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09/15/2010 WSD 15:27 FAR 402 471 4429 UCC S8CR8TARY OF STATE y-~y Hall 1006/007 <br />vv: .I, .y, [,vVA 1V-41 ~•;]:1 14\iG41,14`fi.Y v[,UR.'1J7~:i ~~~.4 ~'1 L~J6 U45!UUd <br />~ '..J <br />20.006579 ~~ ~` <br />Estate of Frederic M. Wiseman <br />G~uallfiod Heirs: Dean Q Wiseman Janet i_ Davis <br />~~ Rex Wiseman. Jzrolyn S Read <br />Byron R Wiseman Paul F Wiseman <br />Neil F Wiseman <br />Legal Description• <br />1 The southwest Quarter o£ the Southeast <br />Quarter (.5W1/ASE1/4}, EXCF'.PT the Right of <br />Way of Ehe Union FBCi£iC ~cailroad and t}~e <br />~.::..:::--:.::.--:--.-:-.-.~ rW~__..~_.~..--~~.~~-:ate.Sic-tft~n-=Th-.i..rt.Y=~ne.......C3~~j~i-h ....... <br />-..... _ Township Ten ( 10) North, Range 'delve <br />(1.~.} West of the 6th p,M. Nall County, <br />Nebraska, EXCEPT a strip of land lying <br />aarass the West HaIP and across the <br />Southwest Ruaz~ter of the Southeast <br />Quartex described as #'O11ows: <br />Aef citing to the SOUthwe~t Corker of said <br />Section Thirty_One, thence eeetexly On <br />the South line of said Section 31 a <br />distance of~~9d.5 feet to the point of <br />beglnnin9; thence caritinuing easterly an <br />the ~.ast described course a distance of <br />1~3b3.8 feet tc a point en the <br />nortihwesteriy right d£ wok 11ne of the <br />Union Pacific Railroad Compgn~.; thence <br />northeasterly cn said xailxoad Cpmp2tAy'~ <br />northwesterly x'ight of uay line a <br />distance of 2,25.1 £eet, more Qr 1esa, <br />to thQ poin4 on t`-e East lino of the <br />southwest Quarter of the Southeast: <br />Quarter af: said Section 3t; thenea <br />northerly pn said East line a distance of <br />21 • X45 feet; thence sauthuesterly on a. <br />line 20.0 feeE riork~hwestarly fwo,n and <br />paral]el to said xaiiroad company's <br />northwesterly right o£ way line a <br />distance of 1.678.8 feet to a paint of <br />cuzvature; thence continuing <br />6oukhuesterly on $ J,175.9 feet radius <br />curve to the ra.ght (init.ial tan2l~erst oP <br />which cainci,des with the leak described <br />course produced} a dist:a~nae of 1,181.4 <br />feat to 1?oint of tangency said point <br />being 13.5 :feet northerly fxom said Sou~kh <br />line; thence westerly, tangent, a <br />3istance oP 527.4 feet to a paint of <br />~urvatvxa said point beistg all'11.g feet <br /> from said South ,line; thence <br />:cntSnuing west¢r1y on a 2,340.3 fogt <br />:' caarv+e to the left ( initial tangent <br />rf which coincides with the last <br />lesCribed course produced) a distance of <br />!1 $.9 foot, more car ,less, ko the point e! <br />2ooiu~~ss <br />