,.�. �4...�,..r-... .,,..-.-.� .
<br /> - ..:�r�ln•zrrn•�i.�:
<br /> °.. ...-c.ra+'•tiau.+.w'.,�,.-,� . . . _. ... _.
<br /> _�. .�w�ros�.au.,:� -= _ _ . _.. _ _._.. . . __—..a:..r•.�--
<br /> ��f;c�GF'.�.L;i�t�.____..
<br /> - �..z'- c:a1:�a�=�':_— —
<br /> �� ����
<br /> ;:. Cli��ar:d c�v E'F�,y�t�Yy Aa��:cira�iiec, it�i��a:.�zr e11�I� �.'EJ;�D I}�: iiiiprc►veaitents na�� existing nr hercaSter et2cierl ane sl��
<br /> Prcfpccrty insurod ugainst los9 by fira.hanud� i�xludec!wit!►in eih tcrm "txtandcd �uve►���c" and arry othes iia�ar�ls, lu�h;r.�ii�a
<br /> F
<br /> floals ar floading,[ov wliich I.endpr royuires insuru�cr.'Thi�insu�rnnnce sh91t be maiRtai►�d in the amounts and fisr thr.J�rri s
<br /> th�t L,endcr raqufre.s. TriG insun�.�e�+►�ric'pmviding the insunuxr tlw11 be chosen by Borrower aubject to t,nxler's op�►raval
<br /> wti,��� �be ynne�nnaWy withheld. If Borrower fails tn mainuin wverage described sbovc, i..ender may.wt l.cnder'+
<br /> optian,obtnin covs�ege to prota�t Ia:r�dn�'s rights in ths Pro�+erty!n aoconf�ncx with Fx�Br�ph 7.
<br /> .�ie ir�a►uar�ce puiicirs�xl�:..w«�1:, ::l�::13 ��:c��=p�.:.hic t�Frn�l-r r.ncl shoil incltuk u ste�tdard mo�tgage clause. [.erxitr
<br /> sh�lllwve the right to hold tM policia ud rc»ewa�.A. IF I.encSer rtr�uirca.Bonrower si►all prompt{y give to l.c�xkr all rcccipte nf
<br /> paici Prrmiume and muwal no�ti�YS. In thC evpK af ioss.Borrowcr slwll give prornr,t�xstice to the insurar�carci�r aixi Ltr�der.
<br /> [,ender may iruka proof of loss if not cnsck pramptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unl�ss I,cnda end Hnrro�'er otherwise agra in wridng,insum�xe procced5 shall be a{�pli�d to restamtian or rep�ir of Ihe
<br /> IP'�iprrtY danv�ged.if the reston►ticm Qr repair is aonomically feaaiblo ar►d I.ender's security is rat lesserkrl.If tht cestarnuon or
<br /> r�{wir Is ncx ccvnc�ic��llp f�ibte or I.c.�dcr's se�urity would lx le��er�,tht insurar►ce proceaSs s1xa11 be Hppfiod ta tht sums
<br /> sxural by this Sa�urity instrumene, whether or not then duc, with any excess Paid to Bormw�r. If Borrower�baridoas thG
<br /> pr�erty,or doea not answer within 30 days s natice from I.�nder tlut the insurn+�a carTier has offerod to scWe s cl�im.tha�
<br /> I.crxtrr may cotlect ttse ins��m�ce proc�ceds. l.encler nwy usc the proc� to r�epa.ir cr festore thc Praperty �r to pay sUma
<br /> sa:ured tsy this Secvriry Iroatntmcnt,whtthcr ar not then dur..'['hc 3(J-day perioet will t►cgin when ttx notict is given.
<br /> Ual�ss l.ender sid Bonorvcr othcrwisc agroe in weidng.any applti'c,at.+�2 o ctungetthe na»c++a�M uf�the{n►y�tma�ts. If
<br /> postpono the dee date of thc nwntFdy p�ymrnts referrod to in pars�g.rap , -
<br /> under�Snph 21 the Properl.y is acquirnd Uy unoxr�Hormw�'K tig���tu r.,.y ir�r....;...�lisits e.tr.�i�r.x'�ds rewitinft from
<br /> dun�s to thG PeopertY Prior to Use aoquisitan slwll�wu io i.n�oe+'tn�t►e exa.+u�f the sum.z sncurod by tf�Is Securiry Insuumait
<br /> icn�s:dixlei rior to the acquisition.
<br /> Y P gon,ower's Lwa Appiiatba;IRa�etioia�-
<br /> f.("�i�a�ywu�ey,Praerralion.Ma{�t srd Protal�ow o[tLe prnpa{Y+
<br /> $orrowee shall occv�y.est�bli:,h.and use the P�opeKY�s Bomower's princi�ad r�ide�a within sixty days aRa tht exavtion u[ —
<br /> t6is So�curity inst�r•nx+�t and stnll eontirw�e tn oacupy the P��ettY�s Bcrcnz,r��x's principal residence far at least one ywr aftrr .
<br /> the dwe of occup�ncy.unless l.cndex othawisc'aRrxs in writir►a, which s�ansent sluill not be unceax„�bly wit}d�dd.°r u�kss
<br /> exteai►var,isng circumatanoes exist which ue beyond Aocrower's control. Barrow.er siuBA aot dtst�y, dam*E� a im�p�ir thie
<br /> ro'i albw the Propnty to deteriorau. or comrnit w�ste on tbe Frc�cty• Burnav�rrr:s3uetl be in default ii aa�r fafeiwrr.
<br /> ProP'c�r,,,
<br /> �t�n�r pr000edisyg, whether civil or crimirml.is beRun thac in I.ender's�ood faith,jud�ar�ent c�aekl nesult in faieiGu�e of the
<br /> prqga+t�or d�xcxuxc:matuio�v impair the lixaa T.nxtal by this 3ocairity It�suvnx:nt ar[�der's sa�uci�q,iMerat.Borm�er°°�y
<br /> C1ft�G�'1�1 i1 dC�tlt pOd Ixillft�tE.0.c :,.".:'�:::. io.uj'uiuSi..$2!'.�:'�^2�:�`•�-•••wl:no tnlw wl��smissred�i/ith�i1111AR .
<br /> p. �;,:,;.S��n -----n--
<br /> s6nrh lri��1:�ader's goad fdth determin�tion, prociudrs fnrfcit�uo of the Horrawa•'s intarxi in the Pri�ptrty or��
<br /> impe'�ttiu:st+t of the lien cmt,od by thia Security Insm�cr.�.�oA �an'9.cnder'u seGUrity intcrest. Borcowcr slut'i�slso bc ees��efauk if .
<br /> Boctbv��:r;�iiuriqR the!ou►applicacion proocss.$ave u�trrit�ll�q::�'a'i�or in�ccurnte infomntion or st�tcments w L.en�l4fr fii�iWed
<br /> W�ovi�e;�rt;v��th any m�ccnal�nfurn�an)u�crnu�ecticitk.i�'f•+th tht 4o�en ev�det�ced by tba Note.ia�cll?di�8,bnt nul limitod "
<br /> w. re�eye�}ti!?�5',��erning Ilannwa's a�y of the Fxt�petty as��i�r.��pal tesideate.If this�nnn'I�'�ttameiti ia o+n a .
<br /> ka�apuiji�l;�birn��ahall aoa�ply with all tt� provisiass�rby7.`lhe lsase. If'Borrowcr ucx�rc5 foe titic to tht�Pir�perty. she
<br /> kwKihal��oai the fx titic shall not mtrge unless I.erdet agtkt�:�1v th�merger in writin�.,,.. . ,
<br /> ..�'�'t+ele��l.enier'�Ai�#Ms iM tYe�ope�t7•If�t►rrov►+er f,ails tn perfmm tha��p��s�unts aoc��gzoe+nents carained in
<br /> this SecuriiY Irtstrumrnt.or t]xre is a legal pr�x�todirtg tlut rruy signiSc�uMtiy affect L,end�F's rights'�i�n•�:�G ihnpaty(s+u�as:
<br /> ' p�u�c+eedio6 ia bmnkruptcy,peot�tG:far cond�.nrYnn�i�+n or f�ntfeiWre or to enforoe laws or re�tul+rtions�,`.;�1i�.n Le►da�maY do aod
<br /> �inr er is necasar!to Pnx�.'� tha v�luie of the Praperty�nd Y,enler's�igtrs in!he Prope►t}�. I�enda°s aoacx�s ma7
<br /> P4lf�• •� ;M!1�' in �1tft.'WY'�S
<br /> ��;��j,i� �ny wme se,curod by a iien which has ipa��iv�i;ty over this Security Instcuns�nt, �w��E
<br /> ' ra�u�t�!n9b'etwnteg's'fas�d entering ort the Piogetty W x{isi�;e cepnirs.Althaugh I.ender may takc action undG�A�jiA`}ti�grq�
<br /> .,,;,;: �'' .
<br /> 7. ����aa n�1•1tu�vt w do x�. � :,� : additioittl dcbt of�.'+ctonrru sar���f'�h2 t�� '`:'� .
<br /> Ai�(+� m�wibd�ts+disGv'�ed by I,eader uida this p�u�graph 7 at�ll t�wme u
<br /> �e�i!it�y:�i!�nu°eat. Ualas Aarowet ud I.+e�tder agroe�p��Pt�tr terms of payment.the}�amoun�s shall beu i�cul?,c llu�':�;�;'a,'•
<br /> da�i�a:�t�f;�,diaburument aE�he Nc�1Y riu.:eu�d stsalt be prry�}�.,;:•�k�th iniorest. u(wa na's1?e zE#�nn 1.e+�cle�to Barrouwt'n''��:�`t�iestin� �
<br /> e , ,..; ,y;;
<br /> .;.. . r:;;�,�
<br /> �ip�e Iswrsuee.If[.e+�der roqrhn��a�!�+ortgag�'1iif�urana�as x oondition of miking tix Icvn saurod by this Socvrity
<br /> I�mneat. Horrower�hall'P�Y � Premiureec.ri�quired to mau�tain the murt� iro�umce in effoct. If, for my nea�on, the
<br /> marty�e imuranoe oavers�e rcyuirod bY�e�let'�a�s or�to be in effoct.Borrowu stwll pay tf�pra�uutm ros�uiraf tfl •
<br /> obtain oovsrA�e��Y aNiv�lent to the mortp,age i��':�e previa�sly in e:f�feat. at�oosc substantialiy equiv�lasc to 9rie
<br /> ooet to Bormwar of eltic rrxxtgage insuranoe previously ie'�:�fect. fram m alt�rnue mat�age inauru spproved by I.teder. If
<br /> �1�IIY L�ttY1�7�L 11qr1$�$C 1IL111f�I1CC ODVE�$C I4 I10�AV�IW3IC.Bc�trower shall psy to I.cder ad�month a sum equel a
<br /> p�e-�wdflh af d�e�+cra'1y mat�c i�uu�:�rem:um being podd by�9cr�wa�er when the insunnce coverage.lapsed or oca�ed to
<br /> b�e in effoct.i.emdnr wii(scx:q�t�usc and nt�these paymerRs� a kxs ne�erve in lieu uf nartgagc i�s�:nnoe. l.fl�ss reserve
<br /> ��soxa sr90
<br /> • P,o.ac+e . �.��i;�,.;; '
<br />