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<br /> '' S. �i'n�a�b',.3 a►�• h*�+:i=':yiy drsu�n��s�. T3orr�ever sl�oll kccp th� imnrove�ii:nt:a nm�� exi�iti.n{� �n c�rcntter eeccuxl un ti�a
<br /> Prop�.rty in��erecl agmin�t l�ss by fire. Itazai�is include�l wittdn the terni "extendr�l cover��e" nnc�nr�y oLher haza��cis, inclatding
<br /> flcrods or ilocding, iar which Lcnder requires irssurancc. This insurance sh+i11 t�c n��intah7,.d in,the a�r,�unts�nd for the pe.�ia�9
<br /> that I,endcr requirr.s. 7'he insurance can•ler prUVidiug tha insuraitice shall hct ctia,se�t by Ekir�o��rrer s��hJ��t ro I.ender's :►ppmval
<br /> which shnll not be ur►rrasonably withheld. If Borrower fnils ta mr�intAfi� cmver�ge d�::iGY1hCd ilhC}Yt�,I.,�ndcr m;►y.nt I.cndcr's _
<br /> option,obtain cuvera�e to protect Lcncicr's rights in tiie Pro�Ry in accardnnc.e with parnBe'aph.7.
<br /> Afl insu��aixe policicfl u��l r..n;:�ti�.^•!� sh^Jl b:�ccsptable tn I.rntler nn<t shall incliul.a a st.mdnrdu�:orig:;ge clause. l�txler
<br /> shall hava thc right to hold the polir.�es a�xi renewals. If L.cnder requires,Barrowcr sh�IG pram�ttJ�y g:ivc ta Lendcr all reaipts of
<br /> paid prr,mlums and z+erwwnl�iotices.In the evont of loss,Borrower shnll give pmmnt.ncrt�r�e t4 tl.t�t iite��zQnca cArrier atxt I.endr,r.
<br /> I.ender may makc pcoof of loss!f not uiado pmmptly by Roreawcj•.
<br /> llnles�l.,ender and f3anuwer otherwise agre.e in writin�,insuroiic:e proTeed.:�shall be.nppli;r.d tr; r¢storation or rcpa3r of the
<br /> Aroperty da�naged, iE'thc restnratiou or repuir is ccanc�mic�ll.y feasiblr,nnd L,cndcr's securiry iz n�tl�tlstned,If tha restaeatfan or
<br /> rep�ir is nai ecoi�on�icaNy fcasiblc or[.ertdcr's secutlty �vauld be Ir,asencd,thc insurnnr,e prcr,c�dy sshsll be s�ppliccl m tha sums
<br /> sacural By this Security Instn�ment, whethcr or not then due, with any eacess pa1� t�a Eur�a��r�er, [f Borrower abn�dons the
<br /> Prapeny, or daes nnt a�nswe�within 30 days a notice from Lendr.r thnt t6u: insurance cax.rier hav o.�£creci co senle� n cl�im, tlten
<br /> l.endcr may collxt thv insurai�ce ptocc�eds. Lendcr may use the pr0cceds to re�air. ar r�sts7.r�. A1u Properfy or to pay sunts
<br /> �cxured by this Sccurity Instruarnt,whether or not then dne.Thc 30•d�y perlod wi�l bc.�gen wh,r.n.thc� n�tia is given.
<br /> llnless Le�1tr and Borrow'er otherw�se aEree in writr.na. any npplicatR�sn af pnc�c;eed:t tr�pr'v�clpal shall not exteavi or
<br /> postpona tha duc date of the monttily paymcnts refcrred to in paragranhs 1 and 2 ar chnnIIe d�e �moe�nt of thc payments. If
<br /> under parngmph 2t tha Propeny is acquire�i by Lender, fiorrowcr',rAQh�to any in5it;ancc�%si;r,i�ti and proc="-"ds �es��Ein�frn►n
<br /> danwge ta the Pmpeny prlor¢a the acquisidon shall pass to L.ender t�thr.estr,nt of thr sutnn secur.ec�:bY this Sccuriry Instrument
<br /> imnr,di��ely prior to the a�cquisition.
<br /> 6.peeupr,�:y,1'�rs�rvAHan,MniutenAna xnd Protect',��e o�t�e Roperty,B�orcr�r�s3'� �,vr�snApplicutlon;Lcauholds.
<br /> Bu�rawer shall oo�apy,establish,c+nd use thr,Property as Borrawer's princ,i�.�)reaid.r.n�e K�itt�in.six�;y days sRer the exocution of
<br /> this Sccurity Instsument al�bh�ll continue tc�oocupy the Property�.g B�rrawer's princi�ral rsaidnnc:e fna at te�st one year afte.r
<br /> tiv:date of occu�a�r�y,unlcss L.ender otherwisa a�recs in writing, whieh can:icnt shn1J�na¢.b�t�{urrrascn�bly wi►hh,eld. �r unless
<br /> � ' extenuatsng circi►u�sttuxes exlst which aa: bcyo►tid Borro'�ver's wntrol. B�ar�xnwer shnli;nr.t.•destroy. damage or irnpair the
<br /> Property, allow thc Pmp�:rry to detcriarrte, or commit wuste om thc Fro{mr�y. Eezrm�.v�r r;i►ai�(oc 1n default if any forfciture
<br /> uctton or prc�cr,cxfutg, whetiKr civi!or criminal, is begun that in Lencicr's go�d.�GutU.jud�meni coald result in forfeiture of the
<br /> � �r�ecty or othcr�wisc�natcrially in�a.ir die lien oreated by t{�is Sccur�.ty Inatrwmunt:ois,Lr:�uier's sectsrity intorest, Bonrower cnay
<br /> ' cc►e`e such a dcFiat4l.t��td ccinstxte,as pmvideo in paragrspii l S,ay cavsi��u r,o�css,a:.;.#�;-=r;r���SmiccKi wirh a nilinQ
<br /> tt►�r im�Q���der's good faith detcrmina:tian, precludes forfciture of cha Ea�rav+cr's.•hlfr:scst in the Propetty or othtr m�u.rial
<br /> im�ir�ment of the Iien.creaaorJ by Q►is Security In.steume�C:�r. Lendcr's sceur.it�•in�ii�tivs2.Bo�cowershalf•t�1yo be irt.ekfault if
<br /> Botrqiv.st.during d�e lna��applicacion pracess,gave met�::ia;fvr:€�a{se or innccurqd;�nt'�*�nm�lian�o:staturrcnts t�Leclda'r(or fiulad�
<br /> ta pmvide Gen3rs�wiih any ma�eri�!infarmate�ny n4t.catut�'iie��t�*a:h�;Jrt�4ean evic�qnha3�p the T`oSS;iritzluding, but'riot limitod
<br /> to,n.presentatit�ns concemi�r Boaaw•ar's ocxnipnncy.of�fCr�;lf�+op:rty�s.c�Y•''�a�cinpl�n:sidence. If thi�Socndty Instrumens is on a
<br /> leasclr�W. F3orrow'cr sh�ll oouip,ly with all the•provisi�y�i5,c��lthc leasc. If'8�1tn7�«i� acquirss fe�e tattio to thc Property, the
<br /> leasdrold and thc fa title shtll nat nxrgc unl�s Lcixior a��:esto tha marger.iu�+wiritW�t�{.
<br /> 7,�kota�a�ot Lentkr's Ri�ts in tltie Property.If l�arrower faild►u�erS��n��ihe invenarus and agreemen�s containcd In
<br /> tttis Sacarity Instnttaxnt, or�Q►:�c is:.t�8»!F�c�in�thnt may�igni�atn�y xtfr,�ct.i pr!i�:t's ri&"�NS in thc Propecty (such es a
<br /> .. Proceoding in bu�kn►prt�y,Prc�.vt�e. for condtmnation or forfeiu�re or ta efofi�rc�litw.v:or regulatio�u),� Lender may do ar�d
<br /> pay for wl►stever is�qory tu protocti the value of the P�npecty and Lxn►dur'•s�rl,�lit� in the Pro�peny.�.ender's action.g maY
<br /> +nciudc peying w)' sum9 seeurcd by a lien which h.1s priority aver t1tSn 5c:cucity�.�nstmment, appra►dng in court, paying
<br /> rrasonr►l�lo attarneys' fecR ux1 e�►tc;rin�on ihe Property to make mpairs.RNlmuBh:3.��t��kr may t�ke action under this paragraph
<br /> • 7,I.�ncler does not 6t�•c�W da so. ,
<br /> �' My a�rn�Ks ditFru.nud by Lc�xkc uLxber this parc+�rnph 7 shull:��;��.onin•nc�dtdonal ciefit of£��rrowu xcurod by th9s �.
<br /> � Socurity L�suumeat. Unlsss Buxrower ar�f Lender agree to othar tercun+�b�i:.ryAnanhr thcse arnounts s'�fil1 bear inurest from tho::,
<br /> ci�to of�disburscmcni��tt�ttro Noie cat,o end shaq be payable, wAth intr.rc�*, ugpn�s�ntice from Lend�'r (o Bomower roq��sting �'�
<br /> PnY�� ,
<br /> g�Mort�e Iwurnt►ce.Tf�I.,strkr ru{ttired mortg�ge insu��nce us a conditlan�of.an�cing the loan:cec�sred by t�is Seatrity ;� '
<br /> [�sirumem. Bor�av�cr sbal.l:�5'ttr:tmm+tu:c�s rdquired t� maintain th�z morr�tq�ja•irs�YrAnce in eftat_ if, for any rrnson, ct,e':•
<br /> �rwrtgage insurarace rnvcxage rcquared by I..a:n3er lapscs or ceASCS tcr bo in eFCctct;�.l3ornower shall pa��cheprerttiums requirtd to'��.
<br /> c+�sr'aeui,00verage substantitllp r,�tiiii��lent t��he mortQage eiroetrance previau�ly�.in��rffcet,�t ti cost subscanrially eqi+iv�ent to tht
<br /> c�ost tc►�$c►crawer_of•tM m.rtga8a in9urance rroviouslN sa e:�fect, fibnran��lluttmte mortgage insurer approve�l'•�,b�r�,erxler, if
<br /> zu6dtiiiitially�quivatent avr.rtgag�in,urance coverago is rtat�vqilabl«,I�ormw:�re��tnll pay to Lendereach rrwnth�t�s�sm equal to
<br /> otx-twel(ih df iLr yc�'1)'.arr.�rtgage iu+urance premium bcing p�id by Bo�ryau�n,r n�Iten the insuranoe wveragti lapscd or ocASed to
<br /> h��n yffect.LendCr wifl•acce�;u.�e a�sa rctain these payments as a luss•e�:�s`:��+�in lieu af mortgage insui�noe. Loss reserve
<br /> � � • Fa�n 3016 9/80
<br /> - Pn�e 3 016 �.
<br />