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r r <br />EXHIBIT "A." <br />2oioos5s3 <br />A tract of land. comprising a part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />(Ei/2 5E1/4 SWi/4) of 5ectfon TwentywThree (23), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West <br />of the 6th P.M,, Halt County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the south line of said East Hal[ of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest . <br />Quarter (SX/2 SE1/4 SWI/4); said pnint being One hundred Ninety-Five and Forty-five Hundredths <br />(195.45) feet west of the southeast earner of said Southwest Quarter (SWl/4); thence S 9D° 04' 00" W <br />(assumed bearing) alnng and upon the south line oC said East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter (E1/2 SEl/4 5W1/4) a distance of 'T'hirty (3D.D) feet; thence N OD° 46' 39" W, a . <br />distance of Five ITundred (SD0.0) feet; thence N S9° S6' 17" W, a distance of Four Hundred .Thirty-li ive <br />and Seventy-One Hundredths (435.7],) feet to a point on the westerly line of said East Half of the <br />Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (E1/Z SEi/4 SW1/4); thence N DO° 48' S7" W, along and <br />upon the west line of said .East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Qua: ter (E1/2 5E1/4 <br />SWl/4), a distance of Seven Hundred Ninety-Five and Twenty-Three Hundredths (795.23) feet to the <br />northwest corner of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (E1/2 SEl/4 <br />5W1/4), thence N 89° XO' 49" E along and upon the north line of said East Half of the 5outheastQuarter <br />of the Southwest Quarter (El./2 SEl/4 SWI/4), a distance of Five Hundred Twenty-Six and <br />Seventy-Seven Hundredths (526.77) feet; thence 500° 4S' S7" E, a distance of Eight Hundred Three and <br />Thirty-Four Hundredths (803.34) feet; thence N S9° 56' 17" W, a distance of Sixty-one and Twelve <br />Hundredths (61.12) feet; thence S UD° 46' 39" E, a distance of Five Hundred (SDD.D) feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />