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Atl tepl�uanaKS and additions sA�il�Iso 6e caveced�by ttis Securit�► <br /> . _ _ _ __.— ___._ r. .. . . . w w _ _ -- _ _ <br /> . .._ iT-tde[iC�-bSidF�o...........-tn....«w...R�t1IK.-.Fr�t�S��__—�_�� . - -- � . -. ..� - ------ <br /> .���..CJ.....r--.�—___ ___4_ _ - � '. - � _ <br /> BORROWER COYINMTI�thac Bamwec I�tawfiilly seise�of the estate beieby co�veyed and has tix right[a graat� . <br /> ud oonvey the Pmpaty aad th�t the Pmpe�ty is und�cumbered:euoept for encumbranc�s of wcaN. Brnmwer wanants and <br /> w�i defead generatiy 8�e titk ta l��Y a8aitut at1 ctaims aad dert,ands.subject to any e�wmbraitcxs of rEcord. . . <br /> 7'EIiS SECIJItifY lHISTRUMEN'P cambuies urufarm covataats fac nadonal use atid nat-uniform covenants wit6 ' <br /> � � timited vsiarians by j�isdiction w c�onstiatc a unifarm sa�riry instrwneac caveriag teal p�openy. � <br /> � . . i7NIPDRM C�OVENANTS. Borrowec and Irader covea�nt aM agtee�tloita�s: �� ` - <br /> • � `!. bJ�e�t d Pei�ct�t�d 1rRe�t;4�repalae�t a�d Lstt CMs�es. $orrowe►stmll promP�Y PaY w'�due thc <br /> � . P�P�oE and incectst oa t6o debt evidenced by t6e Note and anY p�epaYment aad late charges due wider tde Note. <br /> Z f�s for'li�esa■d las�a� Subjxt to applicabte law or to a writtrn w�iver by Ler�det,Boimwer shall p�y to. . <br /> l�d�m ihe'daY mon�ht�payme�us an due�u�da tbe Nae.witi!We Note is�id'm full.a su�n't°W�)f�fa)Y�9 <br /> taxes yiod� � �which qssy amin prieciry over this Socoriry(nstrument ag a tien oa tGe Pnnpaty:(b)Ye�dY te�ehoid <br /> payme�s or gtound raits on tbe Propetry,if aay;(c2�Y�Y ��a P�OP�Y ia3u�uice p[cmiams: (d)yeu19 tlaad <br /> i�cs p[iemiwa�.if�my;•(e)YariY�B�B�� P���if any:aad(f)at►y sums p9yabk by Boimwer to . <br /> - - Lsndei;io acxortlar�with ihe provisions of puag�aph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance preisuums. 'f6ese <br /> iodms aue c�ited"Bsernw Items." Lender aay time,coUect and hoid Funds m aa ama�mt not ta exceed the maximum - <br /> ` �a knder for a federally cel�ted matgage loau may�quine for Bomowet�s eserow accaint under the fcder�l Real <br /> _ - E.state Seulement Piootdu�es Act of 19' ameaded fra�n time w titpe.l2 US,C.3 2601 et seq.("RESPA"A unless anoffier <br /> law that�pplies to the Funds sets a lesser amount If so.I.eader may,at any dme.ce�llect aad hold FvadS in an artioant nt�IQ - <br /> - exceed the le.�ser amount� I.eader may estimare ti�e amownc af Fvnds due on the basis of cument data and ceasoaabk <br /> . �tes of eacpeadidues of fi�tme Fscrow ItemS ara6erwiLSe iu aecaNance witt�appiicabte law.� <br />- -- ' The�'+mds shall ba held in aa in�titution wfwse deposits are insured by a federai agency,insatm�entatiry.or ernity — <br /> -- ('mclui�"mg I.ender,it l.ender is such an instimaon?oc in artq Federal Hane l.oan Bank. l.ender shaii apply the Rmds tm� --- <br /> ttie Fscrow items. l.ender may na charge Boimyver for holding and applying the Fvrds,'annually analyzing the es¢+�w <br /> account,or verifyirtg the Escmw Items,unkss t,ender p�ys Borrower intemst on the Funds and applicable law,permits --- <br /> -=- . , l.cnder to make such a charge. However,Ixnder may require Borrower to pay a one-wne charge for an independent real __-- <br /> -•' estate tax repoRing service used'ay l.ender in connectian with this loan,unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an ��°�.� <br />_ . , , agroemeiµis m�de or appTicabie law requic�es interest w 6e paid.l.eader shait Aot be tequi�ed to pay Hormwer any intecest ar • ,: �'=er���-„ <br /> `.' eamings on the Fwds. Borrower and I.eader may agree in wri6ng.however,that interest sfiall be paid on the Funds. Lender • � r ; <br /> - � - shaU give to Borrower,without charge,an annuat accounting of the Funds.showing crediu and debits to the Funds an�[he ' �'-�4.��-- <br /> . purp�o.�se�`for ahich�ach debit to the�unds was�ade: 'Fhe Fimds are pledged as additioaal r�rity for all sums seciued hy �_+� = <br /> :'� - , fl}IS�cuui�t�f IQSd'[It11CI11. 1, LaY_�.. <br /> �� If the Funds held by Lender exceed the accsoqnts per�..�d to be held by applicable-law,l.ender shall accousst to � ���;.�:_ <br /> i,• • • �_--- <br /> $ormwer far the excess Fu�ds in accordance witii s�e rer;�nu af applicabte law. If the amount of the Funds heuu�by =��� <br /> Lendes at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Iterr.s cc3�en due.l.ender may so nodfy Bomuwer in writing,�sr.i,� �=�---- <br /> _ such�ease Borrower sUall pay to Lender the ar.x�atst necessary ta make up ttie deficiency. Borrower shall make a�L5e � ��;�-��: <br /> . deficien�.y in no mae ihan cwelve montlilY pa��aneit�.at I.ender's sole discretian. ` - �.-_ <br />