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<br /> . oondenai�eoi►ar a�ber taidng oE.any put of d�e Plropecc9.vr forconvcyaace itt lieu af cardemaatibn.are 1�eby assigned�d , . .
<br /> sball bc p�id to E.ender. thc si�all tie a l�ed�to�the sums secvred tiy this Sccuriry `
<br /> ��he e�tent of a taat taking of the PYupeaY• P�OC�• �P
<br /> - - __.l�_�� �r�sc nsid to Bortov�tlr. [n ti�e event of:a p:uti�l t:�ing.of t1�c PtoQcrfY in
<br /> which tLe air ei w ue o tt�Froperty immediately beForc t�ta�"ing�s eq` cn ot .� ��—�—
<br /> • secvred by thif Security instnunent immed'iatety befom the t:�cing.unlas Borrower and l.ender cNhenvise a�ee in wriung. ,
<br /> � tha sbrtu secuted by thLs Security[i�sttument shaIi be redu��ed by the arccamt of the praceeds muttip4ied by tt�fotEowing
<br /> �: (aj the total auwunE of the sams securcd imn►ediateiy before the talcing.dvided by lb)the fai�m�rket value of ttte
<br /> �m���y befae the t�k�mg, My 6atance shail 6e paid to Bor�+owec tn the event of a partiai taking of the
<br /> Q��in whict�tht fair a�u�et vatue of tt�e Pmpercy im�ediately 6efore the taking is tess than the amount of the sums .
<br /> saxned immediatefy before ihe tating.unless Bormwer and Lender othenvise agi�c in writing or unless appGcab3e taw
<br /> ' �ise pmt ides.tl�e P�oceods sAall be applied to tbe sua►s secur�d by this Security Instrumem whether or nw the sar:is are
<br /> thea due. '
<br /> - if�property is abu�dored by gotrower.or if.aRer notice Isy i.ender m Boer+ower that the candertu�or offeTS ta rnaice
<br /> an award a s�tte a ciaim for dam�ges.Borrowec fails to respond to Lender�vithin 30 days aftec the due d�e notice is givrn., .
<br /> = ' L'ender is authorized to coitect and apply the pcoceeds.a!its option,either to nestoratioa or[epai�af the Pmperty o[.to the
<br /> � sums s�by this Sea�rity insteu�n4 whether or not then due. ficauan of raceeds ta ri shatt not extend or
<br /> -�-� tJntas l,ender and Boarower atbenvise agee in writing.anY apP P P �'�
<br /> _`= postpo�the doe date of�he montt+ly payments refected to in paragrdpt�s 1 and 2 orchangr the amount of such payment�
<br /> �- II. Borc�� Not Rdeued: Forbes�ra�ce By 1.ender hot � �Yai�er. Eateasion of tAe time for payment oc
<br />_-" this (nsuument ted Lender to any succ�sor in interest '
<br /> modifiration of aaoo�tizati�of tl�e sums secured 6y SecuritY S� bY
<br />•;';_. of Bormwer shall not a{xrate to celease�tie tiabitity of the original Borrower or Bomnwer's successors in inte�s�•I.ender .
<br /> =- shal(pot be requi�ed to commence proceedings against any successar in interest or rcfuse to eatend time for payment or
<br /> ottte�tsemodifY amorci�rion of tl�e sums secured by this Securiry Insuumeat by reason of any demand made by the original
<br /> - gorsoweir or Barower's saccessocs in interest. Any forb�ance bY i.ender in exercising any right or mmedY sba11 aat be u , _--
<br />_. y` : �raiver of or pr�lude theexercise of any right or�cnedy. Tde coveaancs and agreements of this . —
<br /> �Z. SMOCl�01'3 aUd A56�.ILS BOYIId's�O10[�Il�S!YlrAI I.�M71�}"s Cd�s. —°
<br />.T}%� Securi[y lnstrument shall bind ard benefit tiie�ors and assigns of l.e�t�and Borrower.subject to the provisions oi - ���
<br /> T:,;. paragr.�ih 17.Borrower's covenants and agreemenu shall be joini and sereesi.Arsy Bomnwer who co-signs this Sectsrity 4_.
<br /> - Instr�urneiit but does not execute the Note: (A)is co-signing this St-�.�ity ins*.rament only to mortgage,grant and canvey t[� •
<br /> 3�� • ' B�.t'�'�'s inte�est in the Fropeny under the tesms af this Sec�srity��s'nuaient 1b)is not personaily obligated to pay the sa�•' � � ,
<br />;;` :" .� . secuteb by this Security lnsuumen�and te)agrees tliat Lender andany ottier�otcower may�+ee to extend modifjF.forbe`'•s'•.: ,:i
<br /> =i:.:' 7�ar make any aa:ommodatians with regard to the cenns of this Security insuument or the Note without that Borrowery �` `,'T�
<br /> �
<br /> .� �_`- , _ ' consent. . � `':�- .
<br /> �';�F��� • ; 13. Loan Chuges. Tf the toan secured by this�Security tastrwnent is sub}ect ta a law which sets maximum loan � �-;a';� _
<br /> °'• - .�` charges,aad that taw is finally iate�preted so that the interest ar ather loan charges coltected or ta be collected in connection _,
<br /> - � with the taan exceed the pem�iuect limitti.then: (a)any such laan c hazge s h a l l�b e r e duce d by t h e a m a u n t n e c e s s a ry to neduce •:=�„�^-
<br /> � : the charge to the petmitted limi�and(b)any sucn��.ircadY co l lecte d fmm Barrower which exceeded p em►�tted limits will be .��,�,F,
<br /> - ��,F:, refunded to Boaower. Lender may choose to make cFiis refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a - . .
<br /> .a.L � . direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principai.the reduction will be aeated as a partial prepayment without any '�- : _
<br /> pre��nrtentcharge uaderthc Note. �•-
<br /> p. • , ".� Y�NMices. Any notice to Borrawer provided for in rl;ss Security Instrument shal16e given by delivering a c3r by �` �
<br /> '�• • maiGng it by first clacs mail untess applicable law reyuires use ef another method.The notice shall be directed to the Pn��etty �" _'-�?;�', _
<br /> ' ,��'-L-� � Address or any other address Borrower designates by natice to Lender. Any notice ta Lender shaU be�en i�y fint;c{a.�.�
<br /> � ��• � mail to I.ender:s address stated herein or any other address Lender de�ignatcs by natice to Rorrower. Aa��`ice provided for • _
<br /> '�Y`��r in ihis Security Instrument ShaU be deemed to have t�een given to 6orrower as l.ender when given ::.�ravided in this ,
<br /> ' - _,- P��Ph. �;,; :_-
<br /> � 15. Governiag Law;Severability. 7'his Security Instsument+hall be govemcd by fedcral taw��+f.du: faw of the
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Praperty is Focated. In the evenl that any pravitiian or ctause of this Security InsU:.-a���;the Note
<br /> � -i � eonflicts wi�b applicable I�w.such confliet shalt�6r,affect mher pravi�ions of thiy Security Instrument ar c���are which can
<br /> _ - '" be give�effect withaut the confliciing provisia�. �'o this end the provisians of this Security l�strument a.:tif the Note are :
<br /> - ��'=�' .' declared to be severabte.
<br /> _ .,.,. ..� , .
<br />'.;; . �-;.;�:: � � 16„ Borrower's Copy. Borrower tihall be given ane¢c�rfcrmed copy of the IVote ared of this Sccurity instrumens. •�.
<br /> �`�` �:;�-' � IIT_ Transter of t6e t'�operty or a Seneticial Interes�ii�t�G:�s'rower. If all or any paA of the Property ar uny inter.�.t in � -
<br /> �.�•� it is so4d or transferred lor if a heneficial intcrest in Banov�rr is sold or tramferred and B�rrower is nat a natural�n) : .:;:�1__
<br /> . without l.enders ptior written cansent,l.cnde�may.at its option,require immediate payment in full of a0�ums secured by •� . �"' '
<br /> . ';�-.:::' _.. r,,�,''-
<br /> y this Securiry Instrument. However,this option•t�ll not fx:exercised by l.ender if exerc�se it prohibited'by federal law�ti of i , k � .
<br /> ,..�:.�s:^ :. .. =
<br /> �. the date of thiti Securiry Instrument. -
<br /> �=L' � Tf Lender excrrise.r Ihis apticn:Lender�.F'aTk give Bum�a•cr noticc of ucccfcratiun. The notice shall ptovidc a prriat of � ;����;-a,
<br /> ';. =3.,.�� nni tecs than 30 days f'rom the drret[*e notice is delivered or mailcd�viihin a•hich Burmwer mu�t pay all sum��ecured by Ihis ; '•.":��t:�'
<br /> Security lnsttument, li 8ortower fails ta pay �hc.c�ums prior to thc expira�ion �f thiti�x�ri�d. Lcnder may invake any `"�{,'
<br /> rr`";:'•�?�'�� � remedier permicted by this Sccurity Instrumert`without funhcr�otirc or dcman��►n Harroa•rr. , '
<br /> `" � • . . ' 18. Borrower s 8ight to Belnstate. tf l�nrtmvcr mcct.r ccrtain canditinns, Bnrrowcr �hall have the right to havc .
<br /> . . '':;,;.,�-.,;;..�-` en£c�rcemeat of this Security Imtrument discanz:rsued at:my time priur tv Ilie cartier u1: Ia�i days Irn'tiucl��ther peri�xl as
<br /> ��
<br /> '`����a�� SinglcFam;Iy..}vnnk�lae/Freddk�lact'�IY/)R311K7'Rl'S1}`'I•-1'ni(urm('o�en.uu� 9;9� Iputea�,fhp�:rs�. , .
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