-:� -=� _ `��.�: � � - ._ �
<br /> — r ,`� _ . -. _ '�,-., � — �,: - — . — �- - ----
<br /> — �..., _ _. �
<br /> , �_ � . �� .. . �„z :
<br /> �. ? .-. . , . .: . �y-. _,_: _ - . . -= -
<br /> _� . � . -c � - - , ------ -----. - _.
<br /> ___ - , ���� �; _ : . . - : - - . 92,- - ���q8 � � _ . .
<br /> - . . � � � . , : . . ..
<br /> 17.Tearter�[l�el�eeir R a aa�etiti�l;I�Eeent i�aaeeowix.�It a!I or any paRof ihe Pmpe�ty oc aay ink:est in it '-
<br /> - i�soid ol tramfeeted(a if a�intet�st i�t Hono�ver is sold ar tr�asfe�ted a�d B,atowec is mt a�t pencon)w�it�o�u
<br /> 1,p�deF•s�rint wrritt��v�eat, I.e,oder mty. at its.opcion, immodiate payment ui fali o�all sua�s�ured by dds .
<br /> _�y�nr�t,_ tbis optiae�Wl not be exearisoi�i.rnd�r if exercTse is prdubited by federal iaw�as of the daro
<br /> _ H°!�t�er*
<br /> ..- - af this Sauriry Tas�unttnt• -- --—,:—:�_.--_��_ ------.. _ —
<br /> �---T_ -=_=_------.�--
<br /> If Lmder�xercise�t6i�aptiop,�+eader shail give Borrowet ratioe af aaccler�tioa.T[�e natice shall pmvide a period of aot
<br /> tGSS d�n 30 d�ys fiom the�ate[be mtica is dediveted or mailad arit6in which Bortower nwst pay all s�s'sewral by tbis
<br /> Security Tastnuneat.If Bormwer faits w�pay these auns prior,w tde oxpiratioa of this penud,I�ender maY invotce any n�odies
<br /> petmitted by dds Securiry tnsttumee�wtttiout fa�tl�er notic�at dea�aod on Borraarer:
<br /> �s� �+s At�it to RetWtG If BomuWer �ets cenain conditions, Bor�ower s6all f�ave the right to t�ave
<br /> eofo�oema�t of this Sacuncy Insut�mau d'i�at�' at any time prioi w t6e eariier af: {aj 5 days(os sru#atl�er penioa as -
<br /> .apptipbk la�v uay spxifY for reit�nent)befoee sak of tUe Propettjr pn�ant ta any power of sate oontainod in t6is
<br /> Security I�meet:dr @�enarY of a judgmeot eafoe�cing this Securtry.I�un�ent.Tlwse a�ond�hons ue tl�at Borrower.(a)WYs
<br /> L�eader all�which then vroutd 6e duc under this Seavriry Instrument a�the Note as if no aooeleratioa had oaurnod;(b)
<br /> atte.c any defaalt ot�ny dher coveioarMS or agcaments;(e)Prys�Il exptases incumed in enfot+cing this Securiry Insuor�.
<br /> � iecludit�.but aot limita�to.�onrbk�ttomeys'fe�:aid(dy talces suc6�an as ixnder may�onahly�equine to 9ssure
<br /> _- tl�at the tien ot this Se�vrity I�dameat.4a�der's rights in ihe Pmperty a�d Hocrawer's obli n to pay the sums seaued 6y .
<br />�--= tbis Security tastnuntat shail codinue w�anged. IIpan z+einstatement by Borrower. is Seairity Ia�ment�md the
<br /> - - u6ligations sa,vnd Ae�eby�ha11�iA fi►liy effaxive as if uo aa:eleration t�d accurrai. However,this right w manstate s6a11
<br /> tiot appty ih tde ca�e of aooetetation turder puagraph 17.
<br /> _= ll Sale ot Not�C6ar�e ot I.wa Sa�Tbe Note or a putial interest in the Note ttag�her with Wi4 Seturiry
<br />��'? Ia�toa�a�t)msy be wW one or moce times withoat prior aotice to Sorcower.A sate may result ia a change in the eatity(known
<br /> as the"Iaon Serviar")tbat cAllects monthIY PaYmems due under the Nae aad this Secarity Instrumen�The�also may 6e one �-
<br /> :;'� or mon d�anges of tBe LoAn Servioer unweetated w a sate of t6e Note.If there is a change of ttie I.oan Servicer,Bonower will 6e v
<br /> _ - givea aritorn aotice of the d�ange in accucdance with paragtapfi 14 ab�ve and applicable law.'I7�e aMice will s4�te the name and __-
<br /> �'.����• addcess of tht new Loan Servicxr and the address tn which payments�wnld be rnaAe.Tt�e uo6ce un'll ats�contain any other - _
<br /> 'z' •. infonantion tnquired tsy�plica6k lawi i:�:.: .::-- � " •.. - . � '.:;. .
<br /> r- �sr�.?+:C,:•�'��::qr release¢�any • - _
<br /> � � 2��asrd�s Sr6etasoes..8d�s�wer shau:��:�use�s.fp�nit the prescnce, ute, J
<br /> ,,� �� Harnidous'Substanas on.or in t4e�ltii�rtq. �;rw��r sbaL�:��do. nos a!�aw anyort�e:���v;.ai�i�8 af�ri^.�.t�e; _
<br />' .> •'.. -, �. Piuperiyitrat is in via�ation of a�iy tiacimnme�',ai.ta�.Tl�e�+nS twcr,�si�•�ioi appt�t��'�sesen�.�s:,oc __cr
<br /> �p �y f 1' ties f�k���as Su6sta�ces tbat a�e a�ra11 reco ized to be ate w normal
<br /> � ' StOTd$C 0�t11C O Stf731 Qq3tlh 4 . �°. .,. Y' SA ;��Pn .•rt r c
<br />� ` � res�dential�ses a�w maimenaac�af the Pcop�cy_� . ;;..; .< '. � � r��-
<br /> ___ ' .. Bomnwer sfiall Prou�PtlY&4e T�cier writte�notice uf�ay imrest�ga���.aim,de�mn�,(awsuit o:4s�er action by any . �� ;
<br /> �er ��
<br /> l Li��.
<br /> . �� � . gavamrtrea�al or regotatary agencsr o�private parcy involbing the Pcaperty�:'�!Hazardous Sabstance or Envim�sea�.al taw rg��i••_
<br /> of wTiicli Borrawer t�s actnal kaowdedge.If Bomower leains,ar is natifie�L�a�nY govesnmental�c r utato a��_that �? E`�� `��`=��-
<br /> eS rY . '",°�,'•.;:it%�=�<<°-----
<br /> .f °. . any neipovalor other�iation of any Hazaretaes Substance afiecting the Pc�¢cc�is aes�csary.Borrawer shalt p��Iy catc�. ti. ;,�4��:-T�_
<br /> all aecessacy remedia9."ac�ions in accardancc witi��vironmental Law. '`' °�
<br /> �,, ,�: ' •*�ws
<br /> ;, . :. As ased'm tEds pa.agraph 20 "Hazardoas�:"=�:ances"are those subssaQa�s defined a4 toxic ar haza��us�iss�.=s by � ��,,
<br /> < <}; ' �::, :.:;`�nvironmem�l Lawa��t�be fo}towing substanc�:��asoxine. �Cemsene, otiter tTammabte or to�cic petro9e�m pmdu�cs, ta�te . � Y�"r�.. ,
<br />, . •� : ' pesticides and herbicides..colatile solvents,materiatscantain`s�a�estas or fom�dehyde.and radIoactive materials.tts ii;ed in ,,.,,`,���"
<br /> � '� this 20, "Emitonmental Law" means federa! laws.a� laws of the jurisdictian wherc the Property is lacated that � :�F`��:
<br /> ;r�:;?<'`�'L:.
<br /> � � � retate to�t h,s a fety or emironmen t a l pr a t e dion. -., � � ��-
<br /> ' NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Boaower and Lender fuehec covenant and agr�e as follows: ' �`'�- �
<br /> � �;. 21.Aoakntbn,Aemedies.Lender sball give notke to Bormwa p�ior to necekration idbwing Bormwer'R bneach ' � ' ' ., __
<br /> o[an ooven�d or age�a�neat in this Secarity Instrument (but not prior to aocetemtion under poragrapb 17 unless �,� �
<br /> T ,,���=�:: , app�ic�able i�w peovWes otherwise).TUe notice shall spedfy: (a)the defaWt; (b)the 9ction requtred to cure the tktaWt; . ' ' �,"' �
<br /> �. f.�,f-. �''�- (c)�date,not lesg than 3Q days from the date the notke is�iven ta Borrower.by whkh the delault mt�st be ca�+ed;and . .�:-�
<br /> kM�: �
<br /> . (�tlwt tailurc to cure the defaWt ort or befone the date spocified in the�otia rrwy resuit in�ccelentton ot the sams ` ��'i �
<br /> �. _ �o,+�a ey uas s�ry t�aament,�a�or u�rropeMy. ����au curcr�t�ro�B�W�ot�ne��w �-� '
<br /> rsinetste�1ter socekratba snd the right ta bring s cou�t aclion to accert tiie�wo-existence ot�defAWt or any otl� - -__
<br /> " de{ense o�Boeeower ta aooeleratbn and sale. I�the detault is not cured on or betore the date specitkd in the natke, � __"�=--
<br /> ` �, �; r .� . I.eeder,s�t ib option.msy nqaire immediate p�yment in tuU of all suma secured by this Security I�trameM without -"�.'-"
<br />. ��^�,:��;�. [yrthes drnwnd and nwy im�oke t6e power ot sale and any othee ranedies permitted 6y applkable taw.l.ender shAil be . '�..�:s�
<br /> ,:�.;_j;:�: Pa�s Pu inS paraKraPh , t-�:.�
<br /> editledto coikd ali cx incurned in rso the remedies provlded 1n t61s 21,Jncindiug,bat rat limited '. .x,;:,,• .,
<br /> � :�_�`•:4. . to,rea�on�bk attort�eys'tces and casts oi title evldence. -
<br /> �, N =� V the powee ot s�le ts imoiced,Tnutce sdali raord 9 noNce ot default in racA caanty in w6kb any paei oi the � � �`-����
<br /> ' '.., ` ��i�' ' , property i.g located And siwll maU copks ot i�uch notke 1n the manner pr�cribed by applicable law to Borrower s�ad to • :�'=s"
<br /> , - , ,•t. "�. We other personq prescribed by ApplicAbk t�w.ARer the dme t+eyuired by applicabie/aw.Trustee shall give pubUc notice . �-
<br /> k � otssle to t6e person9 and in the mAnner prescei6ed by appilcable taw.Tn�stee.without demand nn Borrorver,slwll sell �:�"_==
<br /> � �' tbe Psoperty s�t puhlic auction to ihe hip,he.ct bldder s�t the time aad place and under the terms designated in the noNa ot . '���.
<br /> . �"_'„-.-'ti-'�-r. - � '
<br /> �?yR'�'"i
<br /> ' ,�� �:y�;� ssk in one or nwre ppr+cels and in nny order TructPe determiaes. Trugtce m�y pastpone�le ot all oe any p�tcel ot the �
<br /> , �`Y,,a�<� -� p ro p e r t Y b y P a b H c s�n n o u n c e e�e n t a t t h e t i o n e a n d p l a c e o t a�ry p r e v l o u s l y s c h e d u l e d s s�k. I.e n d e r o r i t s d e s i R n e e m s y .
<br /> _�"�`j- purchaYe the Properly al any sate. .
<br /> ��; � ., . .
<br /> , _-..� •
<br /> � ' �� .
<br /> -i� ,�,-.:: ' , Fam 3028 9190 ' .
<br /> , ;.•1.i1, .. . . ' .r� Pa9u9o18 „ ' .
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