4c u ,f�F i-�, . {.- yi :�,{'x��;;�:`, . . _ -_-
<br /> 1Y 4 _ __ J�.l� y ti F v .l' - . _ S.
<br /> . .{ :� ��. ' �� l �.,t-'�-'`<.. �".. .ti''- t�-- -� .- _ . . c .. — c- ...�C-: __—.. _ _ —
<br /> �..._S_ �;c ��^ .. , . . . ; - � . . . - _ " . ' '. _ `` _'___. .... ___ -_. ' . - _ � _- _' —� �� ._—___-- -
<br /> ���_ ,� _ _ _ ' _ � . - _ `��+g2.-. ,�t?�-`l8
<br /> , ^ ,s.�H.oii.� 1'[+�.etf �t�+ir..ea Botm�r�U peep the ioapc+oveesent: ao�►eut�tie� or f�araRer�ee as �ee ";
<br /> • , �oppty iodtied ap�joit tai by fu+e,i�rratds inetudod within thr ternt"eauedodroverqc'�nd any dNer hvirds, iecludiu�
<br /> �floadf ar tioodlu�.Ccx wiic�t,endet nequites in�oe.Thia iawsanoe ahali bt mriiNaineA ie tlie a�eoi�rrts tnd for the petiods
<br /> � _ ._ -T ...�.�... - • � -
<br /> - — - - ----w.F.sw��,�„�., •':3�g�issursaec=si�s!!-lx��y-��e�sslsjsct tal�et'aapprm�-=___��
<br /> w�hich�Ig na be uerea�on�hly wlthheW. if Hormwer taits w m�inuja cavaage,described abova.l.eod�r may�,�t Leeder'r �
<br /> -9ptiao.:obo�in coverq�aco�Lande�'s rig6ts in�lie Propeny ie aorn�nco wit1�paragrapR 1.
<br /> A11 insu�potici��and esnewals slull�be aoo,ept�ble W Lender and�sl�ril inetude a standard mnrtgage cl�use. t.ender
<br /> '. �uli have t6e ti�t W fiald the�olicks an¢rer�wats.If Le�de�rcquis�cs.Borrower slutl Prom�lY 8ive to L�eades atl r�axfpts of
<br /> ' p�ptaniums�r�aotloes:ta tbe event of toss:Botmwer sbalfi give prc�p[nosice ia tt�e i�sr�noc t�rtfcr sad I.eada. _
<br /> isoder tiqy m�ke pirwf of toss if mt mde�rmmptty`by Boirower.
<br /> � tlnttu t�der and Bomawer aAerwise agoa in writiag,iawnna praeoeds shal!bc a�+ptied to nestoratiaa or npair of the
<br /> pcopeRyr danmged,if the c�estoption or npair is 000nomiplly feasibte�ad Lender s security is nat tessenod.If the[estaratioa ar
<br /> re�ir is mt eoonomialty fqsible ar llndet's seeuriry aoutd�be la4sea�ed,tbe iasurance pcoeecds sha11 be applied W tde suu�
<br /> -= s�red by this Sxudty Ia�trument.wh�5r or iwt tbea due,wid��ny exa�ss p�id m 8orrowar. If Bormwa abandons thr
<br /> - pmpaty.or does not pnswer witHin 34 days a maoe fmm l�oder that the insura�ce carrier hzs offerrsd w settie a claim�t6en
<br />�s_. � Leodet may oolled the insuranee proceeds. I.ender may use the pmceeds to repair or resto�e tbe PropeRy ur to pay sums
<br /> _= saurod by this Saudty Insaamenb whether or�t thea dae.'�he 34day periad wIp i�egin;when the tnotice is given.
<br /> - � Untess Lender ao�d.Borrower othecwise agree in wrItiaB.�Y nPPlicrtion of pr+aoeds ta�prin�pal sb�il nat eatend or
<br />;{;;,L postpone ti�e dae�d�e af a6�moate[g�vmeats referied w in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change t6e amount of the.payments. If .
<br />-`-�� imdrr p�ph 21 thc Pco�ezty is acquired bIr ieider,Bornower's dght ta any i�urance policies and pruceeds nesulting from, . . .
<br />`_�'�°� .�e to tLe ProPert}'Prior to tl�e aoqui�ae�ea sha[E pass w Leader w d�e e�ae�.of the sums secured by this Sewriry Instrament ;.
<br /> , -''•�� -
<br />":;%. ' smmadiateiy p�ior ta tLt xqauition. `: - -
<br />;'�:;r -.. f.Oocapwcy,pt�er�y�tiur,lll�tntceamor sa�t Pk+�t�ectioa d tie Prope�iy:Bore+nwer's lroan Ap�Catlon;i.easebolds:-=:.:.= .._�;;
<br /> _- ;. �brmwer slwll oceupy.estab2ish.and use tde property ac Borrower's principal re.adence withtn sixty days after the execution of •,.
<br />` <; ::��'-t�is Security Iast:ument�d sball continue to occup�.i'�Pmpaiy as Borrower's priucipal nesidence for at teast one year aBer :'``:�;_, :
<br />. 4.`tbe date of occupancy,uNess i�der otherwisc agrees,m wrlting.wh(ch consem shal!not be anreasonabIy withheld,or uales�, .: .::�. �.
<br /> „w; exteat�ating cinumstances eaist which arr beS•ond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destnuy, daa�age or impair the•. ,";;;'� a�
<br />�. __ , .: . _ .- .. . �
<br /> ,, Ptope�ty,allow tlie Properey to deteciorate,arcnmirut waste on the PcopeRy: Borrpwet sbatt tie in defaWt ifaay fairfeihae:�;:_�.'� ��;s,-"
<br /> � action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is[xgun that in L�nder's good faith judg�pent cauld cesult in fodeitut�a of the:';.�'''•�;-� "�"__=
<br /> �� - 1Pcaperiy or otl�erwisa materially impaje the Ilen CT�atcd-tiy this Securityr IastNmeat,or I.ender's security iatecrst:�orrawe�may�':;:•L�:� � "=___-
<br /> `;. �r`_ .• . '�e such a dafault and reinstato,as pravided in paragraph 18.by causing the action or p�ding to be disqussed;i'vitb�a i�aUqg =___--
<br /> ' ' �tiat,,hi.�`s good �'aith deter�t�a�:precludes Porfeitut�e of the Bocmwei's iutete.gt i�► 1he Properly or other mat�i�t � =-
<br /> u
<br />• �anp�ltme�t of.the.licn ereated hy thts Soc'tirity Itistcu�M•or i.et�dec's seatrity.:intt�st.';Horcower sbail, atso�tie itt�"if ��
<br /> �o' wer.during the�l�an;applicat�oa process,gave't�aterially#'alse or inaccu�ate infdrmatioq or state�nfs w I.e n der(or f a i l e d � ,.
<br /> � � ''' to�mvide Leakr with anymauerial information)in conaectian wtth the loan evidcnajd�liq the Note,inctudtna,but not limited _ -��`-
<br /> `:� fo,ncpresentalions conccming Borrower's occupancy of the�Pmperty as a principa l r+esi dence.I F t h is S e curiry Instrument is oa a �� _�.;����s
<br /> " ' leasehold, Borrawes ahati comply with all the provisions of the lrase. If Boaawet acquires fee titte to the Property, the �''��`�'�:�`��
<br /> *,,,e� �.�.-�7 �•� leasehold and the fee ritle shall nat merge untess Lender agrees to the merger in writing. '�:�''��7��''•�
<br />- -"�"�:.,. 7.Pratedbn oll.ender's Ri�hts in t6e Property.lf Harrawer fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in 9�"' =": �,��
<br /> - - - �,l��',. this Seeurity lnstrument.or therc is a legal pracexding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in t hc Propecty (suc h as a � . .�
<br /> -- p r a o e e ding in ban k r up t c y.p r o b a t e,f o r c o n d e m n a t i o n a r f a r f e i t u r r o r t o e n f o r c c f a w s o r r c g u l a t i o n s).t h e n L c n d e r m a y d o a n d � -
<br />- • ' p�y for whatcver is necessary to protect the value af the Properry and i.ender's rights in the Property. Lentler's actions may ' ''" -• °-�
<br /> 'T:;.��: include in any sums secured b a lien which hus narit ovcr this Securit instrument. a ng in caun. payins -
<br /> �. PaY 8 Y P� Y Y PP� . :
<br /> - '� ` trasonabte attomeys'fees and entering on the Properry to make repnirs.Although Lender may take action under this paragraph = _ s
<br /> _ �.LeRdee does not have ta do so. � � `"
<br /> � - y%l Any amaunts disburscd by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shall became additional debt of Borrower secured by this '` . '±=<��-
<br /> • Security Insttument.Un2es.c Borrawcr and Lender agrec to other tcrms of payment.these amounts shall be�r interest from We � � __
<br /> t date of disbursemc:nt at the Note rate and shall be payable. with interest,upan natice from Lender to Bonawer requesting �" : _
<br /> , `• _' Fayment. --�
<br /> ��+ S.MoAgage Insumnce.lf Lcnder required rnas�..�age insurance av a wndition of�nakin,che loan sc�c*c�by this Sccurity ` t � -�:'..�x..-
<br /> � _ ,��: , insuument.Borrower shall pay the pr�3�^lg?��s7�to malntain the n�artgage insurancc i�x effect. tf, fos aay reawn, the • ��=
<br /> •:. ��-.:.•
<br /> • 'p�: mortguge zasnrance mverage require�'�,F:.r��;:� i�,nc.^�or rqses ta be in effect.Bocrower st::;l pay the premiumg required to • . , , ;��.
<br /> �: �--• obtala ca��e substantially equivale^'i il:a:cr•�:,�z�e insurunce previausly in effect, at a cost substantially equivs�tent ta the • •� •
<br /> �. 1'.�+^-��.d��_� . . . . .
<br /> ;� '�� '.fti.��;-=-�.•:'._�,+. cost to&ssr�a•er af the mortgage insura�cc�:ev:�e,�y in cffoct, from an attcrnatc m�mgs+ge ittsurcr approved by Lcnder. If • .
<br /> _� .::.. _
<br /> •� :��, �".;;.. ,., •�.:':_ substaatlalty��ivalent m�artgagc insarancc cavcra;e s�not uvailablc.Borrawcr�hal!puy t�I.cnQ:r cach cr.q*_�h a sum equal to s,;;;,
<br /> '`•� � one-twelftb of ihe yearly martgago insurance premium bcing paid by Barrawer wfi.s�the insaranco covers,e tapsed or eeated to s',''�. . .
<br /> :.:; _,.y. .-• � -
<br /> ' ';j•�;,', :-`','�; ` � �:r:; be In effec=.,Lcnder Ril]arcept,use and reWin thcse p�ymcnts ac a loss reserv�:in lieu Of 1L•fl!►a�a£ insur�.�cc. l.oss rescrve �`'`•�. , . .
<br /> � '.��.�-.`o-: � . . Fo�,aoza sryo :�.. �
<br /> . r:i�„r,r. . Vspe 3 0l e ' �,
<br /> � : . f .
<br /> .. � � - •,+�, ,
<br /> : . : - . - �-, - _ _ ._ . _ . _,,. ._
<br /> . - . : , . . . . • ' � . , , ,
<br /> ,, . . .
<br /> . , . . � .. � . � �
<br /> . .
<br /> , , .. . . .
<br /> _ . _ ----�---__- _.. . - -- - - - � - -
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