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<br /> +�, I�Qy,�Cd or propeMy l��u.rapice, i�orrnwer �t�nll keep ttta improvements now exisUn�} i�r hercatter ercctc.� on ���o
<br /> propeny i�isurai nguinst loss by �ire. ti�iTUrcls Included �vftltiin tl�c tenn "extendad cnvemgo" nnd�f�y otlicr h;uur�s, i�scluding
<br /> floods or Aooding,for wl►ich I.,eixler rcquires insurnn��e. Tt►ie insurancc shall be►nnintninal in d�e an�nunt�s�xl fc�r tha�xriods
<br /> that Lender ru�uircv. Thc insurancc carrlcr providing the insurancc shall be chosen by fiorrower subjcct t� L.cudcr's appmve�
<br /> which sh111 nat bo unrcasonnbly v�idiheld. If IMrro�vef• fnila to maintain covcrage descrit�ed nbove, lxndcr enay. ut l.ender'e
<br /> optian,obtain cavernge ta pratect f ender's rigUts in the Properry in uccordance wilf►�.�ragrapti 7. .
<br /> All insurnnce po�ncae:�.uid reaewals shall be�x+z��bie to l.ender a��d shall include a standard mortgage clause. I.ender
<br /> sl�u►1 hnve thc right nw .I`�u[fi a.t�policies snd s.�::rx�at�•f,f n�et�der rcq�aires,IInrnvw�cr shnll promptly give to i.ender all�eccipas of
<br /> �,�s,��pY�in'r�J.31?3 3i1i(�i A�c'!3�+d;dJ?I!YJ�d�"�.`9.Iee IM;;ev¢;zs QT Ccrs�,i�xrow•er s}��?1 g►v��r:rar.�zalc aotice tu the insuranee eurrier end l.ender.
<br /> IIrr��'k:r��a�b�r�J�e�pro�f of��ss if e�o�:�.r.�a.r3n Q:o�x�pr�y b�r Ic�mwv��rr,.
<br /> �lraf:��s R.�racler and Borrawer a�21'n�r.a�rc:�agree in rvritin�,imsuir .��roceecis shull be applial to�+estoration or repalr of the
<br /> hhr�a�;ny�q3��a�3e�d,if thc restor.dion o�c n.'�Oair is euo�omic,�►1�y feasi6Te mxl l.ender'c scs.vrlty is noi less�nal.If the restarnti�n ar
<br /> P7;���r is noy cconomically�casible or Lendcr's stx��:Qy wauld Ix lasscned,the insucance procteds shall be c�tpliai to the sums
<br /> ;:�.,��rcd hy this SectcrnC3r 1�rs.KUmcnt, whether or nae nPnen due. with any excess�d to AonowGr. If A�rnna�cr abandons 1he
<br /> j�ra�riy, �r¢I,o,e;,n�t ansL�er, witliin 30 days a no2u�fr.�nm I.ender that thc insarance carrier Nas offercc�C�se�,r,te a claim, th�n
<br /> Lcncier mnay ce�9lset ¢hE I�aurance pracecxls. Lender c�ay use the procecds to repair or restore the P�%}'�cr,ty or to pay sums
<br /> securc�d�y 41a3s Secusity Inatrument,whether or noc th�n due.The 30-day period will begin when the noti�e is gnven.
<br /> Un1r�s l,�nc'.�r n�d .Sorrower otherwise ngt�irte writing. any applicati�rn of Nraceeds to principul s1da11� e�ut �xa�� � _._
<br /> postpo�e the c�a�dA4e of Yhe monthly payments oel�cwxei to in praragr+phs 1 :urd 2 or change the amuuu4 a�a fi�,i^�F^^�•°°•�-
<br /> under para?;rnph 21 the Pr,perty is Acc�ufred by I.e�tLi.c,&�rrowcr's righs tn:���y e:�sursuue poli:ies arid p�s�+esuYr,fir.g fr¢m�m
<br /> damagc 2�t��r.!s'ropertY prior to the ncqulsition shnli pr�.ss tu I�t�tler��3 th2 extcnt o1'the s��s::r„E:,wreal by this Scc�erit;+Qm�aR�?�ticrtt
<br /> immediat�P,y'�arzdr to the acquisition. . tti
<br /> 6.Ut�tukwncy.Pau�e�taat3on>tt�la;�r,l��iuince und�rntsct�a;n�u�1';�;ML�'m�3y9 83arr,nsr,er':g,.�nAn l�ppABsatiom,���r'tk�iN;l9.
<br /> 1�}orrower shall oceupy,e:�nnblish.and asa�tht�ns•rFer.nf n9,Rortowe,r�s prinetpat ir�..:�ll�nce•b��.it�in,aixty aays,��er ct,e execut+on ef
<br /> • ' ;�cis Secunty Instnuncnt�nf�(::�pll cartinPe ta a�s��•iiw�;ih'C'�fOjICYt}�89 BOl'COWRC;<;;�rir�i;ynl.xe?�?�i�cc f�ov z�t.4:-ast�ne year aftar
<br /> f;he dnte of occupancy,unless I.e�xles:oih�ra'is�s,�,r?cs;in writing, whfnc�onsant c�:r�➢'e5�2���o`rimtaasonatil}'��viihheld, oa n�r.less ' .
<br /> ` 1 � �extenuating circums�s eaist which flre t�eyQsans� IkYei�xo�ve�'s ri.�ntrol. Bortowar•s,'iaE�'�aT �alc�s-ttoy,..�#�Be or iinpa;cc tDae
<br /> ,, ;;
<br /> :lPropercy, aflow tt�,Psopetty to deteriorate, or s�a+ilrmi2 v�'a.�1�e•ro'n R�he;�rrn,po�?:t.�'�rrower s�i;:i��bt in'd'uisf�i if any fotfeitumc .
<br /> ' ;�C��ss�x�;���?��; w�'1►�er'civil or criminal. is�cF;un lhaf:,lrt'��nt�r.s'a�r�;ri!f;rir�1 judgrnent could resu!17t iiai fodciture of tht
<br /> t'rnpctty�or ot�iercl�ise'materIalty impair the lien created by this Seciu'ity Instrbrner�t or i.enaer's sa.-u�iiy titw.�• �^'�'���"�
<br /> cuc�e sach n default and relnstate.as providod in pasrsBraPh 18.by c:ausing the acdon or procadins to be dismissed with a n►ling
<br /> that, in L.endcr's good faith dUcrminatian, precludrs fo�rfehurc of d�e Borrowar's interast in the Propecty or oti�er mnterial
<br /> impairment of the lien ccratod by this 5ecurity Instrumeot or L,ender's security intertst. aorrowcr shall also be tn defa�At if
<br /> Hqrtnwer,during the lau�applicntion praxss,gavt materially falso or inaacurate infom�etion or stettmcnts to[.Cncler(or fefla!
<br /> to provide Leider with er►y mAte�ial infomu�tion)in oonrra�tton whh the loan evidenoed by the Note, including.but not limftod
<br /> to, apetisentuions conaming Barrnwer's occupancy of cht Property 4s a�cinclps�l res�de"a•If this Securicy Insuumcnt is on a
<br /> �p���d, gorrower �Iia11 r.omply with ap the provisinns of the le�,se. If Aorrawer acquircs fa title to the Pt�p�tY. �h�
<br /> �e�hoW and dx fee tide shnll�wt merge unless Lender agroes to the nKrger in writing.
<br /> 7.throtectbp ot�,�er'�RItiM�in the Prope�'ly.If Borrower fails to perfurm the oavenants�n�3 agroesna►ta oontaisied in
<br /> this Se�urity[nstnttnent. or there is A Iegal procaeding thut may sigai#icanily effoct L�ender's rights in th'PrnpMY(such sa a
<br /> prooesding in bankn�ptc.y.probato,.for condemnat�on or for(eiture or ta cnforx laws or regulntiom). ��m!Y�►�
<br /> pay fnr whatcver is nax�sary to�rotoct the value of the Preperty a�►d I.ender's rights in tfic Propeny. T.ender's acdons msy
<br /> tnclude paying any s+i►ns socurocl by a licn which ha� priority ovcr this Saxirity Instn►mcnt, �ppc�ring in caun, pnying
<br /> ��IG�meys'fas�nd cntering on tho Property to mskc ropahs. Altha�gh I.cnder may takc action undcr tttis pnnegraph
<br /> 7,I.coder does rat hxve eo do so. �
<br /> �,ny amounts dishursed by t.cnder under this paragr�Pll 7 shall beoomc additional dcbt of 8orroWer socurod by this
<br /> Secudty Instrumcnt. Unl�s Borrowsr ancl.X..encicr ag�ce to oi�inr term4 of payment.these a�rii5unts sliell bear irnet�st frnm ihe
<br /> datc of distwrsement'at tho Notc �tte and shall be payablc. wlth intersst, upon noNce frorn Ixndc*.�° �°n'°WCr rccjuesti»g
<br /> • • p:►yment. , .
<br /> g,�ottgfge Insurance.If Lcnder.required nangaga inwranco as a cohdidon of n�aking tric loun sexural by this Saa►rity
<br /> Ir�stn�ment, Bormwer shall pay the prcmium, rcqulnd to maintain the mortgago insurance in cffect. If. for any mason. dic
<br /> mortgagc insurance ooverage royuired by I.e�xier lapses or ceastis to be in effxt.}brrowa'sltall W►y the pn'�°�rec�tiirod to
<br /> • obtain cuverage substantially equivalent W the mortgage insursnce previously in effoct,at a cost substantially equivale►tt to the
<br /> � cost to Bomnwer of thc moregagc insumncc p�vinusly in effeci, irom�n altcrnatc mortgog�insurcr n�►�►tovcd by Lender. If
<br /> substantially equivalent mortgage insurancc covcrago is nat availublc,Born►wer shall pay to I.�ndcr caotl,�n�onth a s�T��`o
<br /> one-tweltth uf the yearly mortgage insur+ncc premium being pnid by Borrower when the insut:�noc voverage:apsod
<br /> bo in effocl.Gende�w���ac.��Pt,use nnd ret:rin t{tese paytnents as A loss resc[ve in lieu af mortgage insurance. Loss ��escrve
<br /> wrm aoze arso
<br /> Pp�3 ot 8
<br /> .� � � �
<br />