� �����i. ""�Tl+"���r.�r�.
<br /> � ' -t.MJ ml�(y�y�.a�bM�r�wMrn I " •, ---
<br /> ..{YY���I�'.'��T'�IY✓IY�'!b � ' . _"� __ . .... . . .
<br /> _ ��r.,.raawMiiwiirtYitijNir�:.�-..:i., _ — - — _ .
<br /> ��,�, �.�1�'��
<br /> .
<br /> A tras:t of land comprleing a park of I.ote (h►e (1) and Two(2) Iekind
<br /> and part of the 1arAd between thG mes�inder lix�e� of the Narth
<br /> f;harnx�.el af thc �l�tte �iver. a� being �r► Sectlan '1Chirty'I`aio (�21,
<br /> Tovvnehfp Eleven (11) North, R�rtge Nine (9)Wesx of the �th p.�.�
<br /> Hall�ounEy� Nebraelc�, and more parti�zlarty d�scribed as follow�:
<br /> � B�ginning at the point o4'intzr�ection of the south rlght �f
<br /> aray line of U. S. fiighw�ay No. 3�# with thc eaet llna of said
<br /> Lot�ne f k� I��. �� i�u'=t��g Forty(�0.0) feet south of
<br /> tYx�northeast carner af said Lot Une (1) Isl�nd; thence� Ol°
<br /> �7' 06" E (txaeumed b�arin� along and upan the east lina �f
<br /> said Iat Qnc (1}. I�land, a dleitartr.c of'Y�vo Hundrec�1t+vcnty
<br /> and Ninety Three Hundredth�(220.83)feot; thence N 8?°45'
<br /> � 15" W a di�t�nee of Eight Hundred Eighty S�x and Sixteen
<br /> �:a:.��.��9:�.��ti 6�±;t�'�+�!t'"'S ��° Q9'(1�"vV�c�iA#an�
<br /> . of 'I�ivo Y�unrlrcd Sixty �au �-,�a���ty S�ven Hundr�dtha
<br /> (260.�7� feet; thcncz S 46° a3' �i9" W a diatance of Three
<br /> Hundred FIRy S�ven and Eighty� Four Hundredths (357.84y
<br /> � fe�t; thence S 52°�N(1'46"W a di�tancx�f Nine Hundred Nirne
<br /> �asd Four Tcntha (909.40)feet to a po1n9.axi the south Ilaie of
<br /> sadd Y,ot Two (2), Island; thence S 90° Cln' 06" W �long and
<br />, upon tric saut�linc of said Lot'hvo (2). l�land, a dista�xce of
<br /> One Hun�ircd Fift}r Seven and ()nt Ts�ath (157.10) feet; �
<br /> thtnce N 36° 13' 26" E., a distance of Une Thoueand Fiv+e
<br /> � �n�ndred Ei�thtv Z�vo and Sev�en�.Y Uiqh# Hundredr.lh� ,..
<br /> ��• ,;._,;{, �';.�•�;5$2.78) �cet to the point of inteiaeetion af t��;� � „
<br /> . , pr�olongation of thc�north 11r.�•.cn�.eald Lot Oixe (1�) Island with
<br /> �,�'��'�`!� thc �nterline of the North �ri�cl o£the Platte Rivcr and
<br /> �+:;:::.; ... ,
<br /> .�:>. ,,:�SO beinK a point o�x thc soi�.t+b�rlght of way line of U. S,
<br /> �� '`�:,;;:;]F;{�ghhara,y Na. 34: tl�ence S 87°5�' 12"�'a�ox�g aaid upon said'
<br /> `�` f' t of wa line a alistance of bxie '�ho�aand One �
<br /> . � :�.�y � y
<br /> � ��:•��,?:' Hundral Forty and'Triirty'I�Sa�Hundreclth�(1.14��;�21 fe.�t to ,
<br /> ;•�:':;; the pofnt af be�iruung anci c�ntaining 15.974 ae�ae��,�moro.or ..
<br /> ' � leas. of which 0.157 aerc.s.more or less. ls pre�nfly occuP#��1.�'
<br /> . �;
<br /> by pub�lc mad right ti�.�u.ay: '� ' ,
<br /> <<
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