<br />FSA-2319 (12-08-08)
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<br />(e) That this agreement includes consent to the Govertuttent For making or transferring loans and tQkirig or retaining the related
<br />mortgage notwithstanding any provision of the Mortgage which prohibits a loan, mortgage or transfer without the Mortgagee's
<br />consent; and
<br />(>7 That should the Government obtzin rifle to the property either by foreclosure or voluntary conveyance, the Mortgagee will
<br />gent consent so the Government may transfer the property subject to the prior lien notwithstanding any prohibition in the
<br />Mortgagee's security instrument to the contrary. '
<br />5. IN WITNESS WIIEREpF, Mortgagee has executed this Agreement by signing on the (p) /O~~
<br />BY (d) ~~'~'~~
<br />TTTLB (e) ~l/10.n~r~( d+-~rcer
<br />STA'I"E O: NEBRASKA ) ss.
<br />COtJNTI' OF N~ I~_ )
<br />This Foregoing inst:rumen.t was oknowle ed before me this /d~ day of
<br />~~-4im17tr 2010, by r` ~- e ~5ar
<br />r.,~ (uly Authorized Aff~}'cez)
<br />~~hancr~( vt-~lcer ~ of ~arrr-~ ~redlt`1 ~rrvi~.e3 G+ }-{mev~cF- ~ 3lCA
<br />(Title) (Name oP Mortgagee)
<br />My commission expires:
<br />r.~. <,~ ~, ~ u i 3 _ I~Ci~ phi wr+~ ~ ~1 ~-~I-vJC7Ct
<br />General Notary
<br />GENERAL NOTARY -State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. MaY 23.2013
<br />`~~111 Adl trrr
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<br />N07H: The billowing statements are made In accordance with the PrlvacyAct of 1974 (5 U5C 552e); the Farm Sere/ca Agency (FSA) is authodxed
<br />by the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, as amended (7 USC 7921 et seq.), or otherACts, and the regufatfons promulgated
<br />thereunder, to soifcit the informaBon requested on its applicatiert forms. The information requested is necessary for FSA to determine
<br />eligiblfity /or credit or otherfinandal assistance, sarvke your loan, and cpnducl statistical analyses. Supplied infnrmaffon maybe furnished t
<br />other Department ofAgriculture agencies, the internal Revenue Service, the Department ofJustice or other law anforoement agencies the
<br />Department of DefBnse, the Department pfHpusing and Urban Development, Hr® Department of Labpr, the United States Postal Service, pr
<br />other Federal, State, or local agencies as required prpBrmlBed by law. In additipn, (nfon71a6on maybe referred to interested parties under
<br />the Freedpm of Infprrnalipn Act, to tinandal consultants, advisors, fending institutions, packagers, agents, and private or commerdaf ~t
<br />sources, tp CnllaCllon or seNlclng CpntrBCtpr5, t0 Credit repprtfng agendas, to prNate attprrl4ys under contract with FSA or the Department U
<br />Justice, to business (inns in the trade aroa that buy chattel or crops or sell them for cammissinn, fo Members of Congress or Congressional
<br />staff members, or to courts or adJudlcatlva bodies. Disclosure of the Information requested is voluntary, However, falfure to disclose certain
<br />items oflnformetion requested, including Social SecudtyNUmberorFederal7axldentlhcadgn Number, mayresultin a delayin the
<br />processing of an applicalipn arils rejection.
<br />Accordrng to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may opt cronduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond tn, s
<br />Coilectlpn pf infprmation unless It displays a valid OMB contra! number.. The vaUd OMB control numberfar this information collection is
<br />0560-0237. Tha d'ma required to complete this infprmatfpn collection is estimated to average 10 minutes perresponse, including the time foi
<br />reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
<br />Collection pf tnfomrah'on. RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO YDUR COUNTY FSA pFFIC>~
<br />Tha U.S. Department afAgricu/tuts (USDA) prphiblts drscriminatipn in ail its program and acGvitles on the basis pf rata, color national origin, age,
<br />dlsabrKty, and whore applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religrpn, sexual orientation, geneG'c Inforrrration, political beliefs,
<br />reprisal, or because all or part of an indrvidual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to a!1
<br />programs.) !'arsons with disabllftles who require altemaUve means for communicaUvn pf program informadnn (Braille, large print, audietape, etc.)
<br />should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint pfdiscrinvnation, write to USDA, Director, O~ica of
<br />Civil Rights, t4001ndepandence Avenue, SW., Washingkon, DC 20250-94iQ, orcall (800) 7953272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (7DD). USDA is an
<br />equal ppportunity provider and employer.
<br />