t ,-; _ ,c i . . _ �.;`
<br /> _ ...'v��� .
<br /> - " . ~E-----__ _- — -;�� - -_ -- - -- _... - - �.:�'-_��-
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<br /> ' -- -._ . _. _, __
<br /> - -- _-� . -�: :-. -. . _.
<br /> -r,..- -.- v_.� .: �.��.� � ' -'---- "" ___ - . - .
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<br /> - ,�� . .._ ' . . . ' . ... ,. . � �� - ' � ' .
<br /> .� � _ . : . _ �9.� i�.�9,�
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<br /> ; � . . . . .. .. . . � _ -. � - - -.
<br /> . - � � �t�ocE7�lF1t wrrtt au me Li�a�!�s�aw«�er�tta erected an we p�vpercy.am au`ysemeats.�u. _ ..
<br /> � �od GxwRS no�r_ac 6ereafles a prt o�.the prc�1Y. AII reptaanrents�nd addi6ons sbaU also ix covere3 by this Secan�Y ,
<br /> --� �����++*�!li�dlhc est'f'entdtRinttos �' .I�t�ti�e�-"--_`_..�--=--_.__—_-----
<br /> ---- ---= f�' �_, _
<br /> BO[tROWFR C�OVFNAN'TS t�t Barower is lawfully seised of t6e est�te hectby oonveyal and has tde rigLt to gcant
<br /> aud coevey the Ptope�ty aod tbat t6e Propetty ts uaencam6eced.eacept foreisavnbrances of recoid. Somuwer warta�s aad
<br /> • wiU defeod�Y the 6tte to d�e Anptrty agamst ail clums aod demu�ds.su6ject ta acry encumtiratMes ot neard. , •
<br /> - THIS SECURgfY iNSTRUA�iT ooinbines unifomt caveaaats for nuioaal nse�d noa-vaiform cove�iants witb
<br /> liatited v�ri�tioes by jptisdK'tion m caaStiw�e a imiform sec�ity�smunent cbver�g raf pmpert)- ;
<br /> iJN1FQRM C�OYFNANTS. Bortower aod I.ender cavenwt aod agc+ee as followrs: � w6en duatl�e -
<br /> L !lq�at d FrYeipal a�d LKere�Prep�7s�nt s�W L�e C�: Barower shall pmmpdy P0Y
<br /> . psincipal of anA interrst ba t6e debt evide�x�d by t6e Nott and ang P'�PaYmenE?tad tate chuges due uncler the Nate. ,
<br /> 2.` Fiuids kr 73ures aid l�rs�ee. Subjoet to applicable law or[o a wncten waiver by Lender.Rarawer sha11 pay w
<br /> . Leoder oo the day awo�WY PzY�ts�e due uoder the Noie,u�l theNae is paid in futl.a sum("Fm�ds")for.(a?Y�Y '
<br /> taxes ad sssas�ne�s whici�may aaain priaity over tGis Soc�iry Insaument as a lien an the Prop4tty:'(D)Y�Y� ,
<br /> ar gm�u�d rents on the Pro�e�ty, if any; (c) Y�Y�a P�P�Y �Pn�ua►s: (�YartY tWod
<br /> � �pcemiun�s,if my;{�)Y�Y �8�� P������Y• �(�any sums p�Yabk b3►Bamvru to
<br /> Lender.in acoocdY�ce arith t6e pmvisions of p�ph 8,ia Gsi of the payment of nwrtgage insurance premiwns. 17xse .
<br /> ioems�e cailed"Eunow ltems." L.ender may.at aay time.collea aad hold Fvnds in an amo�rrsE rmt to exceed the�
<br /> amom�t a tender for a federally nlated mactgage lavn may rryaire for Botrower's escmw account under tbe federa�i Real�
<br />-� Fstace Seutamnt Pkocodurrs Act of 1974 a4 a�d fran time to tunt,l2 US.C.$2G0!et seq.("RFSPA").unless anott�er
<br /> Ixw tl�t appties to lbe fi�nds sets a lesser�mount If sa l.ender may.at any wne,coRect and hold Fur►ds in an amo�nt aot to
<br /> exaed the ksser unourn. Lender may estimate tP�e amount oE Funds due an the basis of cument data and:i�easainable: �
<br /> esUmates of expeiditure.c�rf futa�e F.scmv�r Items a a�Berwise ia acoordance wiff�a�}icabk taw. ,'� ,, . � ,.;.;
<br /> . ' Tf�e iimds shadi be held in an institu6on whose deposits m iawted�bg�federal agency.instrnmentaT:tg,or eavtg:;.� :
<br />_ (includ"mg La�der.if l.ender is such an institutibn)or in any Tedccat�fv�ue�Lo�it Ba�--i.ender sf�ll apply�he Funds ta��.:;,._`;-.,,=�':
<br /> - the Escrow It�ems. I,ender may not tt�ge Bar[�wer fa holdax��a�apptyipg t6e Funds.annually analyzing tbe escnm+�;=:�. , ,
<br /> accoupt,ar verifybsg the£SCZ+bw Itetns,aalesc Lender pays Boii�G�ir�.on Ihe Fvnds and appticabte law pemacs`:."'•,':;�,;;-
<br />.-��,• , L.eoder to make such a d�e. Howcver,txnder may reqnite,Barower to.pag a.one-time charge for an independent rea��. . . --
<br /> � estate tax nporting se�vi�used by Lender in connection with this loar�,uniess ap�Zicable law provicks ott�mise. Uniess,a�e� . ---
<br />_ agnoeRtent is made or appticabte law c�:i�s intsrest to 6e paid,l.ender shall na 6e requimd w pay Bormwer aay inte��.::� --
<br />�` _? eamings on the Funds. Horrower a�Sd fi��cr may ag�ee in writing,however,that inu�rest shall be paiA on the Funds. I.e��r':, =---
<br /> ,�`�. � ------
<br /> shall give to Botmwer.without char�.;�anaual accounting of the Funds.showing cr+edits aad debits to tl�e Funds and�t ��-�__�.
<br /> �� purpose for which each debit to the Funds was madt. '11ie Funds are pledged as addisionat s�cr,�ity far ail svms secund by "—'°°""`:
<br /> � �`'� ,thisSecurityL�suumea� , �r}..�-
<br /> If the Rrads held by l.ender exceed the amannts permitted[a be held l��p?ir,���:3�vi<<Lendea s��accoum to ..��`..:'--
<br /> :�c : �Bormwer for the excess Funds in aeeuMance with the requiremenu of applicab�e Fasv. S�x�x�ount of�e�..�ds hetd by =___
<br /> ;::;5., % L,ender az any time is not suffcient to pay the Fscrow ltems w6e�sdste.I,ender may so r�oi�Horrower in writing,and..inc •. —�=-
<br />- - �'�; �saci�.c�Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessar�.=o ra�lce up the deficieacy: $orrawer shall malce up c� �' !�''°'.��•�=
<br /> �-;-�y�s.
<br /> . "dePkiency ro no morc dtan twelve monthly paymencs,at ixnder's�aTe d'iscntiaa . .:. ._ °- --_
<br /> -�� Upon payinent in�uil of all sums secured by�isis Sec�rity Insuument,Lender shall mpQy refund w Barrower aa}� '�'�`^�=
<br /> pto ��.���;-
<br /> � F u n d s h e l d l s y L e n d e r. I f.u n d e r P�S�P h 2 1,l.e nder shall a c quire or seU the P r a p e r t y,Lendec prior to ti�c accjaisiti�ar �r�-=--_.
<br /> sak of the Properry,shall appty any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisidon or sale ss a credit against the s�ns , �,�%��:''`'.;�;�,,�
<br /> .'t . L
<br /> '� . ' secured by this Security Instrumen� -a �°',-';;�.`
<br /> • "' 3. Applfcatton of Payments. Untess applicable law provides othetwise. aU payments received by l.ender under _ � �:_'=
<br /> .r � � �-�----
<br /> �, . paragraphs 1 and 2 shap be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under fhe Note:second,ta amounts payable uader . .,:,.�'"�•-�
<br /> : paragraph 2;lhird,to interest due;fourth,to princ�pal due:and las�to any late charges due under tfx Nate. '�� � :::'_j,_
<br /> ' :-• 4, Chsrgp; Lkns. Borrower shall pay a11 taaes,assessments,charges, fines and imposltions amibutable to the �._�-
<br />`;��.�.;,, property which may attain priarity over this Security lnsuument,and leasehold payments or graund rents.if any. Borrower � .:�..:.::�_
<br />��`•``'' shall pay tlxse obiigations ir�the manner ptovided in paragraph 2.or if ntst paid in that rnanaer.9omuwer shall pay them on -�'•-
<br /> '�`'� � � time diiectly to tt�person owed paymen� Boaower shall promptEy fumish to l.ender all notices af amounts to be paid und�r T�`�'���;;,"�
<br /> - �' . r.i�5:•-_
<br /> � - :�; this paragrap . Y• P D p � .. , ..Y�',
<br /> h If 9orrower makes these payments directl Banwwer shall rat�t Uy fumish to Lcnder recei ts eviden " ' jr�,�
<br /> � ir: . . �r_ !r��r�.
<br /> {���L ��f;..—
<br /> :L�: t��Borroe wer shaU dischar e an lien whi:���S� rior� aver this Se�ity Instn�ment unless Boaower.(a)agr�s� °IXb�,•�,'j*,,;;�``'�� T.
<br /> . e�., P�="r�Y S Y P , �5" , Y�;'!.,.?[_-
<br />- in writirg�o the payment of the obligatian secured by the lien re�a s:znner acceptable to Ixnder,(b)contests in good faith ct� .
<br /> - �;:,. ' .�:�:-_
<br /> �,� lien by,or defends agalnst enfoccement of the lien in,legal proc���ngs which in ttie Leadea c cs�ion operate to prevent atx - �.{�,� `- v-
<br />.��`�� enforrement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the f�es:a�agreement satisfactory A4 Q.ender subordinating the i.'r:n -''-_�=-
<br /> . . - to this Seeurlry Instrument If l.ertder dctermines ihat any part csf t�e Proper[y is subject tv a lien which may atiain priariry ;;�;'�:�.��
<br /> '� over this Savrity(nsttumcnt.Lender may give Borr4Re�a ra�s�ce identifyin�the lien. Borrower shall sutisffy c.�e lien or take ' . -,,;��
<br /> '� ��',� one or more of the actions set fonh above withln]0�y of��e g�si�of notice. " "�� . ,
<br /> '... `� S. HazstrA or Property insmaoca Borrowcs s:�a'.t ke��rmptavemems now cxisc:r.r.or hereaf::r drected on�"te '`.•::;''•
<br />;�°.._ ,R ...
<br /> '"�, : : Ptopert}�c�^sured against toss by flre.hazards included within ti��t�sn"extended coverage"ac:�3 aay other hazards.includs.�g �,t•'y'
<br /> : ;,K..:;�;`:.,; ..,�� floods vr 1looding. for which Len�er requires insuranee. This insurance shall t�e maintained i»the amounts and for itie � � .
<br /> • ►. ,_. FannJ/2a !!!� 'aage2uJ6pngal '
<br /> � ~�h T}r;: . . . .•' . 1
<br />_- , .ti�� •-.� . � . ` v�,,F,,� .
<br /> , �• �'1;
<br />� . :..�5�:'t"�� [ yl'4f�. . -
<br /> � f :�isa�r � __ • .- . ._. _... -- .�� ...._.._._ _ ...,. .y.i}� . . , . .
<br /> af'v�.:.j�r��-7c-���HC: - . -"- . _ . , • � . ;� � . . . , . . , . , . . . . .. . :h� .
<br /> , ;yv,y�"�� `.� , . � . '•
<br /> •' �.~ �`ti'�=�.�..7• . . . • . ' , �-'.; , ' ,'' . . �' .
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