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<br /> ���jY�IF�C t0[I1C PtO�!!tY��CI�Im4 i��OdS•&D6JlQ!O 811�►Ef1C11131bt�OCCS Of 1+D�W1'�. .
<br /> pe:
<br /> THIS SF.C'[JR1TY INSTRjJMEN'1'oos�bioes aoiform oovtnanss for uational ase a�d non-uaifam covemnts witli lindtsd
<br /> , v,r;u;oos by Jnr;sd;ction w oo�tuce a rmifam secaricy imauma�t covering�t�txopert�►- . . , � , .
<br /> � UI�iFORM COVENANfS.bor[o'wa�od Irender oav�nt aad agroe as Foitows: ' whea dcse tbc = `
<br /> 1.Pl�J�e■t at P�iciP�1 aid�..P�I�l'�ad T.tfe C�e�-:Homovver sl�li�►psy=
<br /> principol of md iataaE an tUe deDt evidenced by►the Nate aad�ny p�ayment and 1ue c�ges d�e uider die Nate.
<br /> 2.Fia�ds tor Tues�ad�nca Subjocx to applicabte law or to a written.waiver by I.eader.Bamawer sAatt pay ta
<br /> i.tader on the dry mattht9 Psym�s are�e a�er tbe Nde,nntil the Note is ptid ia full.a.sum('Fuads")for:(a)yearlY taxe�s
<br /> aad X��s�rhich mry attain Prioriry over tlris Sxurlry�tr�drameot as a lien oa tl�e Propaty;(b)yar1Y lase6oid P�YD1�
<br /> or giwnd�on the Property,if aay:(c)Ya�riY hu�d or piope�iy insur�noe prea�ns;(d)Yarly ftood inwr�noe�.
<br /> if�ay;<e)�:�o�cg�iasuranoe pamiutns.if any;anci.(�a�ty a��aYabte 6y Bortuwer ta i,rnder.ia acoordanoe wi�..:
<br /> , , �ptip�c��.�;�+��u of ibe payment of st�t�g��'a;rp�'�ivms-'Ilxse ite�s et�alled-Esix���" f .
<br /> :.��',.;��u'.�.,�;i�`.�aod[wtd��mds in�n:�����.��=.�amu��teoder#'�a fe�g
<br /> ..',.i�eed.��)i,i�ntiy��qi�e for Borrowa's es�cro�v a000ant uncles•the�edera(Re�l Fsta�te Sett�emerrt Pru�eBniss Act'a3f .
<br /> � � ''19'74 as ama�from tirne to tnae. 12 II.S.C,Sxtion 2601 a.seq. ("RFSPA'),uniess anotlter taw tl�t applies to the Ftmds
<br /> ` sets a lesser amnunt.If so. i.ender may, at aity wme.caUect tmd hold Fwds in an arraunt mt to exaed the lesser urjotuK.
<br /> �r may�spm�te zde amaaat of Furids due oa We bacis of curn�u dua amd reasonabte esamates of eapendituns ai futQre
<br /> Fscro�v Itertn or�die�wise in accurdutoe with applicable law. , � .
<br /> The Fuads�lall be held in aa insdtudon wlase deposiss arc inwced by a federal aBencY. inurun�er�ality. ar_eatity
<br /> (inctuding Leader.tf i.eixkr is sucb w institutianl or in any Fakral Home L�o�n B�nR.L.ender siiall app[y the Funds to pay tiie
<br /> Esc�ow Items.Lepder m�y not charge Borrawer for holding and applying thc Funds.annu�lly Analyzing the escrow acmunt,oc
<br /> - vetifying the Bscrow Items.untess l.ende�pays Horrower interest on the Funds�nd upplicaAte law pemiits i.erxkr to m�ke sach
<br /> =` .��ga }bw�vec.l�rder uiay req�itc 8otrowtr,ta pay a unc•time charge for�n indcp�ndent rcal c.5tate tax reponing service
<br /> used by 1.ender in cc�nnoction with thi�: to;u�. untess applicable law provides olherwise. Unlesy an �gr�eemen� is made ar �_
<br /> appt�cable law.requires i�terext t�bc paid.Lcnder shall na 6e requlrat to pay 8orrowcr dny intcrest or camings on the Funds. --
<br /> gairowoc and Lender ttiay :►grce in writing.howevcr.that interest s[iall bc p�id aa ttic Funds. Lender shall give tu Borro.wu. _—
<br />�� withaut chuge.an annual actounting af the Funds.showing credits and debics to the Funds and the purpase far which each —__
<br /> - debit to thc Funds was mAdc.7'�e Funds are ptedged as additional securtty for ali sums�ured by lhis Security Instruntent. �-�-
<br /> -. If the Funds lietd 6y Lendet ezrad tlk arnounts pem�itted co 6e held by upplicabte law.l.ender shall ac�:ount to Borrower
<br />- for the eacess Funds in nccordance with the requirements of applicable taw. If the anwunt of the Funds held by Ixrrder at any =
<br /> ,o
<br /> - Eime is not suft�cient to pay the F.scrow Items when dae,l.ender ma9 so notif3'BaROwer in writing,and.in such case Borrower
<br /> shaU pay ta Lender the amrwnt�ssary ta n�akc up the d�ciency. Borrower shail make up the deficieacy in no t►iore than ��
<br /> twelve monthty payments.at i.ender's sole discretion. ` �„�____
<br /> Upon payment in fiill of all sums sccured 6y this Security Instrument, l.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any �,�,�-,-�-�
<br /> . Funds held by Lender.Jf,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire ar sell the Property.Lender,prior to thc acquisition or sale =_==-a—_
<br /> • of the Properey,shall applY anY Fund�C��by Lender at the dme of acquisition or sate as a credit against the sums soc�d by ��;---
<br /> �;"�`- °
<br /> this Sxuriry Instntment. --`-�
<br /> _ , a� • licable 1aw rovides athenvise,all paymcnts received by Lender under paragra�pbs � -- _
<br /> ts.Us.�... �s
<br /> '•, 3.Applicatian ot Pnymen ,�, P
<br />'''-• • 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any pce�^�_.�s�xnt charges due undcr the Note;saoond.to amounas payabfe under paregraph 2; „_,:,�
<br /> ^,;'' .• �_v-
<br /> '�� � third.to inte�.n due:fourth.to principz4 fiae;and last.to any late charges duc under the Note. —�__
<br /> 4.Chuge�Liet�.Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments,charges.fines anc!impositians amibutablc ta the Propeity `A�:-�__�•=-
<br /> �.,�,.�-;:-
<br />-_ which may attain priority over tlus Securiry Instniment.and leasehold paymenGs or graund rents. if any.BOROWCf S}I S II � ,• �-:•,�:_
<br /> _.'�;:�• these abligaGons in the manner provided in paragraph 2,ar if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on time directly ,v 3:��,�
<br /> ;;;..�.. ParaBraPh• fi ,�.t_
<br /> , __ to tha patsoR cwpd payment.Barrower shall promptly fumish to L.cnder ail notices o f amounts to b e pai d u n der t hi s t�.'J�_
<br /> _:;;Y;;,?: If Bortower cer��s these payments direc►ly.Borrower shall promptly fumis6 to I.ender receipts cvidencfig the payments. --` .-
<br /> :'�r.� Borrower shail promptly discharge any lien which has�priority over this Security lnstrument unless Boaower:(a)agrces in .;,��
<br /> ._L ..1'.-`_._.
<br />- i�;;:'� � writing ta�the payment of the obligation secured by th�lien in a manner acceptable.to i.ender:(b>contesta in good faith the tien .. '. _
<br /> by, or defends against enforcement of the Ifien in. legal proceedings whiCh in sho l.ender's opinion operate to preven/�the �:�'��;
<br /> enforcemen�cs�the lien:or(c)secures from the holder oi the lien an s�rcemcnt.�atisfacrory ta Lc n der su b or dinadns t he l ien t o .T='`''' .
<br /> ' ' this Security instrument.If L.ender de;a�Snes that any part of the Property is subject ta a(ien which may attain priority aver „' � 'r.
<br /> thls Security Zttstrument,Lender may give Borrower A notice identifying the licn. Borrawer�hall satisfy the lien or take ar�v�r , ,
<br /> '" y'' more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of noticc. _ _ +• , ' �
<br />_ �`" v«�+aozs sr�o �
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