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<br /> -�('j����iA 1�C IIDPWl�A1S bOW Of bCiq�ll �y
<br /> , �d f�tdnes now a traafter s put of the pmpecty. Alt npta�mmfc and additionF si�all atso be tovetrd b�r this Securlty�
<br /> = � �ummau- All of thc fat�egaag is nferzed w in this Security�tsttument as the"P+�np�rt}►-° ;
<br /> ---_ . _ . - oi,nvpv�tnntleaclhe.tiphlto_4I/tlt_._ __ -.
<br /> _- — ,---—�RRUNy i s==---�--_ -_-_---- - ---- — -
<br /> • and conv�y Wc Propeity and that the Propaty is w�eacmabered,�cept for en�umbrances of rrcocd. Bormwes warrants�- . � - - -
<br /> an"it defrnd genraIIY thc 6tk ro tls�F�opeity against al1 ctaims and dem�d�.subject to any encumbr:nces of record. � .
<br /> TEIIS SECURITY IN�IRUMEN 1'combiaes unifam covenants for naaonal use and nou-uniform covenants witA
<br /> limited v�tiatiaos 6y jwisdic6oa ta�a u�orm security iastn�ment wvering reat propertY.
<br /> ` UNffORM COVENANiS. Bo�rowtr aad L.endescavetraAt anc!agrec as follows: - P�� when dne the - -
<br /> � i, ,pa�eatof P�cip�l�u1d bte�P�eWpamt ae�L�te Cl�acgs�. Bortower shail �Y P�Y
<br /> prit�cipal af and intaest oit tbe debt evidenced bY the N°te aad a�ry p�epaymen��d late charges duc u�der the Nate.
<br /> y ��ta'13�us a�d it�aoe. Subsect to applica6le Iaw or to a writtea waiver 6y I.ender.Scxrower shalt pay to
<br /> I.aiderau tt�da►y man?hiY WYments are doe andeertl�e Note.unW tt�e Note is paid in full.a sum(°Funds"i for.ta3 Y��Y
<br /> Wtes`l�d�ss�nents v�#�ich�aY s�ain l�rtotitl►over this Security lasmiment as a tien oa the Property:4b)Yeuiy leautald
<br />- pay��-g�iiii��ieai's'an the Ptoperty. if�y; tc) Y�Y �� or p�pe�ty iasura�xe premum�s:(dl X�Y�oad . ..
<br />- inwrance ptesmwn�:�t€.a�:::fe?,Y�Y�'"�'g•�'��iums, if any:and(i�anY su!ns PaYabio by�orrower to .
<br />�f � Lenda.in accocdance ait�fr.thb;prnY�sions of paragraph 8.in lieu�of.tl►e i�aYment of moRgage insurance pr+emiurtts; Thcxe �
<br /> - items are c�led"£sccow Ii�a�:"�:i:ender may,at any.dme,collect:and tald Tunds m an amount not to exceed the ma�cimam.
<br /> = anwuat a lender fot�a fedeia3ly ietated awrtgage toan may�aqu�!a for 8orrower3 escrow accouat uader the fedeta! Real
<br />`�`" �stace Seulemait.ptoc�Act of 1974 as amended frorn tu�:to.�q�;.i2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.C'RESPA"}�unless anotl�er
<br /> law that�ppiies to the FaA�s se�s a tesser amount If so.L.eader may;at any time,coltect and hotd Fonds in an amoaat Aot to. --
<br />- excood the lesscr autadns- I.ender may estimate the arta�mt,of Fimds due on tUe basis of current data and aeasonable -- --, _ .
<br /> estimates of expetrdi�es o�-fufure Esc�ow Items°r°tt�erW'4se�"a°°°rda���aPP��bte law. � _
<br /> � The Funds shal��be;tietd,in an insdwdon whose dep�sits.,are insurtd by a fedcral agency. insuurt�entaiity.or enpry --
<br /> ; ftr�lnding l.endet,i�i�naei is such an inscicuaan)a ln anY Fede�al Home Loan Bank. t,ender sUail appty it�e Furtds cn pay
<br /> the Escmw Ioems.:Leaider may na c6arge Bomnwer foE,�a'�didg aad applying the Funds,annuatiy analyzing ti�e escrow
<br /> �r�ue�or v '.erifc�t6e Escmw items,unkss I�Wer pay`s:Bo�cuwer interest on the Funds�nd a�plicable faw permits .
<br /> l.ender to makc sad�a c�arg� Howeve�l.ender may requas�e Boaower to pay a one-time charge for an independeat real .
<br /> � `_ �e�ax reportin.g s�svice used by Lender in connection wlti�i this toan,unless appl�cable law provid�atherwise. Unless an • _��._
<br /> ' ��greemeot is tp�&'�r�ti�tble law requires interzst to be p�id,.i.ender shali not b�required to pay Borrower any interest a ��_ _
<br /> - ' earninge on tTx Fun�:;Be�rowet ancllxnder may agree in wnqng,howaver,that intecest sAall be paid on the Fands. l,ender �r�_
<br /> , �� shall give to Borro?r�a:-wiihout charge.an annual accounqng of the Funds.showing crediu and debits to the Funds and the a��
<br /> i.: • = putpose for which�.'�ebit to the Funds was made. The P�mds�are ptedged as additeonal security for all sum.c secured by - ��;
<br /> . - �� triig Securiry Insttuineau. . :;'.-s.—=-*�-
<br /> [f the Funds hetd by Lender exceed the amounts permiued:to,hcfi�ld by appllcabte law. Lender shall account ta •�, -
<br /> ;..'. Bormwer for ihe eacess Funds in acco�dance with the requiremients of'applicable law. If the amount af the Fvnds held by
<br /> - ' Lender at ai►y eime is not su�cient to pay the Esccow[tei►i:s';i�rl�ed doe:•i.ender may so notify Barrower in writing.�nd.ia
<br /> � such case Borrowec shall pay to Lender the amount oeoessarir ta makcvp the deficiency. Borrower sha11 make up the _ _.,�,.,
<br /> � �' ' dcficie�cy i�no more than twelve monthiY payments.at Lenders sotedisc�ettos►> �
<br /> U nt in full of al3 sums secured by this"Secucity Instturtieiif:�ender shall promptly refund to Bocrower any . _
<br /> '•► - f^uttdr•he�tQ by�Lender. lf,urr3�paragraph Zl.f.ender shatl acx�ire o'seU����Y.��r,Pnot to the acqujsition or . '�'ass.;::%,,.=
<br /> � � ���' • �afc ai'the Property.shap z�:�any Funds held by Lender.at.the dme of acquisition or sate as a credit against the sum.g :x�`�-- �
<br /> - .� , •: . ' �
<br /> - !�ecuced�ryr this Security insav��nt. � ,
<br /> ' f � ` 3, Applic�tbe ot Pa�ivaents. Unless applicabfc law provides otherwise. all paymenu received by l.ender under =,. ,�.��
<br /> �ipP . �*=��` � . paragwaphs t and 2 shall be�4ied:firs�.to any prepayment c6arges due uader the Note:second.to amounu payab2e under . . . �°"`
<br /> parograph 2:IhitQ to interest due;fourth,to principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. �•i-:
<br />, ;. 4, Chatges; L,iens.•Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessmeqts,charges. fines and ImpasiUons attributable to the . -
<br /> r Prciperty which may attain pdority aver this 5ecurity tnstrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower < � •��.-
<br /> ,��....
<br />: r{ �Iwil pay t?�cce obligat�on.s in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or ii'not paid in that manner.Borrower shal!pay ihem on . �__
<br /> � ' timc.directly to the person owed payment. Hotrower shal!prompAy fumish to Lcnder all notices of amaunts to be paid under , .�_ �___:
<br /> ��� Ihis parAgraph. if Barrower cna[ces these paymenu direcUy,Bortowet shall promptiy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing ..•�=-�_
<br /> �. `;� Ihc pa9mcnts. � 3'-�r''
<br /> , - . Rnrrowcr shall promptly disc:�arge any lien which has priarity over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees __----
<br /> �• � in writing ta thc payment of the obliaa�ion secured by thc li.en i�a manncr aeceptabie'to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the • �--=
<br /> licn hy.ur defcnds against enforcem�of the lien lt�.legal praceedings which in tha Lender's opinion operate to prevent the , . ' �'"�`�
<br /> enfnrccmcnt af!hc licn:or(c)secures ff�om thc holdcr oflhe lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating tt�e lien �� �•��n
<br /> ��►�hi�+Sccurity Instrumcnt. If l.cndcr determines that any part af the PropertY is subject to a lien which may attain priodty n� �
<br /> . . �_.�. �• nvcr this Secunty Instrumcm,LenJer may give Borrower a naGcc identifyiag tho lien. Barrvwcr sirelt sAtisfy the leen or talcc ,
<br /> ,_ .:�- . c►nc or morc uf�he uctions�;et forth above w�tfiio 10 days of the giving of notice. `
<br /> , �,y�cr.;... . ` . ,
<br /> - ,�,,;--�;� 4. 1b�rd or PropeMy Insur�ne� Boaower shalllc�cp thc improvements naw.existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> `;` �i �' : :�- • 1'ropcny in�urcd sigainrt losr by iire.hazards included within tho tem�"extendcct coverage"ariO any athcr hazards.inciuding 1
<br /> • '"' . .'". • ft�KKir or ilc�ncfing, fi►r whicb Lender requires insuranco. 'I9�is insuranco shull be mairtra'sneA in the amounts and for the ! � .. ,
<br /> � -`�---- • - f- - - _ .
<br /> �• � F�r,,,3o�a 9NQ Ipu,¢e 2 nJb pa�a►
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