s <. �•K,w €a*,;.-- � -- .-- -�- - - -- - ---- _;,`Y ;
<br /> �,� �._. ' , ���;
<br /> . e. �.� - t,.- - . . ... . , _ , �__
<br /> - , _-- _. . � -_ °--
<br /> ,..
<br /> , T �,...•�. -
<br /> � _� •�. ., ..- -- �° ,- . ', -_ = — -
<br /> � .. _ _,.�.. . . - .. - .
<br /> �°-,__-.,_.. �.��.ti ", ' , � , ' ` � � ` ��fo=��� .
<br /> , �� �- � � � . � _
<br /> . . . whidi.�e rereneo w in �,or as�e tbe,m�ow�c of sucl,p�nenls. Ai►y ea�«ss prooeees ov�r an . .
<br /> �ea�uurd io paX�1!ou�andin�i p�eAaess tmder the Note and thi�Secutity instnuttertt slnll bo paid to ibe eetity .
<br /> etn�tie�dleleoo�. • ._—_ -----.�._-_ _
<br /> - -------- .tl��erc�y��-- --.—.__-
<br /> 9 Cro�i�torAcakrado�dDebt.
<br /> (a)Defadf. Letxk�mry.ezeept as�ed bg�egulativas issuod 6y ttic S�etary'u►the case of pa►ymeat d�fi►a1ts�
<br /> �eqn,ir�immod�tepaym�ent in full of all sums sauted by this Scrw�ity Insuaaunt if:
<br /> (�}Basowa defaults 6y fiuWg to pay ia fiill any manthly paYment re4w�ed by this Socwity insaument p[ior
<br /> w�on tbedued�eof the aeatt monWly PiYmen�.a
<br /> Cu'�Bo�owu def�Wts by failiag.far a period of thirty days.to ped'am any other obligatioas eom�'inod In this
<br /> • Sa�Insttuane�►� - .
<br /> (b)Sak Cred�t ApprovaL L.uider shaq,if petmitted by applicable law and witU the prior aFProval of the
<br /> ry.n4���Yme�ia full of all the sums secuted by this SeeeuitY Iri�cument if: `
<br /> _ �(}Ali ae part of t�Ptopect�r.or a�'iciol iaterest in a unst owning ag ar pa�t of tLe Prope�ty.is sotd�
<br /> --- athe�arise transfeQed tu�hertban by devise or3esoent)hY the Bo�rower,and
<br /> - ':>:� C7'��P�Y���'P���P��*�8�as Uis or her prixip�l tesidence.or tlre purclascr
<br /> ` ;;,,':,. ot grantet does so occ�r the Ptapeztg bnc his or her cred�t Gas tat 6eea apptaved "m accordance
<br /> -- ;�`��"`;� with d�e nquinemarts af the Sect�etaty. ,
<br /> ..,.;�(c�No Watver. If circnm�aaabes acc�u that would pe�mit Lender w tequue imu�iatt PaYmeaf ir►fWl,6ut l.ender
<br /> �aa
<br />: - '�'i�•�`does uoc r�ui[e such p�y�.Leo�ardoes not waive i�s rigdts with nspect w��bsequent events.
<br /> _ ; (�Re�1�tTa�dHElB��ecr�t�. In many cu�mtances regut3tiaas issued 6y ihe Sec�etary wiil limit Lender�s
<br />-' _ ,-...rights,in tAe case of�iiyf�ent defaalt�,to nequice immediate payment in f��d forccto3e if not paid. 17�is
<br /> `c ::: Socuti Insaumeni�uoc authori7,e accete�adon os fo,ociasuce if na t�fi nguladoas of the Se�retary.
<br /> _ �Y �u . � .
<br />-- - ..,�-.'�.�;;���e)Mo�ipgqe Na Ie�ed. Bormwer sg�oes�a s��uid this Sccac�ty insmur�ent and the nae.sa�u�ed theieby not �
<br /> E� �. � 8 aionths �Oa'� r.:.;,
<br /> ,, i .'i�e e6g�e fa insuratKx uader the ' nal H 1�ct wethnf. � �- : .
<br /> �� date hamc�iisnder may,at its opti�ra aat aatwith9'",uu3ing any.'����ParagraPh 9,requic��aediate payment in ..: .
<br /> = ., u� writterts� �eat of an autt�oti�e��t of the Secnxary `�.
<br /> ,'t=` �.: - faU dfam�s savred by this Seq��:�asuarn�='.� �"' Y :;.:�'�
<br /> :': "�i�; . _�d�ua�tto `�8 nlontl'���:'`� _ frnmf�abte'�atefiei�lF:�:�gioinsurrthis Securiry� :�:..;.
<br /> '. � ".fnswment and the na��ed ihe�by,shall be dr�ned conclusiye prooE o��s�meligibility. Notwithstanding
<br /> ��' � _ . . ,;� .:.tt�e for�egoiAg,this a�titam.3may.uQt_b�.Gxetcised by l,endgr whe�►slir unay�T�,of insyrance is sotely due ta ' --
<br /> • ��,.�' u, . ,
<br /> ti s �• r � • ' ' Lelldeiss fti11�tC W�CmiE�c3►Ol�ige�sc�t'3.�s:��emium�o th0 S '�c.'�. ��!" ' •• ' r ' —°•-
<br /> `�`�;� �ri"� ,. !0. Retmtskmea� B ... .:�r T�a;a �s�ceinstated if Ler�des H�reqnired'unmedi�te payment in fuD because , -- -
<br /> ` {° af.�sower's failure o s��a�at.�e��e.,^��'��N��or this•SeCU'rity �enr.•.'!'his ri t Ifes even.a�er ----
<br /> .'?�,�.;. .t� 4 PaY; �•� -- -
<br /> • • -- -- -
<br /> .,
<br /> ,
<br /> ;� r� s� ;�. , t�fi�sr�e pruceedings are+�ciis{e��:`•t'o•ieirtssat��rc'�5"eeurity Instrument.Horrowershall rendec m a� lump�sum�all. -._ --
<br /> �r�'�1� - - �a�in�n:s requireit to bdng Bo'rrottrer�accattnccsdrrem incta�'►ng,co the eaten,t�hey.are.nb�gatIgns bf flurrawer.under this -- _ -
<br /> Sxcrrity tnstrurnent,fo�e:closure costs and i�onabiB and customatyattorheys'fees and ex�ie�.ses y a4saciated with �"' "'°�
<br /> � the forcclosuce'pmceeding. Upon reiastatelr�enE by Bomawer,this Secuaty Insaunnent and'the o tig�tions that rt socunes —�
<br /> ` � shall amain ln effect as if I.ender had not req"uir+ed immediate paynnent in futl. Howeveti I.ender is not required to petmit .�,y,__
<br /> .j�:' reinstatement if (i) Lender has accepted neeinstetement after the commencement of foteclasuae proccedings withm two
<br /> • _ - ' yeais immediateiy preceding the cammeneement of a carrertt foreclosure procee8in$, (ii)reinstatemem wiH preciade ` .
<br /> forcclosurie on different gmunds in the future,or(iii)reinstatement wiU adversely affect the pnnriry of the lien crcated by -� ��y
<br /> . this Security InstrumenG • `r"^�'- ~
<br /> ,�._.:.:� �
<br /> ;.;;.-�.'. • 11. Barra�►er Nat RdeasM: Far6earance by l.ender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time of payment or , .
<br /> - ` :� modification af amortizatian of the sums secured by this Security iruuument granted by l.ender to any,successor�o�nterest ` ��^•'�.
<br /> ..�-:.-�: s:.�.,. . ., 't���_
<br /> �u of Borrower shall not operate to retease the liability of the orig�nal Borrower or Borrower's snccessor m intenest. Lender , ,:
<br /> �'� . shall not be re4uired to commence proceedingti agaia.rt any ruccessor in interest or refuse ta extend time for paym�en;� ����.:
<br /> aherwi�e mod�fy amomzation af the sums secured by thic Security Instrument by reasan of any dem�nd made y . ;`�
<br /> c
<br /> � original Bnrrawer or Borrawer's suceessars in interest. Any focbearance by Lender irt exercising any right or remedy shall , •.-�_
<br />' = not be a waiver af or preclude t he exercisc o f any right or remedy. �• ' •,:�'°`�
<br /> � 12. Su�roessors md Assigns Bound;Jdne and SeverAl Lia6ility;CaSlgners. The wvcnan�c and agrcements of r�-
<br />