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<br /> W'Y�i1C�IZY tit6;�FirJ IEi11�C3•Fn�i��yuQr,d.et a`�i a�,ii.ua of Lcndc,�,�C GttSi2$a�i3�JiS'Siit]it�C��'�i��(Ili fJ10 i1iilQlliif w21I jGP[I4C�f:,si�Y �
<br /> thu I.endtr roqu(rc�)pmf,ickd Gy�tn in�turu tppnsvaf by L�4ca�ain bxomes avsil�bb and is obtainod.Horra�vu ahAU p�y tho
<br /> p+emiwna roqulrod w m�►t�in mortg�o ir►ssurar�ce in eftoct, �w provido�lots rcaave.untU tta raquiranCnt fa mor��a
<br /> inew�nca s�x�in wcs,4rd�nco wlth�ny writun�r�arsau betaroen Sam�va�ind Irertder a�►piicwhb(�w.
<br /> !.Isyeetiw. i.a�da or iu�aat m�y m�ico row�rublo awria upon i►sd i�u��ectlon�of tho Pro�aty.I�ondae�tWl$ive
<br /> �oimwer ncx�cc�t tho timo o[or prior w an�n�acdon spocifying rcaMm�bla c+►u.ee for the inspoctinn.
<br /> 1n.CoaAe�untio�. 7'Ne pcoca�rla of any awud or cl�im for�n�ee, diroct a oanyoqu�tirl, in cor��ecik�� wiu'� �:iy ,
<br /> candea►a�ian or otba Wcina of any pert of tM Peaperty�ar�'a conveyance in lia, otcondemn�wion,�ro hereby�nod�nd
<br /> e!w!be p�kl to I.cr�da.
<br /> In tha ovant of a taW Wdng of the Pn�aty,tbe procoeds eh+l1 be appl3ed w the sums eoeura!by this Soe►uiry In�urt�au,
<br /> whothes ar nut tl��1uo.with�ny exerss paid a�Aonmwer.ln tho eva�t of R p�ti�l t�icarg af the Prapaty ia Nhie1�ttr�fair m�dcu
<br /> vdue of tha Pmpexty immediMely befacn tha ukc��3s eqw►i�a graMer than tho�mount of thn sumn aecucal by Ihis Socudry
<br /> Lu�t�rnmediakly befora tho t�king. unlea9 Hoarower snd L.errda oti�awi90 aRroe in writin�� Bx�sutr�s aocured by Ih�s
<br /> 5ecurity Inqtumhat ehW ba roduced by tha amouet of ihe gnocoodss multipik8 by ehe folbwing 8r�ctinn:(�)thn Wt�►1�u►t of
<br /> sh�sum� �oc�und immod'e�c]y betaro the tal�inng.divfded by N)d�fiiir nurket valuo of tha 1'ra�arty immcdl�rly before the
<br /> Wcin;.Any b�l�nce et►aU ba pad W Borrawer.Ia tt�e event of a jwttal t�icing of the Pr+nQaty In wb�e.li thn fair m�rka valno of d►d
<br /> Propaty icnaiedi�dy before the t�ing �S kas th�m the amonnt of tho sum� eacurod immoditWely b�.fore tttse Wcin�,unkss
<br /> &xrowet ead I�othqwiac�neo in wnitit►g or unksR+e�pUic�ie law othawise provides,the pr0000tis sha116e�ppiied b tde
<br /> aunu eocurod by this Security Inatcumau whether ex rad tM•auma�re h'�en d�e. _
<br /> If the Pcq�aty is aban800ed by Bortowa,or if�stkr t�.�e by i.aufcr b Hacowa tt�at thn c�cicmnor ot�'ae to m�ir�e�n
<br /> �wud or edUe a claim far da�n�ges.Borrower fsilt Oa�1 lo I,eadrr within 30 day��r We u�ee the notjce is givat�Lsnder
<br /> is�thorir�od w colk�ct anA apply thc procoodA�a�t its o�hxrv eit��x to restoradon a re�ir of the Plroperty or W the sums sacured
<br /> by dus Searity Lubnuaaot,Ml�et6ei a not tb�ea due.
<br /> Unksa l.cndar and Barower ddtxariac agroe in wri6qn�m,srn3'a��;Plie'Alion of peoceaLi q pdnci�l sh�ll�not ca�tentt a poatponG
<br /> tbe duo d�uo of tho manthly p�yn�t�referred a in�p�n�p�n 1 t,�2 a c!►�e 1bo srrwun¢of such pay�enos.
<br /> 11.BaTUwer Not Reka�ed:Forlx�ra�cc By Le�ier NMt,a:'W�iver. &tu►ston of U�e tirne for pay�nent a nwdiBalion
<br /> of amatIrn{oa M'tl�a samt secured by tdi�Sau�lty Ir�amnr.tA'f il,ranted by I.eada�to any snoces�in ia0aest of aarro�ra�fari
<br /> nat oper�le to rek,ano tho li�biliry of t1�a�igio�l Bar�ro9,e.�ar,fla�rrnver'a suxes�ors in hta�e�.I�awler sbiU not be req�d�+ed o0
<br /> cann�c,e procoodings�aay s�aeor ia�in�r�t cxr rafsp�q acla�d timo fa p�yroau a ott�erwise modif'y aa�o�tlradon ot'
<br /> d��ass ax,�tod bY thls SocuritY Instrument by rcasaa�.f ntlY.caeo�and m�de bx the oryhW Borcorva�a Barowa's a�ooes�a't
<br /> in in�My fabt�nu�ce by Leader in extmising arr,y.�e�i„nr camody shall not 6e s�iva of ar proclutb d�e t�ca+cba af Muy
<br /> rigbt w cGmody.
<br /> 12.S�iud A�s Bauad,Ja�wt aswl_�ve�1 d.i�iliRy:Co�sipa��.'it� ouv�aants �nd Agcao�aola of Ih�
<br /> Socurity In�rumart �all biad aad ba�efit tha six:r•r.usoax �aci�s oE L.a+d4�and&�wcr.a►a6jocx eo the pmvLpaus af
<br /> pa�apfi� �Z. Bo�rowa'a �v�nta and agi�c�entl�shnSl b�jr.i�e:M.and xvr�yi3. My B�.�tnm�a w�hn ca� this•Soc�itY
<br /> ' Li�r:+e�»t.does not ea�ocuta the N� (�}is•m•signing dxis S�curlty In�wnant aaly ao mo�e.Snr�t�ad uou+�y IYe
<br /> . ,Ba�o�ver's iatae�t in she P�opaty undar the la�s��f thia Seturlty Instcuox�,'(b.�.3s aot Ponw�liY c�ii�Med�o py�ta suroa
<br />; xcu�od by this Secwity Inswmenr�nd(c)sg�+aaz�tJrra�.a�1er�ad any aha Bannaa m�ty�ceo a eaekixl,eoodifY.faber a
<br /> . m�ka�oy soc�r�unodacioa�Mim regerdi a time eKtrns�cYs�ci��s Seairiry In�uma�t or ths Nak wid�out th�t Bonv�rr's 000�art.
<br /> 13.I.a�Char�p. If the lo�e securod by ttas�ibc,�udty Inttrumeat ls aubject to a 4w�ich�m�ximum kro ch�r�ee.
<br />- eod ih�t!aM is fuully inle�x�tod so d+ant r�e inle[rat q�od�a l000 ct�rgo�ct�llocled ar 10 ba oolbctied i�n oo�u�ecdoa�vi�h tb io�a
<br /> accaod tha permiq�d limit�then:(s��uoy such{oaa cJ�e aMU be naMiCed by tbe amount r�ooemcy to reduce We dw�a w the
<br />= reimiaea iicai�ana(b?�ny sums.dnrl�dy eolrocted�rar,soa�a�bich exoeoaea pamirea urotts�►lu be refuadoa b Bona+Mer.
<br /> I,ex�dar may chooma w aute thia rrdaimd by r�duitin�the pr�fpal owod uoda the No�r.or by m�idng�dh�ect p�y�aeet b
<br />; son�o,v�. l�a n#una reauaes pr;nai�s►ti die roc�wrspon M;u be e:�loa s,a p�l�c wi�ouc anr peepay�at d�e
<br />� unda dit Nax. " . •. '�
<br /> _ 14.NMioes. Any notico w&�+awar pmvldi:d fa•in ttw Saotuity Insuu�+t�hW De givea by delivaiag it a by�r►�itia�it
<br /> by fi�t cl�m�il unk�as�,plicabk law t�tes ase�of u�oilxr meshod.'Ibe nodco�il bie dinected to Ibe Propaty Addnust cr ��
<br /> �ny ot6a eddcoes Bama+e�doatgnYes by node¢�j.lL�rydac.My notice a I�ida�all be given by frrt clm�oW w I.ce3u's �
<br /> �' � �^ ' +dd�st�ed tkm'so a any other s�ldceas Lend�r ii�s,gnat�es b�nofioa b Baro�a: My uodce pi+avlded fa ia tl�i Saauity
<br /> . Insu�nAaai:shwl be damod a have baen g►van oa Harowrr cx L+endcr wt�given u p�rovlded b►dua pr�h.
<br /> . , 1S.Goi�eni�I.nv:Severa6ility. 'lhi9 S�,�t:urily In�str�u�eni�ah�U ba garvcrned by fafa�! L►w �nd the law of fha
<br /> � ,wri:dictiaa in which tha Pcopaty is bctil�ed.im th��cNent thu any proviaion or cl�uso of d�i�Soc�riry Inaaua�ent a tbe Nob
<br /> � caotlicte with applicrbk lax,such contlict shal!wot t�fifoct othcr pravisiona of this Socuroy Inswmatt a ttro Note�+rhich qa be
<br /> givea etfext widwut Ihe coofiiciing pravislon.Tn sh�er�d the pror�iau of thi�Secnrity L�uma�t�nd the N000�re dec'�red w
<br /> � be aever�ble. � .
<br /> ' � Form 30lE �1Y0
<br /> � �•!R(NE)�ea��1.a+ Pepa�ela InI11rtU: •.
<br /> i '
<br /> � .�..� 13�
<br /> � ' �� ':r1Y.
<br /> i '
<br /> � �
<br />