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~ ... <br />2oioos4~~ <br />EXHIBIT A <br />A tract of land k~t'tywSix (56) fee# in width by pne Hundred Thirty-TyVO (].32) feet i~a length, formerly <br />being $ part of Nest Eleventh (11th) Street of the,City of Grand Islaxid, gall Couriiy, NelirasJ~a, 'vacated <br />by said City on October 5,1960, and more particularly described as follovVS: Begin,nin~ at the Northwest <br />corner of Lot 6ix (~, Blnck Fifteen (15~, West 1'ariz Additian to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; <br />running thence East vn the North line of said Lot Siz (b) for a distance of due Huttdred T}~irty-Two (13Z) <br />feet to the Noi`tbeast corner of said Lot Sid (~; running thrmce North an a prolongation of the East llir~e of <br />said Lot Six (6) for a distance of FifLp-Siz (5G~ feet; running thence 'West paraZlei to tb.e North ]ii~ie of said <br />Lnt Six (6] for a distance of O~ae Hundred Thirty Two {182) feet; running thence south on a prolongation <br />of the 'West lice of said Lot Six (~ fwr a distance of Ffifty-Sfx (5~ feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot <br />$i~ (~, being the poiu].t of bey nn9ng. <br />