be aad�a�tt of tbe
<br /> ` • Pi+epeety cavecM by the Seciirity Irua�unerit All of�he fonegoing together with the Ptoperty descn��m;i�Sa�aicy _—
<br /> -�. :. lnsaument(a the leautald estate if tUe Sxiairy Insaument is on a leasel�old)a:e nfernd w ia this i-;���Rider aod —
<br />. . �?`,�,;, the Security Ins�ument as the"Property." - ° . �.;` =
<br /> - � ��� �`;�'•`•: B.USE OF PBOPERTY:COMPLIANCE W1TH LAW. Borrower slull aot seek.�gra to or make a chauge Ea the
<br /> .. `�i �-. - use of tha F4openy or its wniag das.sification,unkss Lendes has agneed in writing W the chaaga Bazea.avu shaB�canply
<br /> � . `,. • with aA laws,ordinama,s,srguiations aad nquinemenu of an gavemanenra�body applicable to the .
<br /> �:,;<.i, y ��
<br /> F•;:: . -.�:�;; ��y;,:, G SLJBORDINATE LIENS. Except a4 permiaed by federal ta�&a*.�awer shall noc sUow any��ien inferiosto�e
<br />�,.,: � •;.r�1 . . � �.
<br /> ,�i` � :;i:,� Seca�ity lnstnmlent to be perfecte�agaiact the Propetty witDont�.ender�s prior written petniission. . . �.��'_ -
<br /> . ,�' - ' .<' r� D RENT LOSS INSURANCE.Borrower shall maintain inswance against rent toss in additian to tfse othet hazatds for �.• '�-���
<br /> �,�.:'�';� whist!insurance is required by Unifarm Covenant S. .. • - �..�
<br /> :�,r,•'+�^t;�-. . _ ��ei.�.i�
<br /> .:,.�, _��`_e,� . .. E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TU REINSTATE"DELETED. Uniform Cavenant 1 S is deteted. • ���
<br /> �°���'''� t f F. B01lROWER'S OCCUPANCY. UNess Lender and Bumnwer atherwise i� writin tGe first srntence in . ''°"°-
<br /> _:-• 5;;;:: • a� 8�
<br /> ".l�'� , fJ'. 1•� . ' :.
<br /> �'��`t�,� Uniform Covenaac 6 conceming Barmwer�s occupancy of the Property is deleted. All re�taining covet�ants atid agrataents • ��_�
<br /> :��� ��'�� : . . : . . . - --
<br /> , �',��'��.�,,�`,.r,'.� set forth in Unifa�Covenant 6 shall remain ia effcd. : . ' . - ";� , s--
<br /> ' �-�-x;T ' ��: . G.ASSiGNME�iT OF LEASES. Upon Lender�s rcques�Bomawer sball assign to Lender altt�ases of the Ptaperty ' �A ' -�-=-_
<br />�:;.;:;f;: ;=6�`�'-' ;;;s�;;'�� � � aoiYd aI�seciuity depasits mado ia aounec6on with teases of tke Property. Upon the assignment.Lender shall have the rigdt to . , '.-��
<br /> ,.Y- �,-.�� --__ _
<br />.`��:-i�: ` =��., mo�ig�cxtend or tenninate the e�isting kases and to execuce new 1e�sses.in Lenders sole discrction. As used�this . , ---—
<br /> �� j,°'::�. paragraph(3,the:+�urd"lease"shall mean"subt�tse"if the Security Instrument is on a leasehotd �• ' • .' �---
<br /> l
<br /> ���=..Y �r•� ' H. ASSIGNMENT OF RE1�TS: APPOINTMEN7' OF RECEIVER. LENDER IN POS5�5SIUN. Borrower . �f �'.a:,==-
<br />. , .. •�`�_:._�`- '' absolutety and wcanditianally assigns and transfers to Lender all the renu and revcaues("Renu'7 of the Fropeny.regardtess ! ._ � �`�. �
<br /> '�� • � '*j . ' of to whom the Rents of the PrOperty an payable. Bortower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to colloce the Rent�.and � �;°;;,,%a;.. � .
<br /> , . �►,- t `:, � . . .,
<br /> : •`=�-�`�``'."�. � sgrees that each tenant of the Ptoperty shall pay the Rents to l.ender ar i,ender's agents. However.Bortower shall receive the � ''•�y,�;'.;-�' . '
<br /> ��'_�,� ,•-:�� .
<br /> �..
<br /> , ` '� .. _ . •:�. ,
<br /> • • ' � MULTIS7'A'f'E t�PA.MLY RIDER-faeeie:1tuJiYeddk 3fac Celtam tmtrueent Form 3170 !!!� (page 1 oJ2 pagal '�� �
<br /> -- -- -- � - IiEY1T00191Q7) fte�l�eE�Yicwlp�Mat ^ '
<br /> � -- - <+'.=°ij�,Z.i:'.- ! .. .
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