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<br /> AIl our undivi'ded int�rest in and to Lot Eisht (8) in 'Buck Subdivision" locatad
<br /> on psrt�of the SoutF�west Qu�rter (•SWil�) of Section TWO (�j, in Townahip� E3svsn �.
<br /> (11 j Narth. Range;Ten (10) I�ieat of the a E�th P.M., except a tract of Yat�d to ba
<br /> used for� raad purpoaem con�priainy a part of the Southwest ouarter (SWi%a) of
<br /> Ssctfoti Twa (2?, in Township Elaven (21} Narth. Renge Te�► E 103 Weat of tF�e 6th
<br /> .P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, at�d a part of Lat�Ei�fit (8) of 8uck Subdivision i»
<br /> said Sowthwest Ouairter (SW�/4) and more particularly describetl as follows: �
<br /> Be9innin� at the�5outheast corner of Huck.5ul2division, thence running Westerly
<br /> elon9 the South.�.�rie of aaid Subdivision, alao being the south lirte of said _
<br /> • SoutE�weat .±Q�.ta,rter'`�SWi/4), a distance of F�irty feet (30')�. thence ruanin9
<br /> Nort{�►srlY :aet�;par�ilel to the West line Q�"��aid Southweat Qrisrter �(SWif4) a ;�
<br /> ' diatance a��Two .Eii�pdred Sixty Four feet (�b4.0•) to a point on. tha North line of
<br /> �ot Eisht (��e� Bitcic.Subdivisior: therrce runnir►��Eastierly along the t�torth line of
<br /> said Lot E�g�t �(A) a distance of Thirty feet (30') to•the .Northeast ,carner df. `
<br /> aaid• I.ot �fiSi�t ie�+ thence runnin9 Northerly And parallel �� the West line of , .
<br /> - seid SouLitWe,st t�rter (SWl/4) a distance of Eight Hundred��tVineCy s�ven and
<br /> � 5e�en 'fentfia feet::��g97.7'), thence� running�Easterly and parallel Eb �the South �
<br /> ��ne of t�he SoutNwest Guarter (SWi/4) a distance of Thirty feet f�'.�,�, thertce '�
<br /> - �r�i�ning sa�tharly and parallel to.the West lina of said SW�/4 _e if�s�arce ��;�;,�D�►e '` -
<br /> Thoysa�nd�t2tre Hurtdred Sixty One and Seven 't'enths feet (1,1b1.7') tio;�a' pciii:�.,�n • _'
<br />= the Sout�:.���ine of said' SWi/4, thenae runs��u� Westerly alon�:�he Sci�l�h lii��::+�f; . � �
<br />- se�id SWi�4�,a distance of 3o feet to the pra�r�`t of besinnx�r:�-::" , _ , . 1'�
<br /> �_ �.
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