.. �,.ar,v�C'MfhY�Wa�a • • �vi'FLAI�'A"" .... ...��--
<br /> ....,,._ . ,,
<br /> •.o-qa.+A+►.�shbT�+:.er.w+w:..... �� �� .. �` �:.a�rF4•wwr�dAtl�IYM?° _ .._..__., _.-_• - " .
<br /> �,■: r_._..... ._-- - - ' - --- -_.----=_--_ ---
<br /> ���-._,..,1=..,_.....;.....-__ ..-.- —
<br /> eubiaantielly oquiv�knt mortg�ga inwru�caven�e is nnt available,�orrawer sh�l!p�y t�l.ender rach monlh�wm a�ud to
<br /> ane-twelhh�f eht yeArly mc�rcgrge inaurance premium being pRid by�orrower when the insur�nce cover+ige I�psed or cau�od ta
<br />' txs in et'�a�:t. I.��xter w!U accr.pt.ese arx�rcrain ihese paynxnts as a loss raserve in licu of mr::t�»a� }n�se�.�a, I.ass resen•e
<br /> rr,yr.�rnt�m�,y t:o Inn�;er he rc+�u1►cci,at the upiiuu�►f I.e�xier.it'n2ortgage Insuran�c covr.rago(in thc amount u�cl far thc period
<br /> �h:�t l.cntlrr rrc�ulr,��)E,ravi�lcii by nn iry�ir^r:+npruve�l by iwixler again hec:outes t►t�s►Ilttbte atxl is nht�ii�ied. i3or��owE:r�;i�alf �x�y
<br /> �lx pre�uiu�u9 reyuinvt tu nu�int�ti��iwngwg�:insura�u:o i►i efir�:t,U�•t�pruvide u lu.�r�scive,unYil tt�c z�c�ui��c;�uc:►i fn�i�tioytg,ibo
<br /> i��ura�x:o enct�iis�+�nla►ke wlth�ny written aRrctnxnt btdwrrn&irruwer xrW i.enr,i¢r or agplicable(Aw.
<br /> !. Iaq�ecibn. Gttxkr or its agcnt rnay m�ice ceasoeuble entriee upon end inspoctdan�af the Property. l.c:nder ahal! give
<br /> Sormwer nMk�at the time af or pdor tu an inapection epecifying rpu�onablo enuse for il�e irupection.
<br /> !0. (.a�d�doa. The proceeds of wny�ward or cl�im fur d�rs, dire.:t or conwyuential, in coiuiection with xny�
<br /> oa�demnatirn�pr othar tak{ng o�'u►y p�rt of the Pmpeity,ur for oomeyru�ce in Ileu of oandernn�tian, aro heret�y Aasignal u�d
<br /> �h�11 he ppiA t��F trxler.
<br /> In tha event of a total talcir►�of the Pn�perty,the prooE,ode eiWl be wppliai to the sums eecural by this Socurlty dnAtrument,�
<br /> whether or rxx then diie, wlth any oxc�s paid to Bom�►wec. In the event of a puti�l taking of tt!r Propetty in which tht fid
<br /> muket v�lue of�he Propeny inunedixtcl before ttK telcing.is equal to or�{reater thtn the arrKwnt of�he suma securr.d Gy thi
<br /> Security in�Se�imeat immedlAtely txfore t�teking, unlcas Borrowec u►d L.ender c»t�erwfse agroe in writing,the sums socutod b
<br /> ihis Snc�u�ity Instmmcnt sha�ll 4e roduced by tt►c amount of the proceede muitipliad by the follawing fraction: (a) the sot
<br /> amtxtnt uf the b,�m� securead irrunadiately befqro the taklqg, divtdtld by (b) thc fair mirirat value of the Property immodiutel
<br /> bnfom the taking. My b�J,�x at�ell Fic,poid to Borrower. in the tvent of a p�ni�al taking of the Propctty in which the fdr
<br /> mwrktt valut of the Pmp�ny immcdiNteiy beforc the te]cing is I�s t}u�n iha urwunt of the sums securod I�runocii�tely befo�the
<br /> Wcing, unless Barrower and Lendcr otherwise ag�in wnung or unl�ss�pplicable l�w otherwix providea.d�e proeaxli slWl
<br /> be appliod to the sums socured by this Socurity lnsdument whdher or rat thc sums are thrn dut.
<br /> If the Ptnp�rty is abar►doned by&►rrower,or if,sfter natice by Lende�to Borrower thet the conclemnar offe�to�r�Jce�n
<br /> awar�!or scttlo a claim for damages, Borrower fails ro respo�d to I,�ndcr within a0 dxys after the date the rx�tia is given,
<br /> Lender iq�utMrixod to coltect xeW apply the pn�ceods,at its option,eitl�r to nstoration or r�air of ihe Property or ta the sums
<br /> securcd by this Sa:uriry IaStn�nt,whethor ur not tAen duo.
<br /> Jse!ra �..e:�r r.�+ �mu�ts nShest�vi� �r!� �� w�±ring, ,.nv F�1i�►tinn nf rrc�lc to �rincio�i sh�ill not exlend or
<br /> posqwno thr,dua dute of the monthi paymr.nts mfemed to in s 1 Rnd 2 or ch�nge the amat►nt of'such ptyma�ts.
<br /> !1.�vxer Nut�telested;�orbe�anca Br Ltnd�r�ilver•Exten:tion of the drrn for payment or m�ciifx:stion
<br /> of arm�rtizutiran of the sums serurcd by Qiis Security Insirumtnt granted by Lender to any sucoessor in interest of Borrower stud:
<br /> not c�errte to relqse thc liab[1ity of the original Borrower or Eocrnwer•s successors in intcrest. Lendcr shal!iwt bo roquiral to
<br /> commena�cm.�eoding�against uiy sucaessor in intaest or reftisc ro ext�nd time for ptyment ox othecwise modify amoetization
<br /> of the sums soc�ued by �his Security Instrument by rcason of any demand mHde by the original Bnirowez or Borrow�r's
<br /> spoc�soro in interest. Any f��fiearAnce by I.�rder in exercising any dght or�emedy shalt not be a waiver of or proclude tha
<br /> exercise of any dght or rtmaly.
<br /> 12. Succeaors and A� Bouud;JoinR �nd Several LiaMlit�;Co�d�xrs. The cavenants and agmemrnts of this
<br /> ' Security Inst�un�nt ehali Ibiad and benefit the suoaa,xns and assigna of T.�er and Borrower. subject to the proviaions of
<br /> p�ngraph 1T. Hrxxn�ver's oaverwrNS ud agroements sluli be,joint and seearal. Any Horrowtr w}a casigns this Socuriry
<br /> .� Imp�ument bu d�es not exeaut�the Note: (a) is co-s�g�ung this Security insrivment only to mongage. grant ad oonvey thMt
<br /> , sn'i.DT.r.^:'..t::'i,:..:.:s.:���i"C�i�`:�^.�_f 21'�`��Sis!_°.s2f!4li5 5..��reru��runw�t:(!►1 ic mt nneu►nallv nhlioafeYl ln.�rv the sumc
<br /> i -p. — r--...._� a—"
<br /> �. 'securod by this Savriry Im+trument;�nd(c)agms thac L.rnd�r rt:'�Ry other Borrower ma:�;�ngr'ee to exta�d.modify,forbear or
<br /> mo
<br /> " '.�';';�prte an7 s000m�ocd�tiom witb regard to the ternu of this Srcu�Y'Ynsuuma�c or tl�.Npte;�,�t3iuyt that Bomawcr a a�uent.
<br /> .- 13.[�n G'Mr�n.it,the laui secturd by this�;curiry I�stramuK is sokjecl�s?p�lmw,.'�qtuUh acu rt�ara�m�m low chtirga.
<br /> � :.:yild Uwt:•!ew is finally ieteapreted so that lhe iMere�i t�r other Itwn Charges c►t�Y'.�CG2r't�'. '�}A�,��salla�icct�-aea:twnnection w�th tha
<br /> � ,'ia�a ex�ad the pa�mitted timits.tt�en: (a)any such toan charge sh�11 bt rediiCt�cl,1�;�';E�,mi�ou�la�nooes.�iry uo rodua the c6ugo
<br /> w the Qrrmittod limir rod @)ucy swm alrady aollacted fmm Borrower whicl�exce�edot!'�,�per,ra�ttod limits will be rofuncbd to
<br /> &►nowar. I.cnder mip clwoee to m�ke this refuad by reducing the principal owai uoda�� Nato or by m�kine �diroc!
<br /> p�Ymeat to Bonowec. Ii a r+efund nduoes principal, the n�iuction vNill be traned as a P�ctial P�ymavt MitiKxK �ny
<br /> p�pryma�t chvge uerkr t!�Note.
<br /> l�.Na�ieee.Any n�tice to Boe�row�er providod for in tbis 5ecurity Instrumem slull be giva�by deliverin6 it a by m�ilir.g
<br /> it by ficst claes m�il unless applicabk law requires use of a»other mettwcl.The nolioe shall be dinected to the Propaty Addrese
<br /> or•�ny ot�addr�as Barow�r de.iignaues by noticx to Lender. :Any naice tn i,adcr �u►U be given by firsi class mail w
<br /> L�ender'�#!�dnes.arr�od t�ra,�or any aher,�aarcss r.c�aer aes',�ucce,4 br noc�oe a�orrctw�v. My notia provicbd for in this
<br /> Socurity I�!tikam�mi shsll bc deemed tc�'�i�;v4 ken given to Borro��;�h I,etwkr w6te aive(i�,(��;pxqvidod in this parugr�ph.
<br /> 1S.Go�trri� La�w; 9eraa{bW3�r"'i'his $�rety Ingtiument chall 1+��.�r,w�xt'�Sj�:�fedara! law and tho lxw of thc
<br /> J. •;,;�juridicti�►r�ia w�luch tb�..°ino�.�tty ib loc�ted..In;otr�;sc�v..Gnt that:eny provisioa t:c�nu;�uf t113i�Socvrity ultaprw�ent nr tht Nt�qe. � „
<br /> �����,'�`�boaflicta M'rth�pplicabk�i�i;;�ach caa�l'�i�,shASl ta¢if4'bct ot1Kx prqvlslats of�i's,Sr�lNrity�n�tn►me�t oc th�Note+vhieh y�en�bb,;';.. .;
<br /> 'givai e f fect without the aomli�.p�r�i�is�on. To this a�d the prs�►a�tobs af shis"�y�nskaµmaM a�xt tho Nnte a+e dec.�:ArR i�c•� . � .
<br /> M be uevaa6k. ,• ,
<br /> l�.Darrowtr's C�r.$orn�wx��?�Il be givtn une conformod copy of Ri�e Note�nd�`�this Security Inmum�t.
<br /> 1�.Tra�er of t�e�4npe�ty a'�i Ba�dicW Tntexst in BorrnMa.I�',�lt:br,�ny part of tht Pinpe�ty or any inta�t in it ,,
<br /> u�oW or t�aneferrod(or if a beacficial interest in Horrower is sold or m�sfer�hqd�a�d Iionmwer is not s►mtural payoa)without
<br /> La�der's priar wriwd� c�nsCx. La�tl�,miy. at its a�tion, 4ir�imu�odiatt P�Ymeat:•'fi_full of xll sumt eecurod by thie
<br /> Security L�yiuromt.However.,this c+�tlr�5 st�all rat be oxercisod�;���I:endr�r if oxercisa is�rra��d�itod by foderxl law as oE thc date ; ' �_
<br /> of thje Seceisicy Inetnama�t. �• •�. ;,,� � . �.. • �'• �.
<br /> if l.ea3er t�cercisee this upticx►,i '.ender shall give Bnrnowu natia of+�cceleration.'Fb��ncitice sFytl provide a paiod of not ,•,,�.;.:.
<br /> ks�th�n 30�ys fmm thc dMe the notice is ddiverod or mailod within which Bomower mwt pQy all sums seaund by this -
<br /> Seourity 6rhuma�t.U Horrower failc to pay tha�sums Qrior to the expir�tian of this puiod,I.crder may invoke aay nmedies •�
<br /> p�xnuttod by due Security Inurumax witiaut furtl�er natkc or demtnd on Borroa•er. , _� , ' .� `: •
<br /> IS. �rer's RIe1M to Rde�t�te. If Honnwer meets ceruin uonditions. Bo►m���s.er.sh�l{ have tho right to tuve
<br /> mfora,nx�of this Security Imtrum�m di�continuod at any time prior to the arlier df:;:���'..`�days (ar such ottxr period�s
<br /> applicablt la�x may specify for reinstetement) btfore sale of the Prope�ty put5stant to Jny'�rower of saile ooatait�ad in this
<br /> Secuniry Tnstrucumt:or(b)entry uf a ju8gment enforring this Security Inunet�ri�:'fhose conditions ane thnt Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> I.end�er d!su►ns wli�ct►then would b�due under this Security Instncment�ud,''u;te�ote as if no eccelct�k�imi hacl�ccurn,d;(b)
<br /> cun:c any default of any othcr covenant�or agroGroenGs; (c)pay�al1 eapcnses lincurn�d in�iorcing this'Sccvrity Inctrumuie, •
<br /> inctudir�,but ixx limitcti to, rcawnable attomcys' fecs;and(dj�tzd�es such action as Lc:rki�t may reaso�ubly royuire ta arsurc
<br /> th�t the Iien oF this 5rcurtly Irotrument.L.erder's rights in tt�e Fn�arty and Sorrower's obligation to�ay the sumg soncrod by
<br /> thfis Securitp instrun�tt shal! rnntinue unchangal. Upon reinstuanent by Barro�ver, this Socunry Insttuma�t and tho
<br /> obligationy�uKCUCad hereby sha11 ranain fully effectivo as if no acaleration had occurrod.NUwsver, this right to reinueue sh�ll
<br /> � �i appiy irr[nc c�e or aoceienicimi onQer puag�spn i►. --
<br /> t9. S�le ot Note; C6wse ot Lt�n Servker. The Note or a partial inte�rst in tbc Note (tugNher with this Socurity
<br /> Lntrumrnt)maX be soid one or na�times without prior notice tu Barsower.A sele may�rsul►in a cliange in th,e entity(krawn
<br /> . as ihr'Lo�u�Serviar")that collocts monthly�►ayments due under the Note and this Sxurity Instn�ment.'Thtro also may be oa:
<br /> cr n��ti changes of the Loan Serviaer unreletod to a sule of the Note.IF there is a chsnge of the Loui Servicer.Borrower will be
<br /> giva�writtcn�wticc of the clw�Ee in aoeonJarwe with paragtaph l4 abovr and apptirabk law.'Tho notice wili state the nune uxl• `
<br /> acWrtt�.of the new [awn Servicer and tf�acWress to which payments shouid be muic. The notice will ulsu conttin any cNlxr
<br /> infomwtion roquirod by applicable law.
<br /> 2i1. H�uatr�da�as SubtU�x�as. dorrower shall itot cause or pemsit tha prrseuce.use. disposai, Storage. or telt�sse of any
<br /> Hazardouc Substyrn,�es on or in thc Fro�xrty. Botvnwer shall �ynt do, nor allow any�a:.cl�: to du. anythi��g affccling lhe
<br /> Proparty that is in viotuion of any�nv,ironnxmal i,rw. The prccodi�g two senttnccs shall iw!a{aply to tlx prcsena;,usc,or
<br /> stor�,ge on tbe Propeny of snull quantities of Har�rdous Substances�hat are gener�Jly cc�agnizal to be approprixte to rx�rrroil
<br /> raideritisl usa�oex1 to m�intemux�e�f thc Property.
<br /> Pp�3 014 �ry��� 9/9Q
<br />