. �:li _!'� _ . .'�'µ._.1:_ , . � : .�
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<br /> ,_ . . , - _, J2=� jCa3a� t ,
<br /> - . ���sw�my spxify tc��)bef«e sate of 8re P�operty p�as�t fo any po�r cf ade ooatai�oa in t�.s . ,
<br /> ta�t:�or(b)endrY of a 1ud8ment eafariag this,Seruriry Ias�ument 7bose�ue ddt Bamw�a: (a). -
<br /> paYs I�ndcr ai[ sums wbicit thm wauld be due w�der tlns Seatrity L�dvmd��ad tbe Nae �s if tro�aekratian tiad
<br /> � . �.n�ir.-;n�.n..t-ns�etfnmit�chi�yCrr,mitv----,__—._j _
<br /> -- — � - ----� - L-��v�€wifo��-t� £k�Y��-� -�
<br /> ' Iastn�teem.irch�diag.but not�imited to.reasa�ble atw�neys'fe�s:and(d)takes such actian a4 Lender may nasoo�bty
<br /> ' cequi�e ta assee diat d�e iiea of this Sa�ty lnsaumen�Lender's rigfits in the Ptoperty and B<xruwers obtigation w pay tbe -
<br /> � sums secu�ed by this Secu�icy In3drument shall cantinne unc�nged. Upon ceiastuement by Ba�ower,this.SecuritY . .
<br /> insttmaent an�f the obligationc socured l�eby siu11 remain�lly effaxive as if no sooeleratiod had accuired. How4ver.this ,
<br /> ri�t w�eir�stue sAall aot apply in the cax of aCcelsruian undec parag�ph f7. . ' .
<br /> � I� Sde ot Nate;�t ot'Loa�Savioer: 'i'!�e Note or a wr6�1 mtesest irs We Note Rogesher wit�this S�itY
<br /> Insmmunt)ro?Y he sold aae or more tiwrs witbout prior notice to Bormwer. A sak may resoIt in a ci�age ip tl�e a�tiry
<br /> (kaows u fb�°Lo�n Serviad')tliat coltocts moatltiY PaYroeets due uader the iYooe aod this Security Insuumeh� 7lsece also
<br /> may ix a�e a mar c6anges af the Lwn Servicer emrelated to a sate of the Note.�If there is a cttangs of the Loan Servicer.
<br /> . 8oimwer wdll be given w�ivaz aotice of the change in aoco�with paragraph t4 above and applicabk law. The aotice
<br /> -- � w�l sate the name and addnss of tAe new I.�n Servficer and die�ddness to whicb payments should be mad�. The notice w�71 �
<br /> _� �tso ca�pin my aher iufocmation required by�pplicable taw. � .
<br /> -� 2�: Haardaas Srbsb�adr. Batower shall tat cat�se ar pettnit ttx piesence.use,di.spasai,stotage,or rekase af suty .
<br /> - H�nidous SuMt�nces on or in tbe Property. Samnwer shall dot do.nor altow anyuae elst to d�.aaythiitg at'faKing tUe
<br /> ,Fmper[y thae is in«olatioa oF aay Favironpxatai Law. 7f�e p�eceding two�emeaces sE�ll aot apply to the prcsence.use,ar
<br /> -_ storage on tlie Plropelty�of sm�D quuttities of Ha�rda�Substances that are ge.neraily recognized to be appsopriate to nom�1
<br /> residential uses and w mainunance of the Pt+oparty. - � � '
<br /> &xrowGr sh�(1 P�PUy 8►ve Lender wriuen notice of any investigation.ciaim,demand.Iawsuit or odier aaion 6y any
<br /> :::'��y_ govtmnxntal or reS��Y aB�Y�Pn��P�Y��otving the Ptoperty and any Haz�rdous Substance or Envim�oental _
<br />-=��� Iaw of which Barower has� a�tuai knowtedge. if Boauwer [eams, ar �s•nopfied bY�Y 8�'�°�� . _ -
<br /> :�°�';;� , aut1�city�thu aay cemoval or other mmediation af any Hazardous Subst�ace affeciing t6e Propetty is necessaty.Bormtver
<br /> ;;.,�� st�alt ponmp�ly take atl necessary icmedial actiars in accorda�e with Envi�ntal Iaw. � . . � .
<br /> ns used in this pardgraqi zo...tiazaraous sabst�nces^ace mose subsratwes def�nea as coxic or nazazaoas sab�7u�oes by .
<br /> Envizomnental Iaw aad the following SUbstances: gasoW�e,kerosene.otNer{lammable.a toxic peatnte�rm products,toaic
<br />- �• pesticides and hecb'uides.volatile solvents,materiais containing asbestos or fomialdehyde,and r�ctive materiats. As
<br /> used'ur this paragrapb 20,"Environmentai Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdictimt wlxre the Ptopecty Is tacaud
<br /> - - - - tliai relate to heaitl�.safety a�v'uoauientat�ote�oa. ' . . _ . _ .
<br /> � NON-UI`'IFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer and 1.endes fu:ther coveaant and agree asfollaws:
<br /> ` 21. Aooefer�tioe;Remedies. Lender sliall give notice to Borrower prior to accelentia�tdbRius Borrower's
<br /> - �..= . bresch ot uy cove�an!or xgrcement in t6is Sccnrity la�rataeat t6ut aot prto�to accekrntbn ander pua�apM 19
<br /> ' '# • ynks9 s�pplica6k ts�provides otherw�se). The notice sUa(I specify: (a)tbe defAUtt;(b)tde acttoo required to care t6e .
<br /> - ifefault;lc1 s d�4ot less tLan 30 dsys irom the dste tde notice is given to Barrorrer,by�6ich tbe defaott masl be
<br /> cored;aad ld)tlu�t taitare b cure the defi�ult an or betore t6e date specified in t6e aotice msy ressit i�socder�o�d
<br /> • , the surs savred by tlds Security Instrument and sak at the Fropeety. The ootice shaq tWrtier iefons Borr�e.ot .
<br /> � the riaUt to reinstate aRee acceleratioa aad the rig6t to bring a court action to assert t6e aon-eac�stence a�s d���w'
<br /> any N6er defmse d Borrower ta accekration and sak. It t6e defsult is aot cured an or before tYe dak s�E'��
<br /> �;, - - ,�� . the notke,Lender�t its optio�may require immediate paymeat In fu11 oi all sums secured by this Secarity Ii�trdnKat
<br /> � •� ,,r:,.,,�. - ,'` � without tYrrther demand and m�y invoke We pawer ot sale and any other�emedies permittei h�appiicAbk lativ
<br /> •,���• � � ' Lender s6a11 be entitted to coitect a{I expens�incucred in pucsuing the remedles provlded 'nt i�s pangraph 21,
<br /> '`��••"�-�'-� iacluding,6ut not limited to,re�eis�abte attarneys'tees and costs ottitle evidence � ' ••
<br /> ��.�.-l� :, ' v-
<br /> ... r.��,�"'r.;� It the power ot sate is i�rok�d,7lrustee shall recard a notice ot detault in each county in which any part o!tbe
<br /> j�•�` ��-�� , Property is tocated and shail ma�'I coples otsuch notice in the mannee pr�cribed by�pplicaWela�to Borrower pnd to
<br /> - ;,�'� �_�?�...• t6e dher pei^sons prescr�ibed by applicable law ARer the Nme�equired by appikabk taw,1Ftat�e s1�a0 give pablic
<br /> . � "�= � �� pMice ot sak to the pasons aac�in the manner presfribed by applicable law Trustee,w�thout deie�nd on Borro�ver,
<br /> _ ,�;�`i. ° shall sett the Property at pabGcaQCtion to the higNest bidder at the time and place aad under the terms desig�af�ia
<br /> . - u�'� the natice otsaie in one or�e�r+ceis and ie any osdeir T�stee determines. Tea�tee may postpone sate o[�e��nY
<br />: . ;:,;�;,� parcel ot Ihe Property by p�ab�rc a�eanouncemenl at the ti�e and place oi uny previously schedukd sala Lead�!�r its
<br /> .. .._ �.�„.��: • designee may parctiase the Progesty at an�s�
<br /> �,r�� s:=;^••, . Upon receipt of paymeat M the pri�r��'i�stee s1�aD deliver to tthe purchaser 7lrustee's deed eonveying t1�e
<br /> ' ";'� `�Y�;:•r �. Property. The recitals io the Trostee's dee�s&�-a�be pri�oa tacie evidenae mi the truth of the statea�ents made Merein.
<br /> 7lrustee shall apply the proceeds�a1�e sate in ihe foltow�iag ardee: ia)to aU costs and�zpenses otexercising the power
<br /> ; =� � .
<br /> � , . "�'�."�%; ' .
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