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<br /> - �pe otha talciq8��Y P��tl�e Prop�erty,ar fa ooaveya�`'m 1`reu oE _ ,
<br /> ` s1a116e p�id to I.sndes . , . ,
<br /> � ' [a tAe even[of s tdal tatie6 t�f tbe Ptope�tS•��'�i be applied to the suins secttttd by this Sectuity .
<br /> ' - � InstrumeM.vrlkdKr oc not then due.with an}�excess paid t�Boaawe� W thc eveninf�a Putiai tafcing o�f du�f�Pr�r�ymc
<br /> — —_ _ . whkh Us�nfit _ ..__ ._� _._ . �� _ — -
<br /> se�e0_by this$ecurity.lnscwnent imme�atcly before the taking.w�less Burrower aad 2.ender othetwise ag�ee in writing. -
<br /> _ tbe sums secu�sd by this Sccuriiy tnstrumenc sttiaii 6e�aced by�he�mamt of the procceds mulEipi�d by�he:f�llowing .
<br /> .�tign: (a)thc�otal amount.uf thc swns sccu�ed immediate(y 6efore�e taking.divided by(6)tite fa�r maricel value of the
<br /> � p�vperty immediatety-befae th�taking. My balance shn11 be paid to Borrower. li�the tve�tt of a pattiat takii►g of tfie .
<br /> ` pmperly�n v�fiich�ti+e€air arnkc�t value of tLe PcopenY in�mediately befnrae the t�icing is less than the�mount of the sums
<br /> seeu[ed immediateiy befor�the wlcing,uatess Botrower and Le�der oetierwise agcee in wiitrng or unless applicabk taw ,
<br /> , uthe�wisdptovid¢s,tl�pmcads shaU be applied to tNe sums secuied by this Security inswment whechtr or not the sums ace ' -
<br /> then due. . , .
<br /> -� if ehe PtopeitY is abandoned bY B�COwer.or if.after zwtice Dy Lender to Bomawer that the candemnor uffe�s to maice .
<br /> ' an award or settk�claim for damages.Bomower fails to.respond to l.enckr within 30 days aftec the date the notice is given,
<br /> i:endtr is anthaiuri to w4kct and apRly the pr+oaafs.at its aption.either w testoration or repair of the Pi�qxtty ac to tiu.:. _
<br /> . sums'seaned by this.Security InstNment�whether or not then due. , -::
<br /> Unkss Lender and Barower aMcwise agtee in writing.any application of procecds w Pr�ncipal shaq not extena�of;.:�::': . .
<br /> � postpocx tbe due date of ihe munthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. ':?•=;`, ._ :;'.
<br /> 1L Barrowec Not Rekated: Forbs�raooe By Lende� Not � `Yaives Exteasion of'che ririie for payment or.:,:,!,.�.=-.: . .
<br /> • ' �di�of amo�tization of the sums serured by this Security tnstrwnent granted by Letider to any successor in interest_'��: . ' .:
<br />�-f. - of Bqitacv,�sT�all noi operate to rek�se the tiability of the orig'snal$orrower or Sorroc�'s s�ccessors in inteeest.l.ender :�:.:
<br /> shalt rc�t�v'�quiced C�comme�e p ro c e e dings aSai n s t anY s u c c e s s o*i n interest or refuse to extend time for payment or .,
<br /> -- •_.�.,.sr�iii��tion of the sums secus�ed by this Security lnstmmenc by reason of any demand made 6X the oriB�nAt �, ,
<br /> `�Boiiower u;f�i�mwer`s soccessors in interest. Any for6earance by txnder in eaercising any nght or remody;sirall rwt 6e.a
<br /> r;, — waivec af er-�rectade the exescise of any right or remedy. �. �
<br /> - � : � 1�.Srcces�s snd As�ns Ba�nd;Joiet and&verai Lia6illty;Co�ners. 1he covenants and agei�ein�nts af fhir:`
<br />'' • �Se:.uriry Instrument sha116ind and beitefit tde successors anA assigns af Lender and Barrower.subject to t6c pruvisioos'of':
<br /> – paragraph 17. Borrower�wvenants and agr�enGs sba[I be loint and severat.Any Hocrower'who co-sigas t1�is SecaritY '
<br /> Instrument but does not eaecute the Note:(a)is casigning this 5ecurity instrument only to mortgage.grant and convey that
<br /> �otrower s interest in the Ropert�r under the tenns of this Security Instrumenh (b)is not perso�aliy obligated to pay�hc sums
<br /> - secured by this Security Instrume�and fc7 agrees that Lendet and�[y ather Bo�rowa maY'agree to estend,modify.far�ar. -
<br /> � or make any accommodations with re�d to the terms of this Security instrument or the Note without that Borrowers ,
<br /> consenc
<br /> � . �a 13. l.opn Ctu�rges. If the toan secured by this-Security lpstrument is subject to a 1aw which sets maximum loan
<br /> ` �=�-, eharges.and that�aw ic finaliy intecpreted so that the inte�est or other toan charges eo1lected or to be wilected in eonrteeti«�
<br />:;;;;,'' witb the loan eaceedlhe pennitted limiis,then: (al any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount neces.�ary to redace
<br /> the charge to the permitted limih.and Eb)any sams ahrady collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted lirttlts wi,I be
<br /> i,efur�ded to Borrower. Lender may choo5e to make this refunc!by raducing the principal owed�der the Note or by malcfrn:�
<br /> .e
<br />_ dinct payment to Borrower. If a refund rednces prirtcipa�.¢he ceductian will be treated as a pa�iaf prepayment wishout a�y
<br /> - prepaym�mt charge undec the Nate. • . `_�_
<br /> ���.. 14. Notices. Any notice to Horrower provided�`ar in this Security Instrument shall be given by deSivering it or by �_.`�
<br /> �� '°Y� m a i l i n g i t b y fin-t cla5s mail unless a licable law re :.�im use of another methad.The notice shall be dir�ctedtothe Picoperty �,;.
<br />.<,4.�/ � �`:..:
<br /> �?�:�`�� Address or any other address Borrawer designates y notice ta l.ender. Any natice to Lender s h a U 6 e g i v e n by f i n t c l a s s �'.'r=:::
<br /> ,.re_�'r.�_.-
<br /> " .�z=:•�. mail to l.enders address�tateA herein or any other address Lender designatew E*y notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for _ :,;,
<br /> �•• �' ^' in this Security lnurument shall be deemed to ha�_e been given to Boaawer or Lender when given as previded in this �°��-�_
<br /> . ':;.: ParaSraPb•
<br /> � ,.' 15. Governing Law;5everability. This Security In�irument shall bc govemed hy federa!la�v anct�'�?ativ af the ---�-;
<br /> ,,•1.�'�'' 1ucisdiCtion in which the Property iti facated. In the event thot any provision ar clause of this Secuaty Instrumer;�r.�:::Vote '
<br /> . -�l'�t�i'. + {O j' ♦ � "
<br /> .. ••c.„�.;� eaaflicts wi3h applicnbte taw.sucb conflicc shall not affect other provisi�n�af this Security Instrument or the IVa_an�s`':t�n :-,= _
<br /> } „: be given e!'fect w�thout the canf]icting provision. To thic end the provi.rion�af this Security ln+trument and��•e?�m:e are
<br /> `;�%-' declare0 to be severabte.
<br /> _`���; 16. Borrower's Copy. Barrawer,hall be givers nne rnnformed wpy af thc Natc and of this Security In�r�.:ment.
<br /> �:" 1?. 'ilr�nsfer of t6e Praperty oe a BeneficiaE gnterest in Borrower. !f all or any part af thc Prapeny a.any intcrest in _,: _
<br /> ��:. �,�,:.n.,;;}_-��.
<br /> _ ,,,, it is sold or tran�ferred(or if a ben�cial intere`t in 8orrawer is sald or ttansfcrred and�orrower is not a natural penon)
<br /> withaut Lender's prior written consess�,Lendcr may,at i�ti aption.rcyuire immcdiate payment in Pull nf pU sums secured by -.��:,,._,
<br /> this Secutity Instrumen�. However.c:�iw option shall not t+e exercired by Lcnder if exerciu:is prohibited by federal taw as of =;��t,�'=
<br /> the date of ihis Security lnsm+ment. � �r�-'�'-�-�'�:'
<br /> If l.encier exereise�+t4sis optior�.Lender shnll give Barrawer notice�►P a�eeleration. The notice shall psc:ide a period of .
<br /> not less tltan 30 days from the daee the notice is delivcred�r mailed within wbich Borcower mu�t p�y all sum.<;ecared by this
<br /> � . Security Instrument, lf Borrowec casCs to pay the�e sums prior to thc expiration of t8ir peri�l. l.endec may invoke any
<br /> ' „ .T_� _ , rcmedies permitted by this 5ecurity�cs.niment wnhaut funhcr naticc or demand�n Borrawer. ,
<br /> _�,:4-,�J�.:�� 1& Borrower s Righf to Reinstate. lf 8nnower me�ts cenain candition�. g�+rr�wer o-hal!have the right to have .
<br /> ��:_� -- eaforcement of this 5rcurity Instrument discantinued at any time priar to ihe earlier��f: la)5 day�tor tiuch other pertod u� .
<br /> •r ..
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