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<br /> All our ecndivfded fntereat in and to Lot Eight f 8) in: '8uck Subdivision" located �
<br /> on part of tt�e SouE.hweat �usrter (SWi/�) of Sectian Two f 2), �n Townsh'sp E2even
<br /> (ii) North,� Ran9s.Ten_(10�.Weat.of the 6th P_M., except a tract of land to° bb .
<br /> as��d for road purpa�ea can�pr`iar�n�i. a part of the Southwest Quarter (SWi/4) of �
<br /> 54ction Two.(2), in ?oMrnaF�ip Elsven (21) North. Range Ten ,(10) West of the� 6th
<br /> R.M.; HaZI County, Nebr.aaka, and a pdrt, of Lot Eight CQ) of Buck Subdivisi+on in
<br /> aatd Soutfiweat �Guarter (S1�ti/4) and�mqre partiaularly descr�fbed.aa-fol lows: `
<br /> Be�innin� at the Southeast corner oF 8uck Subdiviaion, thence running Westerly
<br /> .a�on9 the South line of�asid 5ubdivisictn, alao bain�� the South line,of ssid
<br /> Si�iuthweat :Guerter (5Wi/4�, a diatance of 7hirty feet �30`)s thence runnin9 -
<br /> Northsrly and Rarallel-to the Weat< line;of. said Southwest ouarte� C5W2/4� a ��
<br /> distancs .of Two Fh�ndred S�xty Poar feet C254.4') to a point on the North line of
<br /> � �ot Ei�ht (e) 8uck Subdivision: .�itience runninS Ea�terly �g�ng the North line of
<br /> � sa�d Lot Ei9ht (e) a diatance of Thirty feet (3Q'}.. to �the Northeast caXner of
<br /> - s��sd Lot fi�ht (6�* thence runnin9 Northerly at�� ¢a`rallel to the West line of ` •
<br />- �5ia$�d Southiwest 4�r,ter (SWi/4) a distance of Eig�i� Hundred Ninety seven and �
<br /> �Sev�n Tefin�hs feet (897.. .�'''�, tfience �runnfng Easterl��and parallel to the South � - - ---
<br /> - line Qf ,�;� Southwest ouairter (SWi/4) a•distartce af Thirty feet (30'), thence - �--
<br />--•_ - r.urtnf tiig:'�iether ly and parallel to the Wes� line of said SWi/4 a distance of One =
<br />=" tkr:a�sand One Hundred Sixty One and Seven Tenths feet (1,161.7' ). to a point on
<br />_�.�= th�:�5outh line cf said SWi/4, thence runn�,ng Westerly alon9 the South �ine•of
<br /> --j-• sa�id 5t���4. a distance of���4 feet to the Ravint of beginnin�. .
<br /> �� � .� .
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