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<br /> thix Sc�:urity Jmtrumenl.Haxnver.tidN o�;tion r�huli not bo axcrc:i�d by L�:nckr if exr.rci�c is pu�!afbited ny Fc�tcrn!luw ati af
<br /> . tha d�tr of�hix Secarity Inatnimenr. �
<br /> If Ixndtr Cxercire!e ihis npticm,[.ender Fhidl Aivr liorrower notice i�f aa;s!esnlion.'t'he ndice nhail prt►vlc{c a pericxi
<br /> u[nen lew�thsn 3(➢J�yw f'rom the cfate the�wlice is ck.U��em.d or mailod wHhin w!►1c�h:i��m�wer mu�tp�y a11 Rums securai by
<br /> tt�Pa Stcurfty fneuamem.It 8orrcrwer f�ils to pny these�ums priix ta tf�r expinitia�t of thi�pericxl,I.enckr may invake any
<br /> rr,metli�»pr�nittexi b�+�hiM Srct�d9y 7natn�nwn►witM�ut funher nutico or�i�n�and�n R��rrower.
<br /> 18. Horrower'p W�ht to ikdcaqate. If Rorrower meetR cert�in cvracli�i�nx,Barmwer xh�ll hAV��he nght to Fu,r•e�,
<br /> rnforcement uf thin Sncuriry Inst►ument diKCOntinued ut any time pric�r ta tha tarUer of:(:►)S cfuyx(or such ot��er perin.f�y
<br /> epplicabie!aw mxy.rpe.cify for rcinstatement)betorc Sale nf�he Praperty pUTfitlllfll IO AqY F1PWGf ltf 9NIt.C(1111U1i1C{I�R 1I1�9
<br /> Security Inxtrumen�;or(b)anlry af a judgment enfc►rc:ing thia�Secu�ity l�stn�ment,Thcrxe ccxKfitions u.�c th�t,H��rcnwer: (al
<br /> puys I..eixkr all sums which then would be due under thiH Security Ir►stnimr,nt an�l the Natc uv if nu acceleratian t�ad
<br /> occurred; (b)c�rc9 ony default of any other covenant�or agreements; (c)pays ull expenses Incurced in cnfnrCing this
<br /> Sccurity 1nslrun�ent, incluJtng,but not limitrd ta, roasonable uttorneys' fees; und(d)takes such uction as Lendcr may
<br /> reasonably require to assure thwt the lien of this Security Instnimant, Lender's righty in thG Property and Borrower's
<br /> ottligation ta pay the sumR securcd by this Security Instniment Fhall continuc uncho.nged.Upon reinstatenur.t by Borrower,
<br /> this Security Instrument anc!the obligations secured hrrcby sl►all remain fally effective u�if no nc:cele�atian had occumed,
<br /> Nowever,thl�right to nit�.state shall not Apply in the case of�ccelornticm undcr pnrngr�tph!7.
<br /> 14. Sak ot Note;Ch�tnge o(Loxn Servlccr. T`hc Nota or a pnrtiul intcrest in the Nnte(together with this Security
<br /> Instrument)may ba sold one ot rrwre times wittaut prior notice to.Harmwer. A sale may result in a change in the entitb�.
<br /> (known as the"Luun Servicer")thut colkcts monthly payments duo untler tlw Note nnd this Security Instrument,:There�len
<br /> n�n;bc�e or mese ch�.�g_�s of shn Lo2s�S'r�icer eenmlattd tn E�3I9 QElFt3 NUL°.If llte�is u chengc of ihe�.nun SerrEe�r, -
<br /> Borrower wilf ba givrn writtcn n�tice of the change in uccardance with pttmgmph lA nbove u!td applicuhlt law.'1'he notice
<br /> . will stute the narnc and adtlre�s of the new Loan Servicer nnd the adclress to which payments should t►e ma�ie.Ti�e r,atice will
<br /> also contnin any other infoiriiation reqult�ci by applicable luw.
<br /> 20. Ha:ardous Sebstaaces. �urrower shall not cause or pennit the presence,usr..dlsposal,stor�ge.or celease of
<br /> �ry Hazardous Subs�,uxeg on ur in the Pro�erty.Bc►►mwer shall not do,nor alluw am�aie clsc tu do,an�+thing affecting the
<br /> Propetty that is in violatirm of any Environmtntal l.,u�v.The p�ece6ing twa�entenr�es sha11 nof appiy to d}p prn:,cnc:e.use,or
<br /> � • storage on tF�e Property�!F;;small quaniiti�s of Htvnxci�us Substancos that am gene:ally r+ecognized ta !x anpropri�te to
<br /> nornul residenti�t uscs�•to maintenqr,ck af the Pti•uJxrty.
<br /> Bomowcr shall pranptly give;��rr���z.r written�wticti of sny.in�•estlgatinn.�:iairo�,dema�tid,lawsuit.or aher;�c�icm.fiy.
<br /> „ eny governmental or regulatory a�����;3;,eir privute party in+�olving the Property and any Hazardaps Substanod�or.
<br /> Environmontal Law of►vhich Eionnw�'r tl�is actual knawlalga lC Sornnwor leams,or 3e natified by an�gnyemmental or
<br /> �sguWtcxy suthority,tt�u:�5�y romnval or ott�r nmodlation of any Hazaalaus.Substun�:e affecting the Propr.ny.•is ne�cssary,
<br /> Rnrmwer.chsll.m[�mriyl�;ntc�.nll nert�cary rrmr�lial neticmc in acrM�iarxr.�uit�•Anylmt��u�tA)�aw. •"
<br /> As used irt this paragrsph 20,"Haza�rdous Substances"ans thnse�substantes deCned ss.tv:sic or hazaadriu�subaw�crn
<br /> by Lnv;e;w:4s�u�nlal Iaw and the fi�l�{iti'��'n..,tt substances:gasofine.kcmxene:,athcr fla�nmablo.or,idx��:petrokum prc�duccs.[qxi4•
<br /> . pexticidss air�d her�ieides,voiatil�rcy�r•c+��;matorials co�taining,asbestas or.forrnalckhydt�;::y.h3:radioactive material�. I�,�' . . �
<br /> - uwxi in tk'rs paregraph 20,"8nvirai;s����111 i,aw"means factr.rnl�lnwc and laws of the juri:�tiit�un whcre�h,o,Property�,a*;;t '
<br /> located ttu�t relue to health,safe ty or envSttx�mental�rotection. ,.;, ,. r,,, ,
<br /> A1(Nl-UNIF�ORM COVBNAh'fS. 80rtOWC[And LCCy4"d:��l1TtI7CC COVCIli111t.81(}t�Af,ft19 NS fOIIOWS: : .,,r � . ' �
<br /> .;' •� . ?!. Arcderat{oa;Ren�edke. I�ender rfllrail��ive notfcx th•E�irrow�+p��ar to accekr#doa foNa�+�ii�i3�tru"oN`er'�,. '
<br /> � bre�cl�.e�l"i�hi�covenut or�An this SecncHy IaflrpnN�hnM..(bpt�1»rt�Pt'br to�aNder p�ki�pra�pk'1�'T`':�,
<br /> wta��Fr�.�ble t�w provide�otl�erii��r�e). T6e sotke nNs�lt�f�;�fi;,K�•t�)the defnult,(b)[ik scfion req.i�i ro c+�r+r � .... - .
<br /> derarM;���,:�x d�tc,�ot k�WaM 3Y d�Yj�r tkan tMe d�te d�e rldi�is'&c Rivr.n�t,��Aorr�oxer,by wbicM d�e ief�ril�onwt�:.:
<br /> �crred;iad f d)that f�'�ra:�a.ta.:.::::il�c�c!t or.;,r.lt�Mrs:ye�ai�'spa�^�ted,in,lhc nottsc mq�asulk#n x`w��.'�s��w• •
<br /> _ the��s se�red br ttb�S�ecurity ta:strun�eat aod euk o�the Prtqrenty.�'�'h.it�iatice sh�11 fl�irthec iatar�s;�o•rrbwer of
<br /> t�e ri�t t�t,rd�utwte aAcr seoelaratbu snd t6e ri�,bt lo bri�{�t court aWdn•tYr��sycrt the nuu�e�skoax of s i!llaYlt or '
<br />_ �7�t;�,M��+we of Hwrower w seQekradou aMd s�k.It th�•i�r�ank ia not cured on or.bR��tba dNe Wec�fffed in
<br /> lMe��:e�der at ita optian� ,reqai�e iwmedhte�K�aeet in fall ot�11 s��t�s��rared b�tbin 3ecrrita
<br />� -,. Iwstr���:�:�ilMoat fMrtl�er dcwr;i�ar�wnd �a invuke the�rd�,!.n.er ut sele�n8 aoy otl�Jr��;re�nli�n perwitt� br
<br /> _ :"':.�pplic�ble Iaw.Le�der�hail be eatit�rd to col�:u�(exl►ena���i�camed�ili�pursul�1he he+nedies �w�ied ia i6�
<br /> ,�;' r�rap1�21,ird�di�.M�t not iiwited to,r�loio�k�i;fM.torney�'fea�n lt�+tfs of titk'svWenre. '
<br /> ����,�-.:� - I�the po*�er d nle 6lavoktd,Truste4�thd�t�ird x.!a�Ce ot��tM in wch c�wat�b�►Wi�f`���part d Wr
<br /> Proper�:�';�"s••foaited+�nd e6�N a+sH coples of eush noti�t in.ff�+e•mu�naer preacribed br ap�;�D�e law to�a�rrowcr sod
<br /> to!4 ar.picMO�q P�asri6ed by ap�icabk law�.Aher the�t�eisqnfr'ed Qy applipblr Ib�i�ps;{'�'t�udet sM�H Rive prblic
<br /> sMicc�i�u"�In Ede pers��d i�the a►�ner presc�ibed by'�piicable law.Trusta,w�but�leroand o�Sarror►a�,
<br />_ eWl se!tMe 1'rop�erty.,a!�w�llc aMCtian to tbe hi�9eat bkl�er�t t6e Ume and ptrcti and�n�er tbe ftr�u d�wated ia .
<br />� t�aotjce ot s�e lo��o!+ze; �aa1�c Mrce�aad in�ay order�'curtee determines.Tru#ee may poxtp�s�o�ai!or /?�,.
<br />_ . ai��oel d t4e t��y pr snnounamcvt at the tiree and p1�ce of any previousl�scMedukd�k.I.�eNder or its •,,-
<br />- ��r n��e� y XZ AOy�Il. �-�,
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