� �[r•-��_ . _ <� ' . _ .:i-�'
<br /> z `t ��c. '�:�' - -a. —_"- — = — -. __;�,� �_t.. _— -
<br /> .. � . _ ,:�� f— _ . _ -. " , . - � _ . .
<br /> ' ` i . � � .. ' . . _ � ' ` � ` . � . . . � .
<br /> � --- - . = . , � . _ � � : � � 9�- /o3.s��' -
<br /> ` �. rl�w�.t.t r�t.ef�.�.LMe�a�e aw w�e CY�t� Ba�er s1�1 Py►wben aue t�ie pr�ocipd o�aaa n�apnt co. � .
<br /> . d�e debt evide��d b�r We IJote�d t�e�a due tnder tfie No�1G" ' °
<br /> . . ' : : . .
<br /> -_ _�, -- -- —-- ---="=-=-,.� -
<br /> �o�et6a+rbh tbe p�ipd�od i�NeRSt as sa fath ia t6e Nate and aay ta�e chuges,an ia�mea[of aa-yTs3`�a�m _ - _
<br /> sp�+ci�i uan�mts teviex!ar tu be kwied a�si dr PtoQesty.@)Jaseboad p�Yments or Scound t�ents an tbe�mpeAy.�od
<br /> (c)Puemwan fcx�su�ce teqaitedEY Paiag�pti 4• " .
<br /> . F.wcb�oo�hly imtalbna�t fa items ta),(b)�od(c)shali cquat one-twelR6 of tir�mual a�namts.as �easonaMY
<br /> � qti�ted,bq Latder. Plus w irnount sWScieat to m�intaia ao additional balance af not a�ote than aoo-sixih of thc
<br /> a�ewle��n�ts: '�'6c fiiti'atraal amaiu�t for sxtf ioem,ahall bG aeammu�bY�de�wit6in a�eriod ad��
<br /> . me�h betoero ae item waala boc�a�e delio�� 1.enau swu tmta che aoon�uus colkctoa in uusc to'pay iioems ta),ro)�
<br /> c�fnera+e�ye�a��.� w�����y
<br /> ' 1f�t aay tnne the wp!of tbe payments beld by Lendar for items(a),N)aad(c).togaher w
<br /> prya�aMs fa suc6 items payabie w l�eadet priar to the due dates of sucb iu�ns,excads by mae tban aoe-si�th tba
<br /> esm�ed amaimc of P�Yments Rquued wp�y such items w6en due.�d if p���ts an tGa Note are cwzau,tlrn Leander
<br /> amU eitbec nfa�nd the excas over onr.sncth of the�timatad paYments ac "t the exoess over a�-sunh of tbe e.uimaie�
<br /> -.._ - Pry!nauts w�b�t P�Y�b'Y��'er.at the optim of Ba�m�ver. If the tatal of the payments made bY Bo�mw�er
<br /> far�tem(a).(b)._vr tc)is uuut'ficient to pay ti�e item wben duc,dten Bomuwtt shal!Qry w Lender aay amouet neoessarY w
<br /> - m�lue up the deficiency oa or befone the date the item becaixs dae. � .
<br /> -= � Ag used in tbis Saurit�r Ia�nuaen�"Soacia�Y°iaeans the Sa�of Hausing aad UrbaQ Develop�t�a�c or his ar htr
<br />�� desigoeG. In�y yeu in wh�ch tbe l.ender mnst pay a mo�igage�sunec�p�emium to tbe Secretarg�eacb mouthlY PiY��
<br /> - s�U atso inelude either:- G)aa insplhnent of the annuai tirtortgage insmaoce pcemium to bc.pa�bY L�endes w the
<br />- - Soc�epry.a(ii)a mont6ly charge inuead of a moitgage ins�ar�ce p�emium if tUis Socunty lastnm�eat is t�etd by the
<br /> � Secnetary. Fach manthly in�talLnent of the mortgage insurarce pnemiam shall be in an amouat sufl"icient to acaanW�e d�e
<br /> full rrwatl m�o�tgage m.s�ct piemiw»witit I.ender otje month priar w the date tt�e fuIl�ual moctgage insurance
<br />= pianium is dae to tLe .or if this�ty Iast�ument is hetd by tlx Sazet�y.each monthty charge�all be in aa ' .
<br /> - amoaat eqa�l to ono-hve�.onefialf percent of tha oatstand"nrg pcincipal bala�xe due on t6e Nou. - . ,
<br /> If Borrowtr tendets w L,ender tl�e fuil payment of aU sums sauted by this 5ecurity lnurument,Bamwtr's accatnt �
<br />_- sAaU be ceMited with tbe baluice re�aaining fa atl insfaUme�tu for items(a),(b)and(c)and aay mat8ags�
<br /> pniaiwn installtnent that I.rnder has aot 6ecaue obiigattd to pay w tha Secretazy,and Leader shaU promptly .
<br /> . _Y excess.funds to Bormwer. Immcdiately p[ior to a faectos�ue sate of the Ptopaty ar its xquisition by Leader,Bormwer�
<br /> _ account s6a11 he cc�edited with any baiance remaining for all instalJmmts for iters4s(a).(b)aad[c).
<br /> - . . �A o�P!�'ments. All paymenu under Paragraphs I�d 2 sha11 be apptied by Lender asfofbws:
<br /> . �'.�'� . to the mortgage insurance p�smium to be paid by Lender to the Sec�etacy or to the manthly eharge lry the
<br />_ . - Socrtt�ry�stead of thc matthly mortgage u�sutance prem�wn; -
<br /> �QgQ,to any taaes,special asses�-ments,leasehold paymenu or grourtd itnu.and fire.flobd and otber ba7ard .
<br /> . � ir�urance premiwns,as irquired:
<br /> �..('`r �to intensl due undet the Note: • �. •
<br /> ;' �• �to amost�ion of the pciacipal of the Note;
<br />�'.�;;r.' � ' FIFTi-w[ate charges due under the Note.
<br /> �' ' f-�-'� 4.F'�.Fiood a�d Other H�zstrd Insarance. Borrower shatt insure all improvements on the Prupercy.whetixr now
<br /> ur e�staace ar sa q encted.against any ha�.ards.casualdes.and contingencies.including fue.for which Lendcr •
<br /> . � '' �... nquues in�nce.�7'h�rance shall be maintained in[he amounts and for the petiods that l.ender requins. Horrvwer
<br /> � �r �r;•; shall also instue ail impcavements on the Property.whett�er now in eaistenee or subsequently electcd.against toss by flaods
<br /> to 1he�xtent required by the Secretary. AI!insurance shall be rarried with companies appraved by Lendet. The uuwance
<br /> ' policies and any renewats shall be held by Lender and shaU inciude tass payable clauses in favor of. and in a form
<br />' j'� acceptable to,Lender. ��'"'--
<br /> ' In the event of loss.Boaower shall give l.ender immediate notice hy mail. l.ender may make proof of loss if not ��j=�
<br /> ` • made promptly by Borrower. Eacb insurance campany cancemed is hereby authorized and d'uected to make payment for ��-_ -
<br /> � snch toss direcAy to Lender,instead of to Bonower and to l.ender jointly. All or any pan of the iacurance pmceeds may be ��--_
<br /> '��� applied by Lender.at iu aption.either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Secunry lnsdunxnt, �.�:��=`
<br /> � •�. first to any delinquent amounts applied in the order in Paragraph 3.and then to prepayment af principal,or(D)to the , "�;L__
<br /> . , restaration or repau of the damaged propetty. My application of the praceeds to the pnncipal shall not extend or postpo:te �K'.�.:_-_
<br /> � � i,`��� the due date of the monthly payments which are referred to in Para�aph 2.or change the amount af snch payments. Any �,:��;;:;�.=
<br /> excess insurance�roceeds ovet an amount required to pay all ouestu:ding mde�s,�ir.ess under the Note and tlFi.>Security �"'�i%
<br /> _` ��•::��,� .
<br /> . � ,::: Instrument shall be paid to the entity tegally entitted ch�-wa: � •�'�'�' �
<br /> - „";`-; In the event of foreclosure of this S�,.ci.�ity Ins*s•s:aent or ott:er cransfer of title to the Property that extir�3uiahes the �,_'ti;�,
<br /> - indebtedness,all rlgh�title and interest of Barrower ia and to insurance policies in farce shaQ pa�s tu the purchaser.
<br /> ,� � S. Oocupaecy, Preservatiat, Maintenu�ce�nd Pratection ot the Property; Borrowes's Loan Applkation: .,:; W
<br />_ -' Lease6oida Borrower shall occupy,establish.artd a;�e the Propeny ac Borrower's pnncipal residence within sixry days z,;;;;,, -
<br /> � •�`-� after the execution of this Seeuri nstrument and shat!continue to oceu the Pro rt ac Borrower's• rinci c�.widence "'""�>' '
<br /> ty 1 PY, Pe Y, P P� ����;.,.,�.
<br /> ' `' far at least one year after ihe date of accupancy.unless the Secretary determmes this reyuuement wil!canse w�3�e hardship • °.:1�`r� •
<br /> ' � � `�",'°� for Borrowcr.or unless extenuatins circumstances exist which arc beyand Bonawer's cantrol. Botrower s,*�zt!notify ' ,
<br /> -� �. �`�-s��"t�' Lenders af any eutenuaNng circumstancew. Borrower shaU nat commit w-aste or destray,damage or substant"cati�change •
<br /> • "'�"' '% `';'�° }'�" the Property or a11ow the Pcoperty to deteriorate,reasonable wear and tent excepted. Lender may mspect the Ptcperty if the
<br /> ,�,:,.. . �
<br /> Property is vacant or abandoned ar thc loan is in default. Lender mHy take reasonablc actian to protect And pn.�erve 9uch �� ;,
<br /> � -� -- - - vacant or abandoncd Praperty. Borrowcr shal!also he in default if Bonowcr.during thc loan applicatian Rr�c�ss.gave € „
<br /> � �,L;;�.,:�,-:z�.,�, ' matedali� false or inarcuratc �nformation or �tatements to Lcnder lor faitcd tn prc+v�dc l:cndcr with any matenal �. .•
<br /> ��� _ . �� informauon)in cannection with the loan evidenceri by the Note.including:but not limited to,repre�entations concemmg �� :' ��
<br /> � �' y�y� ' $otrawer's oecupancy of the Property at 3 principal cesidence. ]f this SerurUy Instrument is nn a tea.�ehold.Boaower shall .
<br />'. .� �'��`�'�'' r � c o m pl y wi�h che pravislons of the le�e_ if$onower acyuires fee tide to the Propeey.the Icasehald arn9 fee�iQe shall not � .
<br /> �,:�k�:= ,.-..� , be merged ra'.e'.ss Lender agrces ta�he rr:rrget in writing. `' . .
<br /> =;'v;,;,;'-.;.��.:;�. 6�.�it�es to Borrowe�and i't�tect�an ot Lea�er's Rights ln the Property. Borrowcr�hall pay all govrmmenlal
<br /> � =.��:,:: '. or munici al char es.fines and im .iucr.5 ihat are aot included in Para raph 2. Hortower,hali s the.re obl� ations on �•- � .
<br /> . ,' time direcdy to the entity which io wed tite paymcnt. If fai(urc to p.1y woutd advcrsely affcct Lendcr's intc est in ihc �
<br /> property.Upon Lender's reyucst garrower sh�ll pmmptty fumish to i.ender receipts evidencing�hese paymentc.
<br /> If Borrower fnils tv m:�lce�hese paymems nr the payments rcyuircd by f���agrs�ph?.or f�ilt to perform�ny other i
<br /> = - • � covenants and a�reements cantained in this 5e�urity In�trument.��r thcre is v Icgal proceeding th.0 may signific;rntly affect I
<br /> `- "� ° . Lender's rights m the Proprny(such as a prorecding in bankruptcy.Wr condcmnatinn ar tu enfnrce t�ws or regulationt). G
<br /> �� -�'°`����'� � then Lender may do und Qay whatever is necesszuy tn protect�he val�ce nf the Roperty and Lcndery righty in ihe L'�opeAy. ;
<br /> • __ .. ' ... '_ _ _ including paymem af t;uces.h:u:ud insurance:ind nthcr items ntentiuncd iiti Y:uagraph 2. �
<br /> . ' .. . • My aanounts disbursed by Lender under this P:ua�raph sha11 became an additinnal debt��f Hnrreswer artd be secured ; •
<br /> � _ ' , " 6y this 5ecurity inswment. Thexc amnunts shall bear mtcrost frum thc�iatc��f disbur�ement,at the Note rutc.:u�d at thc i_ .
<br /> . ' ' aqion of l.ender.sh�ll be immediately due and payabfe. � , �
<br />. : 7. Gaedemnafiat. The prurred���f:u�y�ward or c!•rim for ef:�magcs.ditr�t ar cc�nsequenti:il,in cnnnection wit�:u�y ;
<br /> � � • � ca�dcmnation or othet t�tcin�nf amr part�f the Pruprtly,ar fur conveyanre ia placc of candcmna�iva,arr hereby:�tisi�ned . i
<br /> � and shal!be p�id to l,endrr w the extent uf the full i+mnunt of the indcbtrdnes�thai rcmainr unpaiJ undrr thc N�tc;u�d thi� �•
<br /> ' � . �_ . Security lnsttument. Lender sd�ill upply such proreeds ta the r��iuctinn nf tfie indchtcdnrvs undcr thr Nnte:►nd this 5ecurity .
<br /> --°-- - -- - trtsaumEnr.fitst ta alry dctinc;aenr mnomifs-�ppire�m the�mkr yrvviJr�f�tr f:ts��uptt s xn�!then tcs{srrpayrnrnt n€ - --
<br /> . • � ppncipal. Any npplicatian di the pruc�eedy to Ihe prinrip�l shall nw cxtend ur{x��tpunr the duc �tc vf the m�nthiy .
<br /> � '. " _.. - • . �PdCe.'r¢4pdges► . _ _ _ ' . .
<br />` ' - �: . .
<br />